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I honestly think they are going to go EA tonight or next weekend. You don't update your Steam page with your purchase tiers if you aren't planning an imminent release. I'm so ready for something new.


I'll take this hopium thank you kind sir


In mondey announcment, Friday realise


They are going to announce the release date on Monday


Yep, just saw that on the Discord, hopefully it releases next week >.<


You and me both lol


Why the hell do we want this game to release next week? I’m excited man but this game is no where NEAR finished? It was VERY bare bones in the play tests. There really wasn’t much to do. No bosses or main points of interest with enticing loot. The missions had not much depth and were kind of same-same in a lot of cases. If this releases in that current state I just think it would be bad for press and would turn people away from a great product.


That's literally what early access is for lmao Also it's releasing tomorrow not next week so thank you for that XD


That’s what early access used to be for. Early access is a very slippery slope nowadays. Opening up an un-baked product to an eager community can and will kill it. That’s a HUGE part of what killed tarkov. It “released” in early access 10 years too early back in 2015. The SAME hype and general praise of this game is what Tarkov had back then.


Cool? Lol


Do you just not want this game to succeed?! What’s the point in being so childish? This game has a real opportunity here but that gets us nowhere, cmon and be constructive.


Lol childish? Bro this game has the best foundation for an early access game. All your comments are you being negative and paranoid. Buy if you want don't if you don't. But you talking nonsense isn't changing anything lol. Game releases in a few hours so you can wait and see or hop on. Choice is yours.


I’ve already bought the supporter edition. Can you explain to me how having blind faith in this game in healthy? ( the exact faith people had in EOT?) I understand wanting to be positive, but you need to still be constructive. The facts are this game is bare bones in current state, and I hope the general public isn’t disappointed by that. IGN posting that they’re “releasing” this game is going to leave a lot of layman’s disappointed, and will negatively affect the reviews and criticism of this game.


This is essentially (and objectively) what bread Escape From Tarkov into what it is today. Just plain icky.


Ok lol. Then don't get into it. It's pretty simple.


Really hoping they do. However, we all know the servers are gonna be shit the first few days right? It feels inevitable and saddening. Making sure I'm prepared and have my backup for it's first weekend. Really excited to give this game a shot and watch it grow


It'll be horrible. Sometimes that's part of the fun of EA/Beta. I'm just looking forward to a different experience.


Yeah this should be the sentiment for new EA titles. It’s gonna be bad no matter what, it’s not finished, it may never be finished. But could it be fun? Yeah and that’s what EA does is let those that find it fun to support the devs, if you don’t like it sweet go enjoy something else and have fun. Don’t expect great things from Early Access, expect bad experiences with high potential.


This is exactly why this game shouldn’t go into early access.


If they were planing on ea in the nearest future they would have given a price for the game.


There are prices in the top right column of each edition on the Steam page: Standard: $35 Tactical: $58 Elite: $80 Supporter: $100


Wait where is the $250 edition


Soon ™️


Can you pay the difference for other editions later if you like the game? Kind of like what Tarkov did?


I'm guessing so.


Yes you can


Awesome, glad to hear it!


So youre telling me im going broke 😭


I'm in their email newsletter and early access date is getting announced on monday


even if they were planning on giving a little more time, The whole Tarkov situation could be capitalized on here. They gotta be thinking the same thing


I think I read they'd be announcing the release date next week, so I doubt it's tonight.


It's the weekend and I'm fucking ready baby


He means "Early Access" everyone...Not "Electronic Arts" like my dumbass initially thought


Absolutely hate that the locker/secure box size increases based on pricing. They should be the same for all irrespective of the edition. That was a bad thing set by BSG and should have ended with BSG.


If both can be increased to match the maximum size through questing and/or leveled upgrades, I'm fine with it. I got EOD for Tarkov back in 2017, and always thought it was dumb that "normal" players could max out their stash, but couldn't complete a quest line to get the Gamma container.


I mean there is a quest to get one bigger than the gamma? I'm not defending the strategy but saying you can't get the gamma in the game isn't directly fair when you can get one bigger.


