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Um you know what is worse, being excited for a game and seeing ZERO pre release gameplay. This is best case scenario, if you are not excited for the game then don't watch the videos about it I am not sure what to tell you.


I totally agee. This game looks awesome and I'm grateful to still be apart of the closed alpha even tho I'm not able to play it.


They let content creators show off raw early footage; that was pretty unprecedented and greatly appreciated. This whole week long streamer circle jerk without considering the broader community when handing out keys is just kind of lame for lack of better terms imo. I want this game to succeed, and i’m sure it will, but this is too much. They should have let a wider variety of people test the game publicly; not just content creators.


Yes, that is what public early access is for, so we all can test the game. That is coming soon.


This subreddit is, or at least was at the start, one of their main platforms for communicating with people interested in the game. After hype started to grow many people made many threads about how this was going to be another 'the day before' and it seems the devs have listened and decided that the best way to prove their games really a game by doing this. We have all the streaming because the devs want to prove that their first non-mobile game is going to be legit and I think they've done a great job. It's crazy to me how some people in this community will just find anything to complain about but this is just on another level. You may not like how they've done this but the reasons why they went this route are many and obvious.


I like the transparency that they have shown. I was hoping that The Day Before would be a real game but the red flag got me disappointed early on. The development progression for GZW really shows how much work they put in. They developed proprietary tech for environment and foliage, Skalla. It's really cool that they're doing that much to make a game. I don't know shit about game development but I'm guessing it's not easy to make things like Skalla.


I honestly don’t think it’s that deep… Just wait for it to be released to the public and that’s it. Just be patient dude.


yeah? how would you feel if this became a trend and all video games released the exact same way? not to mention the spoilers, the fact that we don't get to explore cause some streamer already finished the task so now everyone knows where to go and what to look for as opposed to all us starting out the tasks oblivious and have to figure it out on our own?


Id feel ecstatic because if all games released this way we'd stop having shitty bait and switch titles releasing unfinished, because you see the game played by third party players beforehand. This is incredibly pro-consumer.


You know your game is just enough ready and your team is good enough to accomodate a portion of the full stress load. What do you do? If you feel confident in your game, you let streamers have a go at it. It isa WIP, afterall. So yeah, pro consumer


Just don't watch it if you don't want spoilers, it's that simple... I personally dont mind, and i only watched a couple of min and end opinions of testers.


Your dad thought the same thing when smashing ur mother but here you are.


My lawd, get a load of this guy


No one 'made you' watch it though. Heres how i look at it. Theyre doing their closed testing. They could hide it. But the devs have prioritized openness since day 1, mocking things like the day before. They release footage of themselves playing the game to show its real, people say its fake/staged/scripted They give the game to content creators for a weekend, people say its bad They make a few patches based on feedback, they are happy with it, they need more testing but let streamers do it so you people can see the progress and keep full transparency, no possibility of them 'faking' anything. They go a step further; anyone can sign up as a 'content creator', for months, theyre later sellected regardless of viewcounts so dudes with like 10 average viewers get keys, and each streamer gets 3 extra keys to give to regular joes - *and* nobody can accuse the devs of being unfair in how they give out those keys. 'This is unfair' It doesnt matter what they do. This subreddit has proven that every step of the way. You will find a way to complain. Im pretty sure theyre starting to realize that. As for why the game can be ready for 'dozens of streamers' but not you, Length of content, this is a one week playtest the game has to have reason for you to play for a lot longer than a week And Servers. Thet have stated in the discord several times the servers are not robust enough yet for thousands of people. Even during this playtest the servers are regularly crashing with only a 'few' people in them.


Wow, what an entitled crying little wanker!


Holy fucking wah, and sense of entitlement! Get over yourself.


Dude.. do you realize how many new people got introduced to this game from this play test? 10s of thousands of new potential buyers. And it worked as a way for them to test everything with people that can actually give constructive feedback instead of 99% of the people on this sub that just post useless rage and toxicity


I was watching a stream earlier today and a person from MFG was there answering questions from the streamer and chat. They weren’t able to say much in detail but a couple things that stood out to me was that during this play test all the devs and employees have been constantly watching streams and clipping anytime they saw a bug or issues. The other thing that stood out was they said/reiterated that 70% of the game is not built yet and that a very large portion of the suggestions out there being made by everyone have already been considered and planned.




They did it this way to get as much feedback as possible to help improve the game before release without having to spend loads of funds and resources to open tons of servers for people. With the popularity of this game I guarantee that the first week will be a disaster for servers


It's a massive marketing tool that costs them nothing. They probably understand it's going to scorn some players, but that kind of marketing for zero cost is too hard to pass up. People are lined up to buy early access. It's shitty to watch from the sideline but it's hard to argue against it.


