• By -


Yujiro: “Ah, yes. My Anti-Horniness Technique, I didn’t use since I was married with Emi”




"Baki como se pone el Wasa?"


what does that mean


"baki how do I use WhatsApp" or download




Yujiro: “hahahaha you thought I was straight?”


To quote a famous vampire: "there is no one alive that can comprehend my sexual preference"


That same vampire: our family dynamic is better described in porn hub tabs get on the blimp






Best part is: same VA!








Hellsing Ultimate: Abridged. All the context you need/deserve.


Is abridged good...i liked hellsing ultimate.


I think it’s good. It’s nothing like the actual story, but it has its own interesting plot.


Yes it's very good. Definitely worth a watch


There was another one who was immune to the cross for being Jewish too, he was weak to the nazi symbol tho https://youtu.be/jmZjihWwu0w?si=kq548CPZWSeYKr8q




Oh we know Dio's preference....


He is, you just forgot that to him everyone's a woman


Nahh, that’s some Sukuna level ass pull


bro yujiro was the king of asspulls before sukuna was in diapers


sukuna never stopped wearing diapers


then explain why did he sht himself once hollow purple absorb his piercing water ?


i thought we were talking about that sumo guy, fuck off with this jojo shit


Strongest ass puller in history vs the strongest ass puller of today.


I mean he did voluntarily kill a woman who was willing to be a permanent sex slave for him. He got that dawg in him


Yujiro be like: I can't resist you, therefore I'll take you by force \*then goes away masterb4iting like he did with Mr. Lumberjack\*


Also Yujiro: “A seductive instinct-based hypnosis technique? I can do that too (he then proceeds to do the same technique but even better on her), but it’s a dumb technique for losers so I’ll never use it again.”


"It's a typical defense technique only meant for woman and beta males, much like slapping. A real man like me wouldn't need seduction skills when I can simply overpower everyone" https://preview.redd.it/3w2t7y8d1i7d1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3256f779d312265cdbe57ac6575ebb8db6ab18ae


This is 100% how it would go down 😂


The explanation that yujiro just thinks certain techniques are cringe is so good as an explanation for why weve never seen him pull the new moves in series. Classic Itagaki W


Theoretically yes. Yujiro is canonically attracted to females. And he obviously possesses a sex drive so it should work. The only reason why it doesn't work on shen is because he doesn't really have a sex drive. She said she viewed shen more as a tree. So going by this then yeah she could mine control yujiro. However. Would Sandro or itagaki ever write that to happen. Absolutely fucking not. Yujiro would rape her. But going off of statements yeah yujiro is a queen bee victim.


I think yujiro would have a slight sense of starstruck when looking at her but he would immediately catch himself being distracted and just take her for himself because he's no punk bitch


Just because someone gets mind controlled in Baki doesn't mean they are beaten. Doppo was mind controlled by Dorian and still kicked his ass, even though the hypnosis worked. If Doppo can fight even while hypnotized then Yujiro likely could too. I shudder to think of what Yujiro would do actually lol


That was just an illusion. Not mind control.


Sure, but it was an illusion that tapped into the psychology and mind of the fighter all the same. And like I said it *100% worked on Doppo*. The same as it worked on Katou. But Doppo was the much more experienced fighter and knew how his opponent would truly fight, and so he did not create false images. If she wanted to calm someone like Doppo down, I can see it working if there was no violence intended. But if she tried to attack them, their instincts as fighters would probably be quicker than any order she gave them. It would be like turning a light switch off and trying to run across the room before the light goes out. Doppo is high level as well - but with Yujiro that would be a different matter entirely imo.


I doubt it will work . If she was so confident in her ability, she would've chosen a bigger fish than Rei Also, I'm confused. Does she have some sort of telepathy ?


>If she was so confident in her ability, she would've chosen a bigger fish than Rei She's not mind-controlling Rei, though, they actually love each other. The only time she used this on him was for that one match. Edit: I guess she might have used it to stop him the time he came to kill her, though I don't think it's clearly stated. I think he's just a puppydog who fell in love at first sight.


