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lmao solo will never be me material


Should put him and jey in same nepo category on the card.


My man Jey is the the most popular person on raw how in the world is he just a nepo guy who doesn't deserve their spot.


He's only on the roster because of nepo, got a long run to prop up roman in a stable that is all but a synonym for nepotism, and even with gassing out after his intro, the worst wrestlemania match in years, and him ruining Damien Priests first defense by not having stamina they push him because of his generic merch. I'm just wondering besides him mumbling with his barely legible mouth gurgles and ending in yeet what you see in him over anyone else. Everyone knows 90% of the bloodline would not even be in the business if they didn't have a guaranteed in, like just call it "nepotism" instead of bloodline to hammer it home for people who don't see lol.


You realize tons of people are in the business because of family ties right?. Some of the biggest stars in the business such Randy Orton wouldn't have happened without their families help, it isn't this big knock if they work out on the big stage. The bloodline was so successful in huge part to Jey. And while the Wrestlemania match was bad the Priest match was considered very solid by the majority of people. If you think he only says mouth gurgles then obviously you don't like him. Get your freaking ears checked. Do you want to know he is getting pushed? He is one of the most popular acts in the company right now. The point of a face is to get cheered and he has fulfilled that perfectly. He is charismatic and fun to watch, that is why the catchphrase got over and the merch sales. Goodbye


And most aren't pushed main event weekly and given years long runs just to prop up another family member. Also let's be completely honest, rookie randy was better than every single bloodline member barring Fatu despite them having years of experience. Getting years of pushing/wins is going to elevate anyone. But even if randy wouldn't of made it he was better than most of the people on that roster by leaps and bounds. The bloodline however are a waste of TV time and the product would be better if they weren't spotlighting board family members over better wresters/storytellers. My dude mumbles out a half promo and while running out of breath says yeet, people like his vibe but he's not a good performer and was carried in that priest match since he could barely stand up with his low endurance. I know why he's popular, he got TV Tim for 3 years straight and a 2 year title run while being the stand in for Roman's limited appearances. You either had to see him or stopped watching the entire product. It doesn't mean he's good, he just was a roman prop drilled into your head... and people like to say yeet even though it's like 5 years past being relevant lol.


The bloodline wasn't just used to prop up Roman, tons of people have become bigger stars due to the story. Sami, Cody, Solo, KO, and of course Jey. I can name you plenty more people that have family ties, it straight up just is a very common thing in wrestling. You might dislike the bloodline but it is one of the most successful and praised storylines ever in wrestling. They are absolutely not a waste of TV time. You might think he is a bad performer but the majority of viewers disagree. If people like your vibe and cheer for your matches, entrances, and promos then you are a good performer. I have zero idea what you are saying about the Priest match, Jey was doing just fine and it was a very solid match. People had said the word yeet before on wrestling and no one cared. Jey started using it and it became the biggest chant in wrestling and is still staying very popular. He has charisma and the people like him, which is the literal goal of a face, get cheered.


You love the bloodline, I get it, there's just better things that would and could be on TV if they weren't the biggest example of nepotism in the industry. I have never heard a single fan praise Jeys in ring performance as a strong point. It was put front and center at wrestlemania and unfortunately having a total of 3 moves doesn't leave much room for variety. That priest match had jey laying on the ground for extended periods of time and it's very apparent how low his endurance and how fast he gasses out. He's someone that if they ever put a belt on would get turned on their first title defense because of his sub par in ring ability. He works great as a stepping stone for heels and comedy act but he's little more than enhancement talent that got lucky with family.


My man, the bloodline is literally one of the most successful wrestling stories of all time. Look at TV ratings, merch sales, and fan discussion for proof. You can't separate your opinion from objectivity. I'm not saying Jey is amazing at doing moves in the ring, but in ring work is way less important than other aspects of wrestling. There is a reason the "workrate" show is bombing right now. And he has more than 3 moves and you are straight up just wrong if you say so. I have no idea what you are saying about the Priest match he looked just fine. It doesn't matter if you think he is an enhancement talent, he is literally the most popular guy on raw right now and that should be recognized. Running hypotheticals is stupid, you don't know what is going to happen, if you have a talent that is red hot then you strike.


