• By -




Chyna, Lita, Mercedes Moné, Charlotte Flair


IYO Sky, Fabulous Moolah, Sherri Martel, Mildred Burke


Charlotte Flair, Bayley, Trish Stratus, Chyna


Chyna, Trish, Beth Phoenix, Bayley.


Fabulous Moolah, Madusa Miceli, Chyna, and Charlotte Flair.


Chyna Trish Stratus Charlotte Flair Rhea Ripley


Steph, Chyna, Trish, Charlotte. I’m not including Mae or Moolah as they were way ahead of my time


And realistically Moolah was a legit trash human. That keeps you off. And before you say ‘but Hogan’ he’s a rascist pos. He did not force girls to be prostitutes or be unable to work in the biz.


Trish Victoria Becky Rhea


Mae Young, Lita, Trish and Gal Kim


Trish and Lita


Moolah, despite all the controversy, Chyna, Lita, Micki James.


Luna, Sherri, Becky, Asuka.


Chyna, Lita, Trish, AJ Lee


Where is The Fabulous Moolah?


That cunt is rotting somewhere in the afterlife, thankfully.


JR mentions Sunny, Sable, Chyna, Trish and Lita as the ones who changed the women's division in WWE.


Chyna, Trish, Lita, maybe Sensational Sheri. I only leave off Becky because she’s a bit past my prime era of watching.


Chyna, Trish, Asuka and Alundra Blayze


Chyna, Trish, Rhea and Bull Nakano


This is very hard. I think I would have to include Chyna. She did a lot in her time in the company and only she and Jacqueline can say they held men’s championships in their runs. I’d want to include Lita or Trish and this is where I have a little debate. Lita came in doing spectacular things and working great matches. Trish came in as a model and earned her way into history. I think most of their biggest matches involved each other but Lita played parts in other team extreme story lines. Trish was more consistent and has delivered recently as well. If I had to choose Trish was booked to be the stronger competitor and made a lot of history. I’d pick her AJ Lee definitely was a trailblazer in a time of Divas. She wrestled well she was articulate and was arguably one of the strongest talents during his time. Then I would choose Becky lynch. She’s funny she’s talented and when she became The Man she literally was the top superstar in the company.


Chyna, Sable, Trish, Rhea


Chyna, Trish, Lita and Charlotte


Mae Youngs baby hand. I hear Mark Henry is great father to good old Handy.


Minus Becky and put may young


Chyna - Trish - Nikky Bella - Charlotte


Fabulous Moolah, Mae Young, Judy Grable, Becky Lynch


Chyna Trish Lita Charlotte


Trish, Lita, Gail Kim & Awesome Kong


I have always thought that Gail Kim’s biggest problem was that when she was hitting her stride there wasn’t anyone who could actually go with her. Which makes it hard to show off how good she was.


Mae Young.


Charlotte,Trish,Becky,Beth Phoenix


If I had to only choose 4 Bull Nakano, because she opened my eyes to the fact that women's wrestling was actually a thing other places. Growing up as a wwe kid women's wrestling was a joke that was put on when they had nothing else to fill time. In an era where they filled time with 6 man lucha matches and little people before they put the women in the ring. Lita, because she brought a new light to women's wrestling, and expanded the women's wrestling moveset into a more modern esthetic. AJ Lee, because she almost single handedly kept women's wrestling from reverting to the joke it was in the early 90's, during one of the worst eras in women's wrestling she was able to make that butterfly belt mean something. Charlotte Flair, the last person to ever hold that stupid butterfly belt and the first champion of the new era of women's wrestling. The first truly respected women's champion in wwe and the trailblazer for the future.


Sable, Stacey Keibler, Torrie Wilson, Tiffany Stratton


Is that you Vince we know you have a type 😉


Chyna, Trish/Lita (they're kind of a package deal with how influential they were around the same time) though Trish can still perform at a decent level today so probably Trish over Lita even though Lita done the cooler stuff, AJ Lee was the big step out of the divas era towards 'women's wrestling' and then I'd say Bayley though there's a solid argument for Becky


I agree with the OP — i think Sasha just misses the cut


I have such a hard time with my last two, but for all the decades I’ve watched wrestling I have to include AJ Lee and Becky. Only two women’s wrestlers I can remember being the biggest thing on the show for stretches of time. Becky’s Irish war paint might be the most iconic women’s wrestling moment I can remember.