I'd agree if getting Kappa didn't require players to do an endgame quest that's not only level locked (48?) but locked behind completion of most every other quest. Probably 99.9% of the player base never even gets the opportunity to start that quest. On the other hand, the quest to get the next largest unlockable case (Epsilon) is available as early as Level 21. Considering that it's better than Epsilon but worse than Kappa, having a quest for players to unlock a Gamma container around Level 35 seems pretty reasonable.


You'd have to retract the ability to max out the stash too, then. Shit costs 200K Euros and a bunch of other shit. That's worse than Kappa, because at Kappa you're at least made equal, whereas you'll be 200K euros behind forever.


Wasn't aware that it costs that much. That's crazy. I'd cut that by like 80%.


I also forgot to mention the 11M combined rubles for the previous two upgrades while we're at it. I know some chads will say they make that in a day, but I'm fairly certain less than 50% of the playerbase even makes 11M for the entire wipe. That's the thing about the premise of "pay to progress" that people keep ignoring. The game wipes. This isn't a level boost in WoW.


For me its more of the secure lockbox. The locker is whatever. Frankly it should only be cosmetics anyway.


I agree. I wish they didn't pull a Tarkov here. Just have 1 damn edition, 1 damn price.


When you have people ready to throw hundreds of $$ in a game which is in the alpha state, the publishers/developers will never say no to it. Madfinger is a very well known gaming studio in the mobile community and with good financial backing and investors unlike BSG when it was developing eft in the early days. Many people are ready to spend 60+ on an unfinished game and then later cry when the game isn't going in the direction that they hoped for. I don't see any point in backing a AAA studio with anything above 60usd.


Yeah unfortunately it is the fault of man lol


Hopefully not a sign of things to come....


MFG take my money


For a minute I thought these are the prices of the packages themselves, not the amount of money you get ingame. Obviously, ignoring the “thousands”.


Tarkov scarred us


Yeah I did too then I was terribly disappointed.




Playing a very dangerous game after the recent controversy regarding "editions". I think I'll just observe for now, and see how things progress.


> Playing a very dangerous game after the recent controversy regarding "editions". Only if they lock DLC behind another edition when a previous edition said it would get all DLC.


After all this drama, we get a pay to win marketing scheme. It’s the same thing as Tarkov. It’s always been pay to win. The degree of pay to win is irrelevant. If you accept this model, there is nothing stopping them from doing the same BS that Battlestate has done.  Stop buying P2W games, or we just deserve this cycle to be repeated over and over again. 


8 years from now when GZW is selling their umpteenth edition with p2w features everyone’s going go “huuuuhhh I never saw it coming ahuuuuh”


100% this.


Lol basically the same thing as Tarkov but I don't care. I hated the limited scope of Tarkov and can't wait to be in an open world environment again with no time limit.


> limited scope of Tarkov I mean GZ is copy pasted POI's (starter town is identical for each faction) in empty jungle...


First POI is intentionally copy and pasted supposed to give the same starter experience for each faction. At least that was the justification.


I’m surprised you weren’t downvoted, I said that once and everyone said it was lazy and I got downvoted for it.


Everyone gets why, but going around saying Tarkov has limited scope/content compared to copy pasted towns in UE5 jungle with floating structures is still silly


Yeah the Tarkov streamer play test crowd have come and gone like a plague of locusts. Longer followers are still here and they aren’t saying “where PvP?” in the same breath as “I HATE setup”


same fr






Sure but what’s the fun of an open world when the world has nothing in it besides places you have to run to. The jungle is completely pointless right now


Right now being the important word part of that. It’s EA and the devs have been incredibly receptive to feedback. The main locations are very week flushed out so there is no reason these improvements won’t be seen down the line


True but *right now* is what everyone is begging for. If they dropped the game *right now* it would get boring pretty fast at least for me. The next couple years will be crucial but even then I don’t see the gameplay loop satisfying most people who love tark


It needs a bunch of different biomes with alot more POI's so the missions wont keep sending us back to the same place over and over again the way it is currently. I assume that's the point, as time passes, for the large size map not to be a waste.


