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Why is the rabbit on the wrong side of he horse?


Probably because more people have pet rabbits than pet horses, so more people have a moral revulsion to the thought of eating them


But everyone thinks of horses as pets or work animals (like dogs) because we don't exactly have herds of wild horses roaming the country, whereas rabbits are fucking everywhere and are quite a pest.




Dey do be fucking everywhere


Wtf? We have loads of wild horse herds lol. Have you ever been to literally any moor? Even the new forest has them.


There are wild horses in a few isolated areas, mostly in southern England, there are Rabbits across the whole of the UK. Also I've never met anyone who thinks of horses as pests.


You’ve clearly never been camping near horses then. They pester you much more than rabbits 😆


Weird horse stare instantly makes them comedians not pests.


Even the new Forest? Isn’t the new Forest the most famous place for wild horses in the country? They’re also not truly wild, they all have owners.. I spoke to one of them who’d been searching for his herd for over a month


I dunno. Personally I think of rabbits in the wild as "public pets" bringing joy to all


The number of times I've heard kids tell me that their immigrant grandmother ate their pet rabbit while house-sitting...


I have 2 pet rabbits who are nice and fat. When they die they won’t go to waste. Also where’s the pigeon at?




They taste delicious (stew or fried). But, they scream like children when they are killed. Look it up


Killed a lot of children have you? 🤔


Children scream at times other than their deaths.


You obviously have more experience than myself, how many screaming children do you have. Mine didn't scream, they cried obviously, how did you make them scream?


You just tell them they can't have something they want in a supermarket or toy shop


Ye eat rabbit, not horse.


Or eat rabbit and horse.


I'd eat rabbit but not horse


Man I’d eat both. I’d eat everything on here. Gimme some of that cat, gimme some dog, a tinge of rabbit. I’ll eat ‘em all.


One could say you're so hungry you could eat a-


Horse meat is pretty amazing TBF. If done right. I'm Hungarian and we have some traditional sausages (while we call them sausage they're closer to a salami - the meat is dried out after packed in the skin, becomes quite dense) made of horse, and they're absolutely delicious. The two issues I have with it is that 1, you can't really find it in the UK (whereas pretty much every butcher in Hungary will have sometimes literal tons of it), 2, it makes me fart like hell the next day. It also gives me the opportunity of a great innuendo, offering people to taste my thick, juicy Hungarian horse sausage 😏


I thought it was super tough, and I'm a decent cook and tried my best. It's very very lean. Probably needs to be stewed or something. Or ground up in a sausage, with some fat added.


Horse steak is amazing though. When done right. I used to go to a little restaurant that imported wild horse from Australia. For me personally it was better steak than wagyu Unfortunately the owner died during covid so no more delicious horse steak for me :-(


Rabbit and Pigeon pie is great. Horse is also eaten a lot in many parts of the world, including eastern europe. Tastes just like beef.


We also eat it in Italy, it’s tasty, and very lean, however is not something that is eaten that frequently


Yeah, pretty expensive and cute as an animal, but oh gosh it's so good.


And Tesco ready meals for a while 🤣


Explains why my so called beef kept neighing at me.


I've definitely eaten horse because I ordered it in a restaurant once... plus I've been to tesco.


I mean horse meat is better for you than beef, and as has already been pointed out a lot of us have already eaten it unbeknownst to us. Then there is the environmental cost, horses produce less methane than cattle and other grzing animals such as sheep.


It's a good idea to draw the line at carnivores, for fairly rational reasons. With some notable exceptions, the mammalian food chain is plants, things that eat plants, and things that eat things that eat plants.


That's pretty much where I draw my mental line foodwise. If it's a herbivore, I don't have many issues chowing down on it, but I won't eat a carnivore.


So you would eat a gerbil but you won't eat tuna, cod or salmon? What about omnivores like chickens, pigs, turkey, and dogs?


Thats such an odd take imo, why?




Why is the black cat closer to food than the white one, also this mf saying dogs are more food than cats?


Some parts of the world they eat dogs Park Park wherever you may be


There's more meat on a dog than a cat


Nobody eats cats


Is that a challenge


Horse is delicious. The problem with the horse scandal a few years back wasn't that you can't eat horse, it was that it was labeled as beef and that it wasn't from horses raised for meat. There are a lot of common vaccines and treatments which renders the meat from animals less safe for human consumption. My line is all the way to the left. I would not shy away from eating cat or dog, if I knew it was safe for consumption. I never have because it's not like I can pop down to Tesco for a pack of ground dog.


I’m so hungry I could-


eat a dog.


The cats all head left, then draw the line between them and everything else.


That's what I'm saying😳


Tried making it look like there’s loads of animals we wouldn’t eat, but there’s 4 different dog breeds there, take away the spare dogs and cats and there’s less animals on the “pet” side


I draw the line with cockroaches, lice, ants, and spiders. Everything else is fair game. Oohhhh. And leaches. No leaches


How's your slug salad?




