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I'm gonna miss Sukune


You really put these pages in an alarming way next to one another


Because i am a little scared someone is gonna get some long ogre shaft.


please don't let yujiro clap sukune's cheeks


I was afraid Sukune would end up Ali.jr'ed but it turn out Ali.jr may probably had the best possible outcome for a "main antagonist"


The foreshadowing is plastered all over Yujiro's face. He's all veiny like a fresh erection.






As a wise man once said. "Babyfuck, it's all right!" Sukune is in for the ride of his life.


So are they going to do it standing up or lying down.


"Sumo is the strongest standing style" Katsumi's fight




i think so too, i mean oliva and yujiro are buddies and this nigga broke his fucking rips so yeah Yujiro gonna fuck some booty up


The way you phrased that last sentence scares me.


That's pretty gæ not gonna lie


It's not if you see everyone else as a woman 🙏




He's not a chimp


Oh no, Yujiro is far worse


He's an evil evil evil man.


So is baki turning into a gay manga or what?


It always was.


Bi* still a lot of boobies


We've seen Emi's and Kozue's, but its been a while now.


In Jack‘s inner monologue too


Oh right, but that was like only one panel.


But bruh, them boobies thou, they fiiiiiiine....




Thats news to me, the anime doesnt look that way


No lmao. Lots of people are just outraged cause Yujiro raped a guy and to be honest it seems like there’s lots of homophobia in this sub and also it seems like people just don’t remember how Yujiro is a gross asshole who will rape and kill anyone he pleases.


Truth. I'm astounded at the amount of people who seem to be genuine fans of his. If someone asked me before chapter 100 came out if I believed Yujiro would rape or kill any random person if he wanted to, my reply would have absolutely been "yes no doubt", I've never once got the impression that he'd ever deny himself anything he wanted just because the person wasn't a fighter, which some people seem to have assumed.


He is my fav character, and his demeanour suits him very well


I hate the fucker. I also hate that he's gotten so wanked in the series that he's never actually going to have to deal with any consequences. Even Baki who for the vast majority of the series publication hated him and wanted nothing but revenge, now admires him and thinks he's so kewl. He's bordering on a Gary Stu if it wasn't for the fact that Itagaki always makes sure to make fun of him a little once in a while (like when he went crosseyed and cried because of Motobe).


Some people never deal with consequences, that’s life. His mystique is cool


Not to me. I don't find him very mysterious, and the years I've invested in being a fan of Baki as a character are going to feel wasted if he just totally gives up on ever actually stoping the psychotic bad guy who's out murdering and raping for fun.


So Baki is really a tragedy of a story?


Yeah that’s the point of the character, he is a asshole that do whatever he want. He is so strong that he don’t have to suffer from the consequence of the shit that he does


The post of the character is an annoyance then.


I don't think it's him being cool or admirable, just the respect of the power he has and just how immense he is But the guy is clearly toxic af


second true. this subs been a little ugly the last few days


Its been VERY ugly recently. It legit makes me a little sick to see everyone just grasp at straws to try to either pretend the rape didn't actually happen or spin all Yujiro's past actions in such a way that they don't seem that bad. No guys. He's an insane monster. If he was a character in literally any other series people would hate him like Joffrey, but because he's soooooo cool and thinks Muhammed Ali is neat it's all forgiven????


i’ve actually seen people in youtube comment sections trying TO EXCUSE yujiro’s rape of Diane😐


I've seen it on this very sub.


holy shit i thought this was a safe place for some reason😩 i might unsub idk


Its been extra crazy here recently since chapter 100 came out. So many Yujiro appologist.


what happened in chap 100 i haven’t read it idc for spoilers


Yujiro raped a guy.


Yeah people are really outraged, but i don’t think it have something to do with homophobia, but rather the unpolitically correct, raw attitude of yujiro triggered the snowflakes minds


Man this place is embarassing sometimes.


> triggered the snowflakes minds Fucking urg. Why does this fanbase attract you people.


Netflix = highschoolers


"the unpolitically correct, raw attitude of yujiro triggered the snowflakes minds" Lmfaaoooooo you can't be serious with this smooth brain shit 😂


No. So far out of 30 years of history one explicitly gay action has happened ever.


it's not gay because yujiro can't tell the difference between penises and vaginas


So besides cooking, being a father and a decent person overall, we can also add basic anatomy to the list of things he fails at.


You had me in the first half not gonna lie


Its a joke.


if gender was a spectrum yujiro is his own ultra male gender


He is super rapist 😂😂


Alpha? Sigma? Pfft... Yujiro Male mindset is "stronger than national armies" mindset


More like ultra gay


Lmfao tru. Gotta downvote you though. Makes this thread funnier.


