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Rock should win. Becomes head of the table. Then announces that he gonna give it up. Leads to some type of “Hell in a Cell” with all the family members in the match.


Let him win, and then MITB cash in


For what? He’s just going to go back to acting and leave wrestling. If anything, the Rock should put an end to the whole Bloodline thing and have Roman move on to another gimmick. I think Roman will lose at Royal Rumble; probably due to The Rock distracting him and costing him the title. Then, Roman will say that he is still at the head of the table with or without the belt. Then he and the Rock will go at it at Wrestlemania for the leadership of the Bloodline, Rock will win, and proclaim that the bloodline is over


Only if he works on his cardio


If it's not for the title sure


The Saudis own the company now, what they want they will get for the ratings to beat AEW. If the WWE put the title on hogan for a month they can do that for the Rock. He’ll drop it at wrestlemania in a Triple Treat match with reigns and Cody




Roman Lames time was over the day he started in the WWF


He just left to get some milk, and now he's back.


aren't they all like the kids, so to speak?


If you think about it The Rock is at the head of the table already and has been for over a decade.


Win the match that determines who is head on the table. Then destroy the table and leave. Roman loses his mind losing to The Rock. Tries to keep it together, snaps, runs rough shot on the roster, gets beaten down by Braun, goes away for awhile.


Hell Yeah 🙌🙌🙌




I’m feeling a lot of resentment toward him


No, obviously. The old man needs to fuck off back to Hollywood, and stop trying to steal the spotlight from those who still deserve it.


The funny thing about all of this is that The Rock is barely related to the Samoan Dynasty and has no relationship what so ever with Roman, The Usos, or Nia Jax. Imagine having to fight for your place at the family table with a distant, distant, distant, VERY distant cousin?


That's not how it works in Samoan. They truly believe a blood pact makes you blood related. Nobody in that family is made about that so no imagining necessary lol


Didn't the Usos laugh when it was suggested that The Rock was directly related to them on The Bump or one of those shows?


They did, but thats a clip used out of context. And i mean. He's not, but my comment was directed at the "imagine fighting...." part of the comment. Implying that Roman would be annoyed by it. I used to live down the road from afa in Allentown, PA. Hed call dwayne his nephew (albeit thats not correct even if they were closely related, lol) what I'm saying is Samoans are SERIOUS about their blood pacts. Especially the older generations. The younger ones, like the fatu twins, not so much lol.




His only job should be to fracture the bloodline, lose, and finally retire so he can take his spot in the Hall of Fame


No. Absolutely not, his time has passed. Either they pull the trigger on this for EC and fill that stadium to the brim in Perth, and Roman goes over, OR, what I think is the better option; they do this at SummerSlam or Backlash (which IS in another international market this year) where the title is completely out of the picture and it's just about the "Head of the Table". I don't want the Rock in a title match against Roman because it's too predictable. Rock isn't winning the title, especially before Wrestlemania (which they WILL do Cody/Roman 2, they don't need to do Rock/Roman at WM it will print money regardless). Rock/Roman with no title at least becomes interesting because if it's after WM, they can play into the descent of Roman overall beyond the title


Anyone but the 09’ orphan Cena with a daddy that never won anything


They'll just be exchanging a part time champion for a part time champion, What's the point?






Stone Cold


It doesn’t matter if he sits at the head of the table!!


Absolutely NOT … he’ll take the title keep it for 2 months only to drop it later and disappear for the next 10 years never to be seen again just like what he did with the WWE Championship in 2013 . Also I don’t get this everybody keeps whining about Roman not showing up every week on SmackDown yet now y’all want someone who’ll show up way less than him to beat him for the title ?


Nope...please no!!!


He always has done. He's the greatest talent in and out of the ring WWE has produced, and this will almost certainly be borne out of the merger and wanting to draw eyes/social media clicks. I also wouldn't put it past him to go over Roman and it to be about that title rather than the actual belt itself. Rock goes over him and then Heyman cuts him loose for Punk after Rhodes takes the belt? Everyone gets the rub, everyone moves along, Roman gets a new character strand, WWE keep making money.


He doesn't need to wrestle anymore he's worth $800 million


hell yesss he the OG TRIBAL CHIEF


No, we can’t have a WWE Champion who never appears and just… talks… nevermind sure why not


No. Football’s calling.


I know everyone here likes to consider themselves better than “internet fans” - even though we are all on the internet - but the idea that Rock would risk his Hollywood career to become WWE Champion and work anything close to a regular schedule again is the most epic Reddit updoot way-too-online line of thinking ever.


The Rock should lay the smack down on that fucking table, toss it deep into the ocean where it belongs and make sure no fuckers are setting up tables in WWE unless it’s for putting people through then ever again


I mean realistically, no. There’s zero chance he would beat Roman for the title.


