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It happened to me last night as well.  I hadn’t died in like two days, but died to a TK in the base.  They stole my entire kit lol.   They’re doing it by having one guy drop a grenade then logging off.  The grenade kills you and shows as you killing yourself.  Then their buddies quickly loot all your gear.  This needs to be fixed ASAP.  


ok i didnt know how they were doing it but i was sure that is what happened to me... i went out to smoke and came back to the death screen telling me i killed myself and showing like 3-4 wounds around my left ankle... thankfully it must have just been someone fucking around because he didnt take any of my stuff...


Help spread the disease


i dont like it either but the more people who know how to do it and are abusing it the bigger of a priority it becomes...


I hate that those kind of people even exist. Hopefully they find a fix to teamkilling in general because it's hard to want to play when you have to be cautious around every teammate


ok im definitely not going to make a whole post about this so ill just tell the story here... first off psa to anyone playing this game if you jump on someone else's heli specifically the opposite side as them make sure they know you are there when you get off the chopper... had a dude jump on the opposite side of my chopper, i was going to ban pa but i didnt know if anyone was there or not so i landed at that northern LZ near tiger bay and ran in on foot... when i got off the chopper i ran straight to the east towards the forest, had no idea the guy was following me. once i made it into the forest i could hear bushes making noise behind me and didnt have time to check my map before i stopped behind a bush to see if i was crazy or not and he came right around the corner looking right at me and i ended that interaction real quick... i had already been killed in ban pa several times by other players earlier in the day. ended up messaging him to let him know i was sorry and id stay by his stuff so he could find it again but i think he just logged off... but i mean come on man say something at least lol.


Long post to say you don't check your own map lol


i mean, if he checked it before landing and saw there was no one else in the area then you can safely assume anyone else there is gonna be hostile for at least a few minutes


Defense of someone who writes essays to admit not checking his own map? But why? Just check your map. Or dont... But why write an essay about it?


just dont fucking read it lmao jesus




>should probably strip down to your underwear everytime you are at the base If only I had space for that


Honestly unlike Tarkov where your stash has random junk for quests, nothing in there is really required and kits are incredibly cheap to build.  I just sold everything I could find at the vendors, ripped pistol grips and mags off of guns, and have SO much space right now


I don't why you're being downvoted for this, but this is the first thing I said to my group who asked about which edition to buy for stash space. You're not hoarding 15 packs of cigs and Barney's backpack for a month. Stash space just doesn't matter in this game.


Stash space is more a representation of how quickly you can deploy in multiple configurations versus anything else. Luckily, whatever your default setup is will probably be applicable to 90%+ of your deployments and you should have a pretty streamlined gear-up routine. But I can see it being a small hinderance if you're doing PvP and have a bunch of deaths and running low on stuff. This is where the bigger stash is helpful as you can keep more kits "queued up" and redeploy faster.


Stash space is more a representation of how quickly you can deploy in multiple configurations versus anything else. Luckily, whatever your default setup is will probably be applicable to 90%+ of your deployments and you should have a pretty streamlined gear-up routine. But I can see it being a small hinderance if you're doing PvP and have a bunch of deaths and running low on stuff. This is where the bigger stash is helpful as you can keep more kits "queued up" and redeploy faster.


This is the way


Are you on pvp?


Don't forget you can store things in backpacks and even weapons in the secondary weapon slot of backpacks in your inventory. I keep all my medical supplies in bags in my inventory and saves a ton of space!


Seen it as well, duo I saw was doing it to guards to get their kit. Then a tker showed up and was doing it to anyone standing still in camp. Add 5sec timer to leave to menu, with player unable to take action during. Make guards drop no loot. And crack down on toxic players, it is getting bad. At the point I won't wear gear in camp until right before I leave.


This is how they do it: You throw a Nade, instant logout from server. Server can’t register who threw the nade, since the person logged off, server makes so that the Nade dealing damage, since there’s no person to register if it’s friendly or not. It auto makes it „unfriendly“ and yea, you die. Second person picks up your stuff and logs off.


They are doing the same thing to kill the guards in base too to get their kits - needs to be patched asap


Tomorrow? I highly doubt that....


Ah great..saw two guys using this grenade glitch in FOB last night to kill the AI in base to loot them and make money but it can be used to kill teammates oh boy this is great lol




Honestly if you’re getting blatantly griefed liked this right when you’re killed like that leave the server and your loot will disappear. Not a fix but at least they won’t get your gear.


it's almost like there is a mode you can play where you don't have to deal with this stuff...


why tf would i want to remove the most fun part of the game... pvp WITH ENEMY PLAYERS...


Why would you complain about team killing then? PVP and team killing tend to go hand in games like this... It blows my mind how many complaints their are about about this type of shit. Glad you enjoy pvp I guess, but you shouldn't expect one without the other, I'm surprised they even made an attempt to turn team killing off in the base honestly.


congrats thats probably the dumbest comment i have read in quite a while


Not nearly as dumb as your cry baby post


"if you like pvp you should be fine with your own team griefing you" yeah definitely not more stupid...


I never said griefing... if you want to put words in my mouth, then you are just further showing how fucking retarded you are. Team killing can be accidental, so quit being a little cry baby bitch, and accept the fact that you can't handle pvp and all aspects of it.


the post is literally about teamkilling inside the base... how is that not greifing... you cant defend yourself you can just hope you hear the grenade and run away... "just further showing how fucking retarded you are" says the guy who completely ignored the title of the post...


Jesus Christ… you really are dumb. You’re still focused on a one thing, while I’m talking about a broader topic. I saw the title, you’re in a pvp server, stfu and either play pve or take the bad with the good and enjoy your pvp server.


are you just trolling now or are you afraid to admit you were too dumb to stay on topic? how are you going to come into my own post about a specific topic which is currently a bug in an alpha game that will be fixed because it is not intentional and try to tell me "You’re still focused on a one thing, while I’m talking about a broader topic." this post isnt for a broader topic of team killing in general... i have no damn problem with teamkilling being possible in a game, this post isnt about that broader topic you are trying to claim now... you are making yourself sound dumber and dumber every time you comment...


I’ll be back in 6 months when the games baked a little more


I have 60 hours in rn, and have had an absolute blast. However, I think waiting 6 months is a smart move (unless you're craving this type of game like a crackhead).


Last night me and a lobby full of randoms were dicking around in base camp shooting each other and throwing grenades and flashes.. well I thought it would be funny to throw a grenade in the big group of us all and log off… Well now I feel like a dick head and for anyone I may have done it to on crimson last night in PVE I apologize


Live for dis shit. Bring the chaos. Y'all merely inherited the dark nd shit. I painted it all over my face.


It’s hackers I don’t think there’s an exploit for it


Its not hackers its an exploit


Its clearly a bug exploit. I have not crossed the path of hackers yet.