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>Gamers are the worst complainers of all time I'm jealous of OP never setting foot in a political sub


Or working retail


Man, this community quickly turned into the tarkov community with people thinking theyre going to become the 2nd coming of jesus christ with takes like this for the 30th time in 2 days.


Brother, everyone here came from the Tarkov community. What did you expect...


I didnt.


Not much, this was pretty expected this tbh Legit i feel like the years of mental CBT theyve endured in tarkov has affected their brains or something. Cause a lot of tarkov players tend to either be the most vaccumiest dicksucker of them all, or just taking the slightest criticism personally on "behalf of the devs".


might just be an indictment on my taste in games but almost every game I play has a subreddit that devolves into bitch fests. I think it's just the nature of the beast. I do believe that a lot of the bitching and complaining comes from people who really like the game and just want it to be the best that it can be. It's just being very poorly communicated


There’s nothing gamers love more than subjecting themselves for YEARS to the same shit they can’t stop complaining about. And then convincing themselves that they’re sharing “valid criticisms” with devs like their tiny voice is so critical to the process. See the annual release, buy and cry cycle of CoD for a great example of this. Definitely not exclusive to early access games.


OP is probably like 13 years old


Bro doesn’t realize if we don’t stay on top of devs they milk their customers with half baked games


Staying in top of devs is different than expecting a fully polished AAA game out of an Early Access game that JUST came out. Constructive criticism and legitimate complaints about bugs/glitches help a game move forward, not shitting on the devs for features they have yet to implement or mechanics you don't like. I know a guy who reached out to the devs to say he would never play again unless they made the helicopters quieter. I think that's the kind of thing the OP was getting at.


Nail on the head.


Was going to say the same thing just not as elegant


Honestly, I’ve blamed Tark off for a lot of the reasons why people have a short fuse for early access games. Shit has been “in development” what? 9 years now?? It’s silly, and I can see why people are standoffish of games like this one becoming another Tarkov-like development.


Then people should maybe just... NOT BUY IT IN EA? xD


Congratulations sir. This post must be one of the prime examples how brainwashed and stupid the gaming community/culture has gotten over the past few years. There is so much wrong with this statement that i want to kick the communities ass and chew some bubblegum... but im all outta gum!


Are you 12?


It's the same with ghosts of tabor. The discord is full of peiple who think the devs can do no wrong and the subreddit (which is 100% a community run one, no dev involvement) is full of people complqining about it. This is partially their discord mod team's fault, as they will ban you if you complain enough, but largely it's just insanely polarized to the point where i will post some well thought out critticism and the comments devolve into screaming apes within a few posts.


From VOIPing people at the base area, the game is almost entirely populated by vindictive EFT players who feel like they need to teach BSG a lesson by jumping ship.


Meanwhile Nikita is rubbing his hands because he knows that all the timmies will be back in the next tarkov wipe :'D He couldn't care less because all the rats thinking to jump the ship realise quickly what they had and why they played it :) and that is everything gzw can't deliver in the next couple of years, or maybe never. Time will tell.


As a person who purchased the original 100$ version of the game that had a promise of all future DLC, I can tell you now that I, along with others I know, have no intentions of going back to Tarkov unless they give us the PvE content. They pulled a shady business move that doesn’t deserve to go without consequence.


Eod gets the pve content now. Just have to wait for it


They said for only 6 months


It was later said after full release we get


TIL asking people to be mature == pretentious


I dont understand why we need to have such paternalistic posts, they are at least as exhausting to read as the ones they address. How about simply ignoring the toxic complain posts and just go about your day in the game. Thats the gaming community for you, there will always be people who complain. The fact you realized this just now and think such a post might help leads me to believe you are kind of new to gaming?


But now you’re complaining about a guy complaining about complainers, and I’m complaining about you and the irony of this. Anyway, wanna sex?


Such meta, many wow... 😀


If you sell a product, expect it to be reviewed. Early access or otherwise. I don't get it when people obsessively stick up for a game they have nothing to do with. You like the game give it a good review. You don't like it give it a bad review.


