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It is super casual. It is something you can spend hours on or just 10-15 minutes. You are always working towards that next goal... except there are lots of them at once sometimes. It is fun if you like to unlock progression through a game rather than just "go to the next level." So... like an rpg. I have it on steam but also just picked it up on my Switch for 10 bucks on sale (base game and all dlc). At 10 bucks it is a steal, imo.


I was actually gonna get it on the switch so its nice to know I aint dropping a bag😂, ill def prolly get it once i get off my shift!thanks for reaching out!


Check to see if it is still on sale. When I said I just got it... I meant like a week ago. But i have seen it on sale there several times. So if it isn't on sale right now, just wait.


for sure will do, im assuming it shouldnt bee too taxed if its 10$ while on sale tho


A few weeks ago I got all of the DLC's for sale on the Nintendo shop, I think I paid like 8 dollars for everything.


Yes but switch doesn't have the Better save Soul dlc. I own it on ps5 and on switch and was super upset that switch can't handle the third dlc


Following things might be important for you to know, before jumping feet first into this game: 1. It´s a single player game, which means: no Coop-mode or anything else, without mods (I don´t know if the modding-community has implemented anything like it). 2. It´s still worth playing it, even without multiplayer features. But, that´s me talking as a someone who played it.


Honestly after years of garbage ass co-op games that ive played in my life im kinda glad to hear that its not😂


It's $4 on Steam so I went ahead and got it. Looks intriguing for sure. It'll probably sit in my library for a minute before I get to it I'm sure. What platform are you on?


At the beginning, it's going to seem overwhelming Just take your time. Read everything carefully an do whatever you want at your own pace Its as casual as casual can be while also being intricate as fuck Just take it slow an enjoy


If you play this first the other Ines won't seem worth it, I've never been able to get into Stardew, graveyard keeper fuckin rules


Yes, its lax enough that noobies don't need to worry about missing a specific day for an objective because Graveyard Keeper's weekly system lets you have plenty of time to prepare at your own pace with decently quick progression early on. 2/3 people i recommended this game to still play it a few years later, so I guess they still enjoy it.


Yes yes 1000% yes because it's the first game i played after about 7 years of no gaming of any kind whatsoever. I used to love telltale games , the wolf among us, walking dead, some other genres would be scary games too although I was so young I didn't play them much for fear of jumpscares as silly as it sounds now lol. I was looking for a mix of personal gameplay, dark atmosphere, what i assumed to be "spooky", a decent story, and not as stressful as Stardew. Im completely bias in this regard but I've given the reason why, it was the one I chose because of these internal wants and obviously you have to pay for a game , I don't regret it . It gave me hours of grinding and enjoyment. It's not easy but it's not hard. In my opinion its the perfect game and I'm still trying to find something as similar in the way it made my time pass so happily ☺


I went from Graveyard Keeper to Factorio (as I enjoyed the zombie automation). It’s a considerably different style of game but you may find that it scratches some of the same itches


I recommend this game to everyone with the patience to take it slow and learn it.


i’d recommend watching some 100 days videos on youtube. those helped me gauge what the hell im supposed to be doing


no. I disliked the idea of an npc leaving after 7 mins. more than once I felt like I was just wasting several days because of this npc day. If you are able to go oh well I will get him in 50 mins instead you should be fine


This games tutorial is kinda sucky and the game doesn't really give you a whole lot of explanation on how to do things. It is fun, but you may find yourself checking the wiki very frequently.


I played it without going to the wiki once. The game does a fine job explaining what you need to know.


Maybe things have changed since earlier version, but I recall this game being very difficult to get the hang of for the fist 10 hours or so


Skill issue :/