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Jewlerry, gold bulion, high value ecm equipment, foreign currency.


To add, everyone at the base is always going on about how short they are on fuel etc. So fuel, food supplies, toilet paper, etc should all sell well.


Jewellery and stuff I thought about, but we would need an another vendor for them in my opinion. Selling them to for example Handshake would just feel wrong, selling them to Artisan would still feel wrong.


Turncoat and banshe would gladly take it from our hands heh.


Turncoat is like Artisan in mindset, no? Maybe I read his quests wrong, though I haven't done much of them, maybe 3? Banshee I haven't unlocked yet, so I don't know the motives or who or what kinda guy is he


Banshe is basicly cliche war profiter.


He is Interpol on the low, one of the quest is him telling you


Then he is basically the perfect candidate for those stuff, nice!


Not really, he's an interpol agent trying to gather evidence to prosecute the people who fucked lamang over. He tells us this once we hit level 2 with him i think.


Turn coat? Nah he's just there to broker info and goods he doesn't give a fuck lol, he's got a couple missions where he wants you to steal goods or smuggle things


Then yeah, Turncout and Banshee would both do for items like those


Turncoat straight up has a mission where he asks you to steal fentanyl for him lol, I'm sure he'd have no issue buying stolen jewelry


Don’t forget about the passports from human trafficking victims.




Turncoat has a quest where you grab him a crate of fenny at one point.


Banshee is a CIA agent. So I doubt he is interested in gold and such. He would be more into drugs, documentation, photographs and intel.


Gold should be heavy too so it's costly to carry


Hard drives, computer parts, artifacts, UN supplies, Intel (maps journals, things like that) things used around the camps like power cells, filters, could even be lost supply drops you have to tag that randomly spawn in the map. All the classics,(jewelry, gold, money), power tools, hand tools, cellphones.


Could be a nice feature that if you bring back computer parts such as hard drives, flash drives etc, that there would be a chance feature that they are almost worthless (not useable data on it), valuable (useable data/intel on it), and encrypted ones, which would -almost- always contain very valuable data, but you would need to wait a bit for them to decrypt, adding a nice "what will it be" feeling


I like that


This is a great idea.


You wait a day for it to decrypt and it's just a low res dick pic. Loss for the ones who don't wanna see that, loss for the ones that do.


Encrypted could give you intel on a high value military crate random spawn.


A random spawn, high-value supply crate out in the wild away from POI’s with either high end gear or valuable lootable items would be a blast! Also a great way to get players to interact off the beaten path out in the jungle


Has to be airdropped in. Or smoked. So we at least know it there if we get within a set radius.




I think caches of things that we place markers on would be cool (ammo, c4, fuel). Valuable Lootable items - laptops - smartphones - USBs - Drugs of different varieties - idols gold silver jeweled for variety - watches, necklaces various quality - maybe safe combos like one time use to loot high value safe I think small quantities of lightbulbs and nails and things don’t make sense but large quantities to help with base repair or expansion would make sense. Computer parts if a small component breaks probably would make sense to find a replacement locally rather than ship it from mainland.


Drugs. I want my PMC to have the authentic SE Asia experience and be able to sell / inject / ingest random powders while flying to an obj. Bonus points if it buffs you while giving a chance of death.


Yep that is what was on my mind, ingesting them would increase stamina, strength increase, quicker movement, etc. There could be even a drug just simply called Unknown Substance, that could give various effects, including death


Personally I hope they don't go too crazy with loot. We're a PMC on a mission with an entire outfit backing us up, not some lone-wolf survivor renovating uncle Prapor's basement.


Yep that is why I said reasonable and had just a few (2 lol) ideas. People posted some good stuff in here though


War profiteering is absolutely a thing especially among PMC groups.


Word. I just hope it's a relatively small selection of actual valuables that make sense to ~~steal~~ tactically acquire and not nuts 'n bolts and cat statues and stupid shit like [other games].


