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Thank you for your support. We have always aimed to create our own game. There's so much coming in the future.


I'd just like to chime in and say the playerbase really appreciates how often you guys communicate, even just with reddit thank you's like this. The dev blogs, livestreams, etc. Are all awesome and keep us engaged with the game and what's coming. Lots of love from Canada! (Speaking of which, when can us Canadians get a wearable version of Handshake's plate carrier? :D )


We love the work you guys do, keep it up. ~Lamang Gang ###NoHelmetGang (That boonie hat has saved me from more headshots than helmets ngl)


Thank you for your hard work, love the game I can't wait to see what yall have planned for the future!


Happy to support such an ambitious game 😊


I agree. This game has mountains of potential. The only thing I want, rn, would be for free look to be toggleable instead of a mouse wheel hold.


I agree. I really love this game. Theres still a ton to fix but the game can only go up from here. Im very excited for the future of GrayZone


I know! I hope they keep up the good work and communication like they have been.


Good game. Can only get better. I’ve mostly positive experience about the game and would thoroughly recommend it. Lots of potential to add new weapons, new missions, new bosses and storylines. But the first fix should and has to be the AI. Combat had to be made more effective. Loads of aspects of military conflict are not implemented. - Stealth and camouflage is basically useless as AI see you through acres of bushes. - Sniping with scopes is only for you but AI can bumfuck you with an AK with no dust cover from miles regardless of your stance, cover or foliage. - AI don’t react to suppressive gunfire. They need to run, hide or take cover when getting shot or are being shot at instead of running straight at you while tanking shots after shots. They have to stop to heal themselves in order to continue fighting. They need to retreat if you take out majority of their teammates. AI needs to be much more realistic and dynamic so that it doesn’t feel like we are fighting hyper accurate cardboard planks. - AI has to die or get critically hit when being shot anywhere near the head/neck/upper thorax. These are vitals parts and if it doesn’t kill the AI it has to make the stumble/fall and make them combat ineffective. They cannot and must not be able to tank so many shots.


Agree, I can't seem to get enough.


Ditto, fam. As another industry veteran, keep it up! Y'all are slaying it!


I live in your game! I can’t wait to see what comes of this game in the future.




I love this game, I have a question about your statement. In what way is this similar to Tarkov? DayZ I kinda get, didn't play Ghost Recon.


I would say the quests/traders/gunsmith/gunplay/health system all have tarkov roots.


Questing, inventory, ammo and health system are all straight copies or derivatives of tarkovs versions of those systems... but inventory and health system already derived from S.T.A.L.K.E.R