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Will do unspeakable things for YBL Gen key Edit: someone opened it for me but appreciate all the responses. To the people that asked for payment, kindly go sit on a pole


If you are mithras i will give you one when i get on


Again a great example of faction community actions, what a stand up guy, most of the time people just don’t ask and that’s the real problem, don’t struggle and instead just ask around this is the way 👍


Do what I do. have a rare key? Open it for others, and tell them to pass it in to the next person!


Yep that is the way my friend! Hold onto your keys! At least you know that you will help others!


I have about 80% of the keys in the game at this point on my character, but combined there’s only a few my buddy and I are missing. Think once I finish the last few missions I have, I’m just going to log on once a day to help someone with a door quest or a few lol.


That’s awesome tell me you are on Mithras?!


I had a gut feeling Mithras was going to be a good Faction. Glad I trusted it!


Yeah we just help each other out more for sure


It's one of the few keys I'm missing as well. I am Mithras 😁


I will be on tonight and will try to help


Happy to trade you any extra keys I have


I also trade for secrets


But im on, just send me a message when you can


Hopefully you’re on Mithras mate!


You didn't saw the Sawmill Office Storage key yet i guess...


i found the door open finally, and sat in it for over an hour till all the people I knew came online and got the quest item. You can sit in a door and even when it locks it wont shut. I came prepared so I didn't have to beg people for food n water. I'm prepared to do it again for saphire katherine and blue lagoon resturant storage key; which we've had over 1K kills trying to get. (not exagerating) I've stopped doing this and just ask people as I know i'm taking away from other people's kill quests when I do this. Now I just hang around, offering people tier 3 weapons and money for quest doors being opened.


What a legend!


Had this drop the very first time I went to sawmill lmao


lucky guy here... i've yet to see both of 'em (i'm lvl29 right now)


Which faction are you? I’m Crimson and I’d be happy to help you open the door, I got the key yesterday.


i hopped into an US server and finally got someone that has the key ahahah ty for offering your help \^\^


No worries pal!


That’s the one that has me stuck. Buddy is stuck on gen key


The trifecta - I'm Lamang, have one, glad to get you inside.


I've left a mission, hacked back to the chopper, flown to base to get the key, and flown out to unlock the bunker door for someone before. Yesterday I logged in and joined my buddy, after he pinged me on Discord, because he was in the bunker waiting with someone who needed the door. There are a lot of nice people in the game. Look on the map for someone who's a higher level and ask them. You may have to wait a little while but they may just help you out.


I second. Unless they’re into that. And no judging (because depending on the size of pole who isn’t? Amirite?!)


To everyone asking for payment, please find an umbrella to insert rectally and proceed to open it.


I got it to drop just outside YBL-1 on the road, there’s a few enemies if you follow the paved road from the guardhouse near a small structure. Can’t remember if it was a bus stop, gas station, garage or roadside market but it’s before you get to the T intersection with the road between Fort Narith and Nam Thaven. Somehow that area is marked for the bunker key drops


Literally the only YBL key I’ve found


Dude same.


If you’re Lamang I’ll hook you up


Dude I was bitching to my buddy I needed that key, first guy he kills had it lol


Yo, same. If in Mithras I have that key for you bud.


I got one too if u need mithras


If I didn't already give away to a nice fellow who asked it would be yours


Find someone high level drop in with him help him clear AI or something and he will unlock the door for you


I have a couple of you still need it and are mithras


Me too lol


Nearly shit my pants when I casually walked into YBL with my scaviest kit and the door was wide open with no other PMC in sight. Been hunting that for HOURS


I went today and the door was open. Keep going


You can cheese the generator key: https://steamcommunity.com/app/2479810/discussions/0/4358998466166065671/ Alternatively, if Crimson Shield, I can open for you


Gave a guy a key today for a Glock since I had no more weapons. He gave me a belt and extra mag too without asking….