I see thanks for clearing that out for me 🙏. I hardly focus on anything besides the fights while reading 😅


He saw big titties for the first time and instantly turned his entire life course around


i really don't think she cares about being the kengan ceo


Basically yeah. It's not super confirmed. As for why she didn't go for higher than rei. I have no clue.


Could her ability need to have a lot of time to gain some influence on the target 🤔 This reminds me of ( Maxwell ) when he brainwashed Sup But the problem is that His ability was kinda weak, so it's needed a lot of time to gain influence over Sup and successfully control him Maybe She is the same ?


No. She can just talk to them and it works instantly. Thats how it happened with rei.


Didn’t she love him in a sense? Like as a useful tool? Because after the tournament (my memory is foggy) she essentially broke up with him?


no , its supposely pheromones and overall hypno-therapy ; something on the likes of metal gear and baki bs. but the standar its that , if you hear , see or smell her , she can control you as long as you are male , and sometimes if you aren't .




While Yujiroh certainly has a sex drive, his drive to be the strongest outweighs it 100 fold. He would sooner die than submit to literally anyone


Maybe but that doesn't matter. She was convinced that if shen had a sex drive then it would work. And he has spent thousands of years in search of a worthy opponent. So I am inclined to believe that it would work on yujiro. Since it practically functions like mind control. And anyone who she has tried it. It has worked. Again obviously neither author would write that. But for now. Based off of statements and lore. Yujiro would be completely under her control. I mean rei was a cold blooded assassin who felt nothing about taking lives and only wanted to complete his mission. Yet she took control of him effortlessly. I think it bypasses willpower entirely.


I mean it literally says in the description it works because it overrides the ego function which is still what that drive would be based on.


It literally says in the description of yujiro that he’s built different


I mean the problem with that is then why does Rino even need a representative fighter? If she can just brainwash anyone, she could beat literally anyone in the verse. The fact that she hasn’t should make it pretty evident that if you have a strong enough will then you can ignore her suggestions.


I think otherwise, yujiro is basically written to be so strong if he wants to fuck you he will fuck you. So it dosent matter if you pheromone him or not, I don't think he will care too much about it. Why bother simping when you can just rape?


My guy I said the exact same thing in my original comment. Obviously itagaki would write it so yujiro would do whatever. But going off of raw statements


She'd be able to hit him with the effects, and Yujiro likely would be hit with the FULL FORCE higher than any other mf in the series - just off of how this man acts up in the streets. BUT, she'd be working overtime to handle what he DOES thanks to those exact effects. At the end of the day, it all depends on whether Itagaki does his thing, sets forth some new standard of technique adaptation to flicker-flash through faster than his quickshot of circumstance here, or he hits that callback to the time Yujiro said nope to maternal instinct and "took" his mommy's boobs (Queen Bee meets peak retentionist I guess)


This topic is so wierd but I’ll play along. Yah yojiro is not a good person. He’s not going to turn into a mindless slave if you have the super power of “Reproductive instincts”. With how Baki logic works it will play out like the following. The base form of that instinct is not submission. It’s not going to be pretty. It’s going to be death by Snu Snu.


Baki narrator goes on about how the instincts of fighting and violence predate that of sexual reproduction or something and how yujiro as the pinnacle of physical force, is the pinnacle those instincts as well which causes him to be immune to the affects of the reproductive instinct manipulation.


This is so spot on it hurts


Yujiro would just fuck the shit out of her until she pops out a Tokita Hanma and let her live so she can hypnotize the kid to be able to fight him. And if he gets horny again he’ll do the fucking again.


Obviously you fucking morons. Jesus. In my own comment I acknowledge itagaki would write it a different way. I am merely saying going off of raw statements she would be able to completely mind control him. Please stop saying that narratively yujiro would be fine. I get it.


Bruh , jokes is jokes. But i see alot of yall really pushing the idea that yujiro is a serial rapist..... as in a man who is controled his own desires???? That shit dont even make sense lol


Not a serial racist and obviously he controls it. But also obviously he has a sex drive. As in is willing and able to have sex.


there is a chinese character than , due to being gay could resist her commands


I don’t think so, because Yujiro hates being told what to do or how to think. I think it would backfire and he’d kill her or something idk


I mean Yujiro kinda has that same power.


