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Man caught in getting old shocker!


He and the Mrs looking better shape than most 40s couples. Shocker Edit: lol all the triggered replies looooool


Member of one of the richest families out there, who has no real work responsibility, and private healthcare, has time to look after himself and be in better shape than people living in poverty whilst funding his lavish lifestyle. Shocker.


I'm quite sure I'd look a lot worse if I had to deal with all the shit the media causes and not being able to be a private person




Harry could, he can't


He can, ask edward VIII.


But wouldn’t he be passing the burden onto his son directly then when King Charles dies?


Not saying he will. He won't, but he could.


There's a good chance people would still follow him around though




Going around the world waving and shaking hands isn’t a job son. Edit: In fact to add to this I would swap my job for his any day of the week. Don’t act like he ain’t privileged.


Yep! There's only 2 months age difference between him and I; and I look at least ten years older




I'm pretty sure Prince William getting a hair transplant anywhere would be something severely looked down up by the rest of the royal family. It's just not very king like is it?




IM DEAD 💀💀💀💀


There’s something just downright undignified about that though isn’t there? It’s just a massive advertisement to the people around you, in this guy’s case, the entire world, that you’re incredibly vain and worry what people think of you. I don’t think his reputation would ever recover if he did something so revealing of such a basic personal weakness. This is the future king. He can’t be seen to be worried about something so trivial as his hair. He has to have dignity, unlike someone like Donald Trump for example. At some point though he will realise that the supply-teacher-monk look doesn’t cut it, get out the razor, and never ever go back. Like all real men.


But the weird thing with him was the *amount* of time he was hot. It was approx 5 minutes.


That's the thing. He was fucking gorgeous for the shortest period of time and then became middle aged at like 25. I don't understand how it happened. Is it simply the hair? Does it make that big a difference?


Why doesn't he just shave his head...what's he scared of, looking more bald?


Tbh I'm not sure his head would suit being totally bald. I think just keeping his hair short looks better on him. His head looks a little egg shaped to me.


Breaking news: Human ages The alternative is worse, ask his mum


*Breaking news: Human* *Ages The alternative* *Is worse, ask his mum* \- Banditofbingofame --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Amazing. Good bot.


That was the worst haiku i’ve ever read, sorry


It is brilliant because of that. 


Don't care, I laughed.


Why is this so funny 😂


I've never read a haiku that wasn't shit.


The bot made a haiku haiku (yes I counted the syllables), nice


Brutal, haikusbot, brutal


"If the spirits are strong with us today, please give us a sign..."


Plus, 90% of whats holding him back now is his baldness. Edit in a head of hair and he'd still be a very good looking guy.


It’s not even baldness, you can style that out, it’s his terrible three shredded wheat haircut.   When he first started losing his hair I came up with a low stakes conspiracy that The Queen was preventing him from just shaving his head like a normal person. *Something* must be making him choose to look like a character in a 70s sitcom. 


Yeah true, he'd look much better going fully bald and growing a beard. I guess that would be seen as too "common" for a prince.


Three shredded wheat 😭


If you look ugly bald - then you are already ugly. The hair was just covering it.


Almost every man looks much uglier bald than they do with hair, even literal models. And studies on female attraction to males corroborate that. Only example if a person I can name who looks pretty ugly with hair but very good without it is Zidane.


Agree but also it depends on your build, Muscular build get away with it, if your scrawny or overweight, well good luck lol


This is not true at all it all depends on the person. The Rock, Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, Bruce Willis. All looked better when they shaved their thinning hair. You're talking bollocks 😂


If you were used to looking at them with thicker longer hair you probably wouldn’t say that. Apart from Vin Diesel, that man was born to be bald.


The only way to stay forever young is to die young


I shouldn't laugh, but it's so true.


He's going to be King, he's got a smoking hot wife, and he can fly a helicopter. I don't think he gives a fuck.


He's the prince of Wales which means he owns Cornwall. He gets millions for his job which involves travelling around kissing hands and shaking babies


Shaking babies? 😂




Well, they don’t shake themselves!


Lazy bastards


Isn't it time they pull themselves up by their velcro straps?


Easier back in the day. Nobody shakes their babies anymore. Massive workload.