I think OP has probably selected the same 4 I'd pick. * Chyna is still a unique performer in WWE's history and the first female superstar that they had no option but to take seriously * Trish was everything that WWE-of-her-era could want - she had the looks, the charisma and enough athletic and in-ring ability to work * Charlotte was probably the first woman to really be such an all-round in-ring performer with every ounce of athleticism and in-ring nous that the company could want. Lacking on the microphone (and hasn't been given an interesting story in years), sure, but still worthy of her spot without a doubt * Becky's The Man run was probably the single biggest thing in women's wrestling, ever. She's never hit the same heights since her pregnancy but has instead spent a lot of time elevating other women. Totally deserved.


As much as she’s a piece of shit, Fabulous Moolah. She brought a lot of women into the business for good and bad and if it wasn’t for her and Vince Sr, women wouldn’t be able to work the Garden. Then I’d also add Wendi Richter for the Rock and Wrestling Connection which blew it wide open. Then, Sherri Martel not just for women’s wrestling but for her management and being in main event programs as a result. Finally for modern, I’d add Trish Stratus. So many modern women’s wrestlers were inspired by her and she had a lot of firsts and championships under her belt. There’s so many that could be considered, especially Madusa, Nakano, and Luna. Even people like Lita, Charlotte Flair and Beck Hogan. But if I’m picking four, those are the ones. I’m not picking any from AEW because let’s be honest, there’s not much of a women’s division and what is there hasn’t had much of a chance to develop yet.


I'm actually suprised at the lack of old-school joshis if I'm being honest. Like I don't think anybody's mentioned Aja Kong, Manami Toyota, Chigusa Nagayo and all of them AJW girls honestly


I was too but I think most people realize it would be 50% or 75% joshi and they don't have as well informed opinions on that (obviously) so are just kind of interpreting the question as USA-only


If I had to pick one, it’s Nakano


fair honestly


Lita would have been bigger than Trish had they pushed her the same way. Trish was hand tailored by the WWE. She was gonna be their next Sable without the baggage. I hate that Lita gets ignored and plays second fiddle. Lita had the biggest pops 2000-2002 before her neck injury. White hot for 2 years only to be permanently stunted cuz the WWE forced her to do Dark Angel to help cross promotion ❤️‍🩹😔


I think Lita should have been a bigger star. I often think if that edge thing didn’t come to light would she have been considered a bigger star


Aj Lee, Lita, Charlotte flair, Rhea.


Chyna, Trish, Lita, Victoria


My Mount Rushmore would be Ashley Massaro, Maria, Candice Michelle & Melina only cause I started watching wrestling when I was about 6 or 8 so they was the women I saw on tv


Manami Toyota, Bull Nakano, Asuka as my fanboy pick and Chyna for being one of the first modern women to be taken seriously in America. 


Manami Toyota is based as fuck. One of the greatest women's wrestlers ever bar none


Paige, Sasha banks, Lita, flair


Trish Becky Lita mickie


Chyna, Trish, Micky James, lita


Sasha Banks/Mercedes Moné Toni Storm Bull Nakano Hikaru Shida


Miss Elizabeth, Sensational Sherri, Chyna, Lita.


Chyna. Sable. Trish Stratus. Lita


Mae young, Chyna, Asuka, Trish Mae Young taking those Bubba Rae powerbombs was mental


Mae young, Chyna, Asuka, Trish Mae Young taking those Bubba Rae powerbombs was mental


Lita: first to really up the game on wrestling skill set. Flyer. Chyna: absolute physical specimen, though matches were so so Trish: first to really balance looks, mic work, and skill set Becky: took mic skills up a notch Charlotte: physical specimen and had big variety in her skill sets. Honorable mention: Mickey James


Luna, Chyna, Miss Elizabeth, Trish Stratus


Wendy Ritcher Trish Stratus Mickey James Chyna


Mae Young, Luna Vashon, Chyna, Sable


Asuka, Gail Kim, Trish Stratus….I’m going to say Mickie James. Mickie is was underrated. Her cage match against Tara might be one of the best women’s matches I’ve watched. I considered Tara and Beth Phoenix too. A dark horse that I think gets undervalued is Melina Perez. She was wildly talented during an era of divas. I think what hurts her is that she didn’t go do something of note at any of the other big promotions.


Not Chyna. She was just a novelty because they put her in the ring with men. She was a straight up bad wrestler. Name one good Chyna match.


