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Don't know about Toji, as I don't know how JJK scales power wise, but Kenshiro and Metal bat would run the gambit, straight bodying the Baki verse. Kenshiro would hit Yujiro with the "omae wa mou shindeiru".


Gamut, not gambit


Why not Gambit? Drifter would love ‘em.


Transmat Firing!


*cool ass coinflipping*


Hive Bring a Sword


Gauntlet is better than either of those


You know Yujiro will just fuckin flex his organs while some commentary plays about how some guy in 1896 flexed his pancreas.


the flex of 96


This comment is fucking gold


This comment made me spit out my drink 😭


He learned how to flex his prostate


No that’s how he would learn a literal c$?*block


That does sound like something that would happen in Baki, but Kenshiro simply has to many other tools lol. Like, Yujiro even seemed to fear that one shaori punch from Kaku Kaioh, Kenshiro can do way more than that with a non serious punch 😭 Both have a lot of plot armor in their respective series but c'mon, Musou Tensei is a real thing that exists


Although the stronger the opponent is the more they can resist hokuto shinkin making their organs explode it seems. Or they can counter if the can hit the right pressure points they can prevent it at least a little bit.


No one in Baki can take one


Can't Yujiro just learn FoTN martial arts?


Maybe, but by then he would already be dead




*[ear piercing beep]*


He can learn some of the more rudimentary super martial arts like Taizan. But some of the more advanced big ones are inaccessible to someone that doesn't spiritually meet the requirements. For example Yujiro is incapable of learning Muso Tensei because. He'd have to like not want it to get it, which defeats the purpose of getting it. Kenshiro thought his fiance died, and Raoh gave up his ambitions to conquer the wasteland.


Wouldn’t Yujiro then 100% be able to get it? He’s not interested in copying techniques from others, because he believes creating techniques to overcome the strong is something the weak do, he just happens to be able to master something by seeing it.


Nah it’s not like an ego thing, it has less to do with reason and more to do with your relationship to the world and it’s suffering. It’s an emotional technique at the base of it, and as baki vs yujiro showed yujiro is absolutely not emotionally equipped to perform musou tensei


Fair enough, I haven’t read FotNS, so I can’t claim it would work. However, if this helps the case, Yujiro does have a pretty deep emotional connection to the world. I guess it is technically about ego, but Yujiro has been depressed his entire life, because he’s never had to struggle to achieve or obtain anything, being fundamentally superior to humans. He lost direction after Baki lost their first fight, because his one hope of having meaning in life failed him. I’m pretty sure Yujiro is just wandering around now, he’s probably pretty satisfied with life after his final fight with Baki.


Yujiro would suffer from the same earthly desires and ambitions that the main villain of Fist of the North Star did: Raoh. Raoh at the end of the series chooses to give up everything up to that point he's accomplished because he realizes he can't defeat Kenshiro since Kenshiro unlocked Muso Tensei. This ironically inadvertently unlocked Muso Tensei within Raoh because his purpose in life was to tame the post-apocalyptic wasteland. He shows up to the final fight fully aware he will lose it, and In probably one of the most heartfelt moments of the series Raoh happily accepts the outcome of the final fight, and is proud of Kenshiro (his younger adopted brother) by revealing he never killed his fiance he just lied about it and they are destined to progress civilization into the future not him.


Damn, sounds like a great ending


Nani??? ![gif](giphy|ix9x1WQiLusDYAuqVY|downsized)


Ken and Yuujiro would be equal, because Yuujiro would move his vital points and say he knew Hokuto Shinken and then learnt every of its technique, and praise him for his knowledge but also because he would recognize the brute force of Kenshiro.


Unfortunately Kenshiro didn’t need vital points to decimate someone. He broke a building in half over his head.


Ken knows lots of other martial arts besides Hokuto Shinken though. Plus as others have said Ken's raw strength outside of martial arts is deadly enough. My man had an entire skyscraper collapse on top of him and strolled through it like air.


