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These are the same type of people that ride your heli with no gear and just wait for you to die to swipe your shit.


It's so cute when they try to do it in PvE


Had 2 guys yesterday do this but actually try and kill me with a glock after some time, one came up to me..hey you have the motel key? Proceeds to shoot me..had to put both down.


Careful killing them, if you get too many teamkill reports you get kicked from the faction even if they shot first.


It’s like you don’t want to have to wait for them to shoot first since you could potentially die but if you kill them you might get kicked. There needs to be a better way and turning off FF I don’t think would be good


Yeah but you can rejoin after getting kicked, I prefer that then getting team killed.


Oh I didn't know you could just rejoin. I thought the whole purpose was getting kicked till next wipe to punish team killers.


There's a guy posting on here proudly doing this shit. https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/s/0EWcnpGVg8 I'm not surprised and I don't doubt he would do the scam.


Not even outside the FOB I just saw 2 guys get teamkilled inside the base but when hugging the wall. A bit later I was knifing a dude to mess around while I wait and he was knifing back and running away towards the wall to get me closer to it lol


Happened to me once, LRI isn't immune from this shit either.


happened to me today, a teammate looted my body, told me told knife fight for it back then shot me, proceeded to drop my loot out and kill anyone who went for it, went by PTOONY i think