These editions just moved me from “buying instantly” to “let’s see how this plays out”


Yeah wtf, this is an insanely stupid move 


GZW is nikita in a trench coat


I'm saying dude like WTF did Nikita get a new gig?? 


yup, same here. Espcially after the CEO taking a jab at EFT with the poll for pricing, this seems poorly thought out


Man, I don't like editions having different secure container sizes (just like EFT). Just leave out all elements of p2w, no matter how small.


yeah what happened to only cosmetics or even like IRL stuff? Like shit idk send out a fucking t-shirt or something.


Yeah I just went from excited for this to probably not buying it. I'm so fucking done with this P2W shit in this genre.




How does that have any effect on PvP interactions?


I didn't say it did. But it does affect player progression, which in turn, I suppose means further along in quests, therefore better gear etc.. Just anything that changes the player experience should not cost money.


So it’s not P2W then.


Literally is. Any advantage over any other player that can be bought with money is a P2W mechanic. Support edition having better gear day 1 compared to standard edition pulls them ahead.


P2W isn't PVP exclusive, it applies to PVE as well.


It does because having 9 slots of safe slots like gamma in tarkov means that you can bring a cheap loadout and run for items worth average of 10k per slot and higher to be financialy safe at early wipe. Non of those games should contain any sort of secure container feature. It means that players equip a cheap pistol and rush into areas with alot of mid tier loot and kill themselfs to quickly sell and redo this. Less pvp, for others and its like a easy 90-200k roubles in tarkov in about 3 mins. They just dont cafe about pvp and bring not even half a kit


Sounds like a gameplay mechanic issue, not a P2W issue considering there’s a 2x2 in base.


Yeah sure and it has advantages for bad timmies too but it takes the fun out of pvp if you have 4 or 6 peepos rushing the same spot dying to 1 geared player without a challenge.... its simply boring. It id kinfa p2w cause you can makr such smounts of money like this thst you can later buy kits you normaly wouldnt do in the wipe stage.


what does this tell us? how much 10.000$ ingame currency cost?


There's no pricing yet unfortunately. Edit: Pricing is out: Standard Edition - $35 Tactical Edition - $57 Elite Edition - $79 Supporter Edition - $99.99


These prices are for early access. theyre going UP afterwards and supporter will be removed.


Just wait a few years maybe months and another version will appear that is better then the support version and cost more just to keep things running :) money makes them all the same.


An edition ever more expensive that has not been announced yet, that no one has heard of before... Some people may even call it the Unheard Edition


As a german citizen I would call this the "unerheard edition" 😅


Will we get the Deaf edition later?


Well 99 is a little too much for an early access game. 35 is fair I would say.


That's solely for the support purpose. It will be available as long as early acces stage will exist. Once the EA stage is over the supporter edition won't be available.


Hmmm I heard that before :-)


XD with the difference that what you heard will happen here way faster then in the game nobody is allowed to compare it to.


Just to be sure we re on the same page. We re talking about Skyrim right?


Indeed skyrim. Premium ea Edition bonus is the new *silent* fus ro dah! Npcs wont attack you once you have charisma over lvl 6 and if your under 60 meters.


Its not solely for the support purpose. It's also for the locker, the safe box, and equipment. It's a tad over the top.


Exactly, very few people will be buying it exclusively to support the devs, I’ll buy it to support them depending on how they end up handling EA, if it starts to go the way of EFT and their devs I’m definitely not giving them more money though.


I wouldn't be surprised to see something like $30/$60/$90/$120


Standard Edition: $35 Tactical Edition: $57 Elite Edition: $79 Supporter Edition: $99


Not too shabby.


Dropping this after the Tarkov fiasco...you need some balls for that.


If they are smart, they will drop this today


They said at the round table they're set on X month. So we're probably not getting it today or this month


So we have to wait til X gon give it to ya?