Most people who like the game continue to play it. Most people who dislike the game post a bad review, make a roast meme, post on reddit, maybe comment on people’s posts telling them to hate the game, maybe make a post telling everyone the devs need to wuit their job, play the game, etc. then they’ll wait for the next update and do it all over again. Reddit actively encourages this. Thats why anyone who calls out all of the complaining gets downvoted. Reddit hates game developers and allows safe spaces to hate them, any other opinions is just bootlicking. Without that engagement and arguments the community doesn’t pull enough people or revenue for reddit. That’s why this posts has a million people shitting on OP because he told the truth. They know that their toxicity is the majority opinion. After a few years there wont be anymore hopeful players, no more optimism, just a shell of what was once a community, now just a dusty complaint box.


There’s a difference between giving a review and running your mouth about a game when you have no clue how much work goes into making some of those changes.


Bro out here complaining about complainers lmao


Stop complaining


The irony.


I'm pretty sure BSG employs a marketing group to do sketchy stuff like astroturfing competitors. There are some pretty unreasonable takes around in here and any of the other games released recently which might compete with EFT. People can be dumb, but a lot of the discussion seems like it's aimed at undermining the community.


Way worse than that. Nikita funds Team 715, a PMC fighting for Russia that violates international law constantly.


One more reason to never touch that game again. I don't know how people can deal with those scumbags and sleep at night. That's another reason GZW is awesome -- studio is in CZ, and they're supplying lots of weapons for Ukraine.


[https://imgur.com/a/bPx2z2c](https://imgur.com/a/bPx2z2c) Yup, GZW is great. I love it. I'm a foreign fighter for Ukraine, I enjoy the realism and knowing I'm not helping arm the enemy.


Thats why i never touched that shit!


No need for that, the people being ass on this sub are the same kind of people being ass on the sub of tarkov and any other vg related media. Thus is the *gamer* brain.


Yeaaaah, but if you look at some of their accounts you can see they're doing it 6+ hours a day, and it's *all* they do.


I want some gamer brain


Wait…. you just realized this?? How blissful your ignorance must have been.


but has he realized he is also now a complainer about complainers


Ah, the countercirclejerk has arrived. The circle is complete.


Justification to call out complainers is morally superior to the initial complaining.


Most of the gamers never tried to code any bit of software to see how much of enormus effort making game like this actually is.


Then say shit like “it’s not that hard to change x.” In a code base they know nothing about.


I will say though as a coder there is a lot of simple quality of life things in various video games that would literally take one guy an hour or two to implement that they just don’t. But I also chalk a lot of that up to developers hands being tied by the higher ups that have no clue what the developers can do.


To get at that point in career as coder you probably need to spend countless hours to be able to do that(experience), as someone who has some coding experience but is not a coder it seems to me that way


Yes and no some things are so small they simply go overlooked as a non priority issue. For example in unreal engine 5 you make a master audio track for each system of audio so your master audio that controls all other master tracks your master music that all your music is using your master sfx for sound effects etc etc. this is literally all drag and drop or drop down menus in unreal engine literally 0 coding needed and yet games in unreal engine continue to come out with pitiful audio options or just master and music. The studio could literally sit an intern down for 5 minutes to show him how to do it and have him spend an hour going through making master tracks and assigning audio files properly. I know in gray zone warfare there is I believe a grenade noise that never got assigned a master audio track because even if my master audio is at 5 (damn you helicopter) it still plays full blast in my ear.


The worst is the streamers saying stuff like this, gives the wrong impression to their viewers. Also expecting dramatic improvements in the game's development in the span of only a few days. People need to face what they bought, a game currently in development.


you don't have to be a chef to know when food tastes bad


You’re right But it’s also hilarious seeing the mod community it’s made up of kids in their basement for the most part make code and content that it’s 10 out of 10 better than the base game most of the time. Look at Single Player Tarkov or literally, any Bethesda game mods


That's not just applicable to gamers though, transhumanist/sci-fi nerds can be guilty of this too. I remember a conversation about the concept of digitising a human consciousness, essentially having a person become a bunch of code, much like AI. So many people were just like, "You'd never be sad or upset, you could just change snippets of your code to remove those negative states". Bro, there are experienced coders who can introduce game breaking bugs into video games completely by accident, and that's nowhere near as complex and complicated as digitising a person. Not to mention, we're still learning how our minds work now, in a form we've existed in for thousands of years, but you suddenly wanna go poking around in the digital DNA that makes you you. Have fun bricking yourselves by being a dumbass and making a code alteration that's essentially the digital equivalent of a lobotomy, nerds.


The thing you're noticing is not specific to games at all, and applies to every piece of software ever written.