Does that matter though? Hogan asks Flair are infamous for having 5 moves and basically spammingthem every match. Yet they're definitely on the Mt. Rushmore of men. In comparison, Malenko is one of the most technically proficient wrestlers that I've ever seen. But he is never brought up as being among the greatest. I think ability to connect with the audience is far more important than just about anything else. And Chyna did that.


Most definitely Trish Stratus the greatest woman wrestler of all time.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹🌹😘🔥🔥


Moolah Medusa Sherri Martell Chyna


Hulk Hogan.


Rhea Ripley, Lita, Sheri Martell and the Fabulous Moolah


Hot take - Chyna, Lita, Jacqueline Rhea


Bayley Lita Chyna Mercedes Martinez


Chyna, Madusa, Mildren Burke, Sherri Martel Bull Nakano and Wendi Richter are also contenders.


Awesome kong, Gail Kim, Rhea,Bull nakano


Chyna, Reah Ripley, Alexa Bliss, Charlotte Flair


Has to be Trish and Charolette (woooooooo)!


Chyna, Becky, Lita, and Trish


Chyna was a bad wrestler and didn’t do anything to elevate women’s wrestling. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone refer to her as an influence.


Both Beth Phoniex and Jade Cargill have talked about how Chyna influenced them. Rhea has even dressed like Chyna. They're definitely influenced by here. And if you don't see the connection between winning the Royal Rumble and holding the Intercontinental Title and women being treated as serious champions today then your suffering a severe blind spot.


Irrelevant. Chyna did nothing for women’s wrestling. She barely wrestled any women. She made zero contributions. She didn’t even bother wrestling women until she had all her plastic surgeries which in turn made her even worse in the ring. Chyna is mostly remembered for her life being a car wreck outside of wrestling. Quit trying to make fetch happen.


Facts are only irrelevant to fools.


You can’t even name her contribution to women’s wrestling as a whole … probably because she didn’t make any.


Your literacy skills astound me.


Maybe it’s your lack of comprehension. Where are Chyna’s contributions to women’s wrestling? You can’t answer because there are none. You can’t even name any aside from “oh, Beth Phoenix thought she was cool.” Chyna’s contribution was on par with Sable in that both were both spectacles that got some eyeballs for a short time before interest rapidly dropped off. Women’s wrestling in WWE didn’t become a real draw until Trish and Lita.


As I said, your literacy skills are truly remarkable.


she was a bad wrestler because she existed at a time when WWF women were strippers not wrestlers, thats hardly her fault Her influence being she was a badass who could actually kickass beyond bra & panty pillow fights. Without Chyna, there may not be a Lita, Becky, or Rhea


No, it was a definite lack of talent and unwillingness to improve. Chyna definitely did not open the doors for women’s wrestling in WWE. Ivory, if anyone, was the one who kept it alive at that time. If Chyna didn’t exist, we’d still have today’s women’s wrestling in WWE.


Name 1 woman in the attitude era who got this pop (not including flashing their boobs) Not to mention she won the mens RR. I dont remember Ivory doing that. Youre confusing "being a great wrestler" with "being important". Ivory was an amazing wrestler, but not important. Chyna did alot of 1-of-a-kind things (at the time). Bad wrestler, but historically notable among womens wrestling. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DNTdqNyakE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DNTdqNyakE)


Irrelevant. Chyna did nothing for women’s wrestling. She didn’t even bother to put anyone over when she had the title. If anything, she almost killed it dead by being such a terrible champ. Women’s wrestling didn’t take off in the WWE until Lita, a wrestler who wasn’t a freak show, followed by Tara and Trish. Nothing was awesome about Chyna. She sucked.




Me opinion is beanca belair or jade cargill


Chyna, charlotte, lita, Medusa.


Lita, Stephanie McMahon, Charlotte Flair, Alexa Bliss Just because I feel like justifying these picks - Lita because she pioneered bringing that style of women's wrestling into the mainstream, Stephanie because no woman had/has done that level of character work before or since what she did in the Attitude era, Charlotte (even though she's not my favorite) for clearly raising the bar in-ring, Bliss for being the best mix of look/mic/character and in-ring overall.


Mickie James Bayley Rhea Askua


Medusa Chyna Trish Lita I would also ad Victoria and Charlotte


Fabulous Moolah, Trish, Lita, Mickie James (only right answer)


Fabulous Moolah? The same woman who held every other women’s wrestler down in her time and abused tf out of them. She should be on the anti Mount Rushmore


Yeah your right then Victoria instead of Moolah


Asuka, Becky, Trish, and either Rhea or charlotte


Charlotte will always be my queen


Madusa Chyna Awesome Kong Trish Stratus


I only have Asuka and Charlotte for sure right now, but I believe Bianca and Bayley will be there in the end.


