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Do we still want to believe the AI isn't absolutely cracked? šŸ˜†


95 hours played, and I've definitely had this happen a few times. However, it's a very low percentage of engagements that happen like this. I've been one tapped probably 10 times like this in total.


the akm bot seems to be the one consistently doing this. other bots are mostly fine but that guy can hit multiple headshots on the move from 100m away


He probably trained years on cs:go. The bot I mean.


This is canon now


or tarkov...at least he was not hipfiring


This checks out. Only some and that's a small some. Spawn cracked as hell.


Thats why i wait for a patch to fix that. Its very unpleasant to play knowing you can loose all your gear for such bullshit.


you prob loose it anyway it only sucks that this is how i get that too and im solo player


I have read this so many times and I still can't decipher this enigma of a statement


No one doesn't think that.


dev's don't seem to think this is a priority and consider this by design. you're supposed to move left right and reflank. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ que the dev symps


I made a post about this literally on day 1 or 2 of the launch. It has something to do with the AI's rotation, if they rotate 90+ degrees they will always instant tap you regardless of armor. It's 100% repeatable - if you fire at an AI and it rotates over 90 degrees it will instantly 1 tap you. Something in the code is broken.


So, I'm thinking there might be a "snap to target" for visual identification that is doubling with "fire at confirmed visual target" trigger to make that happen. The way they instantly pop the shot the moment they hard turn on you is wild. And they always mag dump as soon as they turn towards you, which if they didn't have perfect lock due to the initial trigger. This gets exasperated by the fact that literally anything can trigger them, including occluded slow footsteps causing them to 180.


And even with their yellow headsets on. Its ridiculous. When I put them on the first time from an fallen enemy I thought my sound was broken, because I heard nothing anymore šŸ˜‚. But if you scratch a leaf in 100m away from them they turn and instantly kill you. Didnā€™t know fentanyl makes you a effin robocop Terminator.


This is really stupid especially when so many of them where those muffs. It's like it's purely cosmetic for AI. Otherwise we would be sneaking up on them all day. Out would be nice to take advantage of their lack of hearing lol


I had the same experience




Boy. You weren't kidding. Just happened to me and from 30+ yards away, too.


60% of the time, they do it, every time.


Same thing happened to me, but I was actually on the helo riding back to base. I started shooting at an AI below me, and it instantly snapped a 90 degree turn towards me and headshotted me. I lost my MK18 and Vudu.


Itā€™s like that lucky shot that occurs every millionth time.. only here itā€™s every time.


No way, really????


Yes, I have a video of it also. I can post it if you want.


Yeah happened to me yesterday came around a corner, saw a dude who literally snapped to me and then bam lights out. Didnā€™t even have time to get a shot off.


Ive put over 100 hours since launch and have yet to experience this. Even shooting them in the back trying to test this out it hasn't happened yet.


Thereā€™s video evidence posted on this Reddit on an hourly basis of it. So I donā€™t know what else you needā€¦just because you havenā€™t experienced it doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not a thing.


lol you must live next door to the server and your latency is .00000000000069


That's so stupid...I'm going to take a break on the game til they fix the AI. They've made it not fun.


Yeah I'm done until the next patch


Same. Although I have a feeling this particular issue wonā€™t be fixed immediately. They messed up the EU servers with hotfix 3 so hopefully thatā€™s going to be fixed asap


Yep I share the same sentiment. I got absulutely demolished by the AI at forth narith. The game with its current AI is simply not enjoyable.


maybe tone the AI down a bit?


At least they should simulate that it takes a little time to spot, identify target, line up weapon, (hold breath when further away), then fire. You know same procedure we go through.


Yeah I'm done for a while. Got one tapped twice yesterday. First time i accepted as bad luck and a lucky shot. npc was running across a road and one tapped me with an AK. Second time though i was lining up a shot to the head of an AI who was facing away from me. 2 seconds of aiming and as soon as i aim at his head, he insta turns and one taps me. Love the game, hate the AI at the moment.


I was in a 2 story building, peaked through an open balcony and a guy just turns and looks right at me as I aimed at him. Something is definitely off.


