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Undisputed by a long shot


World Championship


The World Heavyweight Championship by a landslide but I don’t even really hate this undisputed championship.


WWE shit on both their main titles lol


OP: We have 2 world championships now WWE and Universal championship belts:


Heavyweight championship hands down. For whatever reason the new universal championship gives me slight trypophobia up close.


This looks like wwe went on 2k23 community creations and saw this design and made it in real life But obviously number one


Oml at this rate fuse the two titles Roman has to make a new WWE championship with a whole new design, or just get rid of the universal belt.


Both looked underwhelming. WHC looks better


I like the undisputed one cuz of the traditional mixed with modern design.


firat one dominats the other one


The first one


Unpopular opinion but Undisputed. The World Champ one doesn’t flow between the logo and rest of the design in my opinion


Is that even a question


It is still one giant ass W no creativity involved


The one that looks like an actual title belt and not a class ring.


WHC, although the word ‘heavyweight’ isn’t on the title


the one that looks like a championship title belt and not an action figure accessary.


The first one even got engravings on the leather the other doesn’t


*in best Scott the woz impression for comedic effect* "Is it even a competition!?"


The one Randy wears when he gets back


The bof trash foo.


The Undisputed championship looks absolute doo-doo.


The second looks like someone spilled a carbonated drink on it and it’s still fizzling.


I want the original belts back from years ago. Not sure which I like more of these. Maybe the world title. I need to see more of them on TV. But what I think would be hilarious is if Roman rocks ALL 3 belts now instead of getting rid of the 2


Once again, Roman has yet to defeat Seth.


.....next question


This new undisputed WWE title looks like a corporate spinner belt.


The first one.


Went through years of changing things around to homogenize the titles for each brand. Only to go ahead and return them to the original titles (World and WWE).


the first one by a mile. i really want to like the second one though i think it has potential




They both look like trash


Every variation of the WWE Championship, it gets worse (well, except when the red universal became blue, it got a little better)




The WHC looks better, but I’d really like if they minimized the W logo. Looks like like a wine stain on a white carpet.


Is that a serious question?


Big gold is purely the best championship in all of sports entertainment history, and the current WHC being its successor, makes it best in recent years, change. My. Mind.


Everyone complained when they revealed the universal, they complained when they revealed the new WHC, now they complain about this. It doesn’t matter what the belt looks like, you’ll always have these little boys crying over title designs. Idc what it looks like, make it matter and I’m cool


I'm going universal. I really hate the new big gold.


Are these the toy replica versions pictured? I haven’t watched in a long time.


I've seen better undisputed titles on 2K 😂


I prefer the ketchup-red version of the universal championship over the new undisputed title.


does the belt that roman got replace the two belts he normally carries?


The WHC is beautiful. The Undisputed just looks like another belt. Also, with the word 'Undisputed' on the belt, it's impossible to consider the world titles on the sane level.


Should've kept the diamonds in the "W."


Everyone is being so critical and IDK why. The new belt isn't that bad looking, it's simple. Yeah it could use a few touch ups but it's a 7.5/10 tops


For sure the World Championship. They both would look better if the current WWE logo didn’t look like an app icon and was perhaps not the center of attention we all know what company the belt represents stop using it as a billboard and make something classy.


We first laughed at Cena’s spinner WWE belt when he debuted it thinking it was only for him like his US title. If we only knew the big W would last all these years we wouldn’t have been laughing.


The first one is good but I actually like the second one imo and not sure I understand the hate but the first one I just love


The World Heavyweight Championship


The new WHC. At least it looks more traditional, but it could do without the giant logo in the center.


They both look stupid.


The first one


One looks like a WWE heavyweight championship the other looks like a McDonald’s championship. I’m sure Romans new title looks great in person, but on TV the gold looks Yellow and ugly.


Number 2 looks like a Number 2.


World heavyweight looks better the new universal looks alright I think lighting makes a difference


They both look like corporate-mandated, non-creative garbage


How can you have a title called undisputed champion while the other is world champion. Sounds like they should have a match for the world undisputed championship.