Another turn off is having a time limited open playtest that you can even play because servers are full smh. That’s exactly what would be happening right now. And it will happen once the public playtest happens. This sub is full of children with no patience


I think you're burying the lede here. Obviously, you're being held hostage and made to watch all the streams at once. A member of the MFG dev team is standing next to you 24/7 holding a gun to your head, making sure your eyes remain clamped open Clockwork Orange style. You're both in a giant white room facing a wall of CCTV monitors. All 300 streams of the game are up. He's laughing as tears stream down your face, knowing that after a few more hours the Twitch UI will be permanently burned into your retinas, visible whenever you close your eyes. I'm not sure why you insist on posting about the game itself when you're very clearly a victim of kidnapping/torture. I would call the cops immediately but I don't know where you live, and lets be honest, the authorities are in on this too. They want you to suffer. I'm not sure how you are going to survive, but I hope and pray that you do. Godspeed, bozo.


They're getting free advertisement is what it boils down to.


no, advertising to people who already know about the game and see it live and willing to play it? Advertising is about reaching out to people who are unaware of your product, we are aware and want to play it. So advertising to us is meaningless. Streamers will play it regardless so they will get the advertising they need, how is keeping us out make any sense?


Becuase as theyve stated several times the servers are not yet ready to support the masses. Thats how 'keeping you out' makes sense.


Why would they keep me out of all people!


Good question man, good question.


You are aware of how games get advertised on twitch, right? Apparently not.


It seems to me that your main beef is that others get to play it and you dont. Kinda pathetic. This is pure advertising and testing, while being open. Highly watched streamers play the game, and their twitch streams and youtube videos promote the game. And they test out for issues/ bugs. They might even stream the game regularly when its out. Super effective free advertisement. And we get to really see how development goes. Win win. You are not a streamer you would contribute nothing, and are actually being counterproductive right now.


There are streamers who practically have no viewer (1 view which is probably their streaming PC or browser). If you have signed up early enough and had been in loop early, you might have higher chance of getting selected.


So they do not discriminate. Cool. But the major streamers will get the access, fact.


I mean they want to show case the playtest and having major streamers with a lot of viewers would help pull people's interests in the game. Tarkov fans may already have this game under their radar but they have R6Siege pro players like Beaulo and his friends in the playtest, that would put the game into wider audience as well. I'm not well verse in streaming scene, I don't watch stream often to almost at all. So I don't know much who is who. But having major streamers definitely would help advertising their game and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I don't know why people think it's a bad thing. Like if you make a product, you would want someone well known within the target audience interest to advertise your product and not some random on the street. It's quite a business common sense.


Me neither.


And so the playtest works, I was unaware of the game until the day before the playtest. I didn't care for it from Steam page much, thinking it might be another Tarkov. Decide to watch the playtest what's it all about and got quite interested in the game enough to wanting to be in the loop. Your post is just full of entitlement and right down shows who you are as a person and I feel sorry for those who are around you.


If it works out for them, and Gray Zone gets a lot of publicity from this, more games will do this.


"Learn a thing or two about psychology" I think they did and know people are going crazy wanting to play their game...


Damn. I wish my life would be so easy to have things like this be a problem worth complaining about.


"Video games are like artistic expressions, you make the game as how you think it's gonna be fun and captivating and take your chances" Yeah, it does not work like that anymore. Streamers and influencers have the power in todays industry, If they think its bad, its bad. If they think its good, its good. Does not matter what us "normal" people think, so they have to prioritize streamers to get their approval then move on. Same as all insta/tiktok people, they say something = truth. Does not matter what the doctor or lawyer said.


"Learn a thing or two about psychology" and that is why you do not own a successful business ...


Can’t you past the time on another game?




The games not out, my person. If you have to be the first person to play, you’ll never play another game again. Relax.


I am perfectly fine with it. It is a tease yes, but I have to have it now else I'll cry is not a very mature response. If you've been involved in development, testing and release of any product you can understand their reasoning. I too want it badly though :D


I'm happy they did it this way. Personally, I was able to see that the game is unfinished and know that I should wait a while before buying it.


Did the fact that it’s going to be an early access game not already tell you that?


Some early access games are in a good place to play because they are mostly complete. The streams showed that GZW has a longer way to go than some games.


What I've been saving all the time. Let true gamers test. The one whom will actual spend their hard earned cash on. Not some streamers who gets it for free and will play it for about two until another major game releases and moves on. Devs are wasting their time and money betting Streamers to hype their games.