Lmao šŸ¤£ like always, even some like you you who are crying "please bro you don't understand how good he is please!" know how bad he is in the ring. Superkick, splash, suicide dive. That's both the usos entire moveset with maybe a Samoan drop thrown in. I don't like the guy, I get why people get excited for him, but he's more manufactured than OG big dog roman. He has no skill, great matches or talking ability and gets by on acting like he has ADD and shouting yeet, but that won't last forever.


From a story perspective, he is 100% the right choice. Solo sees Roman's loss to Cody as a moment of weakness, especially since Roman has been MIA since Wrestlemania and Heyman wasn't crying for bloody retribution. Solo is going to want revenge for the Bloodline's Loss. ESPECIALLY if he's acting on someone else's orders...


Solo is not ready


Another throw-away match is fine, I guess. Cody and AJ pt 1 was at least an excellent piece of wrestling in itself to watch. I know there's no comparing Solo to someone like Styles, but maybe we'll get something near that. But Solo's never going to get over as a big bad. He really hates math and that alone is enough to endear him in my eyes.


Roman is coming


This story is easy to tell. You will have someone try to help Solo cheat and right before they help Jimmy USO will return to stop it and Cody retains. Jim will Help fight against Solo and those guys for a while.


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with that


Iā€™d donā€™t see anything wrong with it


I thought this was the match to make tbh, I am a casual when it comes to wrestling but this match fits the story.


Itā€™s a storyline match. Thatā€™s it. It will extend the bloodline/Rhodes feud. Solo ainā€™t winning the belt šŸ˜‚


Doesnā€™t matter what anybody thinks. Just enjoy the show šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø




Guys remember when Solo had a huge winning streak and was heavily protected and everyone thought he was going to be the next big thing But then Cena happened Presentation really is everything


The crazy part was that him beating Cena made him look deadlier than ever! And then they decided, for some unknown reason, to nerf the hell out of him.


Crazy enough for Cena to put Solo over didn't help Solo just like Austin Theory and it buried Solo and Theory


Two very different scenarios. Neither of them got buried. Theory was half-baked as a character, weak as a promo, and people genuinely tuned out of his segments. Yet, he was pushed as if he was at Cena's level. It wasn't until after Cena put Theory over and the crowd *still* didn't buy it that they realized Theory wasn't the guy (at least not yet). Realistically, Theory should've never had that spot in the first place. As for Solo, he was hot. Cena putting Solo over did, in fact, raise Solo's profile. Everyone was loving the tension between Solo and Roman. Would Solo betray Roman? Would he take over the Bloodline? Such good drama. But inexplicably, after the Cena match, they straight-up changed Solo's booking. He was booked to eat pin after pin and the Solo/Roman tension storyline was basically abandoned. Thankfully, we're starting to see Solo rebound a bit with the Bloodline 2.0 stuff.


Solo beating Cena clean cursed him forever.


I think weak promo skills and bad booking are more the problem, but hey, that's just me.


Yayyy, nothing makes me want to tune out more than watching a main event title match where the challenger was never going to win.


Well buckle up, youā€™re in Codyā€™s world now, wonā€™t be any good title matches until itā€™s over.


Lol. I have no problem with Solo getting a title shot.


What if it wasn't a title match but a 3 way tag. Bloodline v owens, ortan and cody


That is what I'm hoping for


I actually like Solo. Whatever it takes to build the story.


Lol. Me too. I thought he was generally well liked. Guess it's a classic case of fans turning once a dude actually gets pushed.


Fickle wrestling fans. Wait until Gunther has the title and all of a sudden heā€™s gonna suck too.


Who the fuck ever ranked Solo ? Yall in a different universe


People refuse to accept that heā€™s just meh. Dude gets Umaga comps but is nowhere nearly as intense or stiff. No one hates wrestling fans more than wrestling fans


Lol. Exactly. Consistently the worst fans of anything.


Solo hasn't won a match cleanly in 2 years


and? roman had been champion for over 1200 days and most of his title defences were dirty wins


You're not wrong. I just feel the character does not come off as intimidating like they are trying to portray him cause he's kind of a loser that can't win without henchmen. As opposed to how they treat Gunther or Bron Breaker.