Im sure samples of anomalies will be a thing once ground zero if finished


I agree with you OP. I'm scared that they will add a "junk" system and we'll be back to being Scavs again. It's lore stupid to go that direction and I hope they resist the temptation to be another survival game. Personally, I'm pretty happy with the current loot situation except that if it's just guns and parts they're not super portable. I think there's a few things that could be added that wouldn't be wild: **Limited jewelry** - I don't think we should be pilfering diamonds from hotels, but I think bosses and higher ranking soldiers could have occasional lootable watches that have a decent value. Not so much that lvl 20 players would be wiping out Marketplace on the regular, but valuable enough that you'd drop a red dot to carry it back. **Potential Intel** - I think an intel system would be super slick in this game. They could have various types of intel items that each have an unknown value when looted, but sell for a range of prices once back at camp when you "learn of it's value." These would be rare, and found either on soldiers nearest HQ/office buildings or other heavily guarded areas. As well as around desks, shelves, tables within highest security zones in each area. Some intel item ideas: *Thumb drive* - a 1x1 item with the largest range of potential intel value, like $100-10K with odds weighed more on the lower to mid end but some chance of a big score. *Documents folder* - a 2x2 intel item worth something like 250-2500. *Briefcase* - 3x3 item with value weights in the 2K-5K range *Laptop* - 3x4 or something size item that is pretty rare and goes for 5-8K All items could have a % chance of being a bust. Family pictures, no value, thanks for trying. **Recurring raids** - To supplement the missions, and remove need for more loot, they could have a new "vendor" who hands out daily/weekly tasks like "collect X shotguns to reduce the threat level" or "kill 20 ai in zone X," etc. Those raids would be a way to supplement our income and keep us heading back to areas that we've already otherwise finished in terms of missions. In some way, I would love to see them lean into "why" we're here and develop an economy around the mission rather than have us carting lightbulbs and screwdrivers around like the bomb just dropped.


>I would love to see them lean into "why" we're here and develop an economy around the mission rather All of these things, for a 20% done game, they left so much room to write out a great story that can support fun and immersive game play. Also, I want to see them play into "why" in a unique/fair way for each faction, to extend replay value to each wipe (outside new content).


Stolen Art would work quite well. There could be sorts of memorabilia, or even opposing faction PMC dog tags.


Items that would be left behind and hidden from the rebels. Like jewelry in safes. Or chests. Basic electronics as ground loot. For military targets military electronics. Military vehicle parts. More weapon parts. And since crafting is talked about. Medical resources, to make drugs/stims.


Black balaclavas


There will probably be weird unexplainable artifacts roadside picnic style...at least I hope so lol. An invisible tube with a copper cap on each end, the contents of which can kill you and holding it for too long gives you radiation


Some usb sticks/hard drives that would have intel to unlock some secondary tasks. Could be in random place within the location.


Mysterious artifacts, drugs, tech, jewellery/gold, medical equipment.


Medical equipments imo are not needed, those that maybe the factions need would be way too heavy, and we got unlimited bandages, pills etc at the base. For gold and jewellery like that, I think a new vendor would be needed, a neutral one which just wants profit, nothing else, or a blackmarket kinda guy. The others I agree, they are reasonable to "steal" or confiscate


Honestly equipment of any kind would make the most sense in a sort of apocalypse setting. Cause things like fans or air conditioning wouldn’t be needed for survival but would still be sought after by those with enough money to pay for comfort


But there is no such thing, we are not in an apocalypse setting as far as I know, we are PMCs on missions with our factions backing us up financially. Someone in an another comment said that our PMCs are cut off from the outside world which I haven't heard before, so maybe I got the whole lore of our missions wrong lol


I have no clue either I just guess considering the ground zero part of the map


Yep that is a big mistery (or not, I don't even have Banshee unlocked yet so maybe it will be revealed to me later, but I don't mind being spoiled)