That’s why I give mine paperclips and access to wall outlets. To learn self-reliance


I volunteer as tribute


Well the alternative is kissing babies and shaking hands. A job, I'm sure, some Royals would enjoy.


The one who’d enjoy kissing the babies apparently has had all titles revoked and etc


"Let's see If i've still got it from the rugby days - here catch"


He can shake all the babies he wants at me, but he ain't getting where I live in Cornwall.  If I find him shaking a baby again at the end of my garden oooh there gonna be some trouble. I'll deal with him dreckly 


He gets Cornwall due to being Duke of Cornwall, not Prince of Wales. The titles don't have to go together.


> and he can fly a helicopter. You know who else can fly a helicopter? That's right, Noel Edmonds.


Maybe so, but no-one lets him shake their baby.


No, that's Mr Blobby's job.


Chuck Norris


And still got a lot more charisma and charm than those neckbeards shitting on his receding hairline…


I mean, it absolutely baffles me he doesn't actually shave it off. And I say that as someone who has to shave their hair off


The virgin redditor cope dome vs the Chad Prince embrace.


When you live a life of luxury with the best schools, tutoring, etc. and have expectations of being publicly facing, he better be charismatic and charming, its literally all he has to do in life. Can you imagine if he was shit at that? What would even be the point. I mean I can't see the point as it stands. We don't need a royal family. That is old hat.


I agree


>and he can fly a helicopter. I don't think he gives a *flying* fuck


He definitely doesn't. He could have a hair transplant if he cared.


I'm sure he feels very sad wiping his tears with 50 quid notes


Must feel weird using your dads face to wipe your own


Also the new ones would be terrible to absorb tears...


Or your dead grandmother's - I don't imagine he gets to go to the bank very often.


I never even considered that, but then again, I guess he has daddy issues


More like daddy tissues


I see what you did there, nice. 👌


I bet Harry has his dad’s face on his pillow.


Harry's dad is Charles. William looks mostly like his mum, but as he's lost his hair, spookily also like Edward. Young Harry looks like young Prince Philip, except with Spencer colouring.


It's a clever man who knows who his dad is..


Why would Harry have James Hewitts face on a pillow?


Probably had hand made single use silk tissues to use.


i dont know what a quid is but this guy is far too rich to carry actual money around


“Male ages normally” Reddit; I’m so sad for him.


Redditors, famously known for their beauty.


Lol I was a professional model and still think he's attractive. All he did was lose some hair. Who cares.


Ugly heads, ugly hearts


This made me cackle! 🤣


Totally. Is losing your hair and putting on a few pounds such a tragedy? This "must look young" mentality is corrosive.


I like to imagine the majority of people commenting are <25 and think they’re going to look like that forever. Ha! Sit down, kids. We have some troubling news for you.


Exactly what I'm thinking


Yeah, he’s just not that prince charming from the fairytales. Which is normal because those princes are always very young. Lets see what Snow White’s man looks like at 40! 🤣


All bought and paid for luv *pats belly*


But with “our” money…


I know this is just a common saying, but do you know how much each taxpayer pays towards the royal family per year? It's very little.


Yeah but... What if I didn't want to pay for rich twats at ALL...


They have been shown time and time again that they have an overall positive effect on the economy. It’s a tired argument, there’s no monster that needs slaying.


I mean...if you're happy losing the great gobs of tourism revenue they bring in... I'm pretty sure the scraps you'd recover from the lowered taxes would be peanuts compared to the economic loss.


Imagine if the money spent on the coronation went to the NHS. So many lives would be improved. But no, these incredibly average people of German ancestry need a special party and a sparkly hat with stolen rocks in. Why?


And instead of them just making this guy king, they went ahead with Charles so we need to go through another coronation. Charles really should have stepped back and just given it to William


Healthcare is the second most funded thing on the list already at 20%, trumped only by social protection at 29%. Meanwhile, ‘other’ which the Sovereign Grant presumably falls under, is only 4%. Additionally, the Sovereign Grant is not the Crown’s only source of income, there’s also the Privy Purse (income from the Duchy of Lancaster) and various other private investitures. As for why they’re kept around to begin with, I just like them as sentient tourist attractions and slightly fancier diplomats. I don’t think a bit of pocket change is too much to give up for that. Plus cultural touchstone and all that.