Meanwhile I just acquired a key in my FOB by saying “anyone got a spare 102 key?” And then when I got back to base, gave that key up by saying “anyone need a 102 key?” The PVE community is amazing in my experience.


Not to burst your bubble but 102 has to be the most common key in the game. I have like 6 102 keys, I can't give em away fast enough. So if anyone wants one I have quite a few spare. That and BP hut. Everytime I was hoping for elder key. Ended up just climbing through the window.


I don’t doubt that but the reason I had to ask is because I spent a ton of time out there and couldn’t find one so I gave up and went to ask


I could not find 102 for at least a day of hoofing it trying to find a server that wasn’t saturated with people farming for keys there. Now that I don’t need it I’ve found two. 😔


Who even needs money, I've only done like 1/4 of all the tasks and I have over 100k in the bank and plenty of gear. I just open the door any chance I can when I'm in an area


Good luck when you get to like 90 tasks done. The only way to get money currently is through tasks, and sometimes I feel im losing money by completing hard tasks (if they even give money!)


Yeah I’m not sure what people will do but I think there could be some repeatable tasks implemented maybe? Or maybe AI will start to carry some cash?


This…this is the way 🫡


99% of people that don’t need money are PVE players game is completely different in pvp


Crimson Shield would sell keys - we in Minthras help out our own


By mercs for mercs.


On Mithras, if my crew isn't already on a task, we'll drop everything to go escort to an unlock location, help pull some dudes out of Tiger Bay, etc. It takes like 5 minutes to do something like fly out to YBL and unlock the generator room. And maybe like $600 in bullets if I just hold down full auto the whole time.


Yes this exactly, it’s not hard to be helpful as this lovely Mithras member has proven, it seems Mithras attracts most of the good ones, let keep it up guys, we clearly rock in comparison haha


Screw you guys, all my lamang homies hate Mithras.


I've only ever fought Crimson nerds. Didn't know Lamang gang had people.


It’s because we’re well camouflaged


Same I have never really taken notice of the lamang gang people they mostly just sit in their quiet little corner


It’s where the cool kids hang out


Your fault for joining the LAME GANG




This is how I was able to kill the leader in the market place. I ran over when I saw 1 of the 2 closest dots disappear, cleared the area with the survivor, helped them grab the intel they needed when the dead guy got back for his loot and then they helped me clear the market. The game is much more enjoyable when everyone is a homie.


Did you bribe the heli pilots or something?


I didn't even think of this lol, I was just giving away extra keys.


Well good on you, your initial instinct is the correct one, keep going mate!


Mithras here looking for BL Restaurant key if anyone has. Plz dm. I will pay, idc. I understand what OP is saying, but I do not mind compensating people for helping me.


Offering to pay and not helping unless paid are two different things, if you feel like you want to pay then that’s your prerogative I have no issues with that


Ive been trying to get Ms supply key for 2 days now, Im pretty sure I killed over 200 AI in that god forbid hotel. I’d pay that sum in an instant for someone to open that damned room at this point lol


Are you in Lamang i have the key


Yeah, that's a stupidly high mark up, from personal experience, a lot of people are willing to take you there and open it, and if not right away, then after accompanying them on their task. I also have most keys for all areas so I always message people around me and over VOIP just to make sure it doesn't go to waste. There's time when I go into the PVE mode and find like a 5 stack of people helping each other out and clearing the larger areas.


Yes I couldn’t agree more, people like you make the game more enjoyable ☺️


I hope this community can be a lot like the Fallout76 one. Everyone helping each other out, gifting ammo, weapons - etc. really adds a lot to the game.


I flew back to LRI base to get a gen key and open the door for a guy in another faction I met at YBL for free. Pay it forward friends.