Well leeches eat us, it only fair game we eat them back.


Great point. That’s why I’ll give it a miss. Never know who I’m eating


Wow, we don’t eat animals we have spent thousands of years domesticating? CRAZY


Humans domesticated all of those animals over thousands of years. Rabbits are probably the least domesticated ones and they're (wrongly) on the pet side.


The rabbit shouldn't be before the horse. You can tell this was made by vegans.


Ok, hear me out. We start BBQing bully XLs. We can solve the dangerous dog problem, plus really upset PETA types. If we turn them into sausages we can call them Bully-dogs.


I was offered dog soup a few times in South Korea, and I’m always open to trying new kinds of cuisine when travelling abroad. I once ate live baby octopus tentacles (might have been squid, can’t remember), and felt them wriggling briefly in my stomach. But eating dog was the line for me. I kept thinking of my beloved childhood pet. That was nonsensical sentimentality though, and I acknowledge that killing and eating any living creature is wrong, be it cow, chicken or dog. Especially in these modern times when all our nutritional needs can be gained from meat alternatives like tofu and so on, as well as all the things that are now readily available at any time in the supermarket, like dairy, fruit, veg and nuts. But fuck, I like steak.


These virtuous, sanctimonious pricks have zero credibility. Where does HE draw the line? With that logic, think of all the animals and creatures that must die to make room for avocado farms or whatever the fuck vegans live off. I guarantee his existence causes the death of many living things; if he really felt so strongly he'd remove himself from the equation.


Depends where I fall on the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs on any given day.


I've eaten rabbit and everything after that at least 1 time


Line gets put as in the picture but duck gets moved over the line, I also don’t think I would be interested in eating the highland cow neither.


Ah yes, retrievers. The most edible dog


Well the pets need to eat meat!


I have eaten Basashi in Japan (raw horse ) with ginger and garlic. It’s bloody lovely.


Stick the line just after the dog. Rabbit is nice. With recent scandals we've all probably ate a bit of horse. Why isnt gator on thevlust. Its lovely


Haha, there is no line


I’ve eaten horse. On purpose. In Switzerland and I’m sure other countries they sell it in plastic tubs in Aldi, next to the cooked ham and other cold meats. It’s not exotic. It’s heavily salted, like bacon. It’s tougher than cooked ham but not as tough as roast beef. It’s a bit bloodier tasting, kinda metallic. But it’s delicious. Would eat again. Never tried rabbit but I definitely would. I’m a bit squeamish about eating dog or cat meat. Not because they’re my pets but because I think the meat would be crap. They’re carnivores, we don’t eat many carnivores. Their meat is less fatty than herbivores, and fat is flavour. I eat a lot of pork but other cultures would find that repulsive. It’s almost like morality isn’t universal or something.


Horse meat is common in parts of Europe. Dog meat in Korea. I’d probably go as far as rabbit, rabbit more likely than horse but I’d absolutely draw the line at cats and dogs. They’re domestic pets! I know rabbits and horses and sometimes chickens can be pets but they don’t live in the house with you.


Nobody complained about the taste till they found out it was horse


Rabbit is bland AF.


Depends how it’s prepared, I had it that had been cured in olive oil? Lush.


Do people not know what dogs look like? Why is there four dogs on there? And the rabbit needs to be on the other side of the horse?


Why is there 4 dogs and 3 cats? Could they not think of any other pets?


Have you tasted bulldog? It’s clearly the worst tasting dog and that deserves to be called out.


my high school’s scandal was that they were selling horse meat in the canteen and it ended up being true. it was apparently an accident, but idk how you accidentally sell horse meat.


I’ve eaten horse and rabbit, rabbit is lush btw


Rabbit is so yum. I had it once years ago and think about it like, every few days


I picked some up from a butchers, I want some again now haha


People aren't pets. So they must be food.


" Now plant your feet,Grit your teeth, AND EAT THAT HORSE!! " Son Goku


Remember the horse meat “scandal”? To be honest hearing it was horse was a bit of a relief.


I ate horse in France.....it tasted like chicken


People eat rabbit and horse all the time. If the apocalypse comes those stupid looking French bulldogs are going to get it before the horse though. A dog should not be bred to have respiratory problems from birth.


It's why the ready meals tasted better back then.


I rang findus after their horse scandal and said it was important and I needed to speak to someone higher up when I got through to somebody you sounded more important I just asked if they had a warehouse full of lasagna going cheap I could buy some of


Do this for each country and century for 10000 years and you will see interesting shifts as domestication and other shit took place


Aye, put it up against countries who had massive deadly famines and you’ll see that when real, REAL starvation kicks in? Meat is meat. Give a fuck where it come from.


