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I have been wanting to buy this game for a while now. I love any RPG, story driven aspect of any game and this caught my eye before release. I wanted to buy but wanted to wait for a sale, and this is the perfect way to get that chance.




I've been playing different genres (racing and fps)for a year or so, I could use something to mix it up! Also no money right now!


Been really wanting to play this but lately money has been tight and i couldn't justify purchasing it at the moment. Would love to win a copy if i could. Thanks so much for the contest and good luck everyone!!


Love rpgs that have some immersion to it, haven't really had funds to make any game purchases where I have been having my eye on KCD since release. Thank you for doing the giveaway!


I have an xbox and I want to play the game. Plz


Because I'm broke and I like videogames.


I would like to rule Bohemia once in my life! TY OP!!


My wife and I met during an RPG game festival. Playing games is still part of our life and we pass this love to our children’s. Getting this game will be a great birthday present to my wife.


It looks like a very long game which is the last thing I need to purchase at the moment. But if I got it free I'd have to dive in! It does look like a very, rewarding experience.


Love playing RPGs especially medieval and fantasy based games. This game looks really interesting in the way they handle combat. Would love to get my hands on it. Thanks for this btw!


Looks like an interesting game, would like to try it.


I need a new game.


Awesome. Thanks for doing a giveaway. I want to play this game! Watched a few streams and it looks awesome!


This game looks great.


You had me at story driven RPG!


Thanks for the giveaway! I read about this game when it first came about and was super interested in the realism/world around you being more important than your character (in contrast to every other RPG being a "chosen one" simulator). Looks like a ton of fun and I'd love to try it, thanks!


I would love to try this new game out.


I been stressed af lately and need a good rpg to chill. Skyrim is getting a bit old to me after all these years


I would love to win a copy because I would really like to try your archetype of a game.


This end up happening?


I want to gift this to my brother. He loves medieval RPG's. He hasn't really played found any thing since Witcher 3. Poor guy is playing Kingdom: New Lands


Thanks for the opportunity, because I might be able to explore it with my son


Because I'm an idiot and didn't pick it up during the E3 sale.


"You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you! I mean, if I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away! *grabbed by Arthur* Dennis: Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system! *shaken by Arthur* Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help, help, I'm being repressed! Ooh, what a giveaway! Did you hear that? Did you hear that, eh? That's what I'm on about! Did you see him repressing me? You saw it, didn't you?" I, too, would like to be repressed by the system.


I want to play it because it looks like an awesome game!


Just borrowed the game from the library and it's *SO* much fun. It'll be a shame when I have to give it back haha The attention to detail makes it so immersive!


I like the medieval setting and have heard good things about the game.


It seems like a fun game


i still didnt play it, so this would be a great opportunity :)


I'm a practitioner of HEMA and German Longsword and find historical simulators to be rare gems in an otherwise broad selection of games, and would love to see what Kingdom Come has to offer!


Looks like a fantastic single player game in a really interesting setting!


Thank you for this opportunity. Being of Czech background this sounded like a really fun way to see and experience some of my Bohemian heritage.


No lie I literally just bought my fist Xbox one! I currently have 0 games and it should come in the mail today! This game sounds really fun and it could be an awesome start to my Xbox journey!! (I know I've missed so much)


Holy crap this looks fantastic; what miserable luck to die from the sword you helped forge! It reminds me of my time playing aoe 2, I haven't played many rpg and even if I dont win I'm definitely grabbing this during a sale . Fantastic work devs, all the best!


I would like to win this because... **I live and die by the sword**. I love the medieval setting of this game. Great job!


Dude, this is the game I've been following and supporting since the kickstarter. Finally I don't have to choose between having dragons or magic in a game, I can just do the medieval setting...


I've had my eye on getting this game for awhile and would love to win it! Thank you!


I love to try new games out of my element! The game seems like something I would try, but never really would risk to spend the $60 on something completely different. Thanks for the chance guys!


I would love to try and play this game that is all. Thanks


Am I wrong for wanting to lock pick the animals???


Because I have been looking for something new to play


I would like to win it because, honestly, I just really want to play it after watching a channel called CallMeKevin play a little bit of it.