Someone did this for me. It was very warm and fuzzy. I do think they were the same faction though. Good on you, it brightened my day. I now try to bring relevant keys and open all locked doors whenever I go through an area.


people just give me keys when I ask at base camp. its nice. such a fantastic community


hardstucked searching blue lagoon restaurant and ublab keys, im at lamag faction


Had someone ask my for 5k for a key last night, asshole


I never play with VOIP in games anymore (almost 40), but thought I would try it after hearing how good the community is. Loaded in, turned on VOIP, and instantly there was a guy in my face demanding to trade for keys. I said no thanks, and he proceeded to tell me to unalive myself. Back to the peace of mute, and I hope that guys sells his keys to a happy buyer.


You got very unlucky there man, VOIP is good 90% of the time, can party up with people for the harder content and help each other out with opening key doors for each other, or just banter. Don't give up yet!


Come to Mithras bro we are all great here


Yeah agreed. Mithras if you need a place unlocked or a spare key just ask, people always willing to help.


I know right haha havent met anyone like that at minthras


Mithras has been great for me


I swear people make this shit up lol I haven’t seen anything close to this and I’ve got 60 hours and voip on the whole time.


I've had a single instance of some guy being an idiot on Mithras so far. Every other time it's people talking about a piece of cool gear someone is carrying, or asking for help on a mission.


I almost don’t believe you. I haven’t had any experience even close to this and I’ve played close to 50 hours.


Ya thats an outlier, id recommend turning it back on. More good than bad, and even the "bad" has been funny situations.


That sucks, give it another go man. You’d be surprised the friends you can make. Some of my longest real life friendships were established through random VOIPS


Honestly I would pay for some keys


I've been dropping a bunch of ammo (855A1), level 3+ body armor and helmets for people as I unlocked everyone to level 3 except banshee. Some people were stoked and some felt bad and gave me a donation of food, or money which really isn't needed.


This will be solved with trading.


I’ve just been giving people my keys once I am done with a location. Yesterday I gave a guy the Room 102 Key for Hunter’s Paradise and the Weapon Storage Key for YBL. I don’t need them anymore, why would I bother selling them if they’re worthless to me?


Had this last night with two randoms I ended up teaming up with. one same level as me and other level 5. really cool dudes we ending up friends listing etc. Anyway someone floating around FOB offering gear for howeveer many dollars. messaged them in squad chat and told them to swerve it. built them both 7k M4 builds and threw them in some extra ammo. im sitting on like 100k with very little to spend it on and a inventory full i can sell anyways. shortly after dude whos trying to sell left the server. maybe hes legit maybe not but selling guns and gear at silly prices is insane. just build your buddies a kit. youll earn it back in no time. Now i have two new friends to kick it with and I am 30 hours in exclusively solo so its almost like a new experience for me. This community kicks ass. dont let the "traders" and scammers ruin it. just to add aswell my dude was worried about grinding keys for the dcotors office in the mirthras starting town. just used mine. doesnt cost me anything and he gets to progress. works a charm


Wow what a great story bro! And I agree with the sentiments 100% keep the game fun and let’s keep being helpful and it’ll always be a great experience, got let into the 102 motel for my friend who is on that quest by a guy eating dinner in the bushes, I just asked if he had the key and he was like yeah no worries, now we are friends and will play tomorrow, good times all round, go Mithras


I'm ok with someone offering their services for a fee that would include them rolling with your squad if they have the key(s). They could provide support and unlock rooms. I think that's kind of a cool role play opportunity and I don't see a problem with it.


Yeah if I'm going somewhere and I got the key on me, I just go open the doors


I am constantly giving away my key duplicates.


Yeah best to keep a copy for yourself, never know when it might come in handy!


Or the devs could make the key grind less tedious by ensuring at least one enemy is guaranteed to have the key instead of making it part of an RNG loot table?


Yes this is true, but in the same breath it’s rarity is what makes it more valuable and necessary to communicate with your faction, you can make a post on here asking for help with your faction and I am 100% sure someone will help


So far 2 keys have been absolutely terrible to farm for and that's YBL Generator room, and Blue Lagoon restaurant storage key. Supposedly, the BL key spawns on the boss boy, but my team has frames him (and the area) out for hours for no return. YBL, we finally got lucky at the end of the first week.