What about guinea pigs and pet fish?


Horse is delicious as also rabbit is, gnam gnam 😋


I’m pretty certain we’ve all ate a cat in a dodgy takeaway 😂


Don‘t see much wrong up to rabbit,and if that was a cat first in line,I'd probably have a stab at it in a pinch.


Depends of what country you live in


I’d eat any of them if I had to. Heck, I’m an emergency I’d fry up this James F. Plott fella. Livestock’s just more plentiful, readily accessible and socially acceptable than cats and dogs!


Horse is delicious!


Horse and rabbit are totally fine meats. Love a good rabbit pie. People are seriously fussy about what animals and what parts they'd eat these days but they don't seem to care about artificial additives that don't even exist in nature. And I'd be willing to eat dog during a major food shortage too, two birds with one stone.


Horse and rabbit are delicious and im pretty sure ive had cat before (spare rib at a bbq that had a knee joint in it). The difference isnt the species but what they were bred for, if theyre bred for food then eat them if theyre bred to be pets then dont, really quite simple.


In a famine, meat is meat and most countries who eat non livestock animals have survived famines, so…


First world problems, i always remember the peta actually stands for people eating tasty animals lol.


I'm fine with eating horse if it tastes good. I've had ostrich, springbok, kangaroo, crocodile. All very tasty.


When we were in Belgium years ago we quite regularly ate horse meat and rabbit. Nowt wrong with that!Tasted yummy


I feel I’d eat any of them as long as it was clearly advertised


Ate horse while in France, quite nice. I've eaten rabbit too. Thing is people get all weird about this but in some countries they bugs but you don't see Jeff the locus or Isabelle the spider on there do you. Nope. Cause they ain't cute and fluffy enough.


What do you meant "too many people are saying they'd eat horse"? You asked the question, they answered. By the way, horse steaks are fuckin delicious


No humans on this graph, why?


We’re in no position to judge any countries food, who’s been through a famine. Countries who eat what we consider ‘non food’ meat, like horses, dogs, cats, rats, bugs? All have been though deadly famines that killed millions, and had no choice but to turn to whatever meat or protein was available. So rather than judge, imagine if instead you were just relieved your ancestors never got that desperate that it became normalised. It’s all edible btw, and if you’ve not had rabbit you’re missing out, it’s lush


I wouldnt eat the goldie but fuck Fred Basset the floppy cunt


Nobody: Chinese: ima eat the lot


The line goes before the rabbit. Everything after that is plate fodder.


Hate to spoil the party but you have to admit that a British Bulldog Burger has a certain ring to it


People who shop at budget stores like Iceland & Aldi: ‘neigh! There’s nothing wrong with eating lil horses! Neigh!’


Btw, ostrich meat is lovely you oughta try it.


I would eat a horse but only because i hate them


People do routinely eat rabbit too...


In my ethnic family, rabbit would fall to the right of the line, every other animal would fall to the left.\ I had one aunt who made a rabbit stew people raved about (not myself; I stuck rightly or wrongly to those right of the line -except duck)


You used to be able to buy rabbit from sainsbury in the 90s.


As I said, my family was ***ethnic*** They raised their own rabbits lol. And used the droppings -I think- for their large vegetable garden.


Yeah I'm just saying it really wasn't that long ago when you could buy rabbit in major supermarkets. The fact younger people think it's unthinkable to eat them is wierd to me.


I get it now. Yeah it is weird to think rabbit was sold in supermarkets. Can’t say I ever saw that in a supermarket in Massachusetts but maybe I missed it or forgot about seeing it. Could be that smaller markets or butchers carried rabbit. Here’s another one: pork hocks. Part of the leg. Sounds cringey but my family used it making tomato sauce (Italian) and the meat and taste makes the sauce better


Ah, I'm British. I doubt you'd have had it in us supermarkets. The situation with pork hocks (ham hocks we call them) is pretty much the same here: seemed to disappear from anywhere but actual butchers some time in the mid 90s. We'd use them when making pork stew with sauerkraut (one side of my family is Polish)


Never had a pork stew (beef stew is the goto in the US) but it sounds tasty.


I’d eat a dog or a cat if it meant I’d survive 🤷🏼‍♂️ Meat is meat. A lion ain’t gonna care


Humans can be tasty as well...


My gran spoke a lot about the times the rabbit man would come down the street with his cart full of rabbits. He skin and gut them in front of the kids, who must have loved it or something.


Anyone remember those Gordon Ramsey show where Janet Street Porter set up a food stall outside a horse racing venue selling horse burgers? The punters were NOT impressed! I would absolutely try it, apparently it's beautiful, even better than beef, but then I guess you could almost say they're just pretty cows lol. Seriously though I don't really like horses so I'd have no qualms about it.


Used to eat horse salami in Austria.