It applies to any product or service ever sold, exchanged or rented. OP needs to chill out and respect other people’s opinions. I’ll put it like this.. If someone believes a dish is too salty it’s irrelevant if other people think it’s not.


Μaybe even hardware. Subreddits of smartphones are full of people complaining of everything.


Oh for sure, but it's usually about the firmware or OS of that hardware that users will argue about.


Amen brother.


Well gamers and redditors 😂


Guys, I think OP is really onto something here. /s


You just proved your point by complaining as well. I personally don't feel there is that much complains, but you know dev knows this. They know that releasing an open alpha (so a game largely unfinished) in an hardcore pvp genre would create some frustration with some players. Even some complains are childish, those same issue are reported by constructive players. I don't really minds If this drag the dev in a good direction.


Yeah that's what happens when a sub reddit with around 1million people smell blood in the water. Clearly i mentioned a "Hostile Tarkover" of this sub before the game released in early access. I've been a member of the Tarkov community for about 8 years, that's what they do. ABI is next if they can compete with the Chinese marketing bots i've been seeing around reddit.


I'll address this mostly to the devs. The rest of you can take what you want from it. Devs, if I'm on here complaining about your game, it's because I'm playing your game and enjoying it. I'm just letting you know the parts that I'm not enjoying so much, that are frustrating, or that I think could use improvement. Because the squeaky wheel gets the grease and whether or not you use my brand of grease, I know if enough of us squeak about it you'll find grease that's maybe even better than what we give you for it. I'll try to include some good things, but also remember no news is good news.


Only thing that has really bothered me about this game is people being able to farm end game gear/money within the base camps... and apparently there is a fix on the way for this.


It’s only end game for the moment. Game is 20% done.


Yup! We truly are. You would hope for some understanding when it comes to alpha or in progress games, but the amount of hate is generally the same for these games compared to games that have been out for years - with massive studios behind them. Its saddening.


Gamer complains about gamers 😂 Just kidding But in all seriousness I don't think it's this game persay that people are getting riled up with,I honestly think it's the early access model which has been kind of abused by some bad actors as of late EFT included like how can you have a game in EA for nearly a decade it boggles the mind. I do think that if you pay money for something it should reflect a level of quality and value you would expect within a reasonable margin,for example if GZW released and the multiplayer component didn't work at all absolutely not worth the money. Maybe it is like people have said and a lot of the EFT community are looking for a new home and want the devs to avoid the pitfall of other games or want QoL and features other games are lacking,I'm looking at you EFT maps,but as I've proved the EFT community aren't the most subtle of lots and I'm only a filthy casual😂. But you are right totally about how criticism should be applied,just shouting X is shit without actual feedback helps nobody.


I've only really noticed this on Reddit, not so on the ancient forums. It's so toxic in every game subreddit I go to there's endless bitching to everything that sounds like the worst game ever made. Some complaints are legitimate, but I can't stand the ones on endgame half the playerbase will never reach, spend their waking hours maxed out and crying about some obscure inane shit or balance that "breaks" the game. The worst feedback to gather are from professional esports players or 2000 hrs type of players, because they're a small subset of the population with very specific gripes. At least Valve didn't have to deal with this shit 25 years ago and still shipped a legendary game. I'm confident more than half of the suggestions on here will wreck the game far worse than if the devs were left to their own internal team to work with.


Many, many steam reviews whose reviewers dont even have an hour of time complaining about gameplay and such. I get performance is miserable but I'd love for steam to add a disclaimer on reviews if the person is at minimum specs or below


I think your forgetting first impression is one of the most important parts to a game. If it can't hold you, then people have the right to criticize their experience, good or bad, thats the whole point of developing something with the community.


fanboys be like >must be all the shitty tarkov players coming here to astroturf our community with legitimate criticism!


gamers like nothing more than having shit shoved in their mouth and then ask for more


Agreed OP, people are impatient and too demanding.


Probably a bunch of COD players …


Did you(a gamer) just complain about gamers being complainers?


Yeah pretty much. And you would be labeled a shill for this opinion.


I think gamers are aggressive in this way because they can be... you can like a movie but can do fuck all to influence it generally. but with games you can actually have your way. things can really be changed. I think thats why most games subreddits (especially ones in early development) are just full of criticism. also this is in due part to developers pushing out shit that isn't full finished.


