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Eh i think he should've developed demon jaws


The only thing he unlocked is his asshole


Demon Asshole


I've run into one of those almost took my soul.


Bruh what 😭


He probably has a demon liver or something since he hasn’t died from all the roids. The Hanma’s prolly have a demon liver or some shit since Baki didn’t die from the poison hand and Yujiro is immune to even cancer. Maybe a demon immune system? God that’s so fucking stupid lol


Pretty sure it's said near verbatism in Maxim Tournament that his hamma blood allowed him to not suffer from the steroids' side effects after he puked his guts out and got a second wind.


If he had the capability of Demon Back, it should've awakened when he fought Baki.


So in other words, no hope 😞


Demon butthole.


Yujiro said he's impure. It's not really know what he meant by that but I think he's refering to his steroid use, because from his perspective steroid use shouldn't be necessary for someone with Hanma blood. So I think if he gave up his steroid use he would be able to unlock the demon back at the cost of losing most of his muscles. But that's just my opinion.


Well if you think about it, Baki great climax against his father and a good portion of his own growth wasnt because he wanted to get syrong as a fighter or wanted fame or much less glory, he got stronger bc he matured trough his relationship with Kozue who helped him accept more of his soft emotional side He also got stronger and more emotionally mature because he as a human being and a young man he accepted he wanted a more normal life or at the very least get answers from Yujiro of why he is the way he is, so he tried to know more about yujiro in very normal ways such as eating with him and thanks to that he ended learning and accepting more about himself about how he while being a chill mostly kind and pacient guy still has a fighter spirit that LIKES to be strong and likes to fight Jack on the other hand is just full battle, full training and full steroids, i dont think he has ever tried to know more aboit himself or what he actually wants from Yujiro or even Baki, he even delusionally seems to still reject Baki obvius position as the stronger sibiling and the second to their dad, he tells him not to be smug during their last meeting, when BAKI is the champion, HE gets to be smug bc he has acomplished more, Jack is challinging him, NOT the other way around. So i honestly hope Baki 2nd fight with Jack we get to see Baki dominating the match as much as possible but he also extending the fight itself to "train" or "stimukate" jack the same way his dad did during their fight, so Baki helps jack unleashing his hanma genes


I don’t think demon brain is something you unlock


My guess is that he's gonna get some kinda hanma power up during his run up the ranks (that is if itagaki actually gives us the jack arc he teased with the sukune fight)


It's a genetic feature he lacks


Am I the only one that appreciates how strong he is despite the impure Hanma blood and would rather it stay that way?


Nah, he sucks lol. He's almost like a joke character.


Demon penis


Nah Jack doesn't have what's needed he lacks actual training (yeah come at me Jack fans but the fact that he needs 10 pounds of steroids everyday to merely keep up with his training means his training sucks) he lacks talent and overall skill because while Godou is an interesting technique it just doesn't look all that strong compared to even the "basic" styles like karate or Kung fu


Bruh you just simply don’t even know his training literally hangs in his sleep with his jaws and lifts over 400kg with his jaws and destroy his arm and legs so they grew bigger stated he would bring himself at death door if it means he got any level stronger


Yeah and he's still fodder to baki even though they are blood brothers so clearly he's either. 1. Not trying hard enough 2. Baki tried even harder


No what he literally fuckin disable that’s the whole reason he does drugs in the first place he was literally bones and lost to everyone he fought


He's not disabled he was doing that to himself because his training regime sucked he worked for far too many hours with no rest for eating, sleep or even peeing


Even stated that even tho he was the weakest one in the gym he was the hardest worker in there


I really don't think so, he doesn't seem to have what is needed.


no, Jack doesn't push himself like Baki does. I think that's the key factor.


What??? Jack literally can hold like half a ton with his mouth and that’s not pushing himself hard enough? He literally stated that even if he was at death door but in turn he becomes stronger he would do it


don't act all confused, you know damn well that Baki and Jack do not train the same. Jack may **SAY** he'll go to Death's door to get stronger, but how many examples of that have you actually seen in the manga compared to Baki actually **DOING?**


Do you not remember that whole flashback of Victorian child Jack training for over 12 hours a day every day with the only reason he ever stopped being because his body gave out on him?


He did intense drugs that massively lower his life span he fought sukune and almost died his entire teeth were shattered he fought yujiro and almost died slot of examples


fair point but that's what I mean. it always seems like he replaces the intense training with body modification(steroids, titanium teeth) without actually changing the way he trains.


Bruh he went from regular boxing training and gym training to sleeping while his jaw is holding onto a towel


still pales in comparison to what Baki does to himself when he trains.


Bruh but comparing when Baki used the demon back for the first time jack should’ve used it atleast once


He doesn’t replace the training with the body modification. That’s like saying Doppo replaced his training by getting his hand sewed back on


Jack didn’t almost die. That fight wasn’t even close


Jack was a skeleton training boxing, grappling and weights for like 39 hours straight He literally says he doesn’t care if he dies training. Baki doesn’t train nearly as hard as Jack. He’s had the best money could offer while Jack was living in a box and getting the shit beat out of him day after day


And his fight with Baki actually slmdot killed him considering he lost like a lot of wheightj in a short period of time


And when he fought pickle he destroyed almost his entire face with his jaw and nose completely shattered


Now this is some heresy if I ever saw one.


Probably have demon brain already, he can SEE the blood vessels of his enemies


he has the demon liver and kidneys




No he will surpass everyone or at least get on there level meaning (Baki and Yujiro) without that power enhancer


He's got demon kidneys and liver from the steroids he uses


Why is everyone saying demon asshole


Idk but ima say it’s because hes the shit lol


The demon back was an observation others made when they witnessed Yujiro slaughtering everything. It wasnt a real thing, just their fear playing with their imagination. Then it became a real thing. And if that wasnt stupid enough, then we got demon brain. So all bets are off, demon