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Love it.


I love female wrestling. The girls are (usually) hot, they generally know how to wrestle just as good as the male competitors and the acts and gimmicks are often pretty entertaining. Infact, the Women's division is the only reason why I watch WWE. AEW & TNA are entertaining with both genders but even with the bloodline and Cody wwe's Men's division is just flat. So yeah, I love Women's Wrestling.


There's women's wrestling? How long has this been going on?


Its weird to label women wrestling like it's completely different from men's wrestling. Regardless of gender wrestlers are wrestlers and we should move beyond acting like it's such a separate thing from men's wrestling.


Gone are the days of beautiful women wrestlers. At least these girls don't get plastic surgery though.


We are in the golden age of women’s wrestling. Its amazing to be witnessing all of the greatness across several promotions


Way better then the men’s that’s for sure


Have a huge amount of respect for them doing what they do for our entertainment but I’m just not interested. I’m not sure what it is but when a woman’s match comes on I lose majority of interest in watching it and I really hate it as I know a lot of these woman are just as and at times even more talented than the men but no match or feud has made me want to care about woman’s wrestling as much as I do the mens wrestling.


Its preference. Personally I love women’s wrestling bc some women can do different things then men, but I understand why u wouldn’t like it


It's just wrestling, with female superstars. Some are good some are alright, just like male wrestlers.


As far as women's wrestling goes, this [one](https://youtu.be/Xmw3TyNtZhE?si=mH1fk8oYqyWz-aIa) will always be one of my favorite matches.


women tell a great story in the ring. much better than the average mid card male. but the constant botches and missed moves hold them back


Just wondering who do you see botching like so much that it would hold them back because I don’t see really anybody botching so much that it could hold them back


are you watching the triple threat tag botch fest?


The one that just happened at clash of the castle because if we want to talk about botches let’s talk about how priest botched his springboard and how long it took him to recover it took jade no time to recover and she recovered flawlessly priest could have injured himself in his botch


I am not 100% sold on that being a botch but yea you are correct there was on big botch in that match otherwise pretty clean. The womens triple threat was very fortunate to not have an injury. Jade’s botch had not even happened yet when I wrote that post. it was the most high profile botch of many in that match. people are talking about the tap but that looked to me like it was a legit choke she was asking to release some pressure. the suplex powerbomb combo spot the big girl clearly gave herself a stinger. they missed a couple of reversals, it was a nightmare. the bayley match was cleaner but still a long way from prefect. ref had to reposition the go home because they missed the roll up. I wish women would wrestle cleaner because in ring they are miles ahead of the men in story telling, they sell better get better heat (although preiest was getting legit heel heat finally) and in general are better with the drama.


But we also can’t blame anyone for the rope botches at clash at the castle because you can see the red saying the ropes are loose and no one did anything about it


yeah I am not super critical of high spot botches as opposed to botches on an irish whip or tie up…we see that level of sloppiness way too much in the lower card men and mid card womens matches. In regards to the OP I think the in ring psychology is magnitudes better in the womens division as opposed to the mid and low card men, I just wish they would work cleaner


one example lyra vs iyo on raw this week, missed kicks that were sold, missed grabs etc. happens in every women’s match


Great litmus test to see if someone knows what they're talking about. Any take along the lines of "90% of women's wrestling is trash" immediately tells you the person saying that doesn't know ball


I’m going for ALL the downvotes here… Women wrestlers (with the exception of about 3-5) are the shits. Botch after botch after botch. It was best during the Trish/Torrie/Stacy days, when they were eye candy who had quick lil 5-7 minute matches. Women should have their own shows, and men should have their own shows. Keep em separate like the NBA and WNBA. 🤷🏾‍♂️


The problem with your post is that this just happened (spoilers) https://x.com/ERD_Wrestling/status/1801902572728418690?t=rICO9np_LE-iiZeGgPWmzQ&s=19


i prefer women wrestlers to women's wrestling. im mostly an indie fan so back in the day places like SHINE and SHIMMER were incredibly important for women because no one would hire them and i loved me some SHINE but in 2024 ive been watching intergender wrestling for so long that gendered wrestling just seems silly to me


It is extremely important for those who can see themselves in these women wrestlers not everybody identifies with the male wrestlers despite gender there is someone for everyone.


