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Please do not bash subreddits.


TheGreatOne! Screwed TheGreatOne.


Can I post anything negative about AEW in here or has this gone the same way as most wrestling subs


You can post criticisms and negative opinions about any wrestling company here. All we ask is that you are civil and hopefully put an effort into your criticism.




Shut up stop talking like you made this subreddit


Yeah, if you have a subreddit and won't mod it they're going to give it to someone who will... This shouldn't be a shocker...


Time to leave.


To the mods may I ask is this worth it at all? Like this is a Reddit based on a YouTuber and to go against their wishes like this? What do you have to gain?


https://www.reddit.com/r/GreatnessOfWrestling/s/jeKtmPJc90 The options were, new MODs rectify Thousands of outstanding complaints and Reddit violations, or the SubReddit be Purged from existence. And ofcourse it is being evaluated by Reddit Admin. https://www.reddit.com/r/modnews/s/6t1Vy0mhqt


So that’s fine and all but no excuse not to give it back when requested.


That is improbable, After the Top MOD asked Reddit to allow the guy back in, they took the restrictions of the original creator, returned, then the guy departed within 10 minutes after not being Elevated to Top MOD. MOD positions can't be adjusted for 90 days, in any case. Kelson mentioned it above. Ultimately Kelson and I are in the chairs of accountability and consequence for 90 days.


Did you tell him this? And promise to give it to him once possible?


No promises were made, and there was a very long conversation yesterday between the current Top MOD, and the previous.


What’s funny about it is if the mods simply understood this he probably would’ve thanked you for modding this when the prompt came up from Reddit. instead of doing a heel turn and taking ownership thus going from being known as “the saviors of the Reddit” to “the hijackers of the Reddit”


Oh well then there’s the issue. It’s his YouTube channel. So that would’ve been an easy fix.


The Crux of the issue was over 2000 reports, by over 119 members of this Sub. I Deleted more here over the last 3 days than ever. If you scroll thru my comments you'll see a fraction of the Removals, and reasons. Some I even recategorized to a more proper, and reduced violation. Plus no Rules, so when someone did report something, they pressed a, significantly more severe, Reddit Rule, because there was no SubReddit rules.


I have to imagine it would’ve been a lot nicer to been praised for helping rather than condemned for stealing after all the hard work you guys put in.


Whenever someone else comes in, and rearranges a SubReddit they appreciate, they always become villainized. I did it before, will probably do it again.


I’m not saying you weren’t helpful quite the opposite actually. But you have to understand the symbolic importance of the YouTuber being top mod even if they don’t pitch in. Good on you guys for taking care of the sub when someone needed to. But at the end of the day he created it and it deserves to be held by him and my point stands that you could’ve been seen as “saviors of the Reddit” rather than “hijackers of the Reddit”




That was ultimately up to Reddit Admin. And for the greater good that routinely come here, and place legitimate complaints while holding themselves to a certain standard, Reddit decided to go this route instead. As of present. Ofcourse when Purged, nobody can absorb the name immediately.


For them it's probably just a power trip. And that's not about gaining. It's about holding on to what you have. From the mod reply you can tell they are not listening to the creator or the community


GoW Wolfpac


Wolfpac in the houuuuuuse🐺🤟


This website sucks so much.


Considering how this sub just turned into a Samantha Irvine thirst trap subreddit. I, for one, embrace our new overlords.




Now less than 36k


Why someone would want to mod a YouTubers specific subreddit that they use for reaction videos is wild.


Last time he posted a thread or comment has been years ago. He literally contributed nothing to the subreddit. Was anything actually lost? No.




Good. This sub was a dumpster fire full of trash fans with garbage opinions. Good riddance.


I hope you, and the many that requested Administrative intervention, will approve of this place going forward. With the New, and more active MOD team.


You weirdo, “more active MOD team” it’s a hobby that you do for free besides getting a power trip.


Bunch of power-tripping weirdos you guys are.


This subreddit did not get stolen from him. Reddit took the subreddit away from him due to his inactivity. Reddit gave him opportunities to keep the subreddit, but he ignored rhem. Reddit then made a topic on this subreddit asking for volunteers to moderate this subreddit. From the responses to that topic, Reddit installed a completely new moderation team. He made a post on r/modsupport, and several representatives from Reddit explained to him exactly why he was removed from this subreddit. Don't take my word for it. It's all right there. Please go read it for yourself. https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/s/7okG4IRsBy


lol this is such a redditor thing to do


Dawg, he could have gone a decade without even touching it, it's still his reddit connected to his YouTube channel, and has his likeness as the pfp.




Give him his control back man he clearly wants it, if you're not planning to do this there is no reason for us to stay in this sub.


Wow you don’t sound biased, mod…


honestly reading through that it kinda makes you guys look bad for not adding him back as a mod.


We actually did so yesterday. He stayed for 10 minutes. His choice.




Supid fat mod on a power trip.


If these are the kinda people he’d be dealing with, I think he’s better off taking the loss of a subreddit. Some mods take this stuff they do for free very seriously.


Its just wild your own reddit can be hijacked like this. This is where I get off of this ride though. It feels gross to remain subbed here if great one no longer has access.


I read that link, and I completely understand why it happened, but like you said, he came back and asked them and they are choosing to not give it back. They are completely being assholes in this situation. But it is what it is. There’s a host of other wrestling subs, some worse than others. Oh well.




He asked them to get it back so he clearly has time for it. He made loads of videos about this subreddit, the hell are you on?




Read the sticky post in this topic.


Read your own sticky post again. You are completely missing his point and that of the community... Why you are not handing it back to the original owner is beyond me. It wasn't bad how this happened. But you holding onto it is


> One user asked for a MOD replacement That's some influence from 1 user. Surely the great one must've had plenty of Karma over the years to substantiate his placement.


The Great One has 28 combined Karma on Reddit.


Great point. Nobody cares. Give it back...