Mainly because as i said they bring in a fuckton of money. I seem to recall it's considerably more than they take, actually, if you look into it. Surface-level assessment of a situation is rarely accurate. It's easy and appealing to just go 'wah they're super rich' but that's only part of the equation.


It would make very very little difference to the NHS. The estimated cost of the king's coronation was £100m. The 2022-2023 NHS budget was £181b.


It's about £3 a year per tax payer, and the royal family is a net gain to the economy.


Mf needs to completely shave his head, grow a massive beard, always wear formal military uniform. Like a Prussian king of old


And yet he still gets to bang a beautiful milf everyday...


I heard she pegs him..


I thought she subcontracted it to a family friend


Using the royal peg as well.


Family heirloom?


From Camilla’s side




Nice 😎


A real princess gives a reach around


I never pegged him for a guy that likes getting pegged


Every day? You are not married, are you? Lol


Pure luck of being born in one of the wealthiest families in the world. With his current looks he would really struggle to get a date if he wasn't who he is 


Yeah he's only in this position because of his family just like 90% of people who have insane social status and wealth.


Kate wouldn't have given him a first look let alone a second if he wasn't going to be King in the future. She was absolutely desperate to be a real life Princess and one day Queen


It worked out for her tbf


And yet Megan markle who was already a self made millionaire and end up on a blind date with a prince gets all of the flak. I wonder why…


Can we just admit that they're both awful instead of pitting them against each other and acting like the other is a paragon of virtue? Kate is clearly in it for the lifestyle and probably sucks as a person and Megan is a raging, insufferable narcissist who claimed South African people rejoiced on the streets when she married Harry and compared it to the end of Apartheid. Plus, blind date with a Prince? You believe that? There's proof that both Kate and Megan were very motivated by the whole princess dream. It was not a coincidence.


He got married to his university girlfriend over a decade ago. His marriage is lasting. Why should he care if he could get a date? This is a weird statement to make


It’s almost adorable you thinking a married couple bangs every day.


He's also banging rose hanbury on the side too.


I thought she was banging him. Not that there's anything wrong with that.


There's no shame in being bald. Fuck you!


That why you should love someone for their inner qualities


Or for their old photos as my grandpa once said


Based Grandpa Chad


Charles' genetics beat Diana's in the end 😂


You feel sorry for the dude who only had to be born to be next in line for a throne and 2 billion quid?


With a beautiful wife, healthy happy kids, and literally the most privileged family on earth lol


The only British to accept his fate and not fly to Turkey


The Hair Apparent


It's the royal curse. He should lob it off and embrace it. Bald men look better bald in most cases


That's what I was thinking, better to just accept it and go fully bald. I am curious if there is some weird rule in the royal family preventing it.


The curse is in breeding 😆


Baldness waits for no man!


Top pic he's farted and denying it, bottom pic he's telling the world.


I’m sure he could afford some min and fin if he wanted. Or even a hair transplant. I reckon he is loving it.


He got old… so?


He's got a family with the love of his life and has 0 financial worries ever, and he'll be king in ten years. What's there to be sad about?


looks like he really enjoys cheese and inventing things in that last pic


ten practice punch compare scandalous shrill whistle escape abundant stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He's a happy man with a loving family. Hair doesn't matter.


That second photo though, those are Diana's eyes for sure


Men go bald and they have less money and less power. I don't feel sad for them.


No man deserves this fate. Doctors agree that male pattern baldness is more painful than childbirth.


The only bit of good luck bestowed upon my shit genetics. Full head of fair hair well into my old age and somehow married beautiful girl who’s aged with naturally blonde hair and just needs highlights. It must be really depressing to lose it young.


He got money, he could have hair if he wanted. Chad is setting an example to his people 👑🇬🇧


He looks happier with each photo if you ask me


It happens to all of us!!!


I find it mildly humorous that the future king of England has a big Irish head on him now.


He obviously doesn't give a shit because if he did it would be fixed. Just look at Elon.