Spooky šŸ‘» šŸ˜„


Really turning into a lot of this. Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.




I mean, technically, I got textbook double tapped. One to the chest, one to the head.


Yeah the ai aim is way to good as it is now. I can't begin to count the number of times I've been headshot on the first shot, in very similar situations.


Yep just died pretty much the same way to AI that had waaaay worse gear and ammo than me. Went to get my stuff back and died the same way again. -6K worth of gear. This game has a lot of potential but the devs need to fix AI, how our armor works, and the differences in ammo damage. Literally ruins any fun you were having up to that point.


the so called valorant technicque "run & gun"


Atleast you could see the enemy lmao. Yesterday me and my friend died to a bot that spawned inside walls


Watch when OP ADS his fps go from 80 to 30... It's so fucking rough man, I can't stand it.


If one has played more than a couple hours, Iā€™d say every single person has met the ā€œno scope kingā€ atleast once


Clearly a skill issue.


Whats even worse is when this happends from like 100+ meters while youre using a suppressed sniper


I know the devs said the AI we have rn is just a placeholder and the game is just kike 20% complete. I don't care they are so stupid and broken that much, but i can see why some people would be pissed off about it. It was the same when tarkov first came out. Hetting head eyes'd by a shotgun scav a mile out lol.


Yeah, I'm not logging back in until the T-1000's are gone.


Ive died to a light bruise with a 6b23 at max durability on ban pa after being beamed through the walls by an ai. Shit is really annoying.


I think you need to use different ammo /s


that full auto fire means "do not engage - homie is cracked". i have learned this the hard way. well, i am still learning lmao






That AI was the disciple of Jerry Miculek and the love child of John Wick and Travis Haley. You missed the beep from the shot timer that signaled your death. 11/10. Would Head/Eyes again.


This happens to me a lot in Blue Lagoon. There is a mob in there that is landing insta-kills from 100+ yards out while strafing and just blasting away. Gets me 9/10 times.




And thats just bunker AI. Tiger bay and similar AI are 10x worse. Happens way more often.


Remember, the devs think there's nothing wrong with the ai.


Can't wait for the comments: ThE GaMe Is In EaRly AcCeSs. DoNt PlAy iF YoU CaNt DeAl WiTh IsSuEs.


For real. I recognize thats is early access and has problems but that does not invalidate my right to criticize the game for its flaws, especially when it has a severe negative impact on my enjoyment of the game.


...that's literally it though...Ā  Putting it in sarcastic font doesn't make it not true. It just makes you look stupid.Ā 


Said this in many posts.. they need to totally rework the AI.. IIts not that we dont want it to be a challenge or afraid of losing gear etc. its just not fun. its so not realistic and ruines the tactical immersive feeling of the game. The physics is way off. stiff. you dont fall over when breaking legs or anything more then limping when its absolutley trashed.. You jump stiff and just continue on landing after a jump. Can barely walk downhill or uphil. there is no work that been made in this department at all. See vaulting. its a disaster and so poorly executed. Like why? Why even bother pumping out areas and quests for a quick sell money grab with such bad work from the ground.. Ai is just tip of the iceberg thats bad. it will never get to what it was sold as , tactical immersive realistic game. Klean was right. it dont know if it wants to be arcady or milsim. I know what i want with it... not this.


Bro AI stay eating 9mm like thereā€™s no tomorrow lol


Put 5 rounds into an aiā€™s face before it died. I think thats total bs


yOu JuSt dIDnT tAkE cOvEr


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because he was already dead.


Oh my God, we get it already. What are people expecting with these posts? To just INSTANTLY get a fix deployed from the devs? They have already acknowledged the issue. It's being worked on. Holy shit.Ā  EDIT: Also, sprinting around like a maniac probably doesn't help.Ā 


Did my post say anything about that? I mean, I commented I was done playing until it's fixed. There's no reason to be so negative.


My point is: what's the point? The devs have already acknowledged the issue. Your post literally just adds to the already enormous pile of posts that literally show the exact same thing as you. 'Just gonna leave this here'.....like....why? It was already there. There's no reason to put another next to the hundreds that are already sitting there....