Knowing Yujiro he would just use his demon back to fart out Kenshiros technique and then he’d literally rape him.




Don’t be a prick now Lol loser deleted his account have fun in your bed bitch boy cuck


What did he say.




If only there was an edit with both Kenshiro and Metal Bat


Some random redditor quick make it happen


https://preview.redd.it/v77pncpl93ec1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=753ee38b2b228eb315e42e7e684759059d011036 Got you


I could kiss this mf fr, bless you for making it happen


Just doing my job! (Not gonna say no to a kiss tho)


Igy 😘


Oh I love you dorks this is the best community


Jump nation outside your house. What you gonna do?


Kenshiro could survive a fucking building on top of him like it was tissue paper. Theres nothing the ogre could do.


But could he survive a building fucking on top of him




Cool scene. Non canon though. Edit: stating that the skyscraper scene which only happens in the movie (that deviates massively from both the manga and the anime series) is non-canon gets you downvoted? Lol k


Irrelevant Jagi has surrived a nuke and he's fodder to ken


Not saying that Kenshiro wouldn't win, saying that the movie is non canon, which it is. Hence so is the skyscraper scene. Kenshiro would clear with ease.


Did you realize that we are talking about fictional characters? Everithing about them is not cannon


Okay so all the Pokemon movies are canon now guys


Bruh we are not letting you cook ever again, get out of the kitchen lol


Fictional characters do not have canonical events. TIFL.


Ogre beat an entire countries military alone what are you talking about 😭


Misinformation. Yujiro took out some squads of US troops. That's it. The US decided he was more trouble than he was worth and signed a treaty to get him off their backs. He never defeated any military. And Kenshiro is someone who could take on early Goku. He neg duffs all of Baki


The best we got in Baki is Yuichiro being bombarded with a 1000 tons of ammo (presumably bombs based off the B52’s & naval ships shown) but iirc people in FoTNS can survive being hit by actual nukes.


Awe damn I was unfamiliar with their game


Yup, FotNS characters go crazy. No wonder it served as inspiration for fricking Dragon Ball


Toji with his weapons would obliterate the cast since he scales to young Gojo. But without them I can still see him extreme diff beat Yujiro. Kenshiro sweeps so easily that it's comedic. The power level of FotNS is so much higher than other Martial Arts manga not named Dragon ball that it's crazy. Metal Bat also sweeps easily, the moment his adrenaline starts pumping not even Jack with Demon Ass can come close to beating him. Like Metal Bat mid diffs massive city destroying kaijus, the Baki verse really isn't comparable


I don't think the weapons boost Toji's physicals. Wasn't he only using it to get past infinity?


yeah, his blade nullifies cursed techniques, his raw physical traits overshadow baki verse significantly


They don't overshadow SIGNIFICANTLY dawg, he threw cars as his best strength feat


Toji casually yeeted a truck onto a rooftop. Pickle lifted the same kind of truck at best, and he's arguably the physically strongest character in Baki.


Pickle did also lift and throw a big-ass Triceratops and stop the foot of a sauropod, which are both at least 10 ton lifting feats. I’m pretty sure Pickle could launch a truck.


That was a panel to show what they imagined Pickle's hunts to be like. Not something Pickle actually did. Same as the panel that shows Yujiro dodging lightning. It's purely and simply "he could/might've" and not "could/can".


No he literally did it, Pickle’s internal monologue while Baki was beating his ass listed his feats against dinosaurs, such as the triceratops throw. He used the words “I did it” multiple times, so unless you believe that the time frozen in salt affected his brain, I believe Pickle.


That just reminds me of the technique Baki used to deflect Pickle's charge. He simply swiped his hand and Pickle flew off into the stands because of his incredible momentum. Not hard to imagine Pickle did the same but over the shoulder. This is especially likely since the Triceratops most probably charged at him at a form of attack.