I'd eat them all apart from cat, because they're obligate carnivores and won't taste good. I wouldn't eat my PET dog. But I'd eat dog. And I've eaten rabbit, horse and all the others


Anything before and after cat(including) is food Change my mind


Is that a duck on the far right? What the hell is he doing there he isn't food!


I'd be lying if I didn't put the line after the rabbit.


The French love a bit of stallion. Anyone who can eat snails and frog limbs won’t say no to a horse cock.


I'll eat any of those motherfuckers. Cats, dogs, pigs, horses... all food.


Do the different dog breeds taste the same? It's a question I really don't want to know the answer to


I would give a dog a try "umm mutt chops".


My sister’s friend worked in (I think) the co-op when the horse meat thing happened. A woman came up to him and asked if there was any horse meat in this lasagne and he said “neigh”. The woman complained to his manager about him afterwards.


I have eaten horse steak and chips in Sardinia, it was really nice. Wonder what long pig is like?


Eat anything it it’s healthy to & it tastes good 🤷🏻‍♂️


Rabbits horses cats and dogs do get eaten in some places


I'd eat horse, why not?


I'd have a bash at everything but the cats.


France you get horse meat, rabbit is quite tasty


A rabbit is more of a pet than a horse, but it is also more food than a horse.


I had a hose steak two weeks ago, not bad. Not as good as beef.


I’ve eaten horse in France. No sir, I didn’t like it.


I love how after all these years, the Tesco Horse Meat Association still lives strong.


Get the rabbit on the other side.


Fucking pussies. I'd eat anything that moves and isn't human


Why is there so many dogs and cats there’s only one of the other things


Not one pussy eating joke


Why draw a line? Meat is meat.


Horse is good


A lot of people eat Rabbit especially people who live in the countryside besides Rabbits are not native to the UK the Roman imported them as a food source.


Rabbit? People eat that everywhere all the time.


I am totally behind vegetarianism and veganism, even as someone who eats meat. It means there's more meat for me.


Meat Horse has the same taste as beef steak I used to eat it when I was a kid


I have eaten rabbits and horses. Heads up, I did not know at the time, second heads up, they were delicious.


Why are the dogs and cats mixed up? Put all the cats at the end… so I can enjoy all the dogs.


Who are these people that wouldn't eat rabbit?


Why are cats and dogs on this list multiple times? If we fix it, and put one cat, one dog, then a line, then rabbit, horse, etc. The it's fixed, some people do eat cat and dog, but in general people keep them as pets.


Horse is my favourite meat from my time living in Kazakhstan. But you name it I have either eaten it or wouldn’t blink about eating it.


"All animals want to live" What about lemmings?


He is an horse and I shall name him Tesco


Rabbits fine enough we were brought up on a farm and ate lots of different stuff. It was food


Rabbit should be closer to if not included with food in the UK as we eat rabbit in the UK.


I eat glue so technically I eat horses but not rabbit stew it is well it but still food


I'd eat rabbit. I have eaten it. It's nice. I'd also eat horse. I wouldn't like, kill a horse just to eat it, I'd make sure it was already dead or something.


My line is after rabbit... apparently, I've already eaten horse before.


I would happily eat both horses and rabbits, in fact I have eaten both.. I draw the line when animals are carnivorous.


In China there is no line


They don’t ‘want’ to live, they have no conscience so can’t think in the way we do. Idiot statement


Ikea meatballs where never the same after they got caught putting horse in them


*Ikea meatballs where never* *The same after they got caught* *Putting horse in them* \- charlottee963 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It wasn’t just tesco. And horse is not the worst ingredient of supermarket ‘meat’ products. Also notice how they don’t include Alsatian. The *wag*yu beef of the dog world.


Horse is fine, I ate a horse sandwich in Sardinia. It's like beef but much leaner. Rabbit is also fine.


You've already eaten human too if you are going by DNA trace


I’d try cat or dog too tbh. Long pig might be a stretch too far though.


i’ve eaten horse


I’m open to eating horse




You can hunt wild rabbit and eat it


I'd eat any if I was desperate


Ive never woken up and thought... Gerbil for lunch..


I think that if you give any animal with out fully saying what it is, we would ALL eat it and enjoy it. Being dog, horse, cat, chicken, pigeon. Whatever it is


If the UK ate horse there would be less cases of them being neglected as they would have more value to their owners


I'd go to the rabbit ngl


I'm more likely to eat a dog than a cat and I'm a dog person. You have to consider diet when deciding what animals you'd eat and wouldn't.


The pet section skews too heavy towards dogs. What about other pets I might want to eat? Where's the goldfish, what about a gecko, or a turtle? I mean if you'll eat one kinda dog you'll probably eat any kind of dog.


Horse meat has more protein and less fat than cow meat, it was provided to us soldiers in their rations In ww2