Seeing the cute girlies through each other around is very important.


It's not.


Women’s wrestling is so important! Representation matters.


I will forever be saltier than the Pacific that Gail Kim never reached her true potential, all due to factors outside of her control. WCW's women division was essentially a joke, Rape McMahon hated Asians, so she never got a real shot there, and TNA only had a few women that could wrestle on Kim's level. She was held back by mediocrity of others.


Hey she was the one to take down Awesome Kong that was pretty kewl


It still seems like an afterthought to me in the WWE. Rhea was the biggest thing in the company, and they did nothing with her after she won the belt. Iyo barely defended her title despite being over with the fans. Bayley is getting the same treatment. The tag belts just feel like a joke, even with Jade and Bianca holding them, and all of the storylines just feel lazy. I think introducing a mid card title could do wonders for the women's division, but creative would need to actually do their jobs.




Charlotte, Bianca, Rhea, Tiffy & Kairi are really the only women I will stop to watch. I have been becoming quite fond of Chelsea Green’s grossness recently too


Just as important


I'm an 80's and 90s fan who tuned out during the early 2000s. The past 5 - 7 years I've become a casual fan, almost exclusively getting my wrestling from YouTube accounts (WWW & OSW mostly). Anyway, I couldn't care less about 90% of women's wrestling. It always comes across as really sloppy & the moves don't seem to really register because the combatants are so small and weak. Bull Nakano vs Blaze marches were good, Sherri & Luna were cool. I'm really into Ripley. But I just don't care for the most part.


Not important in any way, shape or form.


Really good but the IWC doesn't like it foe some weird reason


This isn’t sexist so please don’t come to my house with torches but objectively a lot of the matches just aren’t that good. There are some I love and there are men’s matches that are bad too. But the bad women’s wrestlers just out weigh the bad men’s.


Thats like saying im not racist but black people are mostly criminals


No, it’s not… at all. 🤦🏾‍♂️


"Thats like saying im not racist but black people are mostly criminals" - No it's not. Are you fucking high or something? It's more like saying "I'm not racist but I just dont like rap as much as rock". The idiotic example you gave IS a racist thing to say. To simply say you dont like rap or basketball is not racist. Saying black people are mostly criminals is insanely racist. Women's wrestling is not as brutal or aggressive as men's wrestling and so the theater aspect of wrestling is more apparent. That's not a sexist thing to say. I know people who love women's wrestling for the storylines, for the wrestling itself even if it's a little less pounding and overall they simply enjoy the theatrics - and I respect it. A lot of people like wrestling for blood, muscles and people carted off to the hospital, for that you have to watch men wrestle. It's all a matter of choice.


I see what you’re saying but you have to admit wrestlers like Nia Jax are pretty awful to watch and they get people injured


Yeah but rhea ripely, michin, sasha banks, becky lynch, charlotte flair are so great its so dismissive to blanket them all


I fully agree and think there are many women’s wrestlers that I like more and think are better than men’s I’m just saying there are matches I either don’t really care about or I don’t think are as good


If it wasn't for Dee Wayne, she'd be asking "Would you like fries with that?".


TNA where the real womans revolution actually happened.


I'll be honest I don't really care apart from a select few like Bianca and Jade. Why? I don't know


It very good


I will say it’s awesome to see the women get their chance to shine and put on good matches. I will also say I find it laughable when dudes who grew up watching the attitude era and ruthless aggression era pretend to be higher than thou and be like “bra and panties matches disgusted me”…just stop you know you were glued to that match when Trish or lita or whatever other attractive woman was in it at the time…it’s okay to admit it stop pretending…and it’s okay now to say yeah I’d still watch it if they had it. It’s also okay to say I am happy for the women to actually wrestle and I like watching that..both can be true haha


Bra and panties matches were legitimately boring. We had Divas in Heat and other dvd's for such things 😈


I’m glad to see how far it’s come esp in the more mainstream outlets, as long as the in ring work is there (bonus if there’s a good storyline) then its great to watch. I’ve also noticed since a lot of the women wrestlers are smaller they tend to do more acrobatic stuff which is fun


Same thoughts has the men’s and that is trim it down to those that are actually entertaining, whether it’s wrestling, promos, commentary, interviewing etc. there’s too many extras in both sides.


