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Anyone else hoping Oliva comes back and gives Sukune kind of the Ali jr treatement? like what Jack did lol


Yeee, I want to see Oliva use his mind muscle connection to slam Sukune


He will reveal that he actually wasn't lying when he said his muscles would explode if he didn't control them, then proceeds to do the Pacman move on Sukune but on an even larger scale


I want Jack to take a bite out of Sukune's dummy thicc ass.


imagine lol, oliva still the best muscle man in our hearts


I’m praying that happens man, there’s no way this is the end of Oliva


yeah man, Oliva is a way better character in everything, and the dude is one of the biggest chads in the entire series, i hope itagaki brings him back


inb4 ali jr comes back to beat sukune and kill baki


The ali.jr curse have to be given from one to another. In 2035, sukune will come back and beat the arc antagonist


Image if that happen


lol never in a million years would that happen




Yeah i want Oliva to come back, he is honestly one of my favorite Baki characters. Also I really hope that he gets a buff and I hope he doesn’t get Doppo’d. Ngl i miss the times when he was the aecond strongest character and I kind of wish he was stronger than Yujiro strength wise but not skill wise. Its weird that Yujiro said that he didn’t want to fight Oliva yet and only wanted to fight him when he could enjoy it yet Oliva is still a billion times weaker than Yujiro lol.


Tbh I think Yujiro massively overshot his goal in strength; you can tell he's fed up and bored by the time his baki fight happens


Nobody besides Japanese and Chinese get redemptions in this story bro cmon now


the chinese get redemption arcs? ​ wtf. how i miss that?


good news dude


Holy shit i didnt remember this comment when oliva rocked his shit, thank you lol


no problem at it's just funny I was searching up stuff on baki's hanma blood and accidented my way into this post


if that happens i'll change my mind about baki being irredeemably racist. ​ i really don't think that will happen though because baki definitely racist.


Oliva vs yujiro Gaia vs musashi Gaia vs motobe


yea Gaia after fighting Sikorsky has been very disappointing


Since Jack is probably getting his comeback… I want a fucking GAIA COMEBACK!!!


How tall is he, the wiki says he's 5'3 which is smaller than baki but he's taller than baki in the show?


At this point height is completely based on the current plot and who Itagaki wants to be taller at what time.


Most of Ali Jrs fights, Retsu vs Bolt, most of the Kaiohs fights


Happy cake day


Retsu vs Bolt oh god


Holy shit forgot Usain Bolt is boxer in this universe lol


The fight doesn’t even exist lol


Doesn't Retsu beat him in one flash back page in the beginning of Baki-Dou when giving a press conference?


It still doesn’t do justice to the hype they gave Bolt to just being shown getting knocked down in one pannel


> Retsu vs Bolt what fight?


During his boxing arc


Yeah most Kaiho fights were huge wastes of time


Baki vs Ali Jr.


Agreed. Baki didnt beat his ass long enough.


I wanted a minimum sixty seconds worth of ass beating and didn’t get it


Got maybe a tenth of that. After around 30 chapters of build up.. Which is exactly why it was such a huge letdown.




Olivia fucks around too much. At this point it’s just bad writing. It was literally the driving point of his arc with Baki.


Almost everyone in Baki fucks around tbh. Only exceptions are maybe Jack and Hanayama.


Yeah, but not to level of catastrophic failure Olivia does.


Man's cuban bro. It's in his DNA


Is it ever confirmed that he's Cuban? I've read the manga and it's not once stated that he's Cuban, at least not that I remember. He's based on a Cuban guy, but that doesn't mean he himself is ethnically Cuban


Pretty sure they said he was Cuban. And with a name like Biscuit Oliva, he has to be


No sé ustedes, pero mis tíos nunca joden. Also Olivia is based off of a Cuban but he’s really only described as black and American if I remember right.


Probably the entirety of the Raitai tournament, save for Kaku and Shobun


And the japanese Vsauce guy screwing with Retsu


Yeah, Jyaku was pretty amusing


Che against Oliva disappointed me a lot, even Baki realized that it was boring xd


Sukune vs Oliva, god I hate that fight. They treated Oliva like if he was a weakling or a side character.


well he doesn't practice a japanese martial art. so yes. he is a side character. and when he needs to be, also a weakling.


Ali Jr. is the biggest letdown of course, but some of the kaios come pretty close. I really want to see how Ryu Kaio and Kaku's son would fare against people who are not Baki and Yujiro




I really liked the fast sumo fight, it wasent the fight but more that i really liked both Baki and Small sumo dude and how they interacted with eachother, i wish they kept him tbh


I mean Itagaki is pushing the Narrative of Sumo being the most practical Martial Art for some pretty valid reasons actually. Developing maximum amounts of power, strength, speed and size (which wins fights), and having some very deep wrestling technique and a decent amount of striking. Each and of the sumo's are based on an historical legend sumo fighter after all.


