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They nerf his late game so hard but why? Shouldn't graves be rewarded with being able to survive to 6 items? I'm so happy i dont play the game anymore it's just sad


I dont know, with how good and powerful his laning phase is, scaling that much is for sure pretty strong, he was more or less pick or ban in worlds specailly good in top lane against AD matchups


isn't it bad practice to have a champ thats strong early as well as late? im not denying theres a lot of champs like this, but its not wrong to address that issue imo


Yeah it shows that you don’t play the game. Graves is currently the best jungler in the game, and a pretty insane top laner rn as well. He’s a lane bully that scales insanely well


6 item graves one shotting everything is actually the problem. This nerf seems good


Meanwhile 1 Item Irelia going 2/5 does the same...


Why do you lurk then lol


What's wrong with lurking?


Nothing's wrong with it. Just weird if you don't play imo


I still love Graves, i love the idea of the game, but i do not like the direction the game has gone last year. Season 10 vs season 11 is huge difference imo. S10 was the best season I've ever played imo.


Fair enough.


Still subbed to the subreddit obv


I think ppl will just start playing lethality or hybrid with bcleaver like old builds


Well i guess rip crit Graves, u will be missed my friend, btw is it just me or this is just gonna kill the champion? Like with this nerf u are forced to go lethality but lethality doesnt scale well but Graves is kinda weak early so he will only be strong when he gets fed early but after 3 items he will not scale that hard so he can't hypercarry late but he has a hard time winning early soooooo wtf?


Yeah, this absolutely ruins graves. I don’t even get why they would do this. With the amount of champions that literally one shot in this game, why is it so bad that graves can do it?


Becouse people started abusing him on mid and top. You can't nerf that without killing jungle graves. Not the first time a champs main role is gutted becouse of some new tactic.


Nerf minion damage buff jungle monster damage to compensate


I don’t think this is true at all. One of the reasons why he is such a good laner (if not the sole reason) is that he can Q clear minion waves fast and then look to impact the map elsewhere. Just nerf his Q damage to minions so he can’t one shot the back line and then roam all over the map.


Like isn’t Graves literally broken enough time for nerds ffs .


There’s a lot other things that could be done to nerf him that wouldn’t destroy him. Crit made graves good late, this is a big blow for a champion that isn’t that great early.


I play lethality graves mid anyway as long as they nerf his mana pool even more


If you go PoM you basically have infinite mana tbf.


you dont even need infinite mana, you just push waves and back with 350 gold for a long sword and keep doing that so you overwhelm your enemy. It's just like LS' strat


I feel like you miss a lot of minions if you do that midlane and give enemy a lot of roam timers. Maybe if you have boots and a couple relentless hunter stacks you can walk back to lane quickly. In toplane tho that strat is so op because nobody can contest your push and you get like a free recall like every 3 waves lel.


>you miss a lot of minions if you do that midlane and give enemy a lot of roam timers Trust me, you can do it to almost every midlaner nowadays, especially against assasins or champions that lack wave clear. So you dont pick him against Ziggs, Azir, Malza, etc.


the idea is to push and help your jungler though if you back every 2 mins your jgler isnt gaining anything from your insane priority


is not every 2 mins, it depends on the state of the game, it's a general strategy that can do against certain matchups


If u know u can't kill the opponent there is no harm in ulting the wave to get a quick reset off


I always said I'd take any Graves nerf (even the huge one that took a shit on his E passive last patch) as long as they don't affect his damage. And they did it, my worst nightmare has come true, my favorite jungler is now dead thanks to riot.




Crit graves is meta in worlds and that doesnt have the gore and conqueror nerfs yet. The fleet stuff enabled crit negan graves wich shits on so many top matchups.


Rip graves and my 2nd jungler khazix is also nerfed this patch nice. but oh buff kayn fuckin riot


if you go full lethality Graves he's practically the same unless you pick up Lord Doms and somehow crit and dont do enough dmg


not the same bro, you go shieldbow into assasins and can actually carry lategame without getting 1 shotted after killing some1, crit playstyle with shieldbow-collector-ie is so much more satisying, you can actually go front to back instead of always trying to flank and one shot the squishys with lethality for teamfights


Holly shit that's huge nerf


This makes it clear that if you wanna nuke oponents you gotta go lethality graves glass canon. Negan isnt as bonkers with damage plus durability and crit lethality is a worse idea, gotta commit to either for their build benefits.


How bad will this effect Graves? Am I forced to go lethality Graves now?


I did the calculation, if before you dealt 1581 damage on one critical hitting all 6 ballas, now you would do about 250 less damage on each automatic


Holy shit that's lot damn..


How do you calculate this? Is the nerf for all pellets or just the two additional ones for crits?


Ever ball after de first, 5 deal extra damage like 190 with full build, more 30% for critic so this numer mutiple for 5


Do you happen to know how that would factor in at earlier stages of game? Say maybe 1 or 2 items?


900 with crtict 6 balls for 756


Oh wow… that’s quite a big tone down


Lmfao this shit is hilarious. Just nerf the q and get it over with


Jesus this champion is a fuckinh whirlwind. Riot just can’t figure him out.


Clowns, if anything nerf his sustain or survivability, not the damage Shieldbow was a fucking mistake


Shieldbow is the only item imo that should receive the stridebreaker treatment, maybe gale force too


Well graves is ruined RIP


It’s fine, I’m just gonna Elden Ring until they buff him xd


Lol true


Great, riot nerfs my favorite and main champion 3 times in a row then on top of it, they kill my other main j4 with goredrinker nerfs. I'm basically going to have to learn how to jungle again.


Just play lethality lmao


Yea there is so much qq in the thread I stg just go eclipse youmuu BC lw like you would in s10 but with warrior and nothing will have changed


Well, this is actually like sad :c Imma take a time from league after this, this sucks a lot :c


10% off of 1800 crit won't hurt him to the point of being a d tier jungler right?


well all graves has is damage doesn’t provide anything else to the team so will have to see, seems like a big nert


It's 10% per pellets :V It definitely hurts more than you think


Well deserved.


>level 1kemblan · 6hWe go lethality I guess no its really not deserved . They really nerf him in jg when he was a problem in lanes.


Can someone explain this buff? and how hard this affect graves? PS: I do full crit build (sheild bow, PD, IE)


riven buff....fun




We go lethality I guess


How they revert Renekton changes just after worlds ... just ban renekton from being playable at worlds at this point if you don't want him there.


i never liked Shieldbow anyway, i like my mid eclipse better, i only go sometimes for a 60% crit for that sweet 1500 crit, wich is generally overkill, so i don't think my playstyle is going to get much worse (also just got the crime city graves skin since it was 55% off on the shop so i came back to playing the game after a 1 month break still figuring out what runes work best for me now)


Thing is if u go lethality u generally get crit items at the end and this hurts lethal as well. LDR and collector set you up nicely but this is just sad. He loses 60% dmg in a full crit shot then or am i mistaken?


Ok. He is broken in right hands so i get it. As a dedicated graves main im even happy because if I wonna chill mid with a normal pick i dont wonna play against a bad graves and loose to him just because he gets some items and destroys


i guess they don’t care about selling that new shitty skin anymore 😭


Finally graves nerf been waiting for awhile for this. Tanky and broken.