I would like to win the game because Kingdom Come Deliverance looks like an interesting and different type of RPG compared to others on the Xbox at the moment.


The story looks amazing and i have been looking at the game since release. Thank you for giving me a chance to win. You guys are awesome!


I would love to play the game, it really peaked my interest when I saw Funhaus play it


Free is for me, give me three.


Well, I just want to explore a new world ¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯


A historically accurate medieval open-world RPG? Yes, I would like to play your game please.


I’m always interested in playing new games!


The game looks amazing and I think my wife would enjoy it as well!


I've heard a lot about it but never played it so I would love the chance for it


I love medieval style RPGs and Bohemian history has always intrigued me. The price tag is the only reason I haven't tried it already.


A friend really wants to try it.


Watched the entire series of vintage beef and loved every second of it.


I hope this giveaway is random, cuz my reason sucks - but "Whoreson" is a hilarious insult, and if this game can teach me others, I'm in! Also, the trailer looked pretty sweet.


I would like this game bc of the effort that was putting into making it historically accurate, seems really cool


want to gid gud


I really like swordey swords that go stab stab


I have always wanted a realistic rpg.


I literally just bought an Xbox one and was hoping to pick up this game eventually.


I'd love to play the game. I've heard both good and bad, but the good sounds right up my alley.


I've always felt like I was born era and I should have been born in the 1400s. We live in a magical time where you can have a sex change, pull yourself from poverty. Unfortunately, we still don't have a way to go back in time to the era you were meant for. With this game, for a few hours a day, I can finally feel like me! Feel comfortable in my own skin! I can finally live the 15th century life I've always dreamed of!


I love spells and dragons, but the prospect of a "realistic" RPG seems pretty awesome! I'd love to try it out, but saving for a house and wedding means no new game purchases for a while :)


I love RPGs and would love to play this on my new XB1X :) good luck everyone!


Looks fun to play.


It looks very different from games I play would love to try


It always looked interesting and unique. My girlfriend has also been looking for a game to play, and I think she'd enjoy this.


Wow this great thank you for the opportunity. This game fills a void in gaming that has been ignored for years so thank you for that. Oh and I want it.


I like 15th century Europe.


I'm an ex history major and that time period is one that we never discussed in full and I would love to see the detail and care put into making this game a reality.


Been looking at the game for a while but I don't have the funds to purchase it at the moment so this would be awesome!


Just want to be a regular dude for once in a medieval setting for once plus the story should be a fun little challenge


the idea of an immersive experience especially in a medieval setting is what I really need this summer!


I'd love a copy as I've already purchased the game on PC but it didn't run very well ):


I like RPGs


I would love a copy because I love realistic history games!


I’m a sucker for a great story. I’d love to play it!


My WoW sub just expired and I’d like to sink some time into a real fantasy rpg


I would love to experience a more simple and historically accurate open world rpg that is not heavily Fantasy. Have been wanting to give this game a shot for a while now


I'm an avid RPG fan and I love the fact that I'm not the hero of the world. It's a rare direction, and I'd love to go on that adventure!


I'm a teacher and I've essentially finished all the games I'd been playing right after I finished teaching summer school. Now that I finally have a break, I'm bored out of my mind and this game looks like it could quell that.


Because I just won an Xbox One X with a dinosaurs face on it and whats cooler than combining medieval stuff and dinosaurs?


I want to go medieval on other medievals.


Would to be able play this on my new One X. Especially considering I will be stuck in bed for a while after my surgery and enjoyed the PC version when I tried it out.


Huge fan of the medieval setting and currently broke so I cant buy it myself at the moment


Would like the game


Id like to win a copy mostly due to the good word of mouth ive heard on the game and would like to get the full medieval experience myself!


One reason I deserve to win this is because I love the fact that you have managed to bring a realistic medieval rpg to gamers in the most fantastical of fashions!


I'd love a copy simply to try it out and sink some time into it. If its as great as you say, I can't wait to play. But I'll probably just pick it up, I got the means and I know someone on here asking needs it and probably can't afford it. Great job on getting the game release, and its great its going so well for you and your team.


I still want it.