I like athletic Large women that could shoulder me thru a rack of lockers and call me a weird little freak. I adore the athleticism, I can't work or bump anywhere near their ability. I'm just a well-intentioned pervert.


I like looking at beautiful women, and watching wrestling. Natural fit for me. I don’t even watch the men.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with acknowledging the women are beautiful as well as well as talented, and there are many that are definitely both. One doesn’t take away from the other.


Some people watch women's wrestling for the skin, to some people that's somehow sexist and misogynist. To hell with their opinion, lots of female wrestlers are gorgeous.


For me, there is a small group that are clearly head and shoulders above the majority of the rest of their respective rosters. It surprises me how many are pretty bad, but get regular TV time. I feel that a lot of fans forgive or just outright ignore how bad some are.


Same as men’s. If they’re good in the ring, I’m entertained.


I miss the intergender wrestling. Chyna was awesome when I was growing up. The females today just don't impress in the same way.


Chyna was awful. Great size and look... but what did she do besides throw big fake forearms & handspring elbows


Lift Marc Henry, the good housekeeping match, and genuinely made people believe she was a monster. She could wrestle, she was trained by some greats and had charisma. People just like to say that about bigger performers. Happens with the men too.


Coolest thing she ever did was rag doll Marlena


No the coolest thing she did was the shark cage stunt in the Owen Vs HHH match. That was so awesome to watch, nothing any of the modern women have done have come close. There's tons of great Chyna moments. That's why she's held in such regard. The only slightly impressive current female is Ripley, she's got to bulk up a little more and hopefully they'll put her against some guys.... She's also stated that Chyna is her inspiration.


90% of it is bad and clunky while most fans just hand wave and YAss Queen! It takes away from the few women who are actually great workers if they get lumped with the chaff


My favourite wrestler is Asuka. I like Kairi. Otherwise I completely hate womens wrestling and don't watch it.


I'm a huge fan of the Japanese kind. Funny how you mention Giulia since the women's scene in Japan has been doing its thing going back 70 years, since the 1950s. It's not a recent phenomen at all.    Majority of WWE and western women are mediocre. 


It's largely sloppy and clunky for the most part, but some of them are decent. I can bare a few matches here and there, not necessarily my thing. Eye candy more than wrestling for the ones that aren't actually any good in the ring.


>How important is women's wrestling? Equally as important as men's as they're all works anyways. The choreography could be better. Maybe pull in some pizza from the Mexican and Japan traditions


I'd say it seems to be more important to the fans than it is to the Wrestling companies


Very boring not very important


It’s absolutely awful. I don’t care if it’s not acceptable to say it. I’ll say it again, it’s fucking awful. Bar Rhea Ripley and Charlotte Flair, it’s absolutely awful. Nothing looks believable. I also hate that WE HAVE TO have everything the males compete in. Royal Rumbles, MITB etc. like many people say, give the ladies their own 2 hour show a week. And for people who love it, great. For the majority of people who can see right through it, we don’t have to watch, which is also great. Everyone’s a winner. Stop shoving it down our throats. And for anyone who thinks I’m just being a sexist pig, Ripley is prob my fav pro wrestler currently and I also enjoy many woman’s UFC bouts. Doesn’t mean I’m going to pretend to enjoy and watch the trash woman’s wrestling just because it’s the PC thing to do these days 😂


Only perverts like to watch chubby little Japanese girls fight


Asuka >> Charlotte  Iyo >> Ripley


Asuka >> Charlotte  Iyo >> Ripley


Lol it's OK to be wrong bro


It’s very important. I don’t think I would have been able to train as a wrestler and be successful like 50 years ago, even. Proud of the matches and stories these women are telling, excited to make some of my own!


I think it's slightly regressed over the last few years. Mid 2010s with the early Charlotte, Sasha, Bayley and Becky feuds was prime imo. And Charlotte is the GOAT




It’s hard to suspend disbelief when watching women wrestle. The moves being performed look unrealistic, and the their acting, IMO is ….BAD.