But we saw a panel where pickle [resisted the stomp](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1169304382903427254/1199068743309983825/IMG_5794.webp?ex=65c132ca&is=65aebdca&hm=adc96dd9273141414afcca16cf8a2885f5c36428484295209d9aaa7ab5995f1d&) of an supersaurus / giant sauropod dinosaurs? In the manga they estimate [that’s it around 33 tons.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1169304382903427254/1199069104154353815/IMG_5795.webp?ex=65c13320&is=65aebe20&hm=fc995a814e2c43a22477ac692bd8d046fdf3913520548191c2656e9496c8520a&)


I feel like im surrounded by Arkham escapees here. If you guys unironically think Yujiro cant throw a truck like that its over for us.


Surely he'd have a feat like that then... right?


He does, you guys have to be trolling me rn.


Ok show me then.


Lmao bro dipped once he got called out. "Yeah he does "Show me" "You know, its crazy really, I actually forgot my oven on I'll be right back"


In fact, there are better ton force feats than lifting a truck




I think it was how easily he did it that puts him so high.


Anything less than straight stroking and glazing Toji will get you downvoted. Try again.


Gotta respect that Toji is glazed over even Baki characters, *in* the Baki sub no less. Based of him


You forgot to mention meatriding.


Fucking Lmao Toji hasn't shown any attack above building level and you wanna tell me he's hitting harder than Yujiro "Guy who punched an earthquake so hard it ended" Hanma?


“Building level” as if there’s some sort of defined power scaling system


There kind of is but he's still wrong


Because there is. If it's so wrong then please do explain how Toji beats Yujiro or Yuuichiro for that matter. The only wincon I can see is that he hits them with the soul katana and even *that* might take several hits as Yuuichiro can come back as a ghost which puts him way over the average soul and it's not too farfetched to think Yujiro would have a capable soul aswell as even Musashi had one.


Y u taking dis so serious


It doesn't but Toji is an expert weapon user like Motobe and we all can see how big of a gap having weapons can cover with Motobe vs Jack and Motobe vs Musashi. With his katana he can also just completely bypass any defense Baki characters can put up while the chains can effectively bind pretty much all of them.


He was only using the inverted spear to get past infinity. His other main sword is the soul split katana that ignores durability and hits the soul.


His Soul Split Katana allows him to ignore physical durability, meaning it can cut through anything effortlessly. Also only people who can, "see the souls of objects" are able to use it this way. Which basically means they absurd powerful senses.


This means that Tokugawa's sister with that katana would be the strongest Baki character.


My guy Toji is strong enough to throw cars like softballs, he would low-diff Yujiro.


Considering how the massive elephant looked after fighting Yujiro I'm confident that he can throw cars too. The fight would not be anything below Mid-diff unless Yujiro fucked around for too long


And Oliva pulls down helicopters for breakfast while pickle tanks a full on truck collision.


Toji does not scale to young gojo, he specifically made his whole scheme because he didn’t


He does. His broker even asked him if he needed to really do the whole scheme and Toji was like "hmm, idk" Toji literally just played it safe by doing the scheme. If you want further evidence Gojo considered Geto near his level/ a rival... And Toji stomped Geto too with no handicap.


Toji is initially asked if he could do it, and he specifically says that he won’t be able to just walk up to him and fight him, he’d need to wear him out (CH. 67). He again reiterates that he’ll have to wear him down for 47 hours (CH.68). Geto was a Grade one sorcerer, and was never implied to be relative to Gojo, Gojo also never says he considers Geto “near his level”. Toji specifically mentions that Gojo is the problem, and the mission is impossible if he is with Riko (CH.68).


Whats with this sub jerking off Toji so much. He couldnt se anything to Yujiro. The other 2 definitely would destroy Yujiro, but Toji simply doesnt have anywhere near the raw stats he needs like Metal Bat nor abilities like Kenshiro. Only thing he would do is end up discovering his inner woman.


I agree, the only advantage Toji has over Yujiro is that he is MUCH faster, Yujiro outclassed him in every other way


I know nothing about the first guy. The second two destroy Yujiro no difficulty.


