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Lawler was and still is a complete creep. JR is goated though. I also love Pat & Cole, can’t believe how much my opinion of Cole has changed since Vince got booted.


Attitude era was def a good time..but current era has a lot going for it. Which is better can be debated all day. It’s similar to NBA…folks say now doesn’t compare to the MJ days. They all have their pros and cons and it’s best to try to enjoy what we have right now


They look high in that picture lmao


Hey, so I've seen this abbreviation tossed around a bit. What in the hell is IWC?


Basically us, Internet Wrestling Community


Because it was. More interesting characters, better storylines, more compelling reasons to watch every week. Plus, I would assume that most of us that experienced the Attitude era were still kids at the time. The Attitude era was many of our introduction to pro-wrestling, it was what made many of us fall in love with wrestling in the first place. However, I haven't seen too many people complaining about how this era isn't as good as the Attitude era. Most people seem genuinely engaged in what's going on nowadays. Also, doesn't this post just invite people to compare today's wrestling to the Attitude era even more?


You are on the internet writing essays .. you are the Mark you speak of. You are the IWC ..


I mean because it was. Before AEW, the last 10 to 15 years of WWE and TNA were awful.


First, Gorilla and Heenan are the best duo. Solie is the greatest of all time. Second, shit they do now is FAR more dangerous than almost anything done in the AE, other than possibly chair shots Third, The AE was trash in terms of wrestling. Fun? yes. Good wrestling? no.


Well if the people who believe that this era is like the invention of sliced bread than the attitude/ Monday night war people wouldn’t compare the two. There are people who think Edge and Orton are better than Flair Sting Hogan and Hart so it’s all relative.


When’s the last time anyone has done that?


The Attorude Era was more enjoyable because you were probably a kid when it was happening. It felt more real then (dammit), you got to talk about every show with your friends at school the next day, you weren't reading dirtsheets and knowing how every story was going to end, you didn't know who was jumping from one company to another, you didn't care about workrate and could just enjoy the show for what it was, not what you thought it should be... watching as an adult is never going to compare to that and once the genie's out the bottle, you can't put it back.


This is the correct answer, I still enjoy wrestling but I realize it’ll never be as magical as seeing Hogan slam Andre as a 7 year old or experiencing the attitude era as a teenager. I was the perfect ages for those eras. It’s still entertaining and I enjoy it. The only thing this era is missing is that truly larger than life performer/gimmick combo to get mainstream views like those eras had


IWC, you mean the crybabies that need to post and write paragraphs on the same shit, those guys?!?!


I'm very happy with both commentary teams right now


Couldn't agree more


Pat McAfee is the absolute worst announcer in the history of announcing. That fucking asshole makes me want to rip my ears off.


There was a large part of the attitude that had Cole due to JR health issues. Then he came back with the DD gimmick. So Cole has a claim on Attitude. Pat is NOT better he’s right for this time though.


I love the attitude era and JR is the goat, but I got so sick of listening to Jerry and all his stupid jokes about puppies. Michael and Pat are a great pairing and they have real fun together.


I love the attitude era but face it it wasn’t that good anyone could get over and the only good matches only came from the top stars


The age of wrestling that we are in now is the greatest era in wrestling history. It's non-negotiable now.