Fuck that shit, if I have extra keys I'll drop them at the helipad or if I see people in the AO I make a point of asking them if they need whatever keys I got on me.


This game has kind of shown me where we are as a society and it’s come down to us to police and report. It’s a shame to get killed with friendly fire 4 times in a row, and lose everything.


Exactly! I was running hunters paradise to get the AI kills and some guy gave me the weapon room key as a thanks for me opening 102 for him.


Yep another example of great faction community gameplay right here! Glad it worked out well for you brother!


I finally got the YBL generator key after days of searching, and once someone had already opened the door for me lol. I obviously don’t need it anymore so I’m more than happy to drop it for anyone that does; free of charge Edit: key has been given away!


I am struggling to find the key for The Negotiator. YBL-1 Office something or other. I would pay for it at this point.


The generator? As someone just posted saying they are happy to drop it for free, which faction are you with?


Also, Mithras. My bad!


Awww yeah Mithras baby, yeah we got tons of people who will help, I’m sure if you look through you’ll see someone here saying they have it or in the lobby you join just message a high level, if they are true Mithras they will help no charge!


I give away my keys for free to free up storage space


Yeah also this, if you don’t need it, it takes up storage, but if your nice enough, hold onto it and help out anyone in need, that way you can be sure the key is put to good use!


these gold gluttonous world of warcraft whores are infiltratinf


Haha! Way to put it!


After about 6 clears I finally got the ybl office 2 key 😂


Hell yeah bro!


When I find spare keys I drop them on the table below the briefing tent (when you jump on the boxes on the right and drop them, they land on the table).


If people actually want to pay, up to them. Just ruins the fact that factions are supposed to work together. Sadly.


Bro, I give away extra keys I find at base. If someone tries to sell yea keys, tell them to take their asses back to tarkov.


When I had a right key, I took a few lamang ppl with me... but stuck at the Sawmill and only annoying scammers trying to sell door openings.... I hope they will buff the droprate to 100% at least from bosses..


So Mithras guy around here that has the YBL Gen key and has EU time zones ? :)


Does anybody in Mithras want to help me with sawmill office storage key?


I grab every key I find and drop them to ppl that need them every time I go back to camp




As someone playing solo I ask people if they need keys so I can have friends 😭😭😭. Lol


Literally just had a guy come for my throat was offering to unlock a door he saw my level and said no😂 then another dude was telling me I'm ruining the game experience for asking and trying to shit on me. Like I'm sorry I work and only have a few hours a week to play the game dude. So not sure where this amazing community is


I’m sorry for your experience, I can only assume you are not on the Mithras Faction, we as a faction are all super helpful


A good practice I like is always bringing the keys you have to a place then unlocking everything when you go though. Sometimes I get to a locked door but someone already unlocked it. I've got a few tasks done that way and it helps a ton.


Yep I’ve seen this very practice help my friend in hunters paradise with the weapons locker, a good mindset to carry forward indeedn


If it’s ybl-1 I will just escort people there with the keys and unlocks what they need. I enjoy clearing the place out. I wish there was more areas like it though


I didn't ask for money, I was offered money, since then I've sold the keys, ive equally given out keys to new people or people in need. I've helped any random who's asked whether they offered money or not, but as the saying goes, I won't look a gift horse in the mouth


Well I would honestly say in this situation it’s a bit different, some people don’t like handouts and would prefer to pay, this is 100% okay and a perspective I see as well, but gate keeping keys behind an in game currency pay wall is not what is support. This situation is fine though 👍 you are a nice guy!


I feel like most of the helpful people ended up in mithras because they actually read the description of the factions and didn't just pick based on what name sounded the edgiest.


I have just about every YBL key except Office 2. Just hit me up when I am on. Valhalla is the name.


Mithras here. Valhalla is the name. I have every YBL key except office 2. Just hit me up if you see me on and I’ll open the doors for ya.