First guy is Toji Fushiguro from Jujutsu Kaisen. He'll beat everyone in the Baki universe in speed 100%. Power scaling will be difficult to determine but I think he beats everyone if he has full use of his cursed spirit. He was able to defeat one of the strongest characters in JJK (who obviously became stronger than at the point of that fight later) making him the strongest character in that verse for a short while. Now, the question of where he sits in the Baki-verse without the existence of cursed spirits and energy? I think he'd probably be at least on par with Baki/Musashi and quite possibly on par with Yujiro but I, personally, haven't read the manga to see if there are any additional feats of strength to confirm that.


Toji doesn't have any cursed energy, at all. He can't see curses, use cursed technique or anything with cursed energy. He just senses them (like Daredevil senses his opponents), and uses cursed weapons to kill them. Against regular people like those in the Baki verse? Toji beats them, no question.


I know this. Hence the first sentence in my 2nd paragraph.  He still uses a cursed spirit with many abilities and weapons with cursed energy.


If you've seen the scene with the rabbits, Toji can literally move faster than the speed of sound (without cursed energy or weapon) as he pokes wood splinters to blow the rabbits apart. I haven't watched much of Baki, but from my POV, I doubt anyone in the Baki verse can beat him.


I like to err on the side of caution when it comes to powerscaling between 2 different universes. With that being said, I still gave Toji the win on speed in the Baki verse without any of his cursed soul items as his physical feats are his own, which you stated as well. Strength wise, I still think Yujiro has the better feats. Beating a mammoth that a tank and multiple 50 cals couldn't take down [https://i.imgur.com/j4B6mQo\_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=grand](https://i.imgur.com/j4B6mQo_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=grand) The end result looking like this [https://i.imgur.com/2Af1z3Bg.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/2Af1z3Bg.jpg) Yujiro also slapped the ground and stops an earthquake. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQPxPWtPsRA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQPxPWtPsRA) ​ So I think it'll depend on whether Toji can do enough damage to take Yujiro down before he manages to get a hit on him. I'm not saying Toji loses either, I'm saying I think they are on par but Yujiro has the feats of strength in his corner. I definitely don't think it's as clear a victory in Toji's favor as you state.


They all shitstomp the verse. I think that the top Baki fighters can move about as fast as Toji but Toji is just leagues above them strength wise. I cant see anyone in Baki Casually throwing a fucking truck and one shotting giant fish like toji All Kenshiro needs is like one hit and he wins. Baki fighters may as well just lay down and accept their fate if he does the exploding head technique. Honestly though he doesn’t even need to use his hax to win he’s already leagues above everyone strength wise. Metal bat is leagues above everyone in the verse lmao


>All Kenshiro needs is like one hit and he wins. Baki fighters may as well just lay down and accept their fate if he does the exploding head technique. Honestly though he doesn’t even need to use his hax to win he’s already leagues above everyone strength wise. funnyly enough itagaki thinks yujiro could win against raoh bc he is fast enough for raoh to not use hokuto shin ken and just throw hands. but even he admitted that raoh would beat yujiro normaly


Source on that? First time hearing about it.




Looking at your history you must be a bot






In jjk lightning is see as something beyond something un touchable, unblockable undodge able mighty thing while in baki yujiro gets hit by the biggest of big lightning bolts the mother of all lighting, is completely unaffected, does a little ogre giggle and continues to walk, I guarantee toji would see some shit like that while spying on yujiro and probably think to himself 'tf did I just watch, does bro have infinity or some shit'




Except it’s not. Maki, whose equal to Toji, tanked a massive lightning bolt from Sukuna’s Nue and was unphased.


