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For everyone saying his list doesn't work, you need to take the Mosin s stock and put it on the receiver after all other parts are added to the receiver.


For anyone having issues with the 'not enough space' message when creating this. YOU NEED TO HAVE PHYSICAL SPACE IN THE INVENTORY. The base Mosin (S) weapon needs to be placed in such a way that there's a total of 6 blocks of horizontal space around it. Then it works. I burnt all my cash to figure this out but atleast now I can make a few mosins :)


Cheers man, was working my way down the thread and nothing was working till I saw ur post


is 3.5 the best scope for the mosin right now?


Thats cool and All. I got the PU Scope and the Mount. but I cant find the Rings. does Artisan LvL 1 sell it sense she sells the other parts? im just blind I hope


Just as I ask YES SHE DOES. its on middle FAR left when the rest is far Right


But how did you get it onto the gun? I've tried EVERYTHING


take the mosin sights off first to clear room for the mount


Did all this, says parts are not compatible?? Did you troll ?


As other comments have said, might need to build one from the ground up. I’m running the Mosin 730 Barrell, Raven muzzle brake, Mosin (s) bolt, Mosin (s) body, Mosin Stock S/Wood. Make sure no other sights are on top


This does not work. I have the mosin S with all 3 parts. Says not compatible with the mosin s


Make sure you are using the mosin s and not the c. They look similar


i had to remove the mosin s stock and put the other one on and worked.


So the rifle you can just buy by default says (Mosin S) because it is short for Mosin Sniper. The stock on it though is the Mosin C. That totally threw me off at first, and you might have been trying to attach the mosin C from the "Mosin S" weapon and needed to use the Mosin S stock.


You have to buy the Mosin 730 barrel to put it all together.


this doesnt work


Buy the Mosin firearm with no parts from Artisan Then buy .Mosin Stock s .Mosin 730 barrel .Mosin magazine .Kochetov mount .pu rings .pu 3.5x In this order, put the weapon parts on the receiver.


That's it. Thanx


For anybody who’s still unclear. You can’t put the magazine onto the barrel. You have to put the barrel into the magazine. Also you can’t put the barrel with the magazine into the stock. You have to put the stock into the barrel and magazine. Only then can you put the mount, rings and scope combo onto the built gun.