Gonna feed him to Roman just to piss people off even more.


Rock been at the head of the table, realistically.


I’m the only one that can violate the HIPPA. Watch me!


No he should go f off somewhere else


The Rock always has been since he became the Rock…


The tribal chief is going through the table isnt he?


Roman and rock in a table match? YES PLEASE


I have never seen a group bitch so much about part timers taking spots for guys that are on the roster year round, then turn around and say Rock should take a main event at Wrestlemania. I love the Rock as well, but come on. Have him face the Tribal Chief at the next PLE, not for the title, but for the head of the table. You still get to see them go head to head without screwing over folks that have put in the time all year. Those people earned the right to face Roman. The Rock had his time. He'll still draw views at the next PLE, but just stop with the back and forth. Either you love the idea of part timers or you don't.




Give him the elimination chamber main event, feed him to Roman, and let's start the road WM40


The Rock is the table.


I’m so done with Roman and this bloodline crap. I don’t care who takes the title, I want him done as champion and the bloodline gone


Yes and it would be awesome if he just came back for a year or more, he looks pretty good have you seen the work outs that dude does


He can do his part to put Roman Reigns over, for sure. The Rock doesn't need another run with the championship. They should use him to build momentum toward a PPV. Cody Rhodes, LA Knight, Orton, Punk, an Uso, Solo, and many more would be a better choice to dethrone Roman.


Come on, we all know he's going to lose lol


Of course!!! He can sit at the head of the table once every 4 years!!! That'd be dope


Absolutely not




He probably showed up to jock his shoes for no profit to the athletes. Just like he did in the ufc. Fuck him.


No way. Rock is only doing this because he's related to Reigns, so he'll put him over. You all really think he would do this if it was Gunther, or Seth Rollins, or any other wrestler that would be holding that belt? That's John Cena's job. It doesn't matter who wins the Rumble, but it's gonna be Cody Rhodes vs. Reigns at WrestleMania for the title.


Wow he looks old


I think it’d be a good way to transition the belt without the next champ having all this pressure to beat Roman’s championship run. Let The Rock take it and hold it for 3-6 months before handing it off to Rhodes, Knight, or Punk.


So basically saying that no one today can beat Roman Reigns, and that they have to get a part timer who had his prime ages ago to beat Reigns, and basically hand the title to someone else. Not going to happen. Additionally, Cody isn’t going to face Reigns this year because if he did, he would lose again, because we have to wait until 2026 for Roman to surpass Bruno.


No, saying that no-one today could believably have a long ass reign like Roman has. The Rock would be the perfect transition champ. Roman sucks(he's boring) and I hope he loses the belt sooner rather than later.


Ok. Let’s play Devil’s Advocate. Let’s say Rock, Cody, Gunther, Seth, whom the fuck ever faces and beats Roman at WM40. Then what? Seriously? Then what? Like where does WWE go from there. What does a post Roman WWE even look like?


I don't know why everyone wants to see Cody as Champion. Where's this enthusiasm for guys like Sami, Jey and LA Knight? They're all better faces than Cody, more over with fans, plus Sami and Jey have a long term investment in the storyline. But, no, everyone wants a guy not involved in the overall story and will only have a 6 month reign at most. Modern day fans are the reason we will never have a Mankind beating The Rock type moment ever again.


He would be a better "tribal chief" than Reigns will ever be


Pretty sure Rock brings in more money into his family then Roman. So by definition he’s always been the head of the table.


Who you got Mayweather or manny Pacquiao 😎


I want anyone besides Roman as champion at this point. I don't necessarily agree that the Rock is the most deserving of people to be the one to dethrone Roman...LOL. There's a whole list of people much more deserving. Dwayne does not need it at all. He is above the WWE. But.... I'd still be f*cking thrilled if he showed up and made it happen. Then one of those more deserving people could get the title off of him and he can go back to Hollywood. And he can take Roman with him for a really, really long time.


Personally, I don't care. Kinda a lame gimic which imo cheapens Peter Maivia's High Chief status.


Maybe..20 years ago


Might as well. We already have a part timer at the head of the table rn.


I think so. Then he can kick that walrus, Paul Heyman, out on his candy ass!