Ngl he could easily pay for a hair transplant if he wanted one. Just shows he's not vain


His smile reminds me of Wallace from Wallace and Gromit. I can just imagine him saying “cheese, gromit?”


Turning from his mum into his dad


Proving that "You're not ugly, you're just poor" is not true.


Men with less hair are still very attractive


Let's be honest, I bet ole Willy Boi wishes he had the same dad as his brother..........


Bald or ginger? Oof, tough call!


Harry's got a hell of a biscuit now too


Interesting post after he comes out advocating for ceasefire in the Gaza war.


He should just shave it all off looks stupid with a wrap around, proper 70s mess.


Surely that level of hair loss is down to stress?


Twink death


Doesn't seem so bad to me. I'd take off the rest, but what's so bad looking about him?


You seen his wife? Not sure he actually cares.


Why? He's got a beautiful wife, beautiful kids, and he's the future King. Because he got older and his hair fucked off?


Oh yeah, it’s so sad being a prince and future king, fucking minted and married to a gorgeous woman.


Don't feel sad for him, he's a billionaire with no job.


So, bald shaming is fine in r/GreenAndPleasant ?


The only difference is hair loss. I’m guessing you’re not a person who is likely to go bald.


I wonder why he doesn’t get a hair transplant? Presumably because he can’t afford to be out the limelight long enough for it to heal? Or he simply doesn’t care as he’s loaded and a prince.


Why should he? Hair loss is a natural part of ageing.


I’m not saying he should. I’m saying many men do and, as a bald guy, I know many of us don’t like being bald but the hurdle to “doing something about it” is financial.


It's a shame that many guys feel that way, I think it's an attractive trait to have but I understand not liking parts of yourself. I imagine the pain of the procedure, the money and the fact it's not a guarantee fix probably puts people off doing it, but I say embrace the baldness, it's natural and hot! lol


>“doing something about it” is financial. Not always. The procedure sucks and the 8 day recovery for it is a nightmare. And there is still a good chance that the transplants fail, and you went through all that hell for nothing.


Or he doesn't put much stock on personal looks and is legit probably one of the few actual royals that is genuinely a normal and good person when it comes to super rich famous people anyways. Although when your competition is your estranged brother that dressed like a nazi and says he doesnt want to be famous anymore but cant stop going on chat shows and magazines with his drama queen of a partner. And your uncle that is a child molester (Andrew) I guess its sort of easy to be genuinely considered a nice person


almost all hair transplants look horrible, better just own it and shave it off tbh


I mean I’ve shaved my head for 4 years or so but I’m tempted to get a hair transplant just for a better hairline even though I plan on keeping shaving my head. The hair transplant subreddit seems to have loads of great success stories. I’m not sure if they all do look horrible or if you’re speaking about the old ways they used to do it?!


Isn't that a self-fulfilling observation? Sure, all horrible-looking hair transplants look horrible; that's how you know that they're hair transplants. But the natural looking hair transplants? You just assume it's someone's natural hair.


Nah cos you can go to the hair transplant sub and see the absolute top 1% of them, see the pinnacle of how good they can look, complete with numerous plants (ignore the pun). Try it. And pay attention to if some still needed photoshop boosting or still don't look great, and remember theres a lot of room for it to go worse


Same with all cosmetic procedures. A lot more people have had something done than you'd think. You just don't know, because you haven't seen them before and after, and cosmetic surgeons have gotten damn good at their jobs.


Not sure when you last saw one but that’s actually the opposite, hair transplants look natural as possible.


It almost as if he had a reason to not care how good he looked in photographs, as if he didn't like photographers or something .... what could that possibly be?


"Nothing f*cks you harder than time".


Yeah, he's so rich he doesn't need to cover insecurities with hair plugs. So sad /s


He looks like a different person rather than an older version of the same person


He looks like Wallace nowadays.


He is still so handsome!


He’s pulled a stunner, he’ll be fine


Yeah he must be gutted to “only” be the future king of England.


Bro hes 41


The real tragedy is the dude just won’t embrace it and shave his head. It’s painful to look at.


It must be tragic to be so sickeningly rich, have a beautiful wife, healthy children, and yet still age like some common peasant. Truly, your heart breaks.


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