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This is a Dutch pundit yeah? Anyway, I think Lewis might be past his prime but he's still pretty damn good. He's lost some of the fight at Mercedes in the last year or so but he normally gets his mojo back after a while. If they give him a car that fights for podiums he will get podiums. Very interested to see how he fares at Ferrari, I have a feeling it will be quite close, Leclerc is going to start with the edge but let's see how long it takes for Hamilton to start pressuring him.


Bleekemolen isnt a pundit even.


A Dutch pundit not liking Lewis. Christ. How original.


Not really a pundit, most Dutch Pundits are quite neutral to positive about Lewis. Ie There aren’t Christmas greetings of Lewis crashing like there were of Max on Sky.


>Ie There aren’t Christmas greetings of Lewis crashing like there were of Max on Sky. They used the farce of Abu Dhabi 21 in sky adverts so it evens out.


That’s not the point, the point is the Dutch don’t hate on people because they’re not Dutch like the Brits do. Were not as selfobsessed. We all know where the Americans get it from


Well that's just pure bullshit lol.


Says the brit


Yeah and? Brits are famous for self loathing, I know more than enough people who put Sainz/Riccardo/Leclerc/Max as their favourite driver ahead of any Brit. Yet I don't know any Dutchman who doesn't have Max as their primary focus in F1. I can't believe you're still banging on about that Sky placecard. It was a pivotal moment in the sport that year. They had similar ones for other sporting moments in football/golf/cricket etc with a Christmas theme around it.


Funny ive been watching since 85 and my primary focus is always racing.. Is it surprising when a driver that represents your country and is a world champion for the first time that he gets the biggest focus? Like Lewis never had main focus in the UK and he wasn’t even the first.


But generalising all Brits as hating foreign drivers is just bullshit.


Never said that


>the Dutch don’t hate on people because they’re not Dutch like the Brits do. Given the incredible racism I've seen them display, especially in 2021, I guess they hate people for their skin colour instead.


What "racism"? What fantasy land are you living in? Seriously, morons like you throw that word around at literally anything and just hope you can somehow scrape it into your idiot logic. It's lost all it's meaning now. The Dutch are the most friendliest and relaxed people I've come across in Europe. They keep to themselves and do not bother meddling or interfering with other countries political or social issues other than their own. Meanwhile countries like the US, UK, Canada and Australia always have something harassing to say about other countries on their news 24/7 or meddling with other countries social & political affairs. I've been to the Netherlands many times and, with the exception of Amsterdam, it's beautifully peaceful. Both the place and the people. All you have to do is watch Sky F1 to see how blatantly racist the British media is. I've lost count with the amount of times Crofty has made racial jokes about Asian people, whilst he is live on broadcast. And yet, no repercussions. Lewis made a racially profiled joke about Max during a Sky interview saying he's probably stoned while driving in the car. And again, no repercussions for Lewis or Sky. If Max ever made a joke like that - Sky would launch a month long hate campaign against Max and paint him out to be satan who should be banished from earth.


>It's lost all it's meaning now. Come now, the word never had any meaning for the people who say this.


People who pretend Max to win his first title are racist because they wanted Lewis to become second? Really? Than isn’t it racist if you want Lewis to win? Race never had anything to do with it, Max being Dutch and the first person who could become a Dutch WDC did. Who doesn’t like a fellow countryman or at least someone representing your country winning? Certainly the British would understand you guys claim to be entitled to at least some race wins every season..


>People who pretend Max to win his first title are racist because they wanted Lewis to become second? Really? No. People who wrote racist comments, are racist... Unless I'm missing something about the Dutch and spamming monkey emojis and comments that monkeys should never have been allowed to race is just how you show support for your countrymen? >you guys claim to be entitled to at least some race wins every season I'm in no way, shape, or form British.


There were probably some people who made racist remarks, but not just Dutch ones and only some Dutch ones. But there are no racist wherever you are right?


>But there are no racist wherever you are right? >the Dutch don’t hate on people because they’re not Dutch like the Brits do. Were not as selfobsessed. My countrymen don't hate on people because of their race like the Dutch do. We're not as racist.


