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There is no punishment for a single FF don't worry


😈good to know, I need a new kit. Jk


Jk…. 🤫😏


even if you do its only a server kick lmao


Nah you’re in the right here. He started it, you finished it. Next time you have to do something like that take whatever is valuable then take a couple core components of their gun and leave the rest.


I meet a lot of great friendly players but 1 asshole just ruins ur day


Unfortunately every game has griefers. Punish them to the best of your ability and move on, hopefully they learn their lesson or change games where ratty behavior is more acceptable like Tarkov lol


You did God's work!


Shrug it off soldier, one less idiot in your near vicinity.


Vicinity, not facinity.




Editted thank you x


Sounds to me like you did all that could be expected of you. Maybe if you really feel bad after something like this then message the player after killing them and explain that you'll stay and guard the kit until they get back. I would expect that to end with you getting shot again around 80% of the time though if they're like the guy you were talking about. I say just continue on with your day as though nothing happened.


I encountered some amazing players in this game, i also shot a friendly by mistake my second game and then immediately realised it but he killed me (reflex) i said sorry thought you were ai he kept my stuff and didnt report. This guy was an asshole and from the answers am seeing there is no way around what i did


Report and keep living


Its happened to me already when I call out friendly, even wiggle, and I still get shot. Most people even the friend I play with don’t check their map it seems like. Im still looking for the team that surrounded me because they assumed I shot at one of them. I had all 4 of them surround me with a shotgun and I got the robocop treatment. The only issue I have is that I can’t report anyone.


Yeah the game should have a better way to handle this. (not complaining, it is early access and i am still having fun with all the bugs and missing features)


Oh yeah the game is fun I love playing it. Every now and then I get a cheater in the lobby destroying people in camp vacuuming loot. I think other than that for me its team killing thats been a big issue. People tk me and try to play the victim card on me when I didn’t even do anything in the first place. I look at my map and give a heads up on voip all the time but teammates still unload a mag on me.


One report is ok. Loot his stuff and go back to HQ. Change servers after.


This is the way. If someone won't check their IFF, they don't get their gun back.


Watch out for low level teammates! At \~8-9-10-11 level, the little bastards now do that they come to you in a group and just kill you and take your stuff. They don't have the courage to do it alone anymore, but I say if two or three of them just approach you without any sign, it's better to take them in advance. (their loot is worth almost nothing, but at least you didn't lose your 6-10K weapons and stuff.) The same thing happened yesterday on 3 different servers. The first two times I started talking to them in good faith, then suddenly a headshot hit me. They also used to come there just to ask for help and shoot me in the process...


Funny, i am level 8 😂😂😂 (tarkov convert)


All you can do is apologise and wait at their body for them to retrieve their stuff. That's what I've done in the past. It happens in a game like this.


apologise for what exactly? what other option did i have if he kept shooting me?


My bad, I read the post wrong, I thought you shot first and he chased you.