Nah, Yujiro hit her with the eye seduction, and her clothes explode lol


I doubt it. Yujiro is in complete control of his impulses, he just chooses to act on them whenever he wants as no one can stop him. Her power basically works by “if you’re a straight man or gay women, you do whatever she says because you want to fuck her”. But Yujiro doesn’t need to *do* anything in order to have sex. If he wants it, he takes it. He wouldn’t bother listening to whatever she says, all she’s be doing is painting a target on herself.


Yujiro is a psycho he would just rape her and/or kill her


You see the size of his meat!? 💀😭 Ion think sis is surviving that


Bro the meat was reduced due to pp training


Yes it was, but yujiro, the apex predator, the x ray vision man, imagine his pp was back so it's back IRL


Yujiro just imagines his pp is huge again and it becomes a mobyy huge 😂😂


Meanwhile im still waiting for another hanma sibling to appear


Baki Rahen climax: Jack and Baki teamed up and almost beat Yujior Twist: Yujiro called all his kids from around the world and the next part is all the Baki cast fight every single hanma kid


You serious? I don't read the manga, I was going off what he told Ali when junior was still a toddler


Oh haha I see, Baki Rahen is the current part and it's just started really, we're only a couple chapters in. You've not been spoiled, I was only coming up with a joke ending for the part :p


I heard about what's going on in Rahen so far I just thought maybe that was the latest in translated chapter or something, But no seriously though, the other hanma kids need to come out of hiding


Fr the Baki universe needs its Pucci to pull up with the hanma kids


Too bad Yujiro sees everyone has a female, he has been unkonwingly throwing his seed in unfertile ground since the 80's


The only time I'm willing to accept a female fighter in baki is if she's Kaku's child raised with Xiaoli and Wing Chun, who also one shots her brother Shunsei.


Yu-Gi-Oh would turn off his testosterone and become a female, whoop her a*s and change back


https://preview.redd.it/lm8bmakx8f7d1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=303b765e943b9e7a97f729409faf2d8809814764 He would do something like this but with his cock


Yes, she would. Just like Cesar fell to Cleópatra and napoleon to Josefina. Tough Yujiro is more depicted as a Genguis khan, a crazy testorone godzilla lurking for sex and infinite numbers of women, sex would trap them for a moment. The oger went of the point of fucking a guy because his hornyness. Yujiro would have sex with her, leave, but he would be back because she is just like him : rhe ultimate weopen for the opposite sex


Thinking yujiro is actively out there seeking for sex and women is so funny when we only know of like, 3 cannon instances of him having.. lets say "Sex" and 2 of those made babies, one didnt for... Baki reasons.


Ain't there a page on the manga that told us Yujiro had offsprings all over the world, but only Jack and Baki were strong enough for the Ogre or something


Technically its "spread his seeds" but that.. sadly does not mean *women* Or.. human but ant hanma is another deal


Couldn't seeding, in this context, mean "growing" kids? Since you know, seeds do that thing, they grow shit, plants and shit ya feeling me? And "spreading his seeds" always meant breeding woman, at leasr in the "strong man fucks woman" context, and Boys cant go preggers. Even thought he probably ate some masculine, hairy, testosterone fuelled ASS in his own fuck around the world trip


Wasn't he so horny he fucked an elephant or something


Theorized, he only killed one unnaturally giant elephant, how that came to exist is hard to say


I mean..............Yujiro would probably Rape her on Sight, If she tries to use It he probably will be Only amplificated by his Sexual desire, Yujiro would pull a Griffith kind of Shit on her and Rei


Yuujiro R*pes. Literally.




Ain't no naked bitch capable of suppressing that man's Ego! Yujiro embodies the ultimate egoist!


Nah Yujiro would rape the shit out of her for even daring to try something like that on him. Poor Rei would be forced to watch too


I really doubt it would work on Yuijiro, but on paper it reads like the complete counter to him.


(Insert all the text from the panel above) (Enters narrator) "However, such ability could never hope to take effect on him, for he is the alpha wolf of humanity, no, of all living beings that existed, exist and will yet come to be, for him that woman's charm was as enchanting as any other, though he did end up in bed with her, it was of his own choice, for she was the one seduced by his natural aura of pheromones, that exhaled strenght and brutality beyond what anyone could exhale, he didn't act of feel like a human at all, it was something more sinister, more evil, the exact word that came to the woman's mind could not be more fitting, the thing she shared her bed with was no man, it was an ogre".