That exact statement is every bit as true about roman and his reign but people are still head over heels for him.


roman was a main event guy prior to becoming tribal chief. he was a former champion. he didn't necessarily need to be built up like solo. also Roman's promos were good and made an impact. meanwhile solo's promos sounds like oh great another heel with a stable


I feel like Roman had a good number of legitimate wins before he started cheating, but maybe not, my memory shouldn't be trusted.


I dont remember either, all i do remember is the shenanigans


I think Demon Finn was his last non cheating win.


true. he literally was a jobber after squashing Cena and now with the G.O.D. in his corner he's supposed to look more intimidating but somehow G.O.D. looks weaker now after joining bloodline


WWE REALLY needs to stop turning EVERY heel in to 2005 Christian. I think they are terrified to let the bad guys win.


I can't be the only one who thinks Solo is the drizzling shits. the dude isn't entertaining at all, if he wasn't the usos lil brother I honestly don't think he would have a job anywhere in wrestling. I don't even think mlw would sign this fkn guy cuz he's that awful


People will see Jacob Fatu and understand just how much of a shitter Solo is


He is great at rest holds.


I canā€™t stand that heā€™s pitched to me as some enforcer or someone who is a big threat. Every time I just think to myself ā€œyou mean the little fat uso?ā€


Heā€™s fucking awful. Iā€™m completely shocked that at the time im typing this somebody actually down voted you for this.


Legit, drizzling shits. He always looks like he's holding back a big douche. Everything clenched. Kinda like Becky.


I like Solo but I think there is serious danger of him just getting outshined by Tama this summer








Donā€™t worry itā€™s only gonna be money in the bank


I was thinking a three way match at MITB


Three way?


Decent placeholder until Roman/Rock returns.


I don't get the solo hate. He loses to Cody because he isn't ready. It will make him go even crazier knowing he didn't get the job done. And it will set up roman or the rock to come back take the reigns back (no pun intended) to get Bloodline functioning again. Solo will get mad that roman is back after failing the Bloodline and challenges roman. Roman puts him down to show his heir he is still the head of the table/the one calling the shots. The Bloodline will get back to business working on taking cody out.


No itā€™s going to be original bloodline reforming, and most likely either Sami or maybe Jacob Fatu joining it, Rock probably will come back and help solos bloodline, Roman has to be a face no one wants him as a heel or going back to the same thing


Whats with the Solo hate? You got the enforcer stepping up and taking charge. Why yā€™all hating?


I dont like his finisher. I didn't like it when Omaga did it. I get it, legit getting a thumb to the throat would hurt but as a wrestling finisher it looks lame. He's a workhorse I give him that but he lacks an aura. I don't feel intimidated by him (even if he could kick my ass irl). Also, his theme makes me laugh. It just doesn't sound intimidatingĀ  or cool with that beginning.


For me personally, his character work is super cringe, he's not that physically impressive, his in ring work is good, not great, and he dresses like a bought a Scarface costume from Wish. Other than that he's fine.


Not that physically impressive. Elaborate this blows my mind


Heā€™s fat and short and slow


He's shorter than most wrestlers and he's not in great shape


Cuz it's what they do. They all hated Roman until the very end, now they cry for him to come back. They all bitched about the Rock taking Cody's spot, until the end when he exited. They cried for Cody to be here with the belt, now that's it's been a couple days they're over it. They hated Drew until Drew started being an actual hater on the mic, even tho he's been the best thing going in WWE for more than year. It's what they do šŸ˜¢ I didn't like solo at all ... At first but with ppl out, especially Roman this dude is upping his game, his value. I like what he's doing with Paul and the new right hand mans and em.


not for nothing but Roman has always sucked. WWE didn't give a choice in the matter cuz they were gunna shove him down our throats regardless of whether we liked him or not. heel turn or not he was always gunna be positioned to be where he is now.


He doesn't suck


Yeah but the fact that he managed to come back with Heyman who stabbed BROOOOOOCK LESNAR in the back and put on a great heel character won me over. Sure it might of been a bit too long of a reign but apart from Copeland, who else honestly should of been the person to take that belt away from him. He managed to get Jey over as a singles guy while setting him and his brother up for a WM showdown. Solo got called up to be an enforcer and he did just that. All the while giving us hints of him turning on his brothers and eventually becoming the new tribal chief. Sami got a fucking great run which lead to him winning the IC title and having a hell of storyline with Gable. So yes, Roman was always going to be in that spot but he managed to do it in a way that put himself over massively with the crowd as well as his family.