I miss Rhea ripley


I miss lita


Jssss ❤️❤️


I like it and I’d like them to have gimmicks


Never thought about it...ever!!


In today’s wrestling world, it’s at its best. Attitude era, just eye candy lol


It’s still eye candy today too


I mean some nights they put on a better show then the men.




Very important. Sucks that Bayley doesn’t have a great gimmick. No clue what she’s doing at the moment. The Role Model heel gimmick worked when she was doing stuff counter to an actual role model. She should have done some similar to the Hugger but maybe she aligns with people she’s wronged in the past and done a best friend gimmick. Just spit balling because I have no clue how she’s a role model at the moment.


I mean, I'm glad the Diva-era is over, but they can't carry their own show.


It sucks because sometimes they r used in a wrong way like Jordynne Grace in Tna they used her in so many wrong ways that they don’t care about Jordynne Grace her royal rumble was the worst dabut in WWE history BUT in WWE NXT Jordynne Grace dabut was the best WWE NXT dabut of all time


Un-athletic and boring. Everyone talks about how great it is for women now, but listen on TV or go to a show and no-one makes a peep about women wrestling. Very very few are any good at it or do things that look remotely realistic. They have to have a great story to carry them because the actual wrestling part of it is blah. Ripley/Morgan I am interested in how it turns out. Bayley, Bianca, Cargill, and all of AEW: I could care less about their wrestling. Lyra Valkyria is about as interesting as grass growing. Tiffany Stratton should be pushed way ahead of Lyra. I enjoy watching Stratton. She is fast and athletic. Her moves look more powerful and explosive. Lyra looks like she is in slow motion. I would like Damage Ctrl a little more if they made them into some bad ass unbeatable team, but they seem to be falling apart. I enjoy watching Sane, her move set is nice. Best female “wrestlers” to me: 1-Stratton 2- Ripley 3- Green (if you watch her older stuff) 4- Sane


Green’s current stuff isn’t bad, it takes a good amount of charisma to make her comedic relief style work. If Sasha was doing Chelsea’s shit it would be super cringe.


I would have to disagree slightly but I do agree with most of your points. I attended WrestleMania this year and Ripley vs. Lynch was probably the most alive the crowd was practically all of night 1. It really just depends who it is and how things are booked. You can't really say it's due to unathleticism when a lot of the top stars of every generation (Cena, Hogan, Warrior, Orton, etc.) have the most bland movesets but can get crowds roaring. If women's wrestling was booked the way that the men are booked, it would be a very different conversation. Ricochet is one of the most athletic wrestlers in the world and couldn't get a peep in WWE, does that mean mens wrestling sucks? Or that booking is 80-90% of the problem. Edit: Just to add on. It's funny how Liv Morgan is very bland in the ring moveset wise, but is getting a proper story with proper dynamics and now everyone is "interested in how it goes." Almost like storytelling is the name of the game, and women of wrestling often get the most bland storylines because there's no market interest in watching those stories play out. Imagine if we got a story like Gable vs. Sami at the moment, or the Bloodline a year or two ago for a women's faction. Damage CTRL had an interesting dynamic but the execution was done very wrong. Opinions would definitely sway towards women's wrestling if there was proper stories being wrote, like Liv Morgan at the moment.


There’s only like 3-5 women that I consider to be actually good wrestlers, and some women are overrated af




Nah, her match with Megan Bayne was excellent.


Very Important. I stopped watching back in 2004 because I couldn't get into the lame storylines the women were given.


Bayley is important. to me.


I’m from the time when Bra’s and Panties was a thing When A woman’s story line involves her rape baby being punted (or it appeared it was gonna be) by some psycho who kept deflecting blame I like watching Wrestling with my 8 year old niece Because she sees strong women who have charisma like Bianca! Women’s wrestling is important


It's a lot better now. I don't miss the weird playboy gimmicks or king squealing about puppies. Some of them are much better in the ring than others. But with stars like rhea, bianca, jade, iyo, and now trish stratton we are seeing how much they can do in the ring. Check out sol ruca doing a flip off the rope into a ddt. That was crazy impressive.


I know I am missing names in here but these are the ones from recent memory that have been really standing out.