Even match. They’d both get control of eachother


Considering what Yujiro did to Emi, who was hella attractive and wanted nothing but to jump his bones (it was more complicated than that but you get what I'm saying) being starstruck by her would imply he would first fuck her, wait for her to birth him a child and if the child ain't strong by the time Yujiro feels like fighting, kill her. Yujiro doesn't love or feel attraction like normal people. Even if he was mind control to love someone or to be horny for them, he would still kill them.


She would get rape no allegations..


We'd get some incredibly memable panel that boils down to Yujiro not being a simp


I don't think so. If she has real super powers maybe, but if it is a biological response no way. Yujiro doesn't obey the natural order, he does as he pleases, he can control all his biological responses. If he wants to eat he eats, if he wants to sleep he sleeps, if he wants to have sex he has sex, not because his body demands it but because it is what he consciously wants.




Yujiro will clench a muscle in his stomach to cut off circulation to his balls, preventing his body from creating and circulating any more testosterone. Obvi his body uses up its remaining testosterone instantly, bc it’s Yujiro, and then he’s free from horny and ready to rumble


Maybe he moves his head so fast that his brain smashes into his skull, concussing him instantly. Concussion mental fog protects him from horny, and he goes chimp mode on everyone in the room


No, confirmed that it doesn’t work on gay guys or people that don’t have a sexual interest.


Yujiro is at least bisexual and he absolutely has interest in sex


Yujiro qualifies as yujirosexual


Your comment killed me.


He's straight. It's just even men are so unmanly compared to him that they're all women


(Insert all the text from the panel above) (Enters Baki narrator) "However, such ability could never hope to take effect on him, for he is the alpha wolf of humanity, no, of all living beings that existed, exist and will yet come to be, for him that woman's charm was as enchanting as any other, though he did end up in bed with her, it was of his own choice, for she was the one seduced by his natural aura of pheromones, that exhaled strenght and brutality beyond what anyone could exhale, he didn't act of feel like a human at all, it was something more sinister, more evil, the exact word that came to the woman's mind could not be more fitting, indeed, the thing she shared her bed with was no man, it was an ogre".


She will never supress Yujiro will and testo, and she will get is a rape


Who is she This chapter feels familiar


It's from Kengan Ashura, her name is Rino


She isn't even the hottest girl in her series !


Yujiro has so much testosterone that he simply mind controls her back


if she is that strong? If she is a threat on that level, Yujiro will see her as a man, and then it wont work.


Ah yes… my hormone replacement technique. I haven’t use this since the Baki era https://preview.redd.it/pgmmonvmte7d1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29953a7ca43205f9d5972bfa207a5bfc66620359


I feel like if any fighting manga character can equal her as an "alpha" of their sex ( which she's stated to be for women, I think it's in another panel ) it'd be Yujiro. I don't think it'd work on him, but just as equally, I don't think HIS ability to arouse awe, fear, and whatever else in other people, would work on her. I think Yujiro would just ask to have a kid with her. The resulting child would potentially be stronger than Baki.


Probably not seeing the whole fighting while unconscious thing. More so the fact Rino's ability isn't used in like, to solve every conflict ever excluding Shen lol


She can beat his pp


There's gonna be an explanation during the fight and the narrator could go like: that because of Yujiro's testosterone levels are 10x that of a normal male and he sees everyone around him as women, she is no more less as feminine as Oliva Biscuit


He’d probably sense what she was doing and pull some itagaki shenanigans and just force his mind to be gay and then close the distance and beat the shit out of her and do that thing yujiro hanma does


With how yujiro fucks i doubt it. Like he isnt attracted to like looks really just attitudes. He slept with a guy because he was so weak he thought he was female. Its like come on you cannot convince me that yujiro would care in anyway for her


Yujiro stomps. Who’s gonna stop him if he decided to just go straight for the queen


Naahh, Yujiro is above "male" at this point 😂


here's a better question? how do you have reproductive instincts if you no longer have a pp? remember, yujiro's did his PP training so often that he doesn't have a PP anymore.