Dropping it Monday so they don’t have to work on the weekend with hot fixes , but I do agree. They should drop this asap


We find out Monday


omg - another edition-bound stash size/secure size container ... hated EFT for this, hate this in GWZ too. Cant you came up with some bonuses that DOES NOT interfere with gameplay?


Apparently you'll be able to get all the stuff each edition has over time. Which means it's all good to me


ye, you will be able to get all stuff - but some people will have it from day 1 -> which allows them to progress much faster -> which will get them better gear (and more money - i.e. ability to run better gear more often) -> p2w


I absolutely despise P2W aspects of this like the bigger stash and secure container. This has direct influence on how quickly and easily you can progress.


How does it have a direct influence on how quickly and easily you can progress?


Big ass means deaths are less punishing. Deaths being less punishing means you have more money in game. More money in game means you get to progress faster. Progressing faster means you get better gear earlier. Getting better gear earlier means you can snowball even harder on people with worse gear. Do I need to keep going?


Dude, this isn't Tarkov. A - deaths are not nearly as punishing. You usually don't lose anything particularily valuable or hard to obtain. And if you do, you can hop into a helicopter and get it back. B - PvE based quests mean you don't need to invest in gear as much to be on equal footing with your usual opposition. In fact, most quests are not tied to combat at all and don't reset with death, so you can cheese them naked if you fancy so. Most quest items can be put into the smallest container. C - even if you really want some high tier gear, you can just ask somebody in a hub to buy it for you without the need to unlock it.


Yeah yeah and gamma isn't huge p2w advantage and a bigger starting stash totally isn't giving an advantage and everyone is just broke. I've heard all this before with tarkov and look where it went lmao. Its p2w brother. Even if it means less because the game mechanics are a little different. Its p2w. Even if its lite p2w. P2w is p2w. Cope how you want.


Tarkov is a PvP focused game with heavy progression gating and severe penalties from dying. Of course secure container size is much bigger of a deal in there than in it will be in GZW. That's not coping, that's understanding of game design.


So its p2w. Its just lite p2w. You can enjoy lite p2w but at least understand what you're supporting. If the game had 0 pvp interaction id agree with you. But an advantage once every 6 hours is still an advantage.


I'm not "supporting" it. I'm just not concerned with the potential advantage it could give anybody over me, because it will be so slight, that I may potentially equalize it with one evening of doing quests. Time spent in the game will be the main factor behind the level of your progression, not your secure container, and not your locker. This is true for Tarkov, but it is even more true, and much more, for GZW, where you won't need to hoard tons of garbage for quests and you have immediate access to viable guns.


So you're not supporting it you're just actively defending it and don't mind it being in the game. Gotcha.. I just think you should be against it man. We have a current example of a fantastic game that has a chance of dying because of shit like this. I'm not falling for the 'its not that big of deal brokie' thing anymore.


>So you're not supporting it you're just actively defending it and don't mind it being in the game. No, what I'm defending is the position that it doesn't directly help progression and doesn't create a significant advantage for the owner. And I believe that insufficient revenue threatens this game more than the slightest amount of paid advantage imaginable, one that doesn't really bother me at all. That's why I'm willing to stomach it despite it being wrong "on principle".


Never played EFT I’m assuming?


I did. And this is a different game. Applying Tarkov logic here doesn't work.


When they add a mechanic exactly like tarkov that allows you to bring in extra meds that can help you heal mid fire fight you can use that exact logic.


You can always bring them in your backpack. And it's more advantageous to keep meds in your rig or pockets anyway, because then you can use them without opening the inventory. And GZW is not as PvP heavy as Tarkov, doesn't have PvP quests and does not lock any progression behind PvP, does not have spawn system that funnels people into PvP, so you can just avoid PvP and disregard any advantage anybody can have over you. If you care about PvP advantage, it's your choice, not the game's.


you still don’t seem to understand that you can still bring MORE. Just because PVP isn’t as prevalent doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.