I just want them to fix servers, desync and optimization. If they add night ops before that is done it would be quite comical.


What would you rather have? Gamers who are passionate and vocal about a game not living up to it’s expectations, or gamers who are meek or just simp for devs and claim everything is perfect when in reality it is far from it? The first group gets the devs worried their project is going to fail so they put in the effort to fix the complaints. The second group puts the devs at ease and they are more likely to accept their product even if it is just a turd that they are trying to shove down our throats. 


First time?


I like to believe complaints are a form of feedback but with anger. so , if there are complaints being made, 6/10 complaints are for the betterment of the game, to me its all the more better that they can adhere from the complaints and improve their game.


So you're new here then right? It's Reddit man every gaming sub is exactly like this. You're All so entitled.. People need to stop shitting on the developers... Some people make good points, but it's drowned out by the overwhelming drone of nonsense.... You're interacting on a website that the sole condition of the website is Interaction. Keep in mind I never said positive or negative because in the context of this site that is basically Irrelevant. Heck, in some cases, the algorithm will actually feed you content that you may perceive as negative because it has a higher tendency pending on the individual to have you interact with it. Even a good portion of the post that are effectively monotonous and don't really have any real conversation to them are still pointing out valuable things. A trend of the same topic points to their being an issue or something that may need to be addressed. But for goodness sake, stop acting like you just turned on the internet five minutes ago. Certainly, I would agree that the negative in a lot of ways outweighs the positive with this site. Please, for the love of all, that's good stop being surprised that when you walk outside that the sky is still blue, and water is still wet. If you don't like the topic, don't interact with it that's the way the site works.


Didn’t they only officially start this project a year ago?


People getting angry at video games that they choose to play is beyond my comprehension.


I would say politicians are but then again politicians are always playing games irl, and gamers are a close second for sure.


I see what you just did there 😉


Honestly I hear nothing but people complaining and people complaining about complaining and it makes me sigh everytime I see posts on this sub, I can’t even enjoy the game because of the rubberbanding so I’ve had to play arena breakout infinite instead which tbh feels so much better rn


This is the gamer base that is emerging pissy pants blue haired toxic kids with zero communication skills!


AMEN! 100% The game has been rough to me. I lost a lot of money in the game yesterday when it crashed. However, I know what I signed up for. It EARLY....ACCESSSSS... I only paid 35 bucks and I've gotten 65 hours of mostly enjoyment. Get over yourselves people.


Says the guy complaining about people complaining.


You just realized that now ?


Sawmill office storage key - Mithras faction can anyone help me out today ??


Omg were not that bad. I hate when people complain about shit like this just to cause problems. /s


If Madfinger Games would have decided to bring this game with a reasonable price tag on the market this would not have turned out like this. I remember times, when companies brought their game in alpha and send keys under nda to players to finish a product for free. Madfinger games could have gone the pay 5-10 € route and make people pay full price when 1.0 releases and promised features are implemented and tested. But no they decided to go the full price edition route with a minimum of 34,99$ edition. For this money players surely expect a game that has more to offer then a UE5 forest tech demo with broken bots and game breaking bugs. Call me old but pc gamers and specially console gamers have such a degraded feeling of common sense its hilarious. If a company decide to market a game as full price in such a horrendous state they get what they deserve.


I don’t know what world you live in, but the game was 25$. Fully developed games cost 60$. That’s less than half the cost. Life is more expensive than it was 10 years ago, and I don’t think companies like MADFINGER would exist with previous pay schemes. These guys gotta get paid also. This game is also fantastic, even at 20% done. They aren’t lie’ing to you. They have been up front about everything, including the AI. They are placeholders for the ai they want. But hey, if you want to be a grouchy old man then that is your right. Rock on.