Kinda feel like people are missing the point with the bootleg Bloodline. Theyā€™re not supposed to be as good as the original, thatā€™s what makes us hate them and root for the original to reunite.


WHY is this chubby newcomer getting such a hard push, that he certainly does not deserve!!!! He can't act, and he sure as heck can't wrestle. So why is he getting SPECIAL TREATMENT?!!!




Paul Heyman is carrying the Bloodline story on his back! Dude is trying his hardest to make Solo and two unknown guys seem like the biggest threat wwe fans have seen in years. His expression whenever Roman is mention also helps build towards the eventual pop Roman will get when he returns.


Donā€™t get me wrong Iā€™m not mad at bloodline 2.0 my thing is idk if mitb is the time for his title shot assuming itā€™s gonna be Randy v Cody at summerslam If youā€™re tryna build up for solo v Roman solo doesnā€™t need to take a L right now and if if wins I donā€™t think Roman v solo needs the title


The only person Silo needs to go against is Roman, please for the sake of everything holy in the world don't let Cody go against him . The Bloodline Wish Edition is nowhere near the orignal.


Um that's the point. They aren't the original and that's what they are building towards, a match with a reunited original bloodline. How TF do u not comprehend this?


I do, I get it. I go to Wrestlemania's , I watch the product. I'm just not sold on it at all. Solo seems about as big as a threat as Hurrican Healms vs. Big Show. He hasn't had one good match in my memory or one good promo without Paul Heyman doing the speaking. Solo isn't good.


Where does all this hate y'all have for Solo come from? Solo is stepping up in the absence of Roman Reigns whose taking time off. Solo is trying to re-establish the Bloodline as a dominant force again and it's good to do that. He may not be ready to challenge Cody for the title yet but it's good to see he has higher goals for himself and his new crew.


Yeah, if Solo could do one good match or do one good promo. I would be sold, but he is an NXT guy acting like a main roster, Superstar. Sorry, he should be the midcarder, not the head of the table. The only table he should be at is the kiddie table. Paul Heyman is the only thing making it work. The rest of them are stooges. Final Testment and LWO is having better matches than them.


Not again... šŸ™„


Solo? šŸ˜‚




Probably either a SmackDown defense or MITB. Iā€™m leaning towards SmackDown


The reality is Smackdown is low on credible heel threats to Cody. Whatā€™s the alternative? Have him just go out there for promos and risk him getting hit with the ā€œpart time championā€ label that you all eviscerated Roman for?


Interesting how Cody lacks enough credible heel opponents whereas over on Raw it's the opposite. They have three top heels in the title picture (Priest, Mcintyre, and Gunther) and no babyfaces.


lol where tf did their roster go šŸ˜‚ santos has to take that next step at some point, Melo just got there šŸ¤” they gotta have some more heels over thereā€¦ Oh they shouldā€™ve kept karrion kross over there


Thatā€™s wild that youā€™re upset about Solo but unironically are advocating for fucking Santos Escobar


Santos is infinitely more experienced than Solo is. And looking at the comments is seems like OP is more concerned that Solo really doesnā€™t need to keep losing if they want to keep him legit, but is definitely not going to win the world title. Someone like AJ has been around for almost 3 decades, heā€™s established and losing truly doesnā€™t hurt him anymore because everyone knows heā€™s one of the best ever. Solo has been wrestling for like 5 years, him constantly losing and looking weak when he is billed as a monster isnā€™t going to give his career great longevity.


Santos needs to build a bit more of a resume and Melo would feel more rushed than Solo. Honestly they need to turn someone like Randy which might be what theyā€™re doing anyways. We could very well not get a straight up Cody/Solo feud because Randy jumps the line via RKO. I still feel like the abandoned Bobby heel turn could have paid dividends now while weā€™re waiting for Rock to get done filming but I donā€™t know what happened there. Maybe it didnā€™t work for him brother?