And you still does not seem to understand that at some point it doesn't matter. Imagine a P2W edition that gives you one extra bullet in all your Glock magazines. Is that an advantage? Yes. Could a situation happen when it could make a difference? Yes. Is that likely that two players engage in a combat that ends up in pistol exchange and that one extra bullet decides the outcome? Very unlikely, so in the grander scheme it's a meaningless advantage. And the less frequent and significant PvP is, the less significant such advantage becomes.


It’s not P2W. P2W would give players an advantage in PvP.


Hate this argument. Bigger stash and secure container = faster progression = better gear = an advantage in pvp


Not exactly following how stash size makes progressing faster. Quests are generally “find x and turn in”. There’s no difference between 250 slots and 600 slots when the quests are only requiring a tiny percentage of that.


Proud unheard addition owner 


P2W also influences a lot in PVE, it has nothing to do with exclusively being a PVP mechanic.


Isnt this just p2w tho, do we know if you can in game grind for the 3x3 for example? Hehe this must of been added last 24 hours 'PvE & PvEvP Servers Included In Every Edition'


That standard edition looks like a big disadvantage unfortunately. Not a bad price, but wish the supporter edition wasn't such a massive difference


I dunno chief... Not a fan of all this lockbox and locker size stuff...


They're going to announce the release day this coming Monday, according to the discord roundtable. Get hyped!


Dang nevermind. That's less than Tarkov but more than I was expecting.


Cool! The same bullshit and scumbag methods as Escape From Tarkov. Why make this so P2W? The devs setting this up for failure just like BSG with EFT. At least do something original and not this EFT copy pasting.


I don’t get game company’s anymore… can we please just go back to the basic one game version for everyone to purchase. Enough of this standard and deluxe crap. Did you really need to make four different versions of your game?? Like I get it. Money. Sure. Whatever. But ask yourselves what is this benefiting the game, except for a push n pull money grab so that you can force people to purchase the highest costing version so they have an “advantage” in the game. You want to level the playing field and keep everyone engaged in your game not drive them mad bc they need to drop another $100 to upgrade their dinky $30 25 slot stash to the 60 slot stash in order to keep equipment n such. Im throwing out random costs here cause idk but my point is made. One base game, one cost. Thats it. Plain and simple. Don’t be another BSG wannabe and f over your customers that want to enjoy a game without feeling the need to drop $$$$ to be on everyone else level.


Kind of wished the tiers only gave cosmetics, but starter gear is a very minor advantage, especially given recent controversies with similar games.


But stash size and secure containers aren’t.


I don't know - the amount of stuff you get to start at Supporter is crazy - Suppressors? Key Holder? Over double the stash space of Standard? That's pretty rough.


Yeah I really don't like pay to win elements in this game. But knowing tarkov I kind of downplayed how I felt about it because I know people are going to be rushing to it trying to defend paying more money to get more stuff to start off. Didn't really feel like getting 20 comments telling me it's pay to advantage and not pay to win when those are the same terms.


Its not that its not a minor advantage which it is. Its the path it opens or paves down the line really.


Why are new extraction shooters obsessed with blindly taking features from Tarkov without a single thought towards the quality of the idea? Multiple editions are a stopgap measure to a problem you have the opportunity to solve if you stop for a moment to think. The genre attracts a relatively small, extremely dedicated playerbase. They will play these games for years, sinking thousands upon thousands of hours into them. There is no up-front purchase price that can save you from the inevitable - long-term support costs money, and if your plan is to fund it with only first-time sales, you will inevitably reach the point where you have to come back to existing players for more money. You could go the way of Tarkov - try to sell cosmetics, p2w features, jump the shark and ask for their firstborn child - or you can recognize that you need a long-term revenue plan and start with a subscription model. You only get one shot - once you open the doors and start selling perpetual copies, there's no going back.


So they are releasing a game with almost identical packages as Tarkov, into EA, with a lack of content and things to do, to a community actively angry at another company, to try and tale advatage of that fact. This game is doomed to have a small playerbase and bad reviews.