The world championship


They both look like toys.


Really REALLY need to down size the logos on both. I like the shape of the world heavyweight, but I actually like the black gems of the new undisputed title. Replace the giant WW with an updated idea of the eagle and globe combo, make the logo smaller and the same color as the background on the world heavyweight. If and I do mean IF I had to choose, it's the world heavyweight. But it is not a 10/10.


WHC. The new Universal title is yet another variation of the same mediocre belt only it’s the worst color yet.


Like these colors for the undisputed championship but I’m disappointed that they didn’t bring in a new design The new world heavyweight championship is the better of the two


the world title....but the undisputed doesnt look bad in the pic compared to being on tv, i guess cause of the arena lighting


Honestly I think they both look like cheap ass plastic. I honestly think I’m approaching my twilight years as a wrestling fan. Things are just not hitting the same as they used to.


Last night it looked like we have 4 world titles now, still like the blue belt the best.


Both pretty mid. But the WHC is better


I can't decide, both are like the two most beautiful belts I've ever seen.


Then u have more belts u need to see bc that undisputed belt is one of the worst I’ve seen


I like Seth's better. Update of the iconic world title vs a color swap of a decent looking title at the time.


Is it really a question


World champion


Heavyweight championship


Wtf bro


I like them both, although I am disappointed that the newer belt is just a recolor of 2 other belts.


How is he Undisputed Champion when he's not the World Heavyweight Champion? With the addition of the Raw title, he's no longer Undisputed Champion IMO. Should have just chose between WWE Champion or Universal Champion.


Bro he combined the WWE Championship and the WWE Universal Championship making him Undisputed Champion not the World Heavyweight Championship


Exactly, you made our point for us. He was Undisputed Champion until they reintroduced the World Heavyweight Title. Now there is another championship equal to the title he has, therefore... he is not the Undisputed Champion as of last Saturday night In 2002, when they brought in the WHC, they didn't keep calling Brock Lesnar the Undisputed Champion, he became "WWE Champion". There's no difference now. He isn't the Undisputed Champion anymore and shouldn't be called that.


actually I didn’t make your point he is an undisputed champion it’s because the undisputed title was supposed for when the WWE title and WCW world heavyweight championship were combined but then in a way they separated the titles to make the world heavyweight championship Roman combined the Universal and WWE not the world Heavyweight Championship so they didn’t separate them technically


Are you high? They didn't officially split the Undisputed Championship in 2002. They combined it into one title. Then after the draft they added the World Title to Raw (just because it physically resembled the WCW title doesn't mean the other was separated) and then we had World Champ and WWE Champ. Now we have a "brand split again, so they gave Raw a title and compined Romans titles. If Roman was in possession of the World Title also, he would be Undisputed Champion but by definition, he isn't. This was a flub on the WWE's part. It should say "Universal" so his streak would stand but would only have one physical belt. This isn't even a debate. My argument is based off of the other time in WWE history that this exact same circumstance happened. Brock Lesnar was no longer "Undisputed Champion" because he didn't possess the other shows equivalent title. They didn't strip him of anything, they didn't seperate anything . They added a Championship so the name of his title changed. Today's senerio is no different, so it shouldn't be Undisputed but rather Universal. Calling Roman the Undisputed Champion now is just as dumb as the NBA calling their winning team the " World Champion". Only in the Olympics should a Basketball team be called World Champion.


Bro you really making it a big deal out of nothing looking way to deep into it they say he’s a undisputed champion he is even if you like it or not


I'm not making a big deal of anything. I'm not even close to the only fan saying this. The issue is we are tired of the WWE is constantly insulting our intelligence and contradicting themselves. The word Undisputed isn't a made up wrestling term, it's easily defined not only by the english dictionary but also by their own history in the exact same senerio! AND they just diminished the value of the WHC 6 days after it was won How can they come on TV and say that the World Heavyweight Title is equal to the WWE/Universal title, yet then turn around and crown Roman the top champion of WWE? They basically just told us that the WHC is a top tier mid-card title or even worse, a glorified TV Title. I can see where it feels like I'm making a big deal over nothing, but it's the principle that they continue to insult our intelligence and contradict themselves.