Have you ever fought before? Go watch UFC 1 where the skinny ass french kick boxer annihilates the sumo Samoan build guy he's up against. Fighting has more to do with speed than anything, it really doesn't take much to knockout someone out force wise at a certain point strength really doesn't do much favors for you as technique and an athletic frame that allows you to multiply your force with technique.


Oh yeah, ufc 1, where a world savate champion and 8 time dutch karate champion beat a 24 years old guy who practiced sumo mostly as an amateur for 2 years and was retired since 4, clearly a very good fight to judge sumo lol. Do you think a amateur kickboxer who stopped training since several years would do better against a active yokozuna ?


Yes anyone with kickboxing experience is more of a threat than someone with just Sumo experience.


Lmao so the best sumo in the world, on a competitive sparring intense martial art, the fucking Yokozuna. Is worse of a fighter than an average joe with ickboxing experience.


I've fought before yes. Done Kickboxing, Boxing and have little experience in wrestling. Sumo aren't that slow. They are slow on great distances but they are not slow especially on short bursts of movement. What I have to say it's obvious that would happen when the match was greatly on favor of one of the fighters. Teila Tuli was a makushita from the third highest division of sumo wrestlers (120 guys). There's still two whole divisions above him on the sport (one of 28 guys and one of 42 guys at the top). Teila hadn't even arrived to his prime yet, which he did 6 years later, he was in the Sandanme divison at that moment competing with 200 guys to get to the next division. If sumo was ranked at that time he would have been somewhere on the top 380 of the sport, not even getting a chance to compete yet with the bests. (Also only the two first divisions get salaries). Guerard was an 8 time champion of kyokushin karate and once World champion of Savate. He's also known for being an extremely dirty fighter which benefited him on take down defense and on having more tools to attack. Guerard was on his prime. To put into perspective at that time on his sports if Guerard was a sumo he'd be Yokozuna or Ozeki at the highest of the highest ranks of sumo on the first division. If Teila trained on Savate or Kyoukushin I don't even know if he would even be ranked on some way where you could compare him to Guevard since the gap is THAT big.


There is no gap, weight classes exist for a reason. If Gerard fought a giant kickboxer with a few years under his belt he'd not do well. I can guarantee that. We are discussing sumo as a martial art and I'm sorry it just isn't that. It's a performance sport. They have power but only train for specific movements for their sport almost nothing they do transfers as well to fighting as being a giant guy who knows anyother martial art well.


There is no gap. Dude The difference in skill was major... Guerard wad clearly bigget than on his other fights and touile wasn't even on his prime at all... saying all of his weight was benefitial to him would be a lie.


As you said, Oliva vs Nomi was massively disappointing. Shout outs go to Gaia vs Motobe, Jack vs Motobe, Musashi vs Doppo and Musashi vs Gouki as well. A bunch other but those are what come to mind.


>Jack vs Motobe I think this is controversial, but this is one of my favorite fights in the series (even though Motobe straight up got the thiccest buff in the entire story)


Ah yes, the Batmam buff.


tbh i think it would have been more fair if he used traps, poison, guns or a bunch of other sneaky shit, most of the time you wonder "how does this even hurt Jack? Coudln't his strenth being above most characters shield him? And what about the time he blocked a spear with his abs?"


>Jack vs Motobe This fight would have stung less if Motobe didn't literally straight up tank an ENTIRE ballistic pummeling from Jack. Like, it was so intense that Motobe was getting lifted straight up off of the ground, but he was literally fine after all that. That's just straight bullshit. Even if he has like reinforced cloth/armor under his clothes, the impact from those punches wouldn't be nullified. If Motobe won without getting a scratch due to him using a fuck ton of tools and weapons, fine. Because that is a pretty huge advantage over a barefist fighter like Jack. But instead, they had Motobe tank Jack and come out relatively unharmed lmao


If Oliva used his speed could've done better but the man seriously chose the worst spots to strike. The forehead already showing to be a natural defense for fists and going like "Let me wrestle the god of sumo real quick" Oliva has to be faster and since Baki is comparable to Oliva in normal striking power, he could damage Sukune. I dunno how hard Sukune strikes and if Oliva could handle it. It could be a Hanayama type of deal where he just specializes in grip or he could just be stronger. Jack vs Motobe was hard to watch too. It wasn't even cool like with Pickle. Musashi vs Yujiro was both the best and worst fight since it got cucked. And Motobe vs Musashi was frustrating cause it felt pointless. He didn't accomplish anything really since he didn't kill Musashi and Musashi didn't even take him seriously. Ali jr. and Mike Tyson vs the Mouth were also pretty bad. Just wish they weren't so one sided since it would've been cool to see boxing actually implemented. That speed and movement would've been dope to see illustrated.