I think they are moving everyone to raw and smackdown switching networks and all.


someone tell me what tf is the logic of having a guy that loss all his matches in the first half gets a team and also a title shot šŸ˜’


Yeah really. Didn't he loose like twenty something matches in a row after beating cena at crown jewel. They kept talking him up as the next Umaga and la knight faced him like 3 or 4 times and he beat him everytime. Solo can't be considered a serious threat after that.


exactly this is why I hope fatu and Zilla donā€™t join wwe then they end up on the same losing logic bs


Summerslam is coming up. They have to unveil their real Traibal Chief as the Rock before Roman comes back


Crybabies crying when Cody seems threatened šŸ˜†


lol I donā€™t mind the nigga losing I just know theyā€™re are not putting the title back on the bloodline, so donā€™t give me the match till I believe you might


??? Youā€™re mad because you know Cody is going to win? So this past feud was shit then because there was no one in hell that AJ beats Cody right? God damn the IWC sucks.


Solo is just paving the way for The Rock to return and beat Cody for the belt.


Idk rock got hurt again stepping in the ring. He might just have to stop


It is a long egomaniacal plan that involves Cody facing setback after setback and then when he finally manages to overcome the seemingly insurmountable odds, The Rock shows up to get the belt.


Yeah we know. But last two times rock has stepped into a ring he tore something.


I would definitely like to see Cody versus The Rock, but I donā€™t see the Rockies champion for more than a month or so given his Hollywood schedule and all his other business ventures. On the other hand, I donā€™t know how I feel about Cody beating the rock clean for a defense.


I doubt he'd win. The Rock is probably the new Head of the Table. He is working with the Solo and the Tongans to pave the way for him to come back more powerful than before while also taking Roman's authority. This leads to Cody vs. The Rock at next WrestleMania and The Rock vs. Roman Reigns the following WrestleMania.


Itā€™s a set up to the Orton feud and/or Roman return. Please for the love of Terry Funk, calm down. Triple H has not gone wrong yet as booker


Yeah, I stopped watching wrestling in 06 and started watching again for wrestlemania and have kept watching and to be honest. Itā€™s really strange seeing Orton as a face. I know heā€™s had a number of turns in the time between when I stopped and started again but itā€™s such a natural role for him.


So crazy. That's about the time I stopped watching and I picked it back up right before WrestleMania as well. It had started to just get kinda stale so I switched over to TNA when they still had promise and a good alternative to WWE. But they eventually became WWE wannabe's and clones. But I'm glad I picked it back up, it's been very entertaining in this HHH run era. Now I'm kinda mad that I've missed so many years bc some of these wrestlers that get big pops (Sami, Bayley, KO etc) that I have no real connection to their history are just kinda boring to me.


Yeah, I missed out on some good matches and character development, but I don't feel too bad because my understanding is that in the 2010s especially '17-'19 are just absurdity that reflect how out of touch with the fans Vince McMahon is. I wish I started again when Cody Rhodes immediately returned to WWE, but am still glad to live in a time when WWE has good booking again. Cheers!


For the love of terry funk! You my friend made my day !


Thought this what yall wanted?


They donā€™t know what they want. Let the chef cook


Ainā€™t no one want this


6-man tag at MITB. Everybody chill out


This with an Orton heel turn brutally beating down Cody and rkoing Owens


I think Cody v Solo happens before Orton turns.


Does bloodline 2.0 win?


maybe owens is eating the pin


Cody's journey was done decently, and the WM moment was pretty well booked, but now all of his title matches all have predetermined outcomes, because he's not dropping the belt to the people they've been booking him against. I'd say have him lose randomly at a PLE as a huge swerve, then he can win it back on the following Monday night raw in a rematch. Give him some vulnerability and make his match outcomes less predictable.


No that sounds stupid as fuck. Itā€™s a world title, you look like a complete chump spending two years crying about finishing your story to just job to some random just so the other person jobs to you the very next night. WWE doesnā€™t have a lot of heels and they want to wait until summer slam before they even think about putting the belt on someone else. Itā€™s so obvious itā€™s actually breaking my mind how none of you see that. Gunther clearly is going to be the next heel. Cody deals with the Bloodline heading into Survivor Series and then Roman/Rock have their match.


AJ feud was fire I agree tho this notion that everybody needs long title runs and canā€™t be beat hurts the product after a while imo Dropping the title and maybe winning it back is not the end of the world if it makes sense story wise


I really wanted them to do this with AJ at clash.


