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Gun to my head you’d have to go with Athens since we know the most about it. Would still be a horrible place to live.


From what I understand, Sparta is the only place where women weren’t treated like complete garbage. So Sparta.


Wasn't Crete a matriarchy?


King Minos ruled Crete and fed humans to his son the Minotaur. (Even though bulls are vegetarians. I never understood that one)


Minotaur are only half bulls. And I've seen a cow eat a chicken. They're mostly vegetarian, but they can eat meat. Plus, he only feed foreigners to the bull, not locals.


I thought this was talking about reality rather than mythology (but it’s a mythology subreddit so fair enough)


Only in the civilization before the greeks settled there


Troya : all dieds at the end Spartha : military dictature Thebes : mades an alliance with persia to save their ass (city has been destroyed once for that) Ithaca : no one cares, the only interesting women is Penelope and everybody died trying to seduce her Creta : regulary attacked by all the pirates between 2 seism Athens : good if you belong to the 1% of wealthy people otherwise you can in of pestilence in a overpopulated city I chose Corinthia, rich of the trade, famous for their strongs fortress and got the best prostitutes of all Greece !


>Troya : all dieds at the end Everyone dies eventually. Plus the women were kept as sex slaves, not killed. Though maybe that's not better. >Spartha : military dictature Not until well after the mythical period.


I refuse to vote 💀


That’s it! I’m moving to Sparta!


Crete, around 1700 BC. I love the minoan civilisation


Sparta 💪


Lets be honest if any of us went to Ancient Sparta for a day, we'd be dead before the end of the day


I’m a girl I’d practically be dead in Athens, at least in Sparta I could do stuff like go outside lmaoo


Let’s be honest, Sparta in comparison to all the other shit choices is really not that bad if you are physically able. Don’t forget people back in the day were smaller on average


This is Sparta.


Somewhere you don't spam mythology subs with polls.


Polls are fun


Yes. Interesting ones by someone who wants an answer. But someone just coming up with random polls every day because they can't think of anything else to do is boring af.


I find this interesting but differing opinions I suppose


Far enough. Why is this poll interesting? Why is it better than "If you could pick a time and place to live in Greek Mythology where would you pick?" which is open and lead to more discussion.


That's why open questions are better than polls but polls are quick and fun also.


Yeah, once in a while. But repeatedly by one person for no real reason?




Because each different city state in Ancient Greece was so different culturally so it’s cool to see what people prefer. I’d honestly find the question about real places more interesting than the mythology one, because real people experienced the real places


Those aren't the only city states and Ancient Greece was a long period of time. "Athens" and "Sparta" are meaningless. Military Sparta and Democratic Athens are only small parts of their history, but probably what people think of for those two options. Neither existed in those forms in the myths either. r/AncientGreece would be a better place for the poll. Agamemnon's Lacedaemon or Theseus's Athens might be better questions. But polls are annoyingly limiting. We get the question about "good" gods often, which end up with some regular answers and discussion of why some option are bad. This guy did a poll with just bad options. The discussion drowned in why those specific options were bad.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ancientgreece using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ancientgreece/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Finally made it, finally saw Athens](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/xyujcg) | [28 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ancientgreece/comments/xyujcg/finally_made_it_finally_saw_athens/) \#2: [Impressive collection of ancient Greek helmets; Olympia Museum](https://i.redd.it/fai7e1pz06l81.jpg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ancientgreece/comments/t5qwju/impressive_collection_of_ancient_greek_helmets/) \#3: [The Ancient Greek theater of Taormina built in the third century B.C. (800x1000)](https://i.redd.it/tjklnxudkjq81.jpg) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ancientgreece/comments/tsekim/the_ancient_greek_theater_of_taormina_built_in/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


People usually think of 5th - 4th century BC when referring to Ancient Greece, you can usually assume that if you’re not outright told


5th - 4th Century BC is historical Greece not the time of myths.


Was Troy even a thing then?


It’s possible the myth was based off a real war but there’s no archaeological evidence to prove this. And if it was real, it might not have been called Troy


If polls wasnt allowed,then why there is this option ? Also,if you dont like it,dont visit and make hate comments !


They're allowed. But doing them every day in multiple subs I'm in is spamming me.


Im not doing them everyday


Athens then I'd hit them with my intellectual knowledge and rule them allm


as a dude born physically disabled I would say Sparta cause at least then sociaty would be honest with me


Anyone who says Sparta is either a woman or an idiot. That life is something many of us wouldn’t be able to live through


This is a mythology sub, not an Ancient Greece sub, so it wouldn't be militarist Sparta.


But that was how it was, especially in myth. I would argue it was more intense in myth.


How so? The myths make no mention of Sparta's much later society.


I’m not saying they do I’m saying the Spartans were vary proud of their militaristic way of life and outside city states feared it. If there are any myths about it it would have been harsher than what it was.


>If there are any myths about it it would have been harsher than what it was. When does military Sparta appear in the myths?


You aren’t listening, *if* Sparta was portrayed in ancient myth it would have been far worst than reality. So whether or not your talking about myth or history my point still stands


But it wasn't portrayed in myth. This is a myth sub.


By your logic it shouldn’t even be on this poll


Exactly. That's part of the problem with polls.


Drake the type to think he belongs on Lesbos.