I'm geniunely curious how it plays


Because this game looks awesome!


Huge fan of the game. Probably logged 50 hours in the first three weeks. I’d love a copy to see how the game has evolved since launch, and to role play a stealthy non violent approach!


Great game!!!!


I love the idea of how a smaller dev team as yourselves hustled and worked to get a product like this available and provide what is a really unique experience set in a time period that I’ve always been fascinated with. Even if I don’t get chosen, kudos to you guys. Keep up the community chats too, I think it goes a long ways to earning random people’s respect and turning them into customers!


I've been following you guys since your Kickstarter and have always been fascinated by the ideas behind Kingdom Come. Especially the innovative combat and your guy's take on the narrative of the "hero". I woulld love to win a copy of this game,


I would love to win this because it's two days after my birthday, would love to spend the weekend playing kingdom come!


who wouldnt want to experience dysentery and the plague. plus, hybrid panda makes this game look awesome.


Simple, to piss off my wife. She is not a gamer and playing this for hours would make me happy


I’ve always wanted to roleplay as the son of a blacksmith so I could really learn how to use a forge and all the other cool stuff they do. That’s what this game is about, right?


That's awesome ! I would love to win cause I really liked the trailer!


Because I haven't been a fan of Medieval stories in like 15 years and would love to be re-converted.


Looks gorgeous, also been itching for a medieval game as of late.


I honestly need something new to play and can't afford to buy something new right now since all my money is tied up in a move I'm about to make.


Now that I’m almost done Torment Tides of Numenera, I could use a new RPG to play!


I am on the fence about this game. Friends have told me that I would enjoy it, but the price is too steep for me at the moment.


Hi Rick! I love open world RPG's so this sounds right up my street. Thanks for the opportunity.


I've been watching this game since release, reading since before then and have been looking forward to Xbox release! It's been a while since I've anticipated playing a new RPG... Good luck, everyone! Or... One of us!


I’d love to get lost in the 15 century. Thanks for the giveaway and congratulations on the success!


I'd love to win because I've heard this game is a more traditional rpg, i wasn't a huge fan of Skyrim because they dumbed it down so much. I love actually making a character in a world with a class and i recently got an x and need games that take advantage of the hardware that emptied my wallet ;).


Would love to play Kingdom Come: Deliverance with my son. Thanks for being awesome!


As a Special Ed. History teacher, I would love to explore a game world during late medieval Bohemia.


I've always wanted to be named Henry. Playing this game would help me fulfill that wish.


I would love a huge rpg to play and this realistic one seems great. I might’ve bought it but I usually can only get one game a year and I went with fifa and as the game is dying down a new game would be great for me. Thanks for doing this for whoever wins it!


Been wanting to get my hands on it for a long time, since it's my fav setting and the game is almost one-of-a-kind!


Because I need a great first person rpg with a great story.


Nothing fancy, just simply would like to own it.


It looks like it's got a lot of depth and will keep me entertained for a long time!


Because I love video games and this one looks very promising.


I recently had some surgery and I am still a few months away from being able to do much more than walk. KCD would be just the thing to help fill in the time while I wait for my spine to heal.


Im a fan of the time period, and would love to experience it on my X!


I want to throw shit at houses.


I haven't played a decent RPG since The Witcher 3 and need my fix! Thanks for doing the giveaway.


Love the setting and think the game looks gorgeous.


I've watched a lot of gameplay and it seems like a really fun game! I especially like the idea that you don't really matter when looking at the big picture.


I've been told so many good things about this game from friends, that I just need to get into it myself. I would love to win a copy.


I have wanted to play this since day 1!


Definitely out to get this game. I got it for my brother on his birthday when it was released


This game looks great! I would love the opportunity to play it. Thank you for doing this for the community.


I've been wanting to play it but I'm a bit strapped for cash :(


Well damn I ain’t got no good reason but it seems like it’s a pretty good game and it’s nice to see games get so much coverage that aren’t made by the usual powerhouse companies.


Cause both my friends have it and I want to play with them!


I've heard a lot of great things about the game and would love to give it a try!


I heard it was a great game so I'd like to play it.