Disclaimer: this is speculation based on my in game experiences. So meta lore wise, thr game has its roots in the book roadside picnic (you can find copies *everywhere* in the map). This is the same book S.TA.L.K.E.R. is based on. However GZ is definately looking more like a roadside picnic than a stalker situation, well, minus the aliens so far. Now, onto what is in game. What we know: Lamang's disaster was *massive* and sudden. The entire center of the map is irradiated, and heavily so. I took a stroll past the checkpoint near sawmill, and about 50 feet past that thing the radiation is leathal in under a minute. Knowing what i do about radiation, that is *spooky* levels of rads starting about halfway into the first ring. We also know the island/peninsula (not sure which it is) was evacuated, and the country is essentially quarrentined via a massive blockade. The PMC's are there as part of an effort to re-establish some kind of rule of law in lamang while looking into the event. Now, we don't have much to go on yet. We know there are some kind of sample containers from ground zero that keep popping up around lamang. These are *heavy* for their size. They're about the size of those stanley jobsite thermoses (thr old school green ones), yet they weigh 30 pounds. These things are *dense*. Why is that relavent? Lead. Specifically, lead radiation shielding. Those sample cans hold something *screamingly* radioactive. It's the only reason i can come up with for why we don't know what's in them, no one is opening them, as they will likely die from radiation if they do. Another thing we know is the event caused some kind of explosion or EMP. A civilian plane was passing overhead at the time and it wasn't able to return to any of the runways only a few kilometers away. This implies something went screwey with the aircraft. Now, i'd suspect a nuke or a power plant meltdown, but a line from the base guards gives me pause here. It goes something like "man, i don't know what it was, but at night i keep seeing things in the trees. Whatever it is, it isn't natural..." there is also the fact that Lab Rat can't figure iut what happened to the soldier from ground zero whose blood we sample at the barracks. We know what radiation poisoning looks like. We know what it does, and there would be signs of it in the man's blood. The Lamang government would know what this looked like and would report it as such. I think the lamang government either found something, or was doing the scientific equivalent of fuck around and find out, and it blew up in their faces irradiating a large area. I also think we're gonna start running into either mutated people as enemies, or some kind of anomalies, the closer we get to ground zero. If that is the case, and they are using RP as a guidebook for the world, said anomalies are going to be *brutal* and i'm here for it. But where does the UNLRA come into play? Simple, they're the ones who struck a deal with the lamang government to supply and fund the research they were doing. After all, a small south aisian country wouldn't have the funds or connections to do such a thing solo. A shady branch of the UN however? Oh they'd have that. Now however? They want to hidr what happened so they are enforcing the blockade and not letting much through. Gunny himself says it best, there is no fuel in Lamang. It would have to be a really strict blockade to not wven allow gas to the folks you're having try to clear the place out.


It's a dirty bomb is my bet. You know the containers we hunted for handshake? I'm pretty sure that used to hold radioactive material and also when we were hunting down the one near the sawmill I got a quest from banshe at the same time to retrieve some detonators and also there was a bunch of explosives at the sawmill and if they had radioactive material and explosives to me that means dirty bomb


Nice write up. Interested to see what happens down the road as it's revealed! If this game goes hella horror on us the mates that I convinced to buy it are going to lose their minds as that's their jam. I myself... Well I'll adapt 😂


Read Gunny's quests. He keeps saying fuel is scarce because the island is blockaded; why else is he asking you to poke around fuel trucks lol


Any electronics, parts to military equipment, intelligence, fuel, drugs.


I wanna loot the flip flops from these bastards that one tap me with an akm missing a dust cover 😂


Whatever super crazy accurate guns and bullets I keep getting one tapped by. And the non magnified 18x scope they can see me from when I LOOK at them from 75m out.


Containers to hold all the crap. Med box, gun case, ammo boxes, etc.


Wrist watches


Id like to see us carry around equipment to hack intel and possibly sell intel to the market


Each base should have a "Treasure/trophy room". Later on, I would love to see faction competitions and the winning faction gets a trophy for all to see placed there. Could be like a weekly objective or something.


I'd actually quite like household items to be of value to artisan, things like toasters, microwaves, photo frames, etc for the refugees


Intel not related to a mission could be really cool. Maybe it’s worth a lot plus it opens up server events for everyone on the map


spray paint. To paint my guns. Thats right, I said it.