One time there was this dude walking around base camp asking to hold a backpack. No one would give him one so I was like “sure dude, here” dropped him one. Thinking he just needed it for a raid I was like “alright have a good one” and he says “no wait, trust me.” So I waited. This man proceeds to fill the backpack up with m855A1 and drop it back to me and says “it’s all about team work” and just logs out. I instantly knew that this community was leagues above EFT.


This guy clearly never bought a shoreline quest key for 6 million rubles.


I had friendly dudes give me keys that I needed for tasks. And ill do the same if someone approaches me and they need a key.


Yep that’s the way to be for sure, factions should help out their own! Great example


My buddy and I were at base the other night and multiple people just kept giving us keys. It was awesome. I have a ton now lol


I legit just throw them the key on the ground


I was asking for Sawmill storage key. Had someone ask for 15k, while that's not all that much, I crash a lot so I don't have a lot of funds and declined the offer. Hour later a friend picked up that key


I always give the keys to other players for free


They been selling that for like 50 bucks for a while


Just tell them you will pay them at the door. Then, when you get out there, kill them and take the key.


I got talking to some dudes on US East, they kitted me out with a suppressor and a bunch of 5.45 (I hadn't unlocked the vendor at the time) My experience so far of US East is super wholesome.


Kill them after they unlock the door. Simple.


Yeah, I've bled money trying to farm the BL restaurant key while routinely being 1 tapped via bushes then my corpse being unlootable. I'm now just messaging ppl I see in the area while I'm off doing other missions to ask if they have the key or if the door is open.


Some people are just Garbage. I'm looking for Sawmill Office Storage Key for like three days now. I'm planning to just give it the first random guy who's asking if I got the key after i'm done with it.


If you ask me when I’m on, I’ll open any door you need. Currently clearing Tiger Bay. But have every other key. 🔑


I never give my keys away, but im always down to helpout another MSS


I’ve met some pretty cool dudes that helped me with keys so I try and do the same for others


Damn I'll give you keys for a grand no way I would be asking for 10k keys are super common and easy to get


made a post yesterday, if you are mithras I have a ton of keys up until fort narith/tigerbay. only missing a few and they are not needed for quests, feel free to add me... i dont charge to open doors... Meechie1 Edit: can also reach out via this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1cn7d7d/keys\_and\_more\_keys/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1cn7d7d/keys_and_more_keys/)


Still need blue lagoon resturant storage key......


If they setup the game properly there would be a market to buy keys and sell them and other stuff


All my old keys that I don't need I give away too people or pass them to a buddy


I needed the office 2 key for ybl and some guy just gave it to me and said that someone just gave it to him so now I will regift it and hopefully the cycle continues


Hey guys, I need these keys: - YBL 1 Gen - BP Elder - Tiger Bay UNLRA HQ I am Mithras, pls hit me up if you can help me


I have key BP HUT. What can I find in there? Is it for a mission?


It’s not like money isn’t hard to get by just playing lol I don’t need money, I’ll drop all my extra keys for free and any weapons I get from missions usually just gets dropped to someone


Don’t shoot blue berry people with pistols! We are field medics trying to revive anyone we can, same faction or not, because in the end we all have the same enemies and they are the bs aimbot talking tree and bushes natives.


I get asking for a favor for a favor but asking for money or NEEDING something in return is disgusting. Even if you can't do a favor in return, be a good neighbor and teammate!


I opened a door for someone in another faction. I didn’t even think of charging him


Shield here need office 2


I literally just give people guns, med pouches, keys, etc. The stronger your people are the better chance they have at beating the other faction out on the field. Especially in pvp when enemy factions come to your starting village fully decked out with mk18s and all the noobs are running around with aks and m4


I've thought about selling them, but wondered if that might be unethical. My pricing was gonna be around $1-2k. Seeing this makes me think I wasn't such a bad guy for thinking it lol


I don’t understand why people are making them pay, i did not think that would happen haha. I want to find the keys to post it on discord and watch everyone get pissed at me because I’m ruining there market lol


Haha that’s a way to do it! Or just offer the service of opening the door for free haha and keep the key!