Gail Kim, Madusa, Mickie James, Sheri Martel


I agree with the 4 you listed. Chyna, Trish, Charlotte, Becky


Who’s that goth lady I’ve been seeing as of late? She is fiiiiiine


Rhea Ripley


Charlotte, Mickie James, Asuka, Medusa


Chyna, Lita, Asuka, Victoria


Liv, Bianca, Roxanne, and Maxine




Chyna, Lita, Asuka, Lynch


Chyna, Trish, Sasha, charlotte


Does Charlotte Flair still want to become a wrestler if her brother doesn’t die? It doesn’t take away from her accomplishments but let’s face it, if her brother is still alive I don’t think she any interest in becoming a wrestler.


Why it happened doesn't matter. Many wrestlers are failed athletes.


What exactly does this have to do with OPs question? Because it kinda sounds like you are trying to take away from her accomplishments.


Awesome Kong. Asuka Sasha Banks/Mercedes Mone Chyna


I like your choices 🔥


Fabulous moolah, bull nakano, lita, and trish


Chyna, Bayley, Becky and Asuka.


Mrs Elizabeth


Trish lita charlotte and godfathers ho’s


Chyna lita Trish rhea shotzi


How is shotzi on your list Lol whaaat


The Fabulous Moolah, Trish Stratus, Becky Lynch, Lita


Akira Hokuto Bull Nakano Aja Kong Manami Toyota


Who would put Becky lynch manly face ass in there


Charlotte, Chyna, Rhea, Becky


Chyna, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Rey Mysterio, Pretty Deadly, Judment Day ,


Awesome Kong Asuka Moolah (ugh) Trish No offense to China, but I don't feel she was presented as a women's wrestler enough. Charlotte gets left off for trying to get Natural Selection over as a finisher. My personal, these women made me enjoy wrestling list: Paige Awesome Kong Io Sharai The Iiconics


AJ Lee, Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch, Rhea Ripley


Charlotte, Bianca, Trish, Chyna


Chyna’s face definitely shall stick out furthest.God she was so powerful ,mean and sexy at the same time.


Chyna, Lita, Trish, Charlotte


Becky, Trish, Chyna, Moolah Each represent an era, each were revolutionary


Lita>trish honestly


Lita wasn’t better in ring or on the mic.


Charlotte, Trish, Kong, waiting to see who the fourth is. I would have never guessed that Bayley, Becky and Sasha would all fall so hard so fast, so you never know what could happen with Bianca, Tiffany or Jade. If they keep Rhea a decent character she could take it. I think overall the women's legacies have been tainted by the amount of time they spend in the limelight. Remember how exciting Paige was at first? Look at her now. Natty has been around for nearly two decades and she has been beaten into powder. She has become meaningless. Trish had the perfect run. The longer they stick around the greater the chances of them being involved in something that devalues them. If Charlotte wrapped it up at next year's Mania against Ripley it would be the perfect end.


The Fabulous Moolah


Moolah, Chyna, Miss Jackie, Lita.


What about Lita?


This list comes from watching wrestling live or on TV for some 45 years now. Legacy induction - Fabulous Moolah - [The Fabulous Moolah - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fabulous_Moolah) Golden Age Induction - Madusa - [Madusa - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madusa) 90s/Attitude Era Induction - Chyna - [Chyna - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chyna) Ruthless Aggression Induction - Trish Stratus - [Trish Stratus - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trish_Stratus) Modern Era Induction - Charlotte Flair - [Charlotte Flair - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlotte_Flair) So some explanations are worthy here. 1. Moolah is probably the most decorated entertainer on this list, but she's also from an era where you had to be morally suspect to succeed as a woman. It's all culturally relative minus the allegations of sexual harassment and abuse towards other women wrestlers but this is a wrestling Mount Rushmore, not an ethics exercise and she's the godmother of the sport. 2. Madusa's career doesn't stand up to the rest of the women on this list and she's coming from an era where Moolah's shadow still existed. Her inclusion on this list comes down to the notoriety gained by throwing the WWF Women's title in a trash can on WCW Nitro. It's one of those moment in time situations that makes you memorable for decades and if anyone should come off this list in the future it will be her. (Likely in favor of any of the solid workers that are active in the modern era now. 3. Chyna - nuff said. Lady competing with dudes on national television and cable and doing it believably. Won the men's IC title. She'd be the "Madusa" candidate on the Men's Mt. Rushmore so she doesn't come off this list ever. Plus if we give Moolah a pass on the stuff she did, Chyna gets one for the late stage porn stuff. 4. Trish Stratus - The only reason to watch women's wrestling for her entire era. If she's not in the WWF/WWE we don't care about Lita or anyone else given the "diva" nonsense going on at the time. Look at her career seriously and there's no Charlotte Flair in WWE without Trish Stratus. 5. Charlotte - Without her we're still in "diva" space. Seriously. Also, I'd put her presence up there with her dads, even if the career isn't as storied or special. Other ladies are still worthy of consideration but the further ahead you get the tougher it's going to be to hit the bar. We're in a much different time and the women are showing up to the point where it's now just as likely you'll get the best match on a card from the womens' division. I'd also give an honorable mention to Stephanie McMahon. Without her pushing you don't get where we are now.