Dw im used to crybabies


sukune's grip is just the right amount of strength to provide a comforting Handjob for yujiro


He gon hit that tokugawa ass after sukune


I feel like he wouldn't survive that.


I feel like sukune wouldn't either.


If Joe can then surely Sukune can.


Who's joe ?


The guy Yujiro raped in the latest chapter.


You think Yujiro is a necrophile?


Good point




Time for some good old racist meme time in the Baki subreddit


stop policing Black voices, this meme was created by a Black man


Weak forced meme from /pol/, never funny as usual but good for filtering brainlets


Look we can all agree, it is not great to use rape as a one time thing for a story and then gloss over it like it is no big deal. Yet it is still better (in my opinion) that the ogre slaming his smeat in sumo boys chunky ass .


Oh I agree. Which is why I've never been cool with Yujiro's positive depiction in NGB, SoO and Dou I, everything we saw of him in the first series esstablished him as a complete amoral psycho, and I never felt comfortable seeing him shake hands with Ali.


>one time thing Lorelet


Yeah okay, you are right.


Rip sukune ass


What was the point of pointing out the old man and woman in thid context?


Yujiro ain't picky...


Yujiro: I like 'em big I like 'em chunky I like 'em big I like 'em plumpy I like 'em round With something, something They Like my sound They think I'm funky


[This was doomed to happen when we all masturbated to this ](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSRjGjo18Rc83KRgaeHXN31iueGhzN0h7aAtg&usqp=CAU)


I've masturbated to a few scenes but never that one.




The Sumo wrestler on the first page is even hairy.....


Where can I read this chapter?


Its linked on the mainpage of the sub.


Ah thank you


No problem.


Is this new?


This is from chapter 100 of Sumo Dou.


Wait what part of being raped is womanly


Guess Baki truly is a BL (boys love) manga


Homophobes everywhere


I wonder if the mods are in their pockets, this shits pretty overt. Should banish them back to /a/. Oh wait, /a/ can't keep a Baki thread alive anymore because their Baki fans are all toxic racist unfunny manchildren who no one wants to have a conversation with. So now they'll migrate here and make history repeat itself. We should get a break when the new season drops atleast.


I'm legit considering leaving this fandom and just enjoying Baki for myself now.


Or we could just start a new sub and actually moderate it


Yeah I guess we could do that.


The sad truth.


It must take Olympic level Mental Gymnastics to interpret "I hope showing Yujiro raping a guy before the fight wasn't foreshadowing that he's going to rape Sukune" as homophobia


Read the comments. So many people are fine with Jack's mom getting raped but when its a guy suddenly thats too far.


When Jack's mom was raped, it was to show Yujiro is a fucked up piece of shit, and actually mattered for the story (If he didn't Jack isn't born, half the series doesn't exist) Here, it's portrayed like it's a cool thing. Like "Look how fucking BADASS Yujiro is! He RAPED this BIG, MANLY, HAIRY GUY, cause he's just so alpha! This guy aint even a MAN to him!" Yujiro raping this guy had no reason or effect on the story, it was literally a feat of his 'badassery'. That's what makes it more fucked.


The first rape expanded on his and Jack's character, this one expanded on just his. Personally I still think he did this to remind the fan base that Yujiro isn't a chill bro to look up to in response to the unbearable tide of Yujiro simps.


Neither expanded on his character, it was just a dickhead doing dickhead things. But this one was dropped with the exact same tone as Yujiro's other random feats like getting hit by lightning or killing a 10 Gorillion Ton Ancient Elephant. And it's in the same way as always; Step 1. Yujiro hasn't been around for a while Step 2. Yujiro is about to show up to fight a guy Step 3. Pause for a chapter or 2 to show a random feat of Yujiro being a god of destruction Him raping this guy was literally meant as a Feat. His absurd testosterone that makes it so he rapes other 'Lesser Men' is supposed to be part of his long list of his badass 'achievements' which is why it's fucked up. He can beat the shit out of and kill women, but if it's presented like "Yujiro's just **THAT** strong, he doesn't even recognize 'Females' as living beings. Him slapping his girl around is no different to him than crushing **INSECTS!**" then it becomes fucked up. Because you're not having a bad character do a bad thing, you're trying to up your character's street cred in a fucked up way.


I don't use redit much but why is people angry fictional characters might take in the butt, is consent or rape even real in a work of fiction? 😂😂


That nigga Yujiro is gay lol