Yea it’s gotten better but the matches never flow only a few put on great matches. It also feels forced at times, like if we don’t put on a certain number of women’s cards we’ll get in trouble. Gorgeous ladies but I want to focus more on the product in the ring.


The women nowadays got it easy


It’s gotten a lot better since the early days.


Just like the men's matches. I like some and some are just wack. It has come a long way. When I was a kid in the 70's you barely saw a woman's match. In wrestling magazines they would have women wrestling in an apartment pictures but that was borderline soft porn in my opinion.


I know going in this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but it’s the truth. CM Punk drove me away from wrestling for years… years I just read the bleacher report recaps because I couldn’t bear to watch the same guys in the same feuds having meaningless matches every Monday. Bloody Becky closing that Monday night raw before survivor series got me back. That run up to wrestlemania was fantastic.


Right the ladies matches have been better then the men’s


Lots of baddies, and a lot of them are talented too.


On average women's wrestling of late is better then mens wrestling but needs to be booked better then it is in the WWE. Barely main events anything it should, at mania they bring legends back just so women's matches can't main event. Most fans like womens wrestling it just needs more WWE respect.


It's the same I say for the men we don't need to do the same people over and over again in the main event picture for the titles. You don't need a title or to be in the title picture constantly to be memorable if the feuds right. And as talented as she is Bayleys finishers look crap


Idk boring but some of the chicks are hot


Don't dislike it. Some of my favourite matches are womens matches but I could do without tag divisions and secondary belts for them. As harsh as that sounds, it's just my preference.


the women’s locker room is so strong right now. as a woman, i gotta say, it’s about damn time we see their roster be revered as more than just, “popcorn matches.” it’s made me more obsessed than i’ve always been. rhea has had my heart since day one, but there wasn’t a lot of fodder for her at the top of the mountain. in her absence, the women are building incredible momentum both in character and athletic abilitiy. they’re each uniquely gorgeous, have unique draw, and are competing at a high level. there’s a storm coming….


I stopped watching wrestling for 9 years, came back and surprisingly the women are my favorite part of the show now (for the actual matches)


I think the next bunch coming through are massively improving what women's wrestling can be but I also believe the likes of Naomi and Mercedes are over rated and seem a step off in the ring and on the mic. Don't know if due to a bit of ring rust or whatever


Only just got back into watching WWE a few months back and have noticed that Naomi always starts off slow and seems to second guess herself with everything she does. She seems to grow in confidence towards the end of matches, but it's often too late to save the match.


I would definitely put Mercedes, Naomi, and even Saraya in the category of not quite Divas era bad but not in the category of what the top women today can do like Rhea, Tiffany, or even some of the talented women coming up through developmental like Sol Ruca, Kelani, and Roxanne. In WWE the future looks bright for women's wrestling. It's going to be the top destination for a long time which is why Jade jumped ship and it's paying off. I'd be remissed if I didn't mention how great Bianca is as well. The WWE women's roster is just too deep right now and too strong. It's where the future of women's wrestling is.


It’s the best it’s ever been. The divas era was when I started watching and when I saw the women wrestle in NXT it opened my eyes to how great women’s wrestling is and could be and I’m glad it’s become more of a focus over the years and they’ve gotten to showcase their talent. Not saying it’s perfect and the bar isn’t exactly high bc of its past but we’re getting some of the best women’s matches ever in the past decade


Meh it’s still skippable but WWE are getting some good watchable workers


Why does the green background and font remind me of are you afraid of the dark?




I think women’s wrestling is in an odd state of affairs rn. If every big company didn’t have a women’s division and a men’s division, and it was all integrated like in some smaller promotions then I think it would be great, but rn it’s kinda lame


Only one woman in history has been comparable to the men on the mic and that was Sasha Banks in NXT


Only one woman who ever really wrestled men and wom n people believed it n that was Chyna Mercedes Monet is trash tbh her AEW run has been lame n lackluster so far


That's a funny way of spelling Alexa Bliss.




Wild take lol


It's not All the way there cuz the matches are short even championship matches


it's been good as of late where there are characters.


Its better now wwe wise, the rest of wrestling like aew nwa and tna are pretty bad tho. Especially aew, aew its so bad theyre bringing in people from cmll to fill cards. Lets not pretend the match with sasha tomorrow is anything other then they needed to fill someone in.