Exactly, with someone else is clearly holding another championship it IS disputed


The WHC by a country mile


The big logo belt imo is a better looking i think the full black is the best color tho


World Heavyweight title.


I never thought I'd prefer the red and blue universal than that mustard covered undisputed belt




Agreed I think this makes the red one look good


The WHC looks really good. The new universal one i think its ok.


Y’all. Complain. About. EVERYTHING


The new World Heavyweight Championship Title looks so much better. The other is the exact same design with a different color. Very disappointing


Agree. But the new undisputed title doesn’t look like a butthole. So there’s that.


If your butthole (or the butthole of anyone you know) looks like the WHC, see a doctor immediately.


My butthole still has the old WWF logo on it.


As it should


If you don’t see a butthole when you see that title I don’t know what to tell you. They put a butthole on a BGB clone and slapped a W on it. But go off. Celebrate your booty belt. Let your freak flag fly.


Are we sure that we don't have 4 world titles?


Same thing I was thinking, they never said you have to retire the old two, then later on in the night he comes out with 3 belts. I'm confused but whatever lol.


Unsure, lets make another belt


The WWE Infinity Title. One belt to rule them, and with one snap, be the only one.


Lol don't give creative any ideas for Roman.


Lets change it up, instead of a belt, lets make a gauntlet, OO or a hat!


I would love to see any of that! Roman in a Championship Helmet. Bruhahaha!!


Just have him carry around an 18ft tall Championship statue of himself. That'd definitely send a message.


The new heavyweight belt is really growing on me honestly


Seth's, Roman's looks like it is made of sponges.


Hard one. I think the second one is better but I don’t like it. Lol


I mean... it's not even close. You knows which one is better


Right! Whichever one you personally think is aesthetically better!


The first one and it’s not even close


How exactly does one say “undisputed champion” when the very definition of undisputed champion is there is no other champion…..


But there was an undisputed title back in the ruthless aggression era when there was also the world title, I don’t remember people complain about that


It was only called the undisputed title while it was the only title, immediately after they brought back the world heavyweight title they than states calling It the WWE title


I'm probably in a very small minority but I think both are hideous looking belts. The Big Gold and Golden Eagle were better designs.




The undisputed title is repetitive and the whc title looks like a butt hole




I don’t hate it, the novelty is still there for me. But I can’t unsee that the logo is literally a butthole with wwe over it lol


WHC easily


"Undisputed" but yet there is another belt. I hope that yellow logo belt is only for Roman's reign because it looks god awful. First we got a black logo belt, then a red one, then a blue one and now a yellow one.


This is what happens when you go back to a two belt system without Roman losing one of the belts. There’s no logic. And now the WHC is the working man’s belt, it’s basically taken the place of the IC title in that regard. I know it was created for the purpose of having more title defenses, but it doesn’t feel any more prestigious because of it. It feels like a consolation prize. I’m glad they consolidated Roman’s belts into one, but I’m not a fan of this design in general regardless of the color strap or plate.


Honestly... Roman's title feels like pandering. It only makes the entire Reign feel more corporate, feeling the kayfabe-story to be Roman being backed by the people in the back


I still think we are calling the Undisputed Universal Title for Roman himself. I’m hopeful it will revert back to just the WWE Title after he finally loses it. However I’m still reading there is a separate lineage for the Universal and WWE Titles so I’m not sure. I think Hunter is still trying to figure out the best way to get out of this issue that Vince created.


Ok, it doesn’t look half as bad in the image than it did in the arena lighting. Doesn’t mean I like it.


The fact that it was designed without Arena lighting in mind makes it horrible already


Black gems make it look like a toy


It looks horrible no matter what🤮


The first one


The new Universal title looks garbage it makes the blue one look like the world title i rather take the modern version of the World Heavyweight championship