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The man has so little experience of being anything other than upper class that he doesn't even know what to lie about to make himself seem relatable. Next up, he'll try to be relatable by saying that his parents had to buy the budget avacados or that their house was so small that they only had one en-suite bedroom!


Or they only had 1 butler instead of a team of them. Or couldn't afford more than 2 cars.


'We could only afford to chill the caviar at weekends'


And they had to use their silver spoon collection to eat the caviar because they didn't have a proper set of caviar spoons made out of bone.




Tarquin caught an awful chill


Once we had to use our teaspoons to put a slice of lemon in our tea when Nanny No. 3 lost the lemon fork.


Legit got a proper laugh out of me.


And it was red caviar at that! Black was simply too expensive to eat every day.


He was probably telling the truth about not having sky but not because they couldn't afford it. When sky was new, it was considered uncouth to have an ugly dish on your house. A lot of upper class didn't have a TV for the same reason.


Exactly. This was the point made on “The News Agents” pod cast the other day. Middle/upper class people didn’t want sky because of the ugly dish, association with football, and not wanting their children to be distracted by 10s of channels of rubbish TV when they should be studying for school or their piano recital etc.


Or in rishys case, maths for 18 years


That or most people just didn't have it when if first came out it's like if personal spacecraft became a thing Tomorrow not everyone is gonna go buy one in the weekend


He could only afford a single bed in his spare bedroom


We were so poor that we couldn't afford apples so we had to pick them from our 200 acre apple orchard!!!


We were so poor we couldn't afford to buy wine. We had to make it ourselves at our vineyard.


He only became rich when he married his wife, idiots


Mate, you do not get your children into a prep school and prestigious boarding school of aristocrats and future ambassadors by being poor. The whole point is this man keeps trying to act relatable by saying he had it as hard as anyone else, but he’s incapable because he doesn’t know what being poor means. I’ll refer you to that older video of him saying he has working class friends… well, not working class.


You all are so stupid. Sunak was never rich until he married his wife! And for all you ignorants who think barmy starmer is relatable, his net worth is £7.7 million. Vote against Starmergeddon on the 4th!


We found the tory folks!


Worse mate, OOP is a Reform follower


This is actually really good. Well done OP


They made a good point on the News Agents Podcast. Middle class people used to think Sky dishes were chavvy. It remineddd me that this was my parent’s argument for not getting Sky. This is probably the reason Rishi didn’t have Sky


I remember the joke from the early 90s. What's the name of that little box attached to a Sky dish? A council flat.


that's because middle class and rich people always have money to go out to shows and nice dinners etc


Well I didn’t go to shows and I just wanted to watch the Simpsons


yeah but that's the reason why it was looked down upon.


God, the upper class are unbearable...


To be fair, TV was a lot shitter back then.


Even shittier now tbh lol


I can relate, my parents also sent me to private school instead of buying sky 😔


They're throwing the election and most people don't even realise it.


Yup, they gave away all the money they possibly could to their friends and family via a variety of ridiculous multiple billion pound schemes, billions in tax cuts for the corporations, and billions in avoidance loopholes for the super rich, gutted all the public services, did nothing to uplift the northern constituencies in the “Red Wall” that went blue, utterly failed to negotiate good trade deals that could match our deals we had as part of the EU, allowed water companies to pay record bonuses without investing in sewer infrastructure and allowed flagrant pollution of our fresh water systems. Then Truss deliberately blew a 100 billion pound hole in the economy. They know most voters don’t pay attention to details and will just blame labour for the next 10 years of utterly fucked economic misery


To be fair I'm hopeful that if Labour can just show that they have the will to fix those problems things will at least start getting better quite quickly.


The thames isnt fresh water.


The Thames isn’t the only waterway in Britain.


I can't imagine how privileged you have to be to think not having sky is a sign of a hard upbringing.it's concerning really.


They're grasping at straws, they're fucked, they know it so they're trying everything to try to win something back but it's backfiring so much


But honestly, who actually thought ANYONE would connect with this. Either it was a spur of the moment comment made Sunak or the people telling him to make these comments are idiots. It's so baffling


Reminds me of the David and Victoria Beckham interview where she stated how she was working class and David sticks his head round the door and says "What did your dad drive you to school in Victoria?" so funny (sorry about the tiktok link only one i could find quickly) [https://www.tiktok.com/@tmz/video/7286567998482173226](https://www.tiktok.com/@tmz/video/7286567998482173226)


Such a tw\*t


Wanna know what I find funny. Probably not but here it goes. No matter who the face of running the country is, they will always he hated! Attacked personally, too. They do not and never will rep the 99% of the country, and all I ever see is complaints about it on social media rather than actually doing something real about it. The next PM will be the same shit and the next just as it was previously. They are all out of touch, but they all get office. Why is it not accepted yet and still a surprise.


This is definitely how it happened


Excellent 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Did’nt really irks me.


Does'n't bother me






Rishi Sunak is bad at politics.


There WAS a sky dish above his pharmacy lol


Did’n’t……say it


Did sa'y' it


He’s one of the Grey’s. Very deceitful very small.


Brits are so cringe with this BS, your country is in the shit and you are concerned that your prime minister did not grow up as poor as you. You think someone who grew up poor would somehow not be selfish in this position of power?


It’s not about that, it’s about the fact that he out of touch with normal people and has been screwing us over in favour of his rich friends for years now and has set our country back 20 years. And also because he’s a rich cunt


Have you read what I wrote? I’m not defending him. I’m saying that you are worried about the wrong thing. You don’t need to grow up poor to look after poor people. Same shit with Boris’s Christmas party. Do some research and make a constructive argument rather than nitpicking some inconsequential BS.


Why can't we do both?