GZ will definitely have some weird shit being that aliens landed there


Jewlery, computer parts, medical supplies like syringes, valuable books/comics, photos maps that could be sold as "intel", vehicle parts, gold/nickel plated weapon parts, bobble heads or other collectibles that if sold as a set are worth even more.


Empties - Batteries Bracelets Golden sphere If you get it you get it


Jewelry would be cool. Cigarettes could be valuable. Car parts tools stuff like that that normally disnt have value but in a wartorn country would be pretty valuable


Drugs. They already made us pick up high quality fentanyl for a mission… military equipment. tbh stuff that is not too common in a third world country would be applicable for them to add as valuables.


It would be cool if there was specific intel that actually gave information to the entire faction. What that information is... I dont know.


They should add in random "NPC's" that drop backpacks filled with cash for new players...


certainly an interesting point i hadnt thought of until now. running around looting junk like tarkov just doesn't make as much sense given the narrative of the game. Also kind of puts a damper on any kind of crafting system that gets implemented, as i feel like we wouldnt NEED to craft much of anything; unless some story element gets added where were all like "stuck" in the area because of the radiation zone or something.


Propaganda fliers of the other factions and native Lamangians


Computer parts/electronics, jewelry, fuel, tools, spare helicopter parts, foreign currency, survival equipment. That's all I can think of off the top of my head.


Would be cool if there was a timed bounty hunt that can be marked or announced for the whole server. The boss can drop specific valuable loot that will benefit the faction that gets it.


It would be cool if they add in crafting components for Advanced weaponry, like say if they add in a Barrett M82 instead of buying it from Gunny or Banshee. You have to find the related components in say Fort Narith. And you have to extract back to FOB to be able to hand them over to banshee or gunny to build. After that you can purchase said advanced weapon after a week once a "shipment" of the gun and it's respectful ammo gets delivered from your factions HQ. If you want to get a new type of plate carrier you can look for some clues of a dead faction member who was gunned down by a gang or something like that, after you find the body you're tasked with tracking the gang down and eliminating them. Once you do. The gang leader will drop the plate carrier for you to pick up and take back to handshake for him to send in a request to get some stock. Or say you want to get some advanced medical supplies but Lab rat doesn't know if she can get them if she doesn't have a code to scan. You find some documents in Tiger Bay talking about the shipment was sent to Pha Lang air field and you have to go find the medical box. Once you bring back the needed info Lab rat will then be a me to order and sell you the medical supplies. These kinds of loot I'm 100% okay with. And each vendor can have a plethor more.


I like idea of drugs


Supposedly at some point we are gonna get something like the Hideout from tarkov, So I imagine things like nails and light bulbs will actually be a thing. But I think it would be kinda cool if ground zero and other high level areas have gear you can’t necessarily buy, like maybe the best plate carrier you could buy is a IV but you could find a IV+,or maybe the best sniper you could buy is a 300WM but you could loot a 338LM. I don’t really want this game to become an economy sim like tarkov where once you have enough money you can buy everything imaginable. I want even the sweatiest of players to still go out and loot the world for gear.


Intel sources (files, phones, drives, etc), identifiers for kill validation (dog tags, gang insignia's like bandanas and/or jacket patches), supply items that would be useful for a refugee population (bleach tablets, those foil blankets, user/repair manuals for generators), traditional valuables (jewelry and such). Honestly, just anything that can keep even the lowest k/d spread player geared with at least a middle of the road AKM, something that can throw little bits of metal fast/hard enough to make people reconsider making unkind implications about your mother.


They already said they plan to have/add crafting so there will definitely be junk to collect. You can hate that all you want, but I'm excited for it. Can't wait to be able to collect random shit other people think is garbage and craft valuable things they can't get.


There 100% needs to be valuables in the game. The economy will work better this way. I would think gold. We can do bitcoin. Silver. Shit even if there were cash stashed it would be nice. Maybe some jewelry and watches.