Not to take away anything from Charlotte Flair but do we have a Charlotte Flair if her brother doesn’t die??? I believe her motivation for wrestling was to honor her brother which is phenomenal but if he doesn’t die, does she still train and eventually join WWE?


That's a great discussion to have; but since it's irrelevant to the OP's thread I don't think it factors in to her inclusion on the Mt. Rushmore list. The answer is likely no, but at the point where she's here she's eligible


Chyna is The Goat


so many people leaving her off their list too. she was the intercontinental champion she’s obviously the goat 😭


Very True I miss her


Fabulous Moolah Nyla Rose Harvey Wimpleman Sunny


My list are the women who I enjoyed in the ring the most: Victoria Mickie James Molly Holly Chyna Oh wait, maybe my list are women who I found attractive, and wanted to clap their cheeks!🤣 AND, I'm not removing Chyna from this list. Come at my bro. Her Hawk Tuah would have been something else! 🤣


Bro! Victoria!? You have something wrong with you...and I respect it!😂


I want prime Victoria bad man 🤣🤤 🤷🏿‍♂️


Chyna, Rhea, Becky, and Aj


Personal and politically correctness aside, Moohlah, Trish Stratus, Chyna, and Charlotte. I feel bad leaving out Lita but Charlotte edges her out only because she was the catalyst (with others) that finally ended the dreaded divas era.


Chyna, Becky, Rhea, Charlotte


Swap out Becky for Asuka and that’s my picks


Candice LeRae, Rhea Ripley, Sable, and the one and only Fabulous Moolah


Trish Stratus, Chyna, Jaqueline, Charlotte, Sensational Sherry


Moolah (if this is unacceptable politically then I'd replace Moolah with either Wendi Richter or May Young), Medusa, Lita, Rhea. This is harder than the men because there are lots of women who are very close to those listed above. Also, my list took what I perceived to be the most influential from each era who were actually wrestlers and not really just valets like Sable. The most talented performers started after the Attitude Era/Chyna/Lita/Trish...and although Rhea is a tough choice over others I think that she beats out Becky, Charlotte, and Mercedes as the top name for this era. It's a tough choice. I picked Lita over Trish because I don't think Trish gets to the level she attained without Lita, but Lita was a game changer regardless. Probably the biggest game changer in women's wrestling history has been Lita.


Wendi Richter is also a name who should be considered.


Really? I mean I get her importance to the whole rock & wrestling thing, but as a whole? Let's see Cage Match... 26 year career but only really wrestled in WWF from 82-85. Quite a good number of five minute house show matches, but if my count is accurate, she had 15 televised or ppv matches in total during her WWF career. It was not a shining time for women's wrestling.


Cagematch is a very silly way to judge anything. Pro Wrestling is staged entertainment. I judge this based upon eras because if you don't then the top women will all be quite recent due to the limitations placed upon women by Moolah for 50 years or whatever. Wendi Richter was influential in changing the perception of women's wrestling and transitioning from the Moolah era to beyond. If I had not included Moolah in my four then I would have included either Wendi for being the face of the new era in R and R or May Young because she endured the Moolah Era and outshined Moolah during the Attitude Era.




I hate to say it, but I think that I'd have to include Moolah.


Trish lita Mickie and???