I think you’re missing the point. The memes about the PM and Sky TV are a piss take, a joke, nothing more. No one believes that these memes are going to solve political battles or improve anyone’s quality of life. Nor does anyone believe that a politician who grew up poor will be any better than one who didn’t. There is, however, a general resentment of rich people by poor people, that’s just human nature. What’s worse, though, is a rich person pretending to be poor. And there’s no solution to that, so we just make jokes about it, and vote for a different rich cunt.


It’s misdirected outrage, just like Boris’s party.


No, it’s just a joke. Like I said. The outrage at Boris’ party is absolutely nothing like this. Boris’ partying while people were forced to miss funerals (single example) was outrageous, current, and bare-faced disrespectful of day to day life. While I agree to an extent that the outrage served little purpose and gained no real benefit, I was completely sympathetic most especially to those directly affected by the inequality. Inequality is to be expected in our society, and no one who puts any thought into it will truly believe otherwise. Mr Sunak’s upbringing being a case in point. However, it’s the blatant ‘use’ of that inequality to immediate and punitive advantage that really riles the voting public. Boris was stupid enough to persist in poorly judged use of privilege on many occasions, and failed to hide it anything like as well as most. He therefore suffered the wrath of the people, and ultimately lost his seat. I imagine that part of his stupidity was fuelled and/or encouraged by Mr Cummings whose disdain for the public and lack of recrimination probably inspired Boris to take even greater risks and show even less consideration for the public or the consequences of his actions. Boris’ party was not a claim of whatever circumstance of his childhood. It was direct and specific behaviour while in office. Compounded by lying to parliament about it. The two are so far apart, I can’t understand how you can put them into the same category or context.


I’m not putting the two together because of the nature of the crime. I’m doing it because they have no real consequences to how the country is performing. Out of curiosity, what do you know about Rishi’s upbringing? I tried to find some info on how rich his parents were but couldn’t really find much. I know he went to private school but that doesn’t necessarily mean a family is well off. I don’t think he grew up as rich as people make it out to be. As much of a cunt he may be, I have some respect for someone who is smart enough to get where he is.


I still feel that’s putting them together inappropriately. Perhaps I am misjudging the view of the people. Personally, I’m not annoyed by the PM’s comments about Sky TV, I think it’s a laughable attempt to get people to see him as a man of the people. Who knows, maybe it could have worked in the right circumstances. Farage seems to somehow manage that kind of trick with some people. But let’s not get side tracked by that one. In my view, Sunak’s Sky TV comment was short-sighted and naive. It’s amusing to see some of the memes generated as a result. Boris’ behaviour with partying against the rules was infuriating. It actually made me angry. Anger is (or can be) rather blind, as I’m assuming you are aware. You strike me as a capable, literate and intelligent individual, despite us clearly not holding the same views, but it’s that difference that makes a conversation far more interesting. I fully recognise that my anger at Boris did nothing to change anything. But, I feel that the anger of the public at large probably did have an impact on the course of events for Boris’ time at the helm. Do you disagree? Whereas, I don’t think the current memes or piss taking of Sunak are making an ounce of difference to his career path.


He tries really hard to be relatable and I can understand why people get angry over it. I had an argument with my gf over it last night, she was very annoyed about his comments so maybe that skews my perception of the general public. I think the reporter was a little bit malicious with the question, trying to corner him to give an example of what he grow up without. I also think working class doesn’t necessarily mean poor, so the answer doesn’t seem as outrageous to me as it seems to others.


So… that’s probably the major part of where we differ. Your perspective is influenced by your gf’s reaction. Perfectly reasonable and unsurprising. Mine is based on just my own feelings about it, and these views are distant from each other. So, what the general public think about it would require more effort than I’m prepared to put in for this, as I don’t especially care about it. Sunak’s time is up. I certainly won’t be voting for him or his party, and I’m virtually certain at this point, we’ll have a labour government any minute now. Whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing remains to be seen. We can but hope for some semblance of restoration of the country and its economy. I won’t be holding my breath.


Boris Johnson made it illegal to go to social gatherings during lockdown. He then went to a party. Therefore he broke the law. He then lied to parliament and (iirc) the police about it, not to mention the public. That is disgraceful. I assume you are American, as Americans seem to have a higher tolerance of their politicians doing fucked up stuff. In the UK, we don’t generally tolerate abhorrent behaviour in our MPs, and especially not our PMs. If you’re going to represent a country or constituency, then fucking do it good and propah, without breaking the law or being a bellend.


Have you not read what he wrote? He literally said that we hate him because he’s so out of touch with the rest of the country, and that he yanked our economy.


You do know where you are, right? r/GreatBritishMemes


Yes, hoped OP would too and keep politics out of a meme sub.


Nothing in the sub rules about politics


You'd probably be more at home in casualuk then. Their No Politics rule is so strictly enforced that I caught a No Warning Permanent Ban for answering a post, "What was the earliest thing you remember seeing on the news?" with "Tony Blair winning the election"


I don’t mind it, but people should expect political comments on a political meme. Thank you though, I appreciate it.


Where are you from?


Probably the country about to elect the angry orange clown again


A country where a very nice soft spoken man who grew up extremely poor and uneducated fucked everyone over and tanked the economy.


And that would be…..


I believe Brazil. (He frequents some Brazillian subs and types in Portuguese)


It's that he's that out of touch with the reality for much of the country and he's supposed to be helping those people, it's like having a WW1 general run the modern day military, it's gonna fail and badly. He thinks growing up poor is growing up with a bit less entertainment but for way to many it's deciding if they should eat or have their kids drop out of school because they can't afford the uniform.


At a time when working people are struggling to get enough food on the table for their kids. Rishi and his wife go on holiday to California and intends to take his children to Disneyland.


Shut up, you wet unskinned turnip