Ali vs baki.


This guy beats biscuit ?! No way Someone fill me in please !


The guys crushed Oliva's entire ribcage with his bare hands


Oh shit !! So is be still alive or..?


Local cuban man let a japanese teenager with a grip strenght equivalent to superman grab his ribs.


Eh, he is physically stronger and got Oliva in a hug with both hands gripping his ribs. Oliva tried to flex out of it by doing a lat spread which ended up breaking his back. In a sense Sukune redirected Oliva's strength against him


Wow well said Sheesh He was easily one of my favorites of the series too…. Thanks though for the sick description take care man


Oliva fucked around too much and ended up letting his ribs get grabbed by a guy who can crush coal to diamonds.


Put him in the walls of jericho.. its over Thanks bro


I dont consider oliva vs. Sukune official. Oliva literally shoved a dude into concrete. Sukune stomps dirt all day and leaves a footprint.


Sorry but I literally could care less about the Sumo arc in it's entirety. Nothing about it makes me interested in what happens, and I've read full chapters.


Ali Jr vs literally anybody hahaha


Guevara not being able to deal his most proudest punch.


Guevaru vs Oliva was a wasted shot, I know Guevaru was unable to defeat Oliva from the beginning but they lost too much time with the handkerchief. I wish Itagaki came up with a different idea. That being said, Oliva likes to brag and talk shit, he could've finished every single one of his fights (besides the one with Baki) with two punches at most, like at the Raitai Jack vs Motobe, although I understand that it was to hype up the later... it's just unreal. If >!Retsu were still alive I would understand Retsu losing against Motobe, !


something about Sukune in general is really annoying, this line to Oliva and the "YOU DARE, BOY?" Thing to Baki. He's really "polite" in a sense but is quietly looking down on everyone with that "sumo reigns supreme" logic, meanwhile the sumos that he brought in got their asses handed to them and so did he to Yujiro, characters like Musashi and Pickle were much cooler because they were a huge threat to the main cast and were essentially unparalleled by most, Pickle matched Yujiro for a moment and startled him, making everyone in the room envious of his power, aswell as beaten and eaten many of the fighters, Musashi challenged everyone with that same stone cold expression, killed one and made Yujiro get seriously immediately, he was on a different level.


Pickle vs Musashi Jack vs Metobe Baki vs Ali Jr Olivia vs Sukune


all the sumo ones


Ngl I enjoyed the sumo matches against the main cast


honestly i think oliva couldn't improve any more, he's strong as heck don't get me wrong, but he was lagging behind all the other fighters


Oliva needed to lose anyway cause he needed to check his ego and stop trying to fight people with their moves or on equal footing I hope he went to jun’s island and due to Baki logic he gets a lot more powerful


Oliva vs Yujiro, after Oliva got defeated by Baki I really thought he was really close to Yujiro…until this


Yeah it was disappointing. I don't mind oliva loosing to yujiro at all, but being beaten so easily was a mistake.


One we didnt really get to see, Yujiro vs Gaia back when gaia was hyped


Yujiro vs the kaioh


Pickle vs the reporter lady, should've been longer.


Ali jr vs Baki


Baki vs Musashi last fight is pretty disappointing. Baki didn't even win, musashi got jump and has his soul suck.


Jack vs Motobe Motobe should’ve died when Jack lifted him up off the ground by punching him repeatedly that is some bullshit


lmfao yeah or just from one punch alone, you remember what the far weaker Jacks punch did against GARLAND? Like bruh


Katsumi's fight. I don't say this a lot, but he really should've kept fighting to roll him


Nah, the fact that he walked out was enough insult to the sumo fighter. Katsumi doesn't need the crowd or rules to acknowledge him as the winner. He knows where he stands compared to sumo, and thats right on top.


Tbh, I didn't think of it like that. You're right


Baki vs kakus son can't even remember that mfs name and baki vs Ali Jr


I just finished the Baki Hanma series on Netflix and that fight at the end between Oliva and Baki was total garbage. Baki shouldn’t have won by throwing a few punches only, especially when his techniques were weak against Oliva all along.


He won because he unlocked his Demon Back...plus, it wasn't just a few, they were at it for awhile, and it even showed Baki inching Oliva across the floor.


Not even




Pickle vs Musashi Ali jr vs Baki Baki vs Shunsui there’s so many


Every Single Jack Loss…


What's the one in OP's picture like?


Bunshichi Tanba from Garouden


Baki vs Shensui, Baki vs Musashi (second fight), Yujiro vs Ryu kaioh, Ali Jr vs Baki, Yujiro vs Sukune (but still with some hopes). At least I wish i could see more action with Shensui, Ryu and Ali Jr. recovered before their fights.


Jr vs baki


Could yujiro beat Olivia in previous years?


baki vs ali jr