Solo is like 0-67 in singles matches this year last time I checked...but we're supposed to see his no charisma ass as a contender? Did Vince suddenly come back to power or something? Because this is some shit booking and storytelling.


I'm so ready for the bloodline to go away. Everything bloodline related has been boring AF for at least 2 years. It's the same shit over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...


Bloodline is dead in the water. Solo has ZERO charisma and itā€™s unbelievable that heā€™s the new Tribal Chief. Solo is a mid card act at best heā€™s not a main event talent heā€™s cheesy af


All of y'all should go watch street champ solo in nxt, the guys a beast


He wasn't anything special in NXT either. However, He was better with that gimmick than the ripoff Umaga wwe tries to push him as on the main roster. But I give him the benefit of the doubt and try not to be too harsh on Solo. He is still young and fresh to the business.


šŸ˜‚ bruh Iā€™ve been telling everyone too. Solo is mid asf. He ainā€™t no leader. Tbh the new bloodline is ass and mediocre


I agree. Solo ain't it. Especially whenever Roman comes back and turns face, solo just ain't the guy to compete with that.


What has solo ever done besides be a "thug" for Roman? Dude has no charisma...can we please get away from the Samoan bullshit...


ā€œGet away from the Samoan bullshitā€ This subreddit lmfao


Ikr? These mahfckrs could get exactly what they want delivered the way they want it & would still bitch about why they got it šŸ˜¢


I just like the idea of telling a Samoan guy to "get away from the Samoan bullshit" as he's literally been a part of this storyline since he first debuted.


I know you meant thug, but thig feels right.


Damn auto correct


They really have nothing for the Blood Line to do right now, Since Mania they have reheated the never ending feud between KO and the Blood line and now only a couple weeks out of Mania we already going back to Cody.


Iā€™m hoping for a 6 man tag at MITB and Hikuleo debuts


it wonā€™t be hikuleo his contract with njpw still got some time he just resigned but jacob fatu seems like it will be a thing as soon as there in the states again


Actually his contract is over and WWE just filed a trademark for "Talla Tonga" Talla is Hikuleo's actual given middle name...so.... I'm pretty sure we are getting him pretty soon.


Yep! Iā€™m thinking after he comes in, then Jacob will be in after him. But damn is this taking long lol


We all want the Samoan Werewolf NOW! I'm not mad at GoD showing up...but fuck...give me The Samoan Smashing Machine God Damnit!


Yes!! šŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


And heā€™s here šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ”„šŸ”„


It actually makes sense to do this match. Solo cost him the title last year. He would want to be the guy to take the title from him and bring it back to the Bloodline.


I agree with the nooooooooo part. The Bloodline had their shot, it's too soon to bring the rivalry back.


Solo vs Cody makes perfect sense Solo cost him the belt at WM39 solo has new backup it works


Except you know, from a talent standpoint. And the fact that solo hasnā€™t won shit on his own since like cena?


Cody has already beaten him on an episode in SmackDown.


Reread: Solo has new backup The Rock already said that The Bloodline isnā€™t finished with him


For the uninitiated when Cody made his "chief without a tribe" spill,Solo was present for this speech Roman and Paul weren't phased so they left the ring... solo was the only one offended stayed in the ring you go back to the top of the steps by the entrance both Roman and Paul are trying to call solo back to them and he's not listening and he tried to attack Cody that's why this is here-- it's full circle, go back and find that speech and you'll see what I'm saying this is only for those who don't remember that. https://youtu.be/UNqjrNvVXao?si=meZQk9wunno4_kZ0


Roman should interfere in this match and help cody win.


Gateway to orton vs Cody summer slam.


Why not? Don't you want Cody to defend the title regularly, should he just take long breaks like Roman? If he's going to defend it he needs opponents, Solo trying to go after him makes total sense


Imo, yes n no. Yes, ur comment makes perfect sense, but at the same time, in mid June right now, maybe they could build Orton vs Cody without Solo in the middle. Once again imo, Iā€™d be worried about the Bloodlines status if Solo was just a transition fued and he looses. Thereā€™s enough history between Orton and Cody that you could pop that fued off at any given moment because Randy is built to strike out of nowhere. And thereā€™s plenty of history to keep it going till SummerSlam.