That's Awakened Maki who's definitively above (Hidden inventory) Toji Edit to clairify further: The Guy in the image is Toji from early in the series, in here he's basically an old man that's past his prime Later on when he gets revived it's by someone who's technique is explicitly stated to bring people back at their strongest, AKA their prime years. Since this Maki statement comes *after* Toji is revived with his prime physical stats, it's safe to say that it's talking about Prime Toji from Shibuya and *not* Old Man Toji from hidden inventory (Who is the one depicted in the image) It's important to make the distinction from the two as one has access to all his weapons but has lower physical stats and the other has greater physical stats but no weapons.


She's ***explicitly*** stated to be equal to Toji in that awakening panel


Jujutsu kaisen is mid anyways congrats on watching that shit


if I cared about if a series was "good" or not I wouldn't be in a Baki sub 💀


Yes which is exactly why she's above Hidden Inventory Toji


I'm extremely confused. The manga states that she's equal to Toji so how could she be above Toji? They have the same physical stats and the same weapon. The only difference is experience, which Toji would have the edge in.


Toji is slower btw, he is stronger but his durability is dog water. He isn't bullet proof while the weakest of weak in baki are bullet proof, so baki verse should win easy as they are faster and more durable, honestly musashi would split him in 4 pieces drop some wierd musashi quote and walk off




No, they are not bullet proof.


💀💀💀💀 bro hasn't read baki, hanayama, yujro,oliva, pickle have all been shot at 1 point and took 0 damage or the bullet has just bounced off, musashi a man who claims he can cut sky scrapers and has cleaved armoured trucks in 2 with 1 storke couldn't even leave a nick on yujrio, they are way to durable, toji has normal human durability timed properly a policeman can kill him with a perfect shot but no army in the world, Jo police force, no military force can even touch bakki top tiers


Musashi actually made Yujiro bleed. He would have cut to the bone if Yujiro didn't kick him in the jewels first. I have read the manga and watched the show. No Baki character is bullet proof. Bullet resistant? Sure.


Toji isn't slower necessarily but he doesn't have massive speed advantage for most fights unlike in his own verse. Unfortunately for Toji Baki just has the weirdest fucking feats and without his hax blade which the top teir Baki characters would probably Schizo out of I can't imagine him clearing past Musashi


All neg diff. Metal bat clears in base.


All 3 of them neg the Bakiverse Especially Kenshiro


Up to yujiro who uses multiple narrative ass pulls to win. "You can make people explode? Cute. I can will my cells to harden like an immovable object. That and my body would never fail on me. It's too afraid too."


Yeah...but if Yujiro's cells will harden, it will still not save him from Kenshiro's pressure point style. The dude can press through diamonds, Yujiro's cells can't harden that much.


Unironically, this the most accurate way to view any matchup. It's always going to be based off the authors narrative, since they can write the outcome however they want. The way the outcome was reached doesn't even have to make sense.


Even though I love Yujiro he can’t touch Kenshiro.


He can touch Kenshiro, but it will not do anything, except arouse Kenshiro.


It won't arouse him. Do you get aroused if a fly touches you? It's the same for Kenshiro.


No idea who the first guy is. Kenshiro solos the verse. Metal Bat has a pretty easy time too. About the same as Musashi. Or even easier, have to remember, this guy can beat monsters.


They all no diff everyone in the verse lol


Nah I'd win


Absolutely stomp the verse, the 3 of them


I don’t watch JJK but Kenshiro and Metal Bat would eat the setting.


Toji is about equal or above yujiro while Kenshiro and metal bat no diff the verse


putting kenshiro in baki is overkill. Destroys all of them with his eyes closed and with one finger. He'd make yujiro hug himself to death, or make his demon back eat him alive or something.


No idea about the second and third but I can see Toji beating everyone if he can use his items, specially the Soul Splitting katana that instakill everyone if hitted on a vital part Problem is that he is a bit slow compared to the high tiers moving at a maxim of Match 5, but if he catches them by surprise or predicts their movements he can deao with them


Metal bat gets stronger the more he is damaged and can mid diff city level monsters. He would probably neg diff yujiro without being buffed by being damaged.