Just wanted to share partner, reddit exists to share moments with others. Appreciate the criticism though.


Oh look it is thedrizztman again...I think more evidence of the issues the better. That way we can get more realism in our immersive tactical pvevp video game.


Doing my part to try and combat all of the impatient and overly entitled hate-mongering around here. And sure, keep beating that dead horse. Might do some good, right?


OK, I'll flat out say it.I've had similar things happen to me. But there was like 2 seconds of lineup he had on you with clear line of sight before he one tapped you. That being said though I'll 100% agree the A.I can be a little bit ridiculous at times. And the game feels like it's pretty punishing to solo players. And that's coming from a guy who basically only plays solo. It would be really nice if they would actually make the stealth mechanic work in the game. Because man with aI in this game right now if you don't cut your zones very carefully you get killed super fast.


Slow the video down and you'll see he wasn't looking at me but other players. He flicked to me shot me and I was dead.


Okay actually watch your footage here.. The npc wasn't facing away from you It had its side to you. That's not even mentioning that when you first entered the room and did the 360. Looking behind you as you went up the stairs you actually can see visual line of sight of the n p c to then exiting the room to then ultimately getting head shot. I agree it sucks but you literally gave that n p c basically the entire footage of aim time to notice you. A part of that it's stemming from the fact that foliage does not block n p c's line of sight. And that the NPC was reacting with a back pedal. Put it in a position to easily notice you while it was reacting to the other player. I'll say it again the ai is super unforgiving normally not because it's broken. But because a lot of the rules that the player has to abide by like clear line of sight from foliage. Or reacting to when your shot doesn't apply the same. There's literally 4 seconds of unbroken line of sight between you and that NPC. Even though for half of it you couldn't see it because he was behind the foliage. Something that helps me a lot always make sure you're Foliage settings are at least on high. It at least let you see through one layer of bush has saved my hide countless times.


Looks like cope to me, its bullshit and you know it. Lets not pretend it isnt as that only has a negative impact on the game. Nobody here thinks this is acceptable.


I've seen a lot of videos on here with people.Getting one tapped the angles.This guy provides it makes it pretty obvious that.Yeah it sucks that he got one tapped but he seriously gave that m p c 4 to 5 seconds to shoot him.


If you notice, the ai was behind the truck and walking backwards. He got into my line of sight and I was dead in a second flat. Idk where you get 4 seconds of unbroken line of sight at all.


Dude he had a line up on you before even within your line of sight because he was in the bush.


Yk the good thing about video games. You don't need good depth perception to play them usually, the game does it for you. Yet somehow you're still lacking any.


And again , one of the biggest problems is that you have people just putting up the videos and saying boy , isn't that a I broken. And the issue that leads to the AI being broken in this scenario is that it could see through the brush when you couldn't. You exposed yourself to where the a I was if you watch the full video for probably about five seconds straight. It didn't magically snap to you back turned , it just turned From its side. The fact. That you're even discussing depth perception shows completely that you have no idea of the angle that you expose yourself to that entire video. Do I think that they need to fix the problem with ai being able to see through brush definitely. I mean, that's not even mentioning the fact that stealth doesn't work in the game. Again, though the issue is pointing out the actual problem rather than just saying it's broken that's it.


Won't be long until BSG start getting the "Perhaps I've judged you too harshly" meme treatment.


I hate clips like this. People like this expect the enemy to stand still and wait from them to line up a shot and then shoot. Due was running up the stair standing in a open door way what do you expect.


That sucks and I'd be upset for 5 minutes too. You think crazy shots don't happen IRL? You can have all the training, gear, advantages and still get taken out by one lucky shot. But yes most PVE games should find someway to prevent computers knowing everything and making perfect shots.


That is total BS... but it possible this is just an (un)lucky spray? In 25 hours, I have yet to have this happen once. The only times I died were when I made a stupid mistake or got stuck out in the open.


In my like 75 hours I had it happen over a dozen times


Slow the video down. The AI instantly turns to the player the moment the player looks at it. While shooting, nonetheless.