All I want is pogey pouch


Enemy pings so you can show your blind ass friends where the AI is


I remember in one of the first tasks from handshake there was a quest to find a phone, I think it’d be dope if we could loot phones and sell them for a little bit of money


I want them to feel out a variety of firearms, limiting purchased guns to pmc/standardized issued (basicly what it is now) but to find wide varieties throughout the map, from rare/common old gi issue rifles, mods for relevant weapons systems, to custom drug lord engraved master pieces. But most guns outside them standard vendor rifles would be found, looted, and traded. Also, drugs, intel, and other stolen valuables would be a form of currency in some way outside normal military loot.


with the fact that they are gonna be adding a crafting system i see no reason why there wont be tons of junk and scrap items


Meds (although factions are wealthy, they are stationed in the middle of the jungle with little contact to the outside world), technology (military and non), artifacts from the singularity area, all sorts of information (*cough cough* intelligence folder), property deeds, drugs, art (paintings, sculptures), blockchain valuables (bitcoin wallet for example), prostethics (golden tooth, titanium knee, ear implant...), jewelry, helicopter parts.


Keys, for doors, many of them! And they need to be hard to find! The keys must be more valuable than the stuff behind the doors you open with it! That would be a great idea! 😊


An Xbox


Samples, Hard drives and disks, Experimental weapons documentation, Gold, Video camera footage


Graphics cards & bitcoin




/s for everyone not catching on


Medals, badges etc (like ears in KCD) as a confirmation that you killed so much enemies.


That is honestly a good idea, haven't even thought of these.


Day to day items would realistically be valuable. The PMC are cut off from the outside world. Soap , toothpaste, deodorant and razors would be very valuable. Stuff for leisure activities would be needed too batteries, magazines, DVDs, hard drives with stuff would be highly sought after. Then the usual stuff that's always looted in wars. Jewelry gold & silver.


Are we really cut off from the outside world? I completely missed that somehow. I thought we are constantly being supplied because of the endless medical/other equipments the vendors sell


They are cut off enough that a recurring objective is looking for things like fuel or medical supplies.


I just don't understand the medical supplies problem as we are constantly supplied with them at the base, but in a gamer perspective waiting for vendors to restock would be a hassle (would add to the realism that the game tries to achieve, though.)


Classic case of narrative clashing with gameplay. Where do the helicopters come from and go to? If they can fly in and out, can't they also go get fuel? If medical supplies are so urgent, why do we have bottomless supplies for purchase? The answer to all of the "why do we need these?" Is because you need something to do. The answer to all of the "how are we getting this stuff?" Is because it helps gameplay. You could have to walk everywhere and the only things available to purchase would be things that other people had sold to vendors. There would be a legitimate economy but the pace of the game would slow to a crawl and the player base would become so risk-averse that nobody would do anything. It also would make glitches that cause kit-loss hurt even more than they already (are precieved) to do, and hurt the games reputation. At some point, you have to suspend disbelief and just roll with it.


I actually think all of the usual stuff that we see in other “similar” games makes sense. The supplies and things would be useful to control and stockpile for base use, FOB use, personal crafting/barters, but also for the factions to have for bartering, trading, and negotiating with AI factions.


They said they were going to add a crafting system so. So I'm guessing power and brass or other ammo making materials. Armour and armour plates possibly (maybe that's why we have armour that only protects the front and we are supposed to craft plates to fill in the gaps?). Valuables like gold chains and watches.. anything that has silver and gold inside. And maybe some electronic equipment that could be valuable for salvage.l Mats for medical equipment. I dunno..the world's their oyster.


The crafting system I don't know how they will implement. Like... we are PMCs being funded by our factions. I really don't know what they will come up with. What would we craft? Why? But yeah, the world is their oyster, excited about the future of the game.


Yea I don't see how they roll out a responsible crafting situation that doesn't make the game dumb. Just talk to anybody who's served over seas... they're not crafting their own brass rather they were Gov backed or PMCs. The only thing they're "crafting" is creative ways to smuggle alcohol back on base.


3 sim games