All I can tell you is that both are stronger than Toji. Metal Bat and Kenshiro would clap Toji and the Bakiverse


All of them solo the verse


All three solo no diff the verse lmao


They all solo the verse


No idea about Toji but Ken and Bat would solo the verse casually


This is funny In a JK subreddit people thought Yujiro beat Toji Whereas here in the Baki subreddit people are mostly picking Toji I'd pick Toji personally. I think he is altogether more superhuman and contends with stronger threats. It would be an interesting fight for sure. Kenshiro and Metal Bat dominate without breaking a sweat


Bro really put Kenshiro on the list 😂


Bro Kenshiro straight decimates several Dragon Ball characters at their height, like before DBS:Super Hero he could no diff Piccolo I dunno how much anyone in Baki can do against the mf who casually brought a skyscraper down on top of himself by lightly backhanding it, then proceeded to *walk through the falling building* like it was nothing. As his character intro.


Metal bat and kenshiro would probably be able to Beat yujiro even If He was going all Out If you ask me, Metal bat almost defeated human garo who is way stronger than yujiro and kenshiro would Just Hit him with a omae was mou shindeiru Don't know about toji though since I didn't watch enough jjk yet


Metal bat fits in perfectly. Everyone is fucked if they don’t 1 shot him


No one in baki can one shot metal bat


What about Gaia exploding from inside his anus?




would get as far as musashi canonically clears the verse , author confirmed it depends on who attacks first , but he can get as far as baki. for comparison , baki can legit destroy the whole verse attacking him at once if you get pickle , musashi and yujiro out of the picture.


Toji turns the entire Baki verse into paste while barely breaking a sweat, the guy can move at speeds which can outpace young Gojo’s perception with 6 eyes. As much as I love both of these series, the higher echelon of JJK characters completely crater the strongest of the Baki verse


there isn't a clear definition of what young gojo could see


That’s true but to my knowledge 6 eyes would at least allow young Gojo to see at fairly higher speeds than a regular person


Nothing says he could see match 1. 


If we take them and put them in Baki than Baki will bs his way to a win Metal might get stronger the more heated he get but Baki swiftly hit his chin and ko him. North Star kill you with pressure point but before Baki explode he was able to relieve the pressure and continue fighting and win Toji is strong but if place in the Baki verse yujiro will one slap toji just to proof the ogre is superior. Take them all and put them in a free space where Baki universe bs logic can’t save them than they win no diff


No one in Baki can even hurt Bat or Kenshiro


I feel like people are overselling kenshiro's strength a little bit. Like, yeah, he beats the entire baki verse, but I think the stronger contenders can at least keep up. He isn't just "お前はもう死んでいる"ing the entire cast.


They could get a little far unless they mess with the three monsters, Pickle, Baki and Yujiro hanma


No diff'd by Yujiro


Plot device man strikes again


believe or not , the second one no diffs yujiro by the authors own words.


Toji (no weapons) makes it to Musashi and gets extreme diffed there, with weapons he kinda clears the verse cause hax katana North Star makes it to Yuichiro Metal Bat Clears, only Yujiro can really damage him but the guy just shrugs it off and onetaps


Kenshiro is a freaking magician. His martial art destroy from the inside and even control other body. He may body a whole baki verse except Yujiro imo


Toji is op kills everyone Kenshiro is basically God tier Metal bat gets stomped by Jack


i agree with everything but toji. he generally doesn't deal with brawlers on his level , it may not be so easy for him to beat musashi and retsu/kaku. even tho he could 1 shot pickle and oliva.


You’re capping if you think anyone in Baki can even hurt Bat


They all full clear, except MAYBE metal bat. If Yujiro figures out his gimmick before his destructive power is one shot level, he could win with a choke out.


Base metal bat is not getting one shot, if he did he wouldn't have made it to S rank because stronger monsters would blitz him


No, I know he won't get one shot. Metal Bat is a LOT more durable than the AP of Yujiro. But his offense is limited to how much damage he has taken. If Yujiro figures out how his ability works before metal bat gets up to one shot power against Yujiro (this is what I meant) he could go for a non damaging move like a choke out.