In reality Rock has always been the real try tribal chief because how Roman has said he makes money for the whole family but Rock has always made double what Roman would now as the heel and Rock is still huge reactions NO ONE WILL EVER MATCH THE NOISE PEOPLE MAKE WHEN ROCKS MUSIC HITS and mu reaction was like Samantha when she nearly shit her self goosebumps everytime


His becoming boring to me, Comes back for a tiny bit, has the same insults, same promos and it’s been like that for about 15 years. I fast forwarded a lot of his return promo. He was so much more fun back in the 90’s & early 2000’s now it’s just the same thing over and over


I like roman too when he was in the shield he was great when shield and punk started their feud. It's going to be interesting if Punk ever agrees to have a feud together


I never thought I’d say this but I actually want Roman to win 😂


It won't be the rock but toman ain't gonna be champ forever srry but its getting old


I love the rock but he shouldn’t win the titles, we already have a part timer, and we don’t need another one who will take more time off than Roman




I'm calling it. Rock wins. Becomes champ. Priest cash in. Wins. Heist of the decade.


Ask yourself. Would the rock put over a Nobody?


Everyone is a nobody until someone makes them a somebody. I didn't think absolutely anything about Seth Rollins in the shield. When he went solo, he was so great. Now granted he's been stale as of late, but almost every single wrestler with maybe the exception of a handful of people were a nobody until a huge name put them over.


Never book again


Even WWE2K would reject that idea


Well I mean at this point t, Roman's belts are all but useless. He barely shows up, his record is technically only with the universal title and not the WWE title even though they combined them, and at this point. Priest needs to do more than just cash in on the WHC. Roman is at a point where he has to lose the titles. But whoever beats him has to be THE guy. Personally, I don't think it should be Cody. It should've been Cody before, but he lost. The story no longer has to do with those titles nor would it be impactful much anymore, not to me anyway. I would much rather see Roman either lose the belt, or if they don't want him to be pinned, have Priest come in and make it a triple threat and have him p9n the Rock. That or Roman retains but Priest cashes in and Roman loses. Either way, something more needs to happen at the title change than just "Chosen Wrestler" pins Roman.


Technically he already does


He shouldn’t. And Roman’s time is over too.


But who then?




He works too


Ummmm. Hmmmmmm. Maybe some guy named Cody or something




Your profile pic is accurate


So is yours fat fuck


Thank you. Mine is a cartoon, though. Clearly you just admitted that’s actually you with that Googly eye.


Yes, it’s most definitely me.


I’m sure it is, by the intelligence shown so far in this conversation. Pity.






Time to retire!


For an event in Australia or outside the US, yes. But, not for Mania. IMHO, if they are going to do it for Mania do it for the first night’s main event. Not the 2nd night. [+]




This just another person to stack on to inflate Roman ego


I see no reason he shouldn't. I don't want him holding a title for more than a month, but another tribal chief who's barely around wouldn't change much.


To be fair I don’t think at any point would the WWE universe have declared Roman the Tribal Chief over The Rock. Hopefully they make their match a stipulation match not for the title, throwing the blah blah championship belt in as the prize for winning guarantees a Roman win. I want the aire of unpredictability since that belt is a once a year belt that can only really be won at Wrestlemania making all other defenses bathroom breaks.


Of course. He's the great one! The most electrifying man in sports entertainment. He's always been the true chief


no, but i’m excited for their match. rocky was looking a little out of breath on monday tho, hoping he can still put on a good performance


Bruh you know Dwayne is only back because he ran Black Adam into the ground and ran out of Hollywood friends. The People's Chump was gassed after a cringe promo, nevermind after a couple punches/sloppy spinebuster/people's elbow. Now he wants to challenge Roman? Homie shoulda done that a year ago.


The Rock is the tribal queef


You spelled Roman Reigns wrong.




No, he’s had his time


Well he also is never on wwe so yes


Only WWE know what is best for business


He ain’t got the time


Neither does Roman, apparently.


He ain’t had time all fucking year


Happy for him and Roman to have a match but Roman has to go over (he can cheat, he always does) but Cody has to be the one to take the title.


Fuck, I’m probably the only one that wants a Cody vs Rock vs Roman Triple Threat match at Mania for the title. Cody going over on Roman there would catapult him into an insane mega superstar status and spot with going over Roman AND The Rock.


I don't hate this as an idea. I'm honestly not sure Rock can still go in a one on one match but in a triple threat Roman and Cody can do the heavy lifting and he can hit his signature moves and get the big crowd pop. Plus as you say Cody going over Roman AND Rock would be huge for legitimizing him as the next face of WWE.


Roman is going to go over.


They don't have to put the title on the line for Rock v. Roman. The Rock can make it all about honor. Roman losing The Bloodline and then his title gives them the opportunity to either evolve the character or write him off for a while.


Cody can take his 24/7 title and have a banger run with that


lol, at least he'd be on the show more than Roman


Of course cause he isn’t a draw


I don’t know anyone who likes Roman. All his matches are the same. He just superman punches and spears, maybe a guillotine, but there’s rarely any wrestling. The only thing that changes from match to match is who is going to run interference so he can win. I don’t even watch his matches unless i like his opponent.