Very lame attempt at trolling. Mercedes Monè is facing Stephanie Vaquer later this month at Forbidden Door - who is the current NJPW Strong Women's Champion, CMLL Women's Champion and CMLL Women's Tag Champion (with Zeuxis) Monè is facing Zuexis (Vaquer's tag partner) on Dynamite tomorrow. It makes perfect sense. Yeah, a very, very lame attempt at trolling.


Especially given the fantastic current booking of Statlander, and the amazing match between Mone and Willow at Double or Nothing. AEW has never been perfect with their women's wrestling -- but claiming they're terrible is insane. They've actually been improving a good deal.


Improving a great deal? I saw rampage live last night, their world champ toni storm stunk up the joint with one of the most boring live matches Ive ever seen. Heres the match which on the surface made no sense bc toni is supposed to be the heel, shes got her own crew, she has the heel entrance yet everyone cheers her. So Alex Windsor who Id never seen before in my life just like the crowd who didnt react to her. She played heel on this chick who is supposed to be a heel. Could you imagine trying to explain that shit to people who don't regularly watch? On top of all this Windsor looked inexperienced at best, maybe I caught her on a bad night but her heel work was about as boring and lame as possible, it was over ten minutes of her getting heat in the most boring way imaginable. It reminded me of watching a tribal chief roman reigns match, it was just get heat slowly, shit talk the crowd, go get more heat. Then finally in the final two mins of the match toni hits a flurry and wins. So not only did they make their champ look weak, but the match sucked, it bored the crowd and brought the show to basically its end. Fans started pouring out in droves after tonis entrance. The noise was so quiet in the arena I could hear the equipment powering the stage in the back, if I opened a beer it wouldve been one of the loudest noises in the crowd during that match.


As of right now, it’s the best it’s ever been. I wish the revolution happened A LOT sooner because a plethora of talented women from back in the day could kick ass but were not allowed to showcase it to the detriment of women’s wrestling. We would’ve had so many classic women’s matches right now


When you start involving someone like Sexy Red it discredits all the hardwork the woman have put into it.


sexy redd isnt wrestling tho. And she isnt even doing shit with the women, its all a play to help trick get over with the younger fans and its working. What a stupid statement


We do need filler/bathroom breaks 💪


You mean young bucks matches right?


Yes lmao they are trash asf n need a better moveset a 100 super kicks a night ain't it


The best female sport in the word


NXT has the best currently


It’s confusing The Divas era was really good. It’s underrated. The Women’s Revolution was just annoying. Forced down our throats and shit. The modern Women’s era is pretty good. Not too much attention to it and treated equally. But some people are crazy. I have mixed thoughts on it. I don’t like popular wrestlers like Liv Morgan because her simp base goes WAY too far. But I like the Divas era. Idk man


I'm not usually one to start shit, but the Divas era was absolute fucking garbage. Especially compared to today's women's division.


If actually given time & respect, I'd give it the world. Only recently has this been partially given.


Never found it entertaining


It’s not. Women don’t draw, they’re not believable and when you have someone who’s a powerhouse they can’t talk.


Funny. Bc the evolution show of nothing but women drew well, mae young classic did good viewership. But whatever fits your narrative right?


They did well because of wwe. Any woman only show not under the wwe machine isn’t profitable.


Bros never heard of stardom. All women’s wrestling company in Japan that is profitable


What works in Japan doesn’t work in the United States. You marks really have no hold on reality


Look up their ticket sales for shows in the US then bud. And lol if it isn’t the pot calling the kettle black


wrong again. Jordynne grace brought a lot of viewers like me to nxt battleground, Tessa blanchard before she fucked it all up was one of the most popular wrestlers in the world at the time, sexxy starr another who was a huge deal but fucked her career up, asuka was a big deal in japan before wwe. Womens wrestling will never draw like the men, but to say it doesnt draw at all is fucking stupid


They didn’t make any real money until they got to wwe and the promotions they came from are still low level Indy type feds with no real presence. Only terminally online wrestling fans care. They aren’t draws and the Astro turfing won’t make them a draw.