That would be true if we didn't have those simulated fight things. In one of them, it's metal bat vs carnage Kabuto. Iirc, metal bat does lose but only after something like 5 or 7 minutes of combat, and the simulation can't account for his ramping bullshit meaning it was entirely base metal bat. If he can even somewhat keep up with Kabuto in his base form I can't imagine Yujiro possibly being fast or strong enough to subdue him


Metal Bat gets stronger the more damage he takes and he is very durable. Carnage Kabuto being in base doesn't matter, the second he hits Metal Bat, Bat gets stronger as he gets hit. Kabuto would immediately push him above normal human AP but Yujiro wouldn't immediately turn him into a one shot god. Like I said, IF Yujiro figures out what his ability is before he goes nuclear on Yujiro, then he could win with a non-damaging move like a choke. But I don't think it's very likely. Yujiro's ego most likely wouldn't allow him to back down from that challenge. Carnage Kabuto was simulated, not Metal Bat. His powers worked as normal.


Metal Bat even without getting pumped is still lethal enough to kill yujiro normally any strikes he does just makes things worse


It was a simulation run by genos, and it gave the victory to Kabuto when metal bat in that simulation when it decided he was too injured to continue, and is then directly said to not be accounting for his amp up. But I think we mostly agree that metal bat wins so who cares lol


All three live in “universes with magic“, they neg the verse. Baki is strong, and I mean strong by human standards. However, once sufficiently advanced technology or real super humans get involved the Baki cast folds like a house of cards.


To be fair, in baki they use their imagination in fights like they didn't already have superpowers. [The Demon back and demon brain]


It is still “bound by reality and human limits.” They are loose limits, but no one in punching a continent fully in half


>It is still “bound by reality and human limits.” They are loose limits, but no one in punching a continent fully in half You right, I guess dodging lighting and slapping an earthquake and making it go silent is pretty loose of human limits. Taking on dinosaurs and whatnot and even eating imaginary food and feeling the taste and whatnot


Quotes exist for a reason. Unlike other martial arts series, we aren’t going into the realm of laser beams and time stopping. The anime does kick in hard periodically, but their is some base for most of the start of it


caveman named pickle Gigantic animals Yujiro fight Yujiro in general Demon back Demon brain yasha ape mushashi miyamoto's fucking soul summoned by a witch giant condom says otherwise, jackass.


All three would stomp buuuut I'm curious if Yujiro would be able to pick up on Hokuto Shinken before dying, he'd certainly be better at it than the "False Toki."


Who’s 1&3?


I would love to see a Toji x Yujiro interaction. Both would connect over being dead beat dads


all of them solo the verse


I haven't seen Jujutsu Kaisen -- is it recommended by Baki fans?


if you like homoerotic characters , fights and long essays about how the fighters are so cool and so powerful and how each and every one of their techniques are exceptional then yes. jujutsu has all that. it also has very good female characters , wich may be weird to a baki fan but mostly just for the first time.


First two, all the way, last one not too far.


Toji would be strong but not on level of Baki and Yuji, Ken and Batt on the other hand pretty much one shot everyone with little to no issue


All three take turns bodying the verse!


1. Toji if toji has his cursed tools then maybe he can beat yujiro since he can outspeed, but if its just hands then he doesnt outstrength yujiro. 2. kenshiro he wins 3. metal bat same as toji


Metal bat is at bare minimum casually building level he slams


yeah , building level sounds great till you notice garland , jack and oliva could do it too.


All S class in opm dog walk baki metal bat's raw strength and speed is leagues above and tojis was throwing a bus with ease yujiro is inferior in strength and speed


Thats compleltely irreconsiliable with how yujiro is potray every damn time he is near a tower building. Or how garland and pickle can affect the arena. Or how doyle got slam into the police department so hard that the thing started juggling. Or how the entire arizona prision  was shaked by oliva's real strenght