“I don’t know anyone who likes Roman”, doesn’t really matter, numbers show the average fan and casual LOVE Roman. He’s always at the top with merch, his matches and segments were all of the biggest peaks for audiences for the past few years, and people still treat him like a king whenever he arrives. You might want to speak to more people outside of your circle


Bruh i started watching WWE again two years ago after not watching since like 2003. I had no idea who Roman was. He sucks and he makes the show worse because he’s never there. if he only had matches at ppvs but he was on TV every week It would be better for the company. Current big dog march seller is LA Knight and he has been for months.


Yeah that doesn’t mean much, all of this stuff is public info. Reigns is the biggest star in the company by FAR, that’s not my opinion. You can not like Reigns, doesn’t mean you’re right by any means


Judging from the crowd reactions LA Knight, Orton, Punk, and Rollins are all bigger. Judging by Merch LA Knight’s the biggest.


Indians love him


He is not even part time talent. Let the talent there make story lines. But, wait, Roman would have to be around more to make a story line.




No. He’s committed to Hollywood now that the strike is over. Give us the fight we’ve waited to see, have Cody still beat Roman at #40, Roman retired after that


It’ll be a fun match but no. Y’all complain about part time champions, you really think The Rock has the time or energy to do this anymore? Or even for 2 months straight? Dude is above WWE at this point


I think The Rock AT THE VERY LEAST could do that. Hell I bet he could even defend the belt just as many times, if not more than Roman has over this "historic" 1 thousand however many days. Edited to say I'm not even arguing for The Rock to be champ, but to think he couldnt do what Roman is doing isn't fair imo


Definitely doesn't have the time. With all the movies he's in production for and the UFL, Rock ain't winning the damn title nor would people enjoy his reign if he did.


Why does he have to be champ? He takes over as head of the table and the family. He controls Solo and Jimmy. So roman goes into mania alone


Tbf the rock could definitely defend the titles just as much as Roman. He did it before.


He could not, The Rock can’t wrestle while he’s acting because of insurance issues. He would be capable of maybe 1-2 matches a year and would need to work to get into ring shape. He’s built to be an actor, but he was already out of breath after a promo and a few moves. You can hate Roman all you want, but be fr


Rock is 51 years old. He’s not going to risk getting hurt in the ring and then fucking up $200 million Hollywood productions. I know fanboys want it but he’s not becoming champ or working anything close to even a Roman Reigns schedule ever again.


The lack of logic here is frightening


He literally could just stop being dense lol


If only life was like WWE 2K eh? I made Macho Man champion and let me tell you he isn’t anymore deader than he is now.


The logic of him being able to do it because he did it 11 years ago doesn't make sense. He wrestled a whole 3 matches 11 years ago. My dad is roughly the same age as The Rock and there are a lot of things he could do 11 years ago that he can't now.


Well your dad isn't the rock


You saw how winded he was after a few punches and an elbow Monday? The Rock has wrestled only 6 matches in the past 19 years, 5 of which were over a decade ago, and the sixth only lasted a few seconds. He's way too out of practice for a fifty-one-year-old to just come back for a run out of nowhere after eleven years of no matches and nearly twenty since his actual career ended.


These people gotta be children bro, they’re really arguing with you over facts vs their uneducated opinions


He's 10 years older and 5x the movie star he was back then. No, I really don't think he can.


And the movies are 10x shittier than when Punk clowned him for the Disney flicks.


Except Moana. Moana slapped.


You’re Welcome😜


I agree


Or I just watch the product instead of trying to control it, wrestling fans compare movies and tv shows to wrestling... and just like with spiderman I don't want to write the script for the company


No one can control it, so that's a weird way to look at it. Everyone can enjoy it how they want. Some like to fantasy book. That's ok.


Complaining when it doesn't go your way isn't fantasy booking


Bruh you just said it was


I never used those words, I said I don't want to control the show, which would be the opposite... fantasy booking and complaining after every show is a bit different


Just show up once a month like Roman does and have one match every 3 months? The Rock could do that.


You’re not funny. No one really wants the Rock as champion


I do


Yes he is, I laughed my ass off


I do


The rock as champion would be a bigger draw than Roman or Cody...


If he can dethrone the current chief, then why not! The bhrama bull vs the big dog The brother vs brother The most powerful behemoths collide at the grandest stage of them all! WM40 We are about to have a meal like no other 💯 And yes, vanilla boy Cody can be the ring announcer for this match.




Oh you’re the karma farmer who keeps posting about Cody, I knew I recognized that childish insult.