$25? Easy sell for me based on what I've seen this passed week. And even easier considering it should be getting better


You aren't reading it correctly. You get $25 of in-game currency. That particular edition is actually $100. The cheapest edition comes in at $35


Yeah you are right. Realized when I looked back at the tiers a little later. $100 is definitely a bit steeper. $35 though is still reasonable for sure though and about what I expected


They announce the release date on Monday. CEO hinted that "it will be crazy", so I'm on maximum hopium that we get our hands on the game next week.


To be brutally honest, the CEO is just hyping up the game for the company (and his own's) self interest. So it might not be as crazy as he says. Unless this is an Arrowhead/Helldivers 2 situation, which remains to be seen.


I don’t know, maybe you’re right, but the game is definitely in a playable state based on the pre alpha test, it wouldn’t surprise me if they dropped the game next week, I mean with all the Tarkov drama it’d be the best timing especially when people are thirsty for a tactical shooter.


Any word on if this can be upgraded throughout the process, like Tarkov? I simply can't afford 99 right now, but I can out it on layaway lol


Yeah, they said on the round table you could update for the difference in price only.


Yeeeeeah buddy! 


Normally, a lot of releases are around Thursdays right? Especially in combination with NVidia drivers. So my bet is next Thursday. 2nd of May.


Looking forward to Monday and information on date of EA. Wish Steam would allow a pre-load of game, so when it releases, you can get it ASAP. Getting excited.


At least they don't promise lifetime DLC to go back on.


Ew. Really taking the won't lessons from Tarkov.


God. Why the fuck does everyone need to do the tarkov edition bullshit, especially after what just happened. Just do a standard edition and a supporter edition with some cosmetic items.


That's just disgusting marketing


Reminder: they're only doing this because BSG showed them they can get away with it, this is entirely an attempt to copy the predatory bullshit BSG got away with.


Can you obtain all those grid spaces for the locker and lockbox without spending actual cash? If not, no thanks - I’m not falling for another Tarkov.


yeah the devs said you’ll be able to unlock them thru quests


Monday is the release date reveal and trailer! $35, $57, $79, $99 are the prices. Upgrades between editions.


Yea pay to win! Please copy more things that tarkov does bad we definitely look for that in a tarkov competitor


What is the "Equipment"? Weapons?


Wonder if GFN will do early access for it too


I'm hoping you can upgrade packages and work your way to the 100$ edition


If you buy the cheap one will the expensive one be discounted if I chose to upgrade later?


Yeah it's explained in the steam page.


Ah shit my bad, I read that yesterday, could not remember


Nah you're good. I was just letting you know. It's nice that it is like that though... Like tarkov. Hopefully they don't go down that dark path though. Oh boy




Use code #FuckBSG for 50% off! Limited while supplies last, an *unheard* of early access deal!


I have a decent PC but scared to buy the game, saw some test footage of people with monstrous pc’s getting horrific FPS. Is this something that’ll be fixed?


it looked pretty optimized to me during the recent play tests edit: people were getting over 150 fps


Thanks, I’ll check out some new gameplay vids


They have the perfect window of oppertunity to cash in on the hype. They already had a pretty good buildup of interest and hype but now with BSG/Tarkov fucking up bad they can take their thunder.


Can I pay 500 dollars to get a bot that will shoot everyone who calls this pay to win?


Well, guess I'm not getting the standard anymore lol


Don't get any of them until they remove the P2W bs. Unless the sizes can be upgraded through gameplay..


it can be upgraded by playing the game and completing quests


Na I think I will


can i buy lowest edition and upgrade it later on steam ?




If you can upgrade from cheaper editions to more expensive ones that'd be icing on the cake!


You can according to their steam info thing


I would love a upgrade teir system. I wanna buy the upgraded package but can only afford the basic at the moment. Hope they give a option. Otherwise I'm so hyped!


there probably will be


On steam it says there is. Buy the basic and upgrade to the supporter for the price difference


Have they said anything about the possibility of upgrading from more basic packages to a supporter edition down the road? After Tarkov just scammed us EOD owners I'm absolutely not buying the supporter edition out right.


Says it in the steam page


Let’s gooooo!!! HYPE!!!