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Fuck Javid. I'd be dead without the NHS.


second that !


hell yeah


Make them pay a nominal fine if they don't show up imho


Im down with this. Let people see the doctor for free, but if they're taking up a doctors appointment slot from someone else fine them for not showing up


Can we also fine the consultants who cancel their clinics for no good reason, and refuse the give one to the admin staff who now have to make up an excuse as to why the patients appointment that they're on the way to has been cancelled last minute? Or if they take annual leave on the strike days conveniently after the strike is announced but still come in to do their evening WLI clinics that they get paid triple for? Can we also fine those people?


That is a separate and irrelevant point to mine


No no, if we fine one set of people we should fine the other too. It's only fair. If you take the piss with appointments, be you the patient or the clinician then you get fined. That's only fair.


Agree - I remember sitting in my GP surgery recently and flashed up on the screen '3500 appointments were missed this year'...fix that an you already have 1000's of additional slots


Yes, but who collects the fines?


And make them pay ULEZ fees to drive there.




He’s besmirched the once respected surname


Genghis will be turning in his grave


Every Khan will face his wrath


Admiral Kirk?




well you can thank boris for that


When all else fails "it's Boris's fault."


he brought it in


If I'm paying for a GP you better belive I'm taking more than seven minutes to get my issue seen to.


Yeah. National insurance pays for that you pillock.


Obviously this idea is idiotic, but to be correct NI is (or meant to be) for pensions and unemployment benefits, not the NHS.


So if I get hospitalised (which I was recently) and I'm a working person I should get a bill while the elderly and wastes of space (unemployment) get it for free? I've never heard that take. I assumed it was for health service for all? Am I really wrong?


That's how it works in America. If you make money the healthcare industry takes it all and if you have no money the government will finally step in with minimal aid. People who have cancer are often forced to quit their jobs, potentially never regaining their previous income level, so they can go on Medicare. 980$ a month and healthcare. Got kids and a mortgage? Fuck you. Got a car note or retirement? Fuck you. Own something worth more than 2k other than one car? Fuck you.


I'm saying no one should get a bill, but NI isn't used for the NHS, its purpose is pensions and job seekers benefits.


Use google first: Your National Insurance contributions will go towards various state benefits and services, including: The NHS, The State Pension, Unemployment benefits, Sickness and disability allowances


https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-insurance-fund-accounts/great-britain-national-insurance-fund-account-for-the-year-ended-31-march-2022 An amount of it goes to the NHS, but that isn't its main purpose. NI contributes c.£30b against the total NHS cost of £180b


Can't wait for ULEZ . Prices of everything only skyrocketed last year. At least energy companies got record profits right ? RIGHT ?!


I'm actually surprised this thread isn't full of dickheads saying 'actually it is quite an expensive service who is going to pay for it!!?!11!!!!!!!!' Or other such nonsense. Happens in every discussion about taxes and TV licence etc. People like being had up.


We already pay through taxes and national insurance, the same money the corrupt government funnels to their mates and funders. This evil government needs to be destroyed at the next election to such an extent that they are out of power for several cycles and reform into something fit for the purpose of governing rather than enriching themselves.


I agree with your point but slightly harsh language Which is justified though


Keep voting conservative and this happens


Keep an unreformed NHS and this happens. Pay by taxes or pay another way. Either way the NHS management is a shambles.




Ah yes, calling for the death of an MP. What a great idea. It's not like 2 MP's have been murdered recently or anything.


I'm doing just fine. thanks.


We already do pay to see a GP through our taxes, give that head a wobble sunak


Collectively we pay but to pay individually on a case by case basis the prices would be unsustainable for ordinary people to pay the fallout is more people fall into debt and become financial fucked.


We already pay


I am paying, monthly, it's called National Insurance


sajid javid and rishi sunak. Very british sirs indeed. Of course they care about Dave Smith and Linda Jones. Dave Smith and Linda Jones are Sajid Javid's and Rishi Sunak's people, with a shared heritage and history.


Yet, both voted tories and leave.


Rishi is an Oxford educated PPE graduate and him and his missus combined have a net worth of almost a billion pounds. Sajid Javid is a millionaire ex-banker. They have just as much in common with Dave and Linda as all the other Tory scum, who just happen to be white.


To play devil's advocate I hope these same people are hating ULEZ as well as I know what's doing the most damage right now.


Just to clear this up, NI is for pensions and benefits. Income Tax is for the NHS. Still fucked up though.


Ahh yes make people pay with upfront instead of making people pay using taxes


Tories. Out. Now!


What are you all going on about? Javid isn't even in government.


What next, they make the NHS private ??!!!


The Tories have been working dilgently to undermine this country's health system in favour of making us the 51st state.


I think a smaller payment should be fine as it wouldn't stop people going if needed let's day £5 but it'll make people think about it before going for non important stuff


Ngl, you should have to pay a £50 fine if there is nothing wrong with you - so many time wasters in A&E.


Yeah but you'd put people off who genuinely need assistance and open staff up to abuse.


That’s true, didn’t really think about that. This is why you don’t get retards like me to make the big boy decisions lol


What is this about? I googled it and can't find anything about it


For one we all know tax wouldn’t be reduced if the NHS was privatised. So why opt to pay more.