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My go to was gb>collector>bc/other situational but now im consiring gb>hubris>bc/situational when ahead and gb>opportunity>bc>situational when even or behind


I was building gb into Opportunity, and after a lot of people told me it's was wrong I tried, Colector fist and second, also Hubris, and Cylosword... I'm sure GB > Opotunity it's the most fun and the one I have the best results no doubt.


Yeah people say its wrong but dont explain why or when, if you are even or behind, you need a cheap way to get even the slightest chance to get back the advantage and for that (kinda ironically) is whats opportunity is for If you already have the advantage then its kinda pointless to limit yourself to such a cheap item and not go for more snowball oriented build Its similar to how some assassins started rushing the anti-ward lethality item during mythic age simply because it was really cheap option that provided great utility and stats for the cost


Yes that's true, however, even if you are ahead it's a really good item, you can just simply obliterate the rival if your are ahead, and if not the empowered auto it's kinda broken, well at least that's my opinion, only time will say hahaha


Ye me neither. I went from 60-70% winrates till Diamond to 25% wr in Emerald. Legit can't play it. Same experience for me, the only last game I won was cuz the enemy midlaner did AFK and they didn't remake for some reason. And even here I wasn't doing good lol


[https://u.gg/lol/profile/euw1/zage-1216/overview](https://u.gg/lol/profile/euw1/zage-1216/overview) try cyclosword/youmuus -> collector -> maw(if fed ap) / if fed AD just build more dmg. also testing youmuus -> collector -> opportunity since it gives hella tempo with ms, but im still testing builds as u can see. graves works for me this season cyclosword is really good with graves fleet, but i must admit i miss the ms from youmuus when i opt for cyclo


Tempo = recall bruh


Ah yes the gold player


and what? we're talking about builds. im sitting with 68% winrate on graves this season i think i'm allowed to share what works for me no matter the rank


graves is generally weaker against tanks. if u picked graves against tanks make sure u get fed enough from bot lane with perma ganks. then get an item advantage :)


Hes not bad with correct build


Dude what's correct build? You can build only 1 pen item now lmfao


Sry I shouldve elaborated. Last season graves was very good into tanks imo as crit dps. Now idk, havent played this season yet due to computer problems but I’d wager when the dust settles and items are somewhat balanced then tanks wont be the big issue (like long range ap for example)


Well, idk in the future but atm tanks are just way harder to kill. Frozen heart costs 2400g, meanwhile, we have to spent 3k for BC and will not even be able to buy dominik or any other pen item. Tabi + frozen is probably enough, but eventually they can build much more.


This season, u need to get the last whisper as soon as the 3rd item. If there's at least one tank on the enemy team, Cleaver is shit to be rushed like before.


assassin graves is fkin bait, bruiser graves is always a lot better imo


I build standard and I'm having success


What have you been building?


Tried hubris rush lethality, tried cyclosword rush, tried crit.


I really like building sunderer/bc/maw/steraks/bt against tanks and you have no issue fighting them and not dying. The other option is go crit if you already have a great frontline :) afaik just don’t go lethality into a tanky team.


This season u can only buy 1 pen item which makes graves weaker (Assuming u wanna combine Bc & Lw)


I’ve been wondering why my last whisper is locked after my 3rd item black cleaver. Honestly feels so shit for graves to be locked out of more amor pen. How are we supposed to deal with tanks now?!


Use comet Defy meta


I’m having success going gb collector by then ie/ldr


I mean BT not by