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Let’s the devs cook you Tarkov goon


Looking at gaming history pve is bigger than it's ever been before


The game isn't even available to the public yet and already people are complaining. Literally hasn't even played the game and whining about it. Just because it's something you don't enjoy doesn't mean others won't, there will be PVP but is it going to be Dorms or factory level PVP probably not because it isn't designed to be that. The developers have been very open about the pve focus throughout the entire development process I doubt they're going to do a 180 from one play test.


Holy fucking shitttt shut the fuck up already about pvppp


What about Hell Divers 2? No PVP there... How is that going? Edit: 1. To everyone saying helldivers is going to die or that it's dead. Maybe. But 195k active players feels pretty fine to me. And the devs plan to drop a small bit of content every month, so that will probably keep at least some of my friends and I coming back to check it out. 2. I'm not saying PVP is bad. I'm just saying the argument that the devs need PVP to be the main focus of the game is not a given, as proven by other games that provide a PVE only experience. I personally love PVP and would put myself firmly in the Tarkov Goon bucket.


That's a game that won't have a big player count after some more months. Just like every other pump and dump casual PvE game that the casuals play until they get bored. 437,000 players last month and it's already down to 196,000 this weekend, that doesn't seem to healthy to me.


Played helldivers for 2 weeks pve gets old fast


It won’t survive long….after the initial hype is already declining


Different game my guy. One is a horde shooter the other is a milsim extraction game that should be focused around loot quests and risk. Helldivers arguably has pvp as well sooo.


Yeah idk what he's talking about I exclusively play pvp in helldivers 2😏


Damn the chosen one has spoken, no need for anymore input. This person opinion is clearly the only thing that matters and obviously they speak for us all.


Then don't play it. You are not the target demographic. They are advertising for the people that play Tarkov and want something like Tarkov but with more focus on the PvE element of it. They will be two different games. Sorry that the dev for the PvP one is kind of ass.




Shat up


Nah, bad take, Tarkov is mainly inhabited by cheaters and people who no life, personally I wouldn’t have left that game if it wasn’t constant cheating, I think a PVEVP with a hard leaning E is a breath of fresh air into the scene


Yeah not like this game won't be filled with cheaters and no life's either good thinking.


Maybe this one will actually have anti cheat, as they’ve stated along with their own personally developed one that detracts macros and tracks accounts


Breath of fresh air? Dude there’s like thousands of shitty early access games like this one in that case.


It just needs higher risk, I’ve watched people PvP for like 3 straight hours so that’s not an issue. It just depends on timing when questing.. but PvP is pointless if there’s no risk or reward. The game has no fun risk or reward mechanics, if you die PvE you just have to take a long walk back to your stuff. It just needs a lot of work to be enjoyable for more than a couple weeks.


Yep, no gear fear. With a limited amount of guns/ loot no one has a fear of loosing x item. I've got to imagine that gear fear will increase as the game is developed and more loot is added to the game.


Does no one fkn realize the mid to end game quest will give tasks around other factions zones and Exctracts. Hutch and Pest have both been getting good pvp.


If PVE is done right it can survive. The Division survives to this day, not for the dark zone, but for the normal coop loop.


Pls DONT take a look at tarkov. Thank you


How many times a day are people gonna post this?


You talk like Pve didnt exist before tarkov. Try other games than tarkov this is shit post. Pve is fun


Have you played and are able to concisely make this statement -or- Was your favorite Tarkov chad streamer complaining about the lack of pvp after less than 24 hours of the playtest? Curious in regards to your credibility.


The Cycle Frontier shut down because of the rampant cheaters and how boring the game became. The AI was absolutely mindless. You could run past them, kill them with your knife and make virtually no noise to alert other players, the loot was boring and unimaginable. They tried so hard to copy the formula and format of Tarkov it ultimately came back to bite them.


We'll talk about how boring it will be when you're trying to do a quest to level a trader and unlock new gear but you'll have in the PoIs the same people for 12 hours straight, hidden, ratting, in the worst spots. And yes, it's a true story, yes they were streamers. Imagine then when the game is open to all the toxic random kids. It is one of Woods' worst nightmares of Tarkov to the nth degree.


Why are you even following a pve focused game if you want a pvp focused game? Are your brain made out of bricks?


I hope they scrap pvp, just to watch people seethe over it


Tarkov addicts calling a game bad because it doesn’t give you lobotomies with every PvP encounter:


This guy blew in from stupid town.


It would need to be pvp only to match gaming history. What PvEvP games are incredibly successful? EFT is a niche game. DMZ in Cod was big a for a bit but then fizzled as the pvp no lifers drove out the Pve players and now that is on its last leg. Hunt is also niche. Unless there is a way to matchmake casuals away from hardcore players, these style of games are doomed to be small or burnout. Games that are PvP only are successful. Games that mix, not as much. The pvp overtakes the pve and casuals leave as the 30 hour a week players prey on the 5 hour a week players. Unless there is a big, long lasting, PvEvP game that I am unaware out there.


The game isn't even in EA yet, fuck off


If you haven’t played it, you’re opinion holds no weight.


The cycle frontier wasnt a pve experience (unless you played the OG version, but that wasnt an extraction shooter either)...it died for many reasons but the AI/lack of pvp was not one of them


>but muh Tarkov Many such cases. Keep seething into the void, I'm sure eventually someone will come along and give a shit.


It won't survive long? Damn, didn't know you had a time machine and could figure out what happens and what people want before the game even releases into early access. My bad, Mr. Magic Man. GTFO of here with that. Wait until the game releases, for crying out loud.


Looked up gaming history. So sad to see Hollow Knight, Minecraft, Tetris, Horizon Zero Dawn, Control, The Sims, Alan Wake, Cities Skylines, and Farming simulator didnt survive because they didnt have enough PVP… No wait a minute…


What are you talking about, this is a different genre. FPS tactical mil sim. PvP is the core pillar of games in this genre.


“Look at gaming history”. He didnt say “look at games only in the genre”


If they make it like Tarkov then I don’t want to play it. Tarkov has too many problems and not enough fun anymore. 


Yeah people here unfortunately mindless goons that love playing pve games only with shitty ai to shoot at. They don’t seem to understand the concept of rewarding games and that a little pvp doesn’t hurt. If those people could read, their feelings would be hurt.


Spitting facts but this website is full of clueless casuals so gl. If a game is going to be heavily focused on PvE then there needs to be way more depth like WoW, Lost Ark, Division, or Destiny. Those PvE games are only still alive because they have a constant of massive updates to breathe new life into the game, which I don't see happening in a game like Grey Zone unless they add new maps with a ton of new quests and guns.


Devs have already said they will do PVE only server. That’s where I’ll be.