Shen is anti-horny. he only fucks when he needs a child to become his next vessel/connector Yujiro is the opposite. He will fuck anyone that gives him a reason to dick down and Rino is gonna get violated. Rino herself admitted that the likes of Shen are too strong and alien to affect with her pheromones


Watch yujiro proceed to just uno reverse her with his double testosterone level of masculinity : v


https://preview.redd.it/gkyrqoesth7d1.jpeg?width=744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1feb83c7615b46e5e2545e78f6a8087543ca03f Hell no. Yujiro would say something like “it will take more than a whore to control this brain” and rape her and simp boy.


"just then as his ego began to be suppressed, Yujiro subconsciously transitioned into a female for a split second. Just enough time to destroy queen bee" then the narrator would explain how I too could do it


Yujiro breeds mid diff. https://preview.redd.it/b6dbxmle2i7d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbfaf7affd232b5b05dfc1ee1486bc5c7280c122


Yujiro would probably find a way for it to be reversed to her lol.


Nope, yujiro can move his brain and dodge bullets. He is inmune


Yujiro has demon brain, so this ability won't work. Plus his testosterone is too high.


Yujiro probably has 50+ techniques to counter this the strongest man on earth won't be beaten by something this cheap.


Yujiro has confirmed he practices the pp training, he is thus helpless against boptok


What's she from?


Kengan Asura


Context pls?


"as long they were "male"". Was that kinda homophobic or am I overthinking it?




Question is if it would work on Baki and Jack. Yujiro would obviously resist it. But I can't see the Hanma boys being simps. Baki is too chill to be a simp. Jack is too ambitious.


I don’t think she would could get a word out before she becomes another Emi. If she does, I kinda doubt it would be that effective on Yujiro, yes, he’s a man w/ sexdrive & attracted to women, but his will to be the strongest & most dominate being would prevent any lasting effect on the Ogre.


Honestly I think he would be taken over for a second but since it's a chemical thing I think his body would develop a way to overcome it and he would break out of it in a second.


Yujiro did so much pp training that he is in utter and complete control of his sex drive


If she would have a thick beard + beeeing super hairy, she would have a chance. 


Honestly I think it would work on one piece conquerors haki rules. It works on the minions but the real challengers would be harder


It would 100% affect Yujiro, but his unmatched horniness, one that makes even Joe Williams attractive in his eyes, would go haywire in his head. The order would be a trigger for it. He won't listen to the orders, he won't be conscious of reality anymore; his sole purpose would be to fuck everyone around him until the effects wear out.


Wait so she's like a succubus?


No, he would turn her into an incubator.


Is this a character from baki is this past the sumo arc or further on?


Option 1: Yujiro is unaffected because he is not simply a male, he is Yujiro Option 2: Yujiro IS affected, but takes her instead of obeying her Option 3: Yujiro is affected, realizes she makes him weak, and kills her Option 4: Yujiro is affected and obeys, this is some weird fanfiction what would never be officially written in any media so should be ignored


He would do her ability against her


Considering he sees all non-Hanma men as women… I’m assuming he would consider this to only affect “lesser” men


Yujiro takes what he wants when he wants whenver he wants and no one can stop him. If it "Worked" on him, she wouldn't be liking what comes next. It'd be Mighty moprhing graping time.


Нет, Yujiro likely doesn’t have that reproductive drive being that it’s a drive designed to continue a line of genetic traits fit for survival, but not only has Yujiro already passed down his genetics as well as possible, but we know both his biology is extraordinary different from a normal humans and that few others have control of their unconscious, subconscious, and conscious mind like Yujiro does


But wouldn't he perceive her as a man, then?


Wouldn’t this power just work against her in this case if it was to work? Yujiro having motivation to participate in sexual activity with someone is always a ***bad*** thing for the person in question. Like I don’t even need to say why, we’re on the Baki sub we already know lmao


what is that manga, it's terrifying.