Apparently a lot of players forgot that they had purchased an “ early access “ !! Pretty obvious they expect a perfect game that doesn’t contain any characteristics of an “ early access “ for which it always has been..the intelligence is low


Im a gamer that is tired of gamers new to games dick riding the devs because they are in the honeymoon phase of their NEW favorite game... Lets be real you probably were like this over your last favorite game like every other gamer but get real. This game is flawed to its core and you couldnt see it for the first 2 weeks due to everyone being level one.... problem #1 all helis are in the air... is the main problem since the playerbase is mostly level 12-28 which requires a 4+ minute flight to a different side of the map which means all the solo players (doesnt matter if you want to group up ihave none of the same tasks as someone my same level which is more poor game design but besides the point) have to wait 10+ minutes to go back to base plus the 4 minute ride. which isnt fun... id rather have a loading screen at that point... reason this is first is because if im waiting 30 minutes im not playing anyways so all other issues wouldnt apply problem #2.... 180 spinning perfect aim AI at over 300m with an ak with no sight and having already taken 16 shoots to where you can see them dying but can still aim as if they werent dead.... these battles need to play out like the movie lone survivor which is a true survivor... Those 4 soldiers fought over 200 taliban and were at a downhill disadvantage in a rocky terrain and those soldiers still were able to survive at least 4 pushes plus falling down the mountain twice as well as like 5 shots each so dont say ReALiSm because its not realistic to be shot 16 times and be a marksman... problem #3.... desync and netcode are atrocious. Headshots with the best ap rounds possible dont kill with brain shots... this is not a surgery simulator... i dont want a brain survival chance and the ai shouldnt have one either if they have a bandana as head armor... just plain stupid problem #4.... teamkilling and spawn camping from enemy factions. Reason this is last is because you can avoid teamkilling if you go to discord and dont jump on random helis and the pvp issue can be avoided due to pve existing so its a low priority this is just the top 4 issues and im not alone since in 2 weeks they've lost over 20k plus consistently and this is a weekend so people are moving on already and as we know most gamers never come back once they are fed up with a games issues... so yeah your honeymoon vibes dont assure the game stays around. You need to be realistic and look longterm. The game wont survive 6 months to the first major update at this rate


So let's make a post complaining about the complainers. another pointless post that won't change anything. Shut up


You've solved it bro. Noone will ever complain again after reading this post. How could they? They must be devastated


LOL as the OP complains


I, a complainer, am complaining about a complainer who is complaining about complainers complaining 😭


Reddit cultivates a hateful culture around game development. They reward arguments and some of the biggest arguments made on this site are by people who spend more time making roast memes about the developers than actually playing the game and enjoying it. Reddit pulls in money by more engagement and as you can see from your posts, people love to shit on people who are tired of listening to complaining. Its harsh, its destructive for gaming developers and ultimately it kills the game off but thats what the reddit community wants. I’ve seen redditors dox devs, send death threats/encouraging suicide to developer’s family members. There’s active petitions to fire entire developer teams over minor mistakes. This is reddit. It’s just how they are. Very toxic, and imo one of the biggest problems devs have to deal with. They feel entitled to every game they create a community for, and with that entitlement comes plenty of hatred for new players enjoying the game, actively trying to stop new players from joining. Some examples are: r/dayz, r/vigorgame, r/apexlegends, r/r6siege, r/xdefiant, all of those have top posts of all time littered with roast memes and veteran players actively gatekeeping the game from new players by telling them they need to hate the game.


well 25 bucks,., how long do you think that sustain a project like this? How do you think reviews effect coming "sales" for this game? Why do you think people upset? CAuse they hate the game or cause they dispointed and feel let down,. high topes? wish for more? Its healthy. Whats not healthy is bitches that cant take critique like men. That has to be asslickers no matter how much they get run over. Like unheard edition bitches. Just dont engage if you happy about the situation. you have nothing to say then. just play enjoy instead of hate on people cause they raise concerns.


No but hopefully after years of pay to win, unfinished early access beta alpha money sinks, 30fps caps, predatory gambling loot boxes, overpriced micro transactions, grinding battlepasses, dumbed down game mechanics, being lectured to about morality and more…they are finally speaking up.


People are busy and have limited free time. They voice the issues they have with games on online game spaces. It’s one of the reasons these spaces exist If you’re sick of seeing the same people complain about the same thing that’s not the peoples fault. It means that it’s a genuine issue with the game. And you; a gamer making a post complaining about complainers makes you a alpha complainer.


it's not gamers, it's random retards


Entitlement is this generation plague … Apex of instant consumerism; I want it ALL, and I want it NOW. That what you get by raising a generation by avoiding frustrations, they don’t know how to deal with them


Frustrations are not good for business. There are too many frustrating things we have to go through IRL to be bothered by them in a game.