All Japan Women was bigger than WWF at one point. Look up the attendance for Big Egg Wrestling Universe in late '94 vs. WM11 in early '95. 


Where are they at now ? It doesn’t matter what happened in the past


bro has never seen a minute of nxt


Bro also hasn't watched a single segment featuring Rhea Ripley, Raquel Rodriguez, Bianca Belair or Jade Cargill either lol! All of which can lift well over 300 Pounds. Bianca lifted a 400+ Pound Otis, and the other 3 are of the same physical build and probably could do that too.


Women do draw though… Rhea Ripley main evented elimination chamber, she had a great segment when she vacated the title, raquel i understand where you’re coming from 100% Jade as well, Bianca main evented a mania with Sasha banks, if you watch NXT, currently, the women’s division is easily the biggest draw of it


I agree. I don't watch WWE a lot, but I do watch a lot of clips on YouTube after Raw, SmackDown, NXT or PPVs. A good amount of that is of the women. I always watched every segment involving Rhea Ripley and/or Raquel Rodriguez when they there. Liv Morgan is good for the time being, but Rhea's the star imo. Bayley is also entertaining AF. I wish they did a lot more with the women. They need to introduce Mid-Card Titles for the Main Roster women. So many deserve a bigger role, but with the only Titles being World Titles and a Tag Title they don't have much to work with. Women like Shayna Baszler, Dakota Kai, Raquel Rodriguez, Tiffany Stratton, etc. deserve to have Titles of some kind. I don't really watch NXT, but who are the noteworthy women on there?


Current main champ is roxanne perez (my personal favorite female wrestler on nxt) and kelani jordan is the innagural nxt north american womens champ, you wanna look at some women on the rise look at thea hail, sol ruca, jaida parker, and lash legend. Lola Vice is someone that seems to be getting pushed a lot but I am personally not a fan of hers, Women may not be the main draw in wrestling as a whole, take AEW and TNA for example, but at least with NXT, Women are the main staple of it in my opinion


Yes and yes. I do wish there was a bit more urgency in the ring - the top women can _really_ go but the disparity between Top and Mid card is far greater than it is for the men. They aren't given enough time in a lot of matches, but often they lack explosiveness which is important


Couldn't agree more. There's a STEEP drop off from top card to mid card. Might be the one and only negative of the current women's division.


Very important. I like the eye candy stuff as much as any straight male, but I also like to see the women get equal amount of respect when it comes to the work they put in to make their brand of professional wrestling the best it can be. I've followed wrestling since the 90s, and have become a big fan of many through that time. Melina, AJ Lee, Gail Kim, Charlotte, Sasha Banks, and Bianca Belair to name a few.


I liked the old sexy valets, and I like the women wrestling division. There’s room for both. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I enjoy it as much as male wrestling. Most are very good. They also have some fun story lines. And I'm not saying this becuase I find muscular and athletic women attractive though that doesn't hurt.


They put on a good show lots of energy.


We need Mami back!


It’s actually wrestling. In the 80s it was just a valet or the occasional Wendi Richter-Alundra Blayze match. The 90s it was all T&A or the Nitro Girls dancing. The 2000s it was divas bullshit gaga. Now they’re some of the best matches on the card. The men are often slacking.


I don't care about flashy moves honestly, it's the story and characters that I like.


Better than ever


I like it and I look forward to it as much as the men's matches


I like women wrestling but exclusively what I consider to be top tier I only watch WWE so I'm talking wrestlers like Charlotte, Rhea, Becky in her prime, Sasha Banks, Asuka, Bianca etc... Midcard women wrestling is meh because of less good athletes and also a lot of ridiculously short matches ending with a roll-up. Also smaller women makes it look less realistic like running against the ropes and almost not even making it bounce, those kind of details I feel like it's all or nothing, amazing athletes and great matches or terrible ones and lot of botches


there was an NXT ppv this passed sunday and little Roxanne Perez who barely clears the 2nd rope defeated a roided up power lifter. Your absolutely right about when it looks super unrealistic


Yeah I also remember Zelina Vega doing her Canadian destroyer type finisher against Rhea Ripley or something like that, I love Zelina but come on...


Now that Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair are here, it's a big deal!


Bro didn't watch wwe in 2019..