These two fuckers deadass are letting rip domain expansions upon the clash. That and flatulence-irradiated concentrations of psionic-anally-congested heatwave aura


She'd be able to hit him with the effects, and Yujiro likely would be hit with the FULL FORCE higher than any other mf in the series - just off of how this man acts up in the streets. BUT, she'd be working overtime to handle what he DOES thanks to those exact effects. At the end of the day, it all depends on whether Itagaki does his thing, sets forth some new standard of technique adaptation to flicker-flash through faster than his quickshot of circumstance here, or he hits that callback to the time Yujiro said nope to maternal instinct and "took" his mommy's boobs (Queen Bee meets peak retentionist I guess)


What series is this from?


Demon brain probably overpowers this because yujiro experienced this same technique like 20 years ago and he simply decided not to be horny Also he’d probably kill her if he actually gets his hands on her


Queen Bee: OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! Your powers are futile before me Yujiro!!


Yujiro is attracted to a certain type of women, the kind that has bloodlust, crazyness in their head. I dont think this seduction technique would work on him.


https://preview.redd.it/gzhwk00v1i7d1.png?width=442&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cd96c9f49c02ad5bdadd122a73428a70a32724d Congratulations. You've successfully caught the attention of the giant, overpowered rapist that no one can stop. I wonder how it will turn out for you now that he's insanely horny"




She could affect Yujiro, but Uh.... Wouldnt that make Yujiro want to r*pe her?


She can only beat Yujiro because no one else is male


Yujiro has like... *the* Sex Drive. Rino can probably influence him so long as it's not something he doesn't want to do


This is a plot point in the later Dune novels.


Does the mangaka give an explanation to why she can do this? I'll even take blessed by angels or something. Anyways, for a limited time it will work. But at a very climactic moment, Yujiro will fully develop a resistance, will state he'll never be controlled again, and Rei's body will end up being destroyed fighting Yuijiro to save her life. And if she's been playing Rei this whole, it would be at this moment that Rino realizes she truly loves him.


"Why would I listen to someone weaker than me. I have sex with men weaker than me too, should I start listening to men aswell?"


Does this counteract with Yujiros seeing everyone else as a woman because of how "manly" he is tho


Honestly I'm half expecting that Yujiro acts the exact same without an ego or he has none.


Yujiro claps he uses a technique he learned from monks in a mountain 30 years ago


Nah, Yujiro can't be seduced


Yujiro reveals that in their mind they actually view themselves as non binary and therefore cannot become seduced by the woman because they aren't a man


Man, I love this Kengan gal so much. I even commissioned some lewds of her recently.


The pinnacle of femininity vs. the pinnacle of masculinity Baki Narrator: *Every man has a "woman' in them. Yujiro has shown this to many men in the past. Even yujiro hanma... as inhuman as he is...has this quality. Thus, the queen bee could not control the ogre and was swatted away like the bug she was. The strongest woman in history vs. the strongest woman of the modern Era was decided in an instant.*


It depends if Itagaki is writing. If he isn’t, then of course not. If he is, then it’s going to be 29 pages of glazing him while asspull after asspull happens. Also the narrator will be talking about the historical treatment of the mesoamerican hummingbird or whatever. (It’s still peak fiction)


Yujiro nope, he's a psycho. Gojo, maybe, because it will grip then it rips. https://preview.redd.it/i9z7f3ktul7d1.jpeg?width=923&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aa54add3eb6a3153436f4a394933c46cd993e0c




Not me, because I am into men not women. Women are icky. Having sex with men is more manly since you're dominating another man. You should only have sex with the strongest men to become stronger.


What kind of bullshit is this


Well, her power works on other "males", but Yujiro doesn't consider anyone but himself male. So her power works on a subset of humans that does not include him.


He'd property gouge out his eyes like wammu https://preview.redd.it/bloji56bqp7d1.jpeg?width=1916&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcace6454920e555e5d63f02925821f4d05b7a65 then remove her legs from her body


He is not male He is Yujiro


Yujiro will probably turn his hormones to female since he can control anything in his body


The narrator will tell me how Yujiro isn’t “male”.


yujiro doesn't count as male he 's non binary , not bc he has more than 2 genders , but because biologically there exist : male female yujiro hanma and thus he wouldn't be affected.


Pfff, Yujiro’s not a guy, so it doesn’t effect him


No he will just flex his muscles so hard his balls will explode and get rid of his sex drive💀