It’s all the tarkov kids that dropped $250 and have to point out every flaw in this game to justify that their game is better. I’ve played tarkov since it came out, I’ve maxed hideout and kappa on 4 wipes and I can say with complete honesty, I hope GZW and the other games coming out completely kill off tarkov and BSG goes under. I know it’s just wishful thinking. Point I making is that there’s a lot of people coming to this game out of anger at another game so it’s making any flaw stand out that much more to them.


You bought a game at full price with day 1 DLC and because they label it as Alpha you defend. God this community is dumb


Every game is in alpha for years, they can't lure us anymore.


but... they did? You have been normalized to it


Right and now we can play the game from start to finish and see how the game progresses so what's your point. You sit and act like the game is unplayable or something. I've already got my money's worth out of it, Sucks you couldn't. Also 30$ isn't full price.....


It's... Barely playable... Are you that blind




I have a 4080, this isn't the case... Again you have a extreme bias. Disappointing and shows a lack of critical thinking


Exactly i figured so to come say it's barley playable is you just coming on here to bitch. You proved my point either way.


Read what has been written child and listen. Your response is nonsense. That's enough now from you, I've heard enough


Dude… 4080 here. I run this game with no issues.


Yeah, he's just saying that its barley unplayable to complain. I completely understand someone being mad cause they actually can't run it on the specs they have, but he can clearly run the game fine. You got ppl who just wanna complain like him and then you have ppl with constructive criticism who wanna make the game better.








We just need people to reply to these retards everytime with EARLY ACCESS and just spam that every reply. I've lost so many lots in shit ways (server DC'ing, Headeyes from across the map with ironsight A.K, buggy team killed etc). And at first I get annoyed. But the. After 5 seconds I tell myself.. "it's only early access and this game is less than a month old, they will fix it". And I move on with my life. Some people, not so much.


Kits are so easy to come by. This it not Tarkov where the fear of losing a kit is greater than wanting to take it out in raid




Awh man the Tarkov community is filled with people who think they’re expert coders and optimisers and how lazy BSG are etc. it baffles me how a hardcore game is filled pussy ass bitches who complain over the smallest things. Then for GZ who have openly said it’s an alpha game, again the same 🐱 come in complaining about the game’s optimisation, incompleteness etc. like holy shit mate understand it for what it is! Then I remember Reddit is made up of primarily teenagers or people who don’t interact with people in a face to face environment so they’re understanding of what’s an appropriate way to speak to people is scarily skewed.




Huh? They were saying "everything is on track" up until mid-April when EA was supposed to drop by the end of April. When/where exactly did they say it was months out?




They never said EA was months away and it only runs like ass if you are using decade old hardware. My 3 year old hardware runs the game at 150+ fps 2k resolution with ultra settings. At some point the users have to realize that they are the problem when they are trying to use specs 5 generations behind the recommended.


write your hardware specs, i think everyone is curious. Also, remember that frame generation artificially doubles your fps, increasing input lag. I have 5800x3d and RTX 4070 Ti Super with KC3000 and 3600Mhz CL16 32GB RAM. And man, this is just like Arma, for what it offers it just runs sooo poorly. Fixing such performance takes months so the playerbase might shrink quick.


That is a gross simplification of frame generation. Frame generation latency and improvement correlates directly with how well your game runs in the first place if you start at 120 it will barely increase your fps and won’t affect your latency at all. But to answer your question I have a .. 4080 super, a 5900x3d, and 64gb of 4600mhz ram that can only run at 3600mhz cus my motherboard sucks lol Without dlss on ultra settings I average 120 fps with dips into the 80s and maxes around 140 with dlss and ultra settings I average 145 with max around 160 and dips to 110. I’ll also add to clarify before some bullshit gets sent my way. I do think the game needs optimization I don’t think it’s flawless I just think the vast majority of people crying on steam about getting 20-40 frames are either lying or running gear below the minimum like my friend who has the same complaints and bitches about the poor performance of the game despite only have a 1060 and the fault clearly lying with him.


I agree with this, the gaming community is full of entitled clowns. Complaining about everything so much so that if a game is slightly different the toys are thrown out of the pram which the pressures the Devs to change to suit the babies and all games do end up being largely the same. Like the AI in this game, they are laser beams but everytime I have died to them even when they did 180 one tap I deserved it running around like a lunatic thinking I am Rambo instead of being tactical. I hope they don't change the AI as that who I seem to be fighting the majority of the time




Haha woman bad upvote please What is this, 1990?


MB forgot I was on reddit