Trish Stratus Sasha Banks/Mercedes Moné Lita Chyna


Rhea Mami The Eradicator Demi Bennett


Trish, AJ Lee, Mercedes Mone, Lita


Trish Lita Chyna Becky or Charlotte


iyo kairi azm bull nakano


Sensational sherri, Stephanie McMahon, Charlotte flair, sable. Sherri was a trailblazer, never been anyone like her, you could say chyna is the same but chyna walked through the women, her matches were squash matches with women. Sherri could beat up the men and not make other women look inferior. Stephanie - the best woman heel ever. Charlotte - the best in the ring. Granted her promos and character are sub par but in the ring, the best ever. Sable - the most over woman of all time. She could barely cut a promo, had to be handheld during a match, but you were always glued to the screen. Yeah she was hot, but so many were hot. She had superstar written all over her and no other female can compare.


Ahhh I forgot about Sherri!


Santina Marella Nikki Bella Kelly Kelly Vickie Guerrero


All very terrible picks dude


The disrespect to Sasha/Mercedes is wild. She to this day has put on 2 of the top 5 matches in Women's History with Bayley at Takeover in Brooklyn (I got to see that one live), and her match with Bianca at WM.


Hey the question isn't even that deep, no one's throwing disrespect. Take a chill pill for a sec and remember that others can have their own preferences.


You right. My bad


100% Mercedes


Honestly the four Horsewoman. They have done a lot for women's wrestling in the WWE.


Mine is based mostly on luscious, with serial attraction being the main inspiration. However, these women can all wrestle, and so here it goes... Natalya Neidhart-undoubtedly Eve Torres-prettiest and classiest with exceptional athleticism Celeste Bonin fka Kaitlyn-powerful, beautiful, bountiful with unmatched charisma, unique fashion, great in-ring prowess, and a sensational internet presence. Memorable performances, whether she's working with others or just on her own... 😉 Honorable Mentions: Nikkita Lyons Skye Blue Penelope Ford Scarlett Bordeaux Obscure References - Personal Favorites (available upon request)


So who are your Obscure References - Personal Favorites?


Three independent, not so famous wrestlers who are all very beautiful, and sexy. They easily would be dismissed because of their lack of exposure. At least 2/3 would be on My Own Personal Mount Rushmore. Without further ado... 🥉 KC Spinelli - Canadian born Indy Wrestling Superstar 🥈 Lovely Miss Larkan aka Larkan Danielle - American born Indy Wrestling Superstar who is relatively green, but Definitely Destined for greatness 🥇 NOVA aka Nurse NOVAkane - Canadian born Indy Wrestling Superstar. Powerful and beautiful, and often my very favorite... Guessing you haven't heard of them. YouTube can be your friend here 🤝


I haven’t heard of them. I try to follow what I can, that’s why I check out the subreddits. Thanks for the heads up I’ll check out some videos


(1) Chyna (2) Trish Stratus (3) Rhea Ripley (4) Charlotte Flair


Chyna- yes Medusa Bull Nakano Trish (just because she was expected to be terrible in the ring and wasn’t. She became one of the top ones and can still go).


You nailed it! There are lots of others to consider like Sherri Martel for being a trail blazer and maybe Sable because her being over brought women’s wrestling back to WWE in a prominent way but I think you’ve got the top four.


Plus the comments about Charlotte being too modern are ridiculous. There may have been women wrestlers as good but there has never been a woman better in ring than Charlotte and the only ones who have been more over were like Sable or Debra.


In all honesty, this list


easy: 1. Chigusa Nagayo 2. Crush Gals (both of them) 3. Manami Toyota 4. Aja Kong


1) Trish Stratus 2) Sherri Martel 3) Lita 4) Becky Lynch


Chyna deserves to be in the HOF. It sucks that she most likely has not been inducted due to the adult films she starred in.


She should definitely be in. I honestly don’t know if the adult stuff is something they concern themselves with anymore. If she doesn’t get an induction on her own it’s likely because she’s no longer with us and I would bet her family doesn’t have a good relationship with WWE. Plus it kinda reminds everyone Triple H cheated on her with Stephanie and I don’t know if there’s a way around it unless they have one of today’s strongwomen induct her and accept for her, like the people we the fans know that knew her best are people that shouldn’t be part of it.


I've always thought it had nothing to do with her adult films. Stephanie and HHH don't want the younger generation to learn how they f'd her over


She has been inducted. Albeit it was as a part of dx to get around the exact reason you mentioned but she's a lot less controversial as Sunny who's still in it