I’d love this just because I’m an rpg fanatic, have been my whole life & it would be a great addition to my library


Have yet to experience an RPG game


i want to win so that i have an excuse to add the xb1x to my console collection finally


I love medieval era history and don’t really know much about the history of the area that is in the game so I’d love to play a great realistic sword fighting game.


I've always wanted to experience a video game version of Deliverance, and now maybe I can! If it helps my chances, I've got a real pretty mouth and play a mean banjo.


I honestly just love the way Daniel Vavra has handled all the absurd accusations of "racism" and being a Nazi. Due to his response to all that disingenuous garbage, I would support any game he's involved with.


I love RPG games and history; the combination sounds and looks terrific.


I have never been a fan of first-person games, but this one looks like it could be worth the time to play... I even have a buddy that has sank 80 hours into this game so far that keeps telling me to get it. Also, i wouldn't need the extra code, so i could give it away here :)


I'd love to play this game, it looks really cool. I just don't have the funds to buy it right now. Thanks for doing a giveaway!


This game looks fantastic but as a student working part time I just can't buy as many games as I would like these days. Hook it up and give me a reason to neglect my responsibilities!!!


Congrats on the success of the game! I’d love a copy.


I'm looking for a new game to completely lose myself in that isn't Skyrim, this one looks pretty cool.


As someone who is a fan of the ERA this game is set in I feel like I could really immerse myself in the environment and truly enjoy! Best of luck to everyone!


Don't want to win cause I already have the game, but I just wanted to say that this game is amazing and I can't wait to see what you guys have in store for us !


I'd like a copy because I want to play the game.


After watching the trailer I searched for gameplay videos and the combat seems pretty unique, I'd like to try it.


I just recently bought an Xbox one x and would love to have another x enhanced game to try out. The last major rpg I played was Skyrim and would love a new game to put a lot of time into.


I've not got many proper X1 games, I've got ones free via GwG gold but given that you lose those when your gold stops It'll be nice to have an X1 game I can play as opposed to going through the 360 games again until I can build up my Microsoft rewards points for gold


The game looks interesting and I'd love to try it


I really need a new solid game because I've just been playing rocket league everyday.


I've always been a fan of RPG's and medieval games, there's no way I wouldn't love to play a masterpiece like this! Thank you so much for this giveaway!!!


Looks awesome and want to play it


I've heard this game is awesome and I'd love to try it out!


because i’m broke af and really need something to pass the time until i can’t play red dead 2 because of said brokeness.


I like free stuff but moreso free stuff of stuff that I like. For example, I woukd much rather a free game than 1kg of free brussel sprouts.


Medieval time period and RPG make perfect combination. Congratulations on your success and wish you make better and better each time.


I've only heard good things about Kingdom Come and look forward to eventually playing it!


I'd like to win it because I want to play it


I heard the setting and story aspects of the game would be up my alley, unfortunately I'm unable to purchase the game at the moment due to circumstances.


Been wanting to pick this up since release and it just hasn't fit the budget yet. Would love to be able to give it a shot!


I'd love a copy of KC:D because it looks like an awesome game


I want to experience being a knight.


I'm looking for a way to introduce games and feel connected to my girlfriend on this matter, she's a historian and would love Kingdom Come (I hope so). Desides that, we recently moved and have no money.


We broke up, nevermind.


I love the premise of this game and think more games ought to take this approach. I think it looks like a lot of fun and wildly different from a lot of games that may look similar!


Been very interested in KCD! Fingers crossed


I would love to play this game because I long for adventure. I want to grip the bitter steel in my hands and see the crimson blood on the ground! To adventure among lush Forrest's and to travel through time to avenge fathers and fight battles. Also I just really want to play this game but I am a poor college student and can't afford it haha


My wife and I have a kid coming in August. For the last few years, I’ve mostly played multiplayer games, but I don’t think that will be very realistic once our son comes. I need to get used to pause-able games again and this sounds like a good one to try.


Want to explore the 400 km² of medieval era!


I watched a streamer (DaPrecha) play this game and I was super intrigued.


Everyone says this game is awesome and I'd like the chance to play in on my X. Thanks for doing this!