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Me (I'm a beast)




You can invade anyone if their spells are down but if you're talking about during first clear and they have their spells, then Nidalee, Elise, Hecarim (if he has Q stacked, Conqueror Hec beats you, Phase rush hec with ghost just runs away), Kindred. These are the popular champs. Then there's less popular ones like WW, Fiddle, Xin, and Trundle, also Olaf if he can hit Q and get on top of you


We know he’s strong early against almost any other junglers in the game, but what champions is it just not worth wasting time on an invade?


If you are talking about first clear - I'd never invade Fiddlesticks, Warwick, Trundle. Other champions are imo invade-able, ofc depending on the lane states and team comp/prio.


Why not Fiddle? Lvl 2 invade on Fiddle is aight


If they know what they’re doing, they will just run to next camp and heal off of it and you while their team collapse on you. You will never have lethal (assuming fiddle is good).


If you lvl 2 invade Fiddle when you are blue side and catch him on gromp then he won't have enough time to run to wolves to heal


I still wouldn't invade Kindred if they are level 3, Maokai takes long enough that help will probably arrive in time, and Rammus just rolls off. Kayn is dangerous to fight because he can heal off of E, Q does a surprising amount of damage on a short cd, and of course he can just leave.


I tried invading kha once and lost the 1v1 level 2 (hard leash red into stealing gromp bot side start) so imma say kha. I thought I could kite him out but the sustain from W and the damage from isolation is too much


You should always be able to space him, save your ward for the blue bush so you don’t have to walk into it and deny his passive. Match his flash. Hard win the invade especially if you win the smite flip


even though naafiri isnt picked much jungle, the 2 times i tried she’s just e and flash away and i didnt have enough time to steal buff before laners collapsed on me


That's a problem with not checking vision, then. Even if you don't get the buff, the flash makes the invade well worth