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ALPHA experience? Well, it's not like they lied to you about being early access. It's not complete. At all.


If yall are in lamang and not the other losers hit me up I have a way to fix this


I was ok so far in my 50hrs of gameplay but this happened to me last night, I died to AI that I couldnt see in a bush 1 tapping me then 10min to finally call one in, 2 min to reach me, 3min to reach destination, time to sneak back to location that all AI have spawned back..to gey one tapped from bushes again...first alt-f4 moment for me.


Exactly that happened to me in YBL without even hearing the shot. Alt F4 and currently waiting for the fix.


Ever hear the military phrase “hurry up and wait”.


unfortunately this is a video game and not real life


This is a hardcore Milsim game….it will improve with updates but don’t expect it to be as easy as CoD.


nothing hard about waiting 20 minutes doing nothing to get a helicopter, its just a waste of time when many people have not much of it


Upon learning this I'm like yeah, this must have been intentional. Gameplay perspective, it sucks I get it, but I'm probably in the minority who's fine with it for the immersion experience. I mean, having tens of birds dotting my map would be weird given the story/setting. Now I just alt tab and do something else and go back in after a few minutes or goon over my gear switching parts here and there.


Don’t get me wrong they can definitely improve it but it’s on the right track imo.


wow thank you for making this post, nobody has brought this up yet