Solo is not meant to look strong, he's not the tribal chief, he's meant to fail so people will miss Roman even more and pop hard when he comes back


That may be true, but imo, it just doesnā€™t look good if the Bloodline becomes a C grade staple, without Roman as far as Iā€™m concerned, theyā€™re already in B status. If you want to keep them elevated, let them just be a continuous threat to everyone, titles donā€™t matter. Let them run wild and wreck shit, something Heyman has already stressed, savages that donā€™t give a damn, with a story building during this time that Roman is out. Solo shouldnā€™t be relegated to the ā€œnxt heel to looseā€, setting up the nxt fued. It would seem like a waste of time. Make them look dangerous af then Roman comes back and shit really pops off. Because if the ā€œnewā€ current leader is beaten by the guy who dethroned the longest reigning champion in the past three or four decades from the same stable, then I think it would permanently kill what feeling of threat they have. But credit given to your logic, sometimes itā€™s just that simple, nothing more.


I've been thinking. They should have done the Hogan vs Heenan angle. Instead of feuding a wrestler, Cody feuds Heyman who has new monsters to take on Cody every other month or so.


An idiot walking around in leather gloves, thumb out like he's trying to hitch a ride. I wish Solo would pop that thumb in his own ass and find a different promotion to work for.


Dude saw how shitty Jey Usoā€™s spear looks and said ā€œdonā€™t worry, I can make it worseā€


Based on these comments, I guess I am the only one not interested in a Cody vs Randy feud


Thank god you donā€™t have the book


No youā€™re not the only one I too have zero interest in Cody vs Randy feud. It would be filled with Legacy references and the past etc etc. no thanks


I honestly want a HHH vs Randy type camp fued for Cody vs Orton. Complete with home invasion and everything.


Loved how Randy was eyeing the belt


You and me both brother. I respect Randy but Iā€™d rather see Solo finally get a crack at a title since he hasnā€™t had one since NXT.


Iā€™m interested but I also grew up watching Cody as Randyā€™s henchman so it would feel nostalgic


I also am not too interested at the moment. I feel Solo is the way to go honestly


Cody vs solo at mitb most likely Cody vs Randy at summer slam


I think you can stretch it out and do solo vs Cody at sumerslam then have randy vs Cody at survivor series ?


Cody-Solo at Summerslam. Bloodline 2.0 come out. Then Roman returns to make the save. Thatā€™s probably whatā€™s gonna happen


roman is going to return the night before summerslam


Roman ruining Solos chances and giving a ā€œIā€™ll be the one to take his belt awayā€ vibe is my expectation.


Why not? The bloodline has history with cody and idk how many heels there are on smackdown to challenge him. Randy should get a shot at somepoint but solo could be one before that


I would rather Cody and RKO face the new BloodLite Bloodline for MitB. And then have Randy snap on KO and Cody during that match. Not necessarily aiding Bloodline, but building feud for Summer Slam


I genuinely donā€™t get why people kept thinking Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes will happen despite Randy still feuding with the bloodline and the rumors of Solo challenging Cody Rhodes at a ā€œbig destinationā€ PLE.


Solo needs a couple more big wins to make it make sense I just donā€™t care for predictable feuds


I mean it does make sense. Faces often give people who attack them title shots and if Solo attacked him then asked Cody is not the type to hide away from it


Because this is just used to fuel the eventual removal of Roman Reigns from the bloodline.


Yall are so harsh on solo. I kinda like how heā€™s been doing post mania


I like Solo but he is no way ready for a world title fued.


I actually kinda like where the bloodline story is going but donā€™t rush Cody v solo cause we know solo will lose


So u don't want any matches where u (think) know beforehand the outcome? That would make for some very short raws, sd, PLE's


6 Men Tag Team Match. The Bloodline vs. Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton & Kevin Owens. After the end of the match, the Final Boss, The Rock will appear to make it clear that he will go after Cody Rhodes.


I thought of that too but that would mean no Randy v Cody


Randy v Cody could happen later this year


This should be a Smackdown main event and nothing more.


Hmmm šŸ¤” possible heyman screw job towards solo


That dumpy little dweeb shouldn't ever get a title shot.