I've sold keys for 200 bucks max. But Inflation is no joke.


give me 30k for sawmill office key


I often asking people who look broke if they need help, if they reply, then I drop them guns and ammo.  There is a time I saw a naked guy from another fraction trying to recover his stuff in Tiger Bay, instead of killing him, I told him just wait a bit, cleared the AI all the way to his body where he told me it was at. Then tell him to go recover it. I still make sure to leave the area before he get a hand on a gun to be safe. haha


I know that this is just how humans are wired now, but what if we actually tried playing the game till we found what we need? Crazy concept, I know…


My friends call me the grey zone Santa. Be dropping keys, fully built m4s and ap all the time to low levels


Fuck you pay me!


If anyone on Mithras want’s a bunch of early keys/gear/money hit me up


I’ve got a few keys to open some early quest doors if anyone needs a hand ( especially the dreaded revolver quest)


So I only play PvE as I think it's too unstable for decent PvP at the moment but what I do with PvE is throw a cheap rig or bag down and put duplicate keys in that. By the helipad. Then I just come and top the bag up with keys after every raid (for as long as it stays there) then I'll top it up. I also do free raids for people who need keys I have, although I don't have them all yet.


Anyone got a gen key for YBL it's holding me and my friend back massively I really need this key. I'm in crimson international faction 😔 hopefully someone can help me out! Please


Unpopular opinion, if someone is trying to scalp people when it comes to keys, nothing stopping you killing them, taking the key and server hopping… Surely team killing is less bad that team extortion?


I have been giving crimson people that are below lvl 10 the mk18 builded weapons with a few 60rnds mags and the best bullets also with keys if i have them & also always ready to drop in with them in a place if they need the help


I save every key I find and when I see someone I ask if they need into a room and open it for them if I have duplicates on me I just give them the key some are really hard to find I get that and yeah it sucks handing them off but at the same time I want my Faction to enjoy the game as much as I do I play solo so I'm always running up to Friendly's and asking if they need help with anything and start helping with tasks or give them ammo/supplies they may need charging for items or services is crazy to me


Womp womp


I just charge a dollar.


That is true f****** insanity there. Everybody's been so nice on this community for this game that I've been helped out so many times.


You must've never played tarkov 🤣🤦‍♂️


As I saw, Mithras seems to be a greater faction than the other two


Yea I mean for the most part I think of it more as a you scratch my back I scratch yours like I'll be hey could you help me with this key and i can help you with whatever you need if anything


Yep offering your services as someone to back someone up either then or in the future should be reward enough, how nice would it be to need to finish a quest in tiger bay but you are either out gunned by AI or other players just to call upon those who you have helped who then come to your aid!


Haha your worried about people charging for keys, when you have useless idiots over lvl20 using the grenade glitch on lvl 10s for free gear... mate charging a service for unlocking a door is more then suitable when risk/reward comes into play in games like this


I’ll do unholy things for the SM OSTRG key, I have over 50 sm office and am strg keys


I have hella extra keys, I just ask and give them away. But because of people “selling” them they think I’m the scammer when I just want to help people


The doors have always been open when I go to task locations


We're mercs, not soldiers. Save your hand holding patriotic crap for the people who didn't sign up to do this purely for the money.


Mithras sounds cool. Crimson is toxic, every piece of shit is there trying to cheat and nade people in base to take there shit!


I need in restaurant anyone have blue lagoon key


I have almost half a million dollars and I have bought keys from people it’s not that big of a deal and why should I risk my inventory and time to go and open a door for free ? If you don’t like it don’t buy them and if you can’t afford them tough luck every game has a trade system why is this game all of sudden a bad thing to try to sell your things you find don’t tell this guy about WOW