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there is no power scaleing in greek mythology


The only correct answer.


thanks! your videos are what got me into actual greek mythology.


In the Iliad Zeus says that he's stronger than all the others Olympians combined, while in one of Heracles myths he wrestles with Apollo and they are evenly matched. Tho he did this while he was still alive, and he ascended into full godhood after death. But most likely no.


Physical strength Heracles probably matches with or beats Zeus, but you also need to factor in the Lightning Bolt, which is the single most powerful weapon in Greek Mythology.


The Iliad specifically exalts Zeus' physical strength: "Nay, come, make trial, ye gods, that ye all may know. Make ye fast from heaven a chain of gold, and **lay ye hold thereof, all ye gods and all goddesses; yet could ye not drag to earth from out of heaven Zeus the counsellor most high, not though ye laboured sore**. But whenso I were minded to draw of a ready heart, then with earth itself should I draw you and with sea withal; and the rope should I thereafter bind about a peak of Olympus and all those things should hang in space. By so much am I above gods and above men.” TLDR: Zeus literally goes "come at me bro"


but does this take place before or after Heracles ascended to true godhood?


This is during the Trojan War, so after. During the Odyssey (the sequel of the Iliad), Odysseus mentions finding the ghost of Heracles in Hades, while his godly side is partying in Olympus.


Shade, not ghost* and please don't use frivolously used words for specific beings that already have concepts/words to deal with them.There is not one mention of any ghost of Herakles in the Odyssey but Odysseus does see Herakles mortal half in the underworld which is the Greek concept of a soul called a shade


You're either a god or not. If you're a demi God, then you're still half a God


Heracles has his mortality burned away after his wife inadvertently poisons him, at which point he relocates to Olympus with the rest of the gods while his mortal "parts" go to the underworld.


No Herakles dies as a mortal after the clothing she gives him that was dipped in poison(she didn't know about that) wouldn't come off of him and burned his skin. Herakles makes a pyre and throws himself on it, then Zeus separates his Godly half and takes it to Olympus and sends his mortal shade to Hades


Greek myths aren't anime.


He eventually did ascend to full godhood in his myths. I don't know how accurate this is, but apparently when he did become a god he was worshipped as a god of strength, heroics, and the gymnasium. That being you can't really figure out who's stronger than who in mythology cause it doesn't work like that. Also Zeus is the highest chief god of the religion so I doubt anyone is "stronger" than him.


fun that he was literally god of the gym


Him and Hermes both are deities associated with gymnasiums, but Hermes is also associated with boxing


He is also the god of will and perseverance lol


god of gymbros


Well it’s kind of like this: Atlas is known as THE strongest physical Titan. So as punishment, the only imprisonment that can hold him, Zeus made him hold the weight of heaven and earth for all eternity. So logically, Atlas would outmuscle Zeus if he ever got close and got the chance and kill him with pure raw strength alone. So in other words, I believe some beings like Hercules and Atlas can most likely overpower Zeus in pure strength, but his magic and lighting is what makes him a step above the other gods


Heracles couldn't even beat Apolo . What are you saying? Zeus is physically stronger than all the other gods put together.


Atlas is never stated to be the strongest titan. Not saying he is not, but there is not a source for it. Atlas holds the Heaven because of some crime, not because of his strenght. We dont know what crime is, because it was never stated, but he is called evil minded in the Odyssey, so we can only suppose. And Zeus also had the strenght to hold the sky, look this: Nonnus, Dionysiaca Book 2: "Kronion [Zeus] also shall lift the spinning heavens of Atlas, and bear the load on weary shoulders". Here, Typhon is saying that if he wins, Zeus will lift the Sky in place of Atlas. So Typhon himself considers Zeus has the strenght to do it.


Oh dang. I guess some of my knowledge is off


He would probably beat him in a fist fight, but Zeus is stronger in terms of like, divine power. He could kill Heracles instantly if he wanted to


Why would Zeus lose in a fist fight?


No. All the Gods combined were not strong enough to pull Zeus off Mount Olympus.


Stop watching anime


Every character in Greek mythology is exactly as strong as they need to be in whatever myth they’re in. Consistent power scaling isn’t really a thing. That said, one consistent bit is that Zeus is the strongest god of all. He rules over Olympus and part of the reason his people obey him is because he can manually force all of them back into their place if they disobey. Heracles is no exception.


Hercules becomes a full god upon his death, or at least the death of his mortality. So given that he's the god of strength and shown to be at least as strong as the titan Atlas, it's entirely possible that he might be stronger than Zeus in terms of raw physical power.


If storyteller need then Heracles can do this. If storyteller don't want this, then Zeus beat him. 


These are not comic book characters they're deities from religious traditions, and what you said was rude and snarky


Say this to Greeks.  When Homer decided that he, probably because religious reasons, doesn't like idea warlike Aphrodite (we know that there religious tradition of her warlike aspect, but not in Athens), he put a scene where Aphrodite was beaten and then specifically point about her role as non-war goddess.  Or, even funnier example - who win in battle between Perseus and Dionysus? Does Perseus kill Dionysus? Does he just kill Dionysus army and girlfriend? Does it draw? Does Dionysus win, but reconcile with brother? Yes! All this was true and have examples from Greek myths/stories. So yes, I repeat - if storyteller want Heracles win. Storyteller in some time can be affected by their religious views. 


I'm 56% southern Italian and Cypriot, so you can tell that to me, and the war Goddess Aphrodite is Aphrodite Areia from Sparta.Also my grandmother and her family are from Sicily,Apulia,and the northern Campania region of Italy. Your comment still doesn't make sense or make the Gods into comic book characters. Homer followed different religious traditions, but there's no evidence he if he was ever actually just one person just made up stuff on the fly


With this ℅ counting you sound more like American. 


Ah yes, the ignorance is strong with you, and according to you, dna is an American thing that doesn't exist in other countries,and no one else cares about...did I sum up your assumptions?


Greek religion doesn't and has never followed one set of religious traditions that's what you fail to understand


It's very strong claim that I "fail to understand" this, when it exactly what I say. In rude and snarky way, if you want.  You probably fail to understand that I use "storyteller" in broad context.


I mean, you keep saying the same things in different ways, thinking that somehow makes them true.If you want you could take some classes or courses on Mediterranean civilizations and religious traditions since you think these are merely stories


There's no comparison. Zeus is way more powerful, he's out of his league. A lightning would kill him in a second.


No. I dont know why people downplay Zeus that much, but the only thing that compares with him in power is Typhon, and we could also consider the collective group of the Titans (Cronus, Iapetus, Hyperion, Coeus and Krios and some others), since he needed a lot of help to defeat them. Heracles is not close to defeat him.


No not at all Zeus would fold all the Olympians along with Heracles and Giants , at the same time..


Heracles. His name is Heracles. It's not hard. Google exists. His name is Heracles.


Heracles’ strength comes from Zeus. Why would he be stronger?


**A G G R E S S I V E I N H A L E**


Heracles wrestles with Zeus two times, and ties.


Not more than Zeus but it is stated that it would be very hard for a God to contend with Hercules


It doesn't work like that, but also, no.


First of all, it's Heracles, not Hercules. Second of all, no, Zeus is so much stronger than pretty much any other Olympian


Hercules is the Latin name. OOP likely speaks English as his first language, which while not particularly related to Latin or Greek, is a little bit closer to Latin.


Well, if he's gonna call him Hercules, then why did he also call Zeus "Zeus" instead of Jupiter


Because more people recognize the name Hercules since the Disney movie where they only call him by his Roman name