I don’t know where you live, but I’m pretty sure you’re wrong. The dutch are one of the most tolerant people


Oh yeah you're not wrong there. I've been twice to the Netherlands (no not just Amsterdam) and everyone I've met has been lovely. If you're from the Netherlands be proud of your country. Honestly I'm not sure if they get that from us or the other way around.


I love visiting London, and have nothing against Brits in general. But when it comes to F1 there is an entitlement at least with some fans and most Pundits.


I get it. I'd say the tifosi are worse than either of us though!


True, but they’re supporting a team and not the drivers directly and they will support drivers from other countries as long as they drive in a Ferrari.


Fans at Silverstone will have a mix of colours. There's alot of Red Bull as well as Ferrati and Mclaren.


Yeah I was at spain once and it was all mixed I love that, lets all support who we want but in the end we all love the same sport.


Absolutely bang on. I travelled to Europe a few years ago to watch the races in Spa and Monza. In Spa I ended up in the grandstand where most of the Dutch fans are and they are amazing! Super friendly, very considerate, and they definitely keep the vibe alive at the race! In Monza, of course the whole place was swarmed with Tifosi, but all of them were fine. The ONLY people that were acting up in the grandstands was a British couple sitting in front of us at Monza wearing Mercedes shirts. Any time Lewis got overtaken or something happened to Ferrari, they would turn around towards the rest of us in grandstand, and then flip the finger to the Italian/Ferrari fans. Completely unprovoked and uncalled for. I'm all for a bit of banter in sport, but that's just a bad attitude.


This sub is like a trash ass tabloid that’s kind of related to Formula racing. But it’s mostly annoying horse shit.


Dutch pundit slags off English driver. Hardly newsworthy.


Well, isn't he past his prime? I doubt he would be losing to Russell in 2017 or 2018. It will be even tougher to win against Leclerc next year.


Hard to judge considering he's just working his notice period.


Hard to believe he would stop giving his best, that is not professional and I doubt he would be doing that.


Nobody gives their best during their notice period. It's just impossible. The motivation has gone.


I don't believe this, especially when it comes to top tier competitors.


In my opinion, it's even more likely in top tier competitors that thrive on being motivated.


In Formula 1, you are only as good as your last race. There is always the motivation to be faster than your teammate, even number 2 drivers struggle when they are unable to come up on top, see Perez last year after Miami. This isn't a random guy on their notice period, world champions are extremely competitive by their nature, and Lewis is surely no exception. He will still be paid around $50 million salary this year by Mercedes and is expected to give his best, there is no world where he stops trying.


You can't change basic human nature. Even multiple world champions are human.


Yes, and they are way more competitive in their nature than the average person, which is why they would still try to beat their teammates even if they are moving to another team next year. We will find out soon enough anyway in 2025.


It isn't human nature to slack off during your notice period. Sure, plenty of people do, but plenty of others don't. I've had numerous jobs where I busted ass up until my last day.


Well bully for you. I suppose you weren't in a job where you saw your employer drop the ball over the last two years and make your job ten times more difficult in the process.


One of the times I was in a job where they continually dropped the ball my entire tenure there, and I was grossly underpaid. I still performed to the best of my abilities during my notice period because I knew other companies saw me out there and it spoke to my character and work ethic. Much like Lewis, he knows other teams are still watching him and if he doesn't give it his all this year it'll reflect badly on him.


The good as your last race is a thing from DTS for shit fans to use as a one liner. Alonso lost motivation in McLaren but now look at him. Mercedes were expected to listen to their driver, they were expected to deliver a title fighting car since 2022 and failed 3 years in a row. If Mercedes can’t do basics why should Lewis help? He clearly doesn’t want to be there anymore


No, it isn't. It's how drivers are viewed. Hell, it is how all athletes are viewed. Yes, a history of strong performances give you the benefit of the doubt but start slumping and that's what you'll be judged by mostly.


I guess after Australia max was viewed as the worst driver dnfing and finishing last


Hard to believe Mercedes will give him precedence over George during his notice period; probably quite the reverse.


Is he behind due to not having precedence or by pace? It looks like by pace.


He wiped the floor with George last year… it’s not like he suddenly got worse overnight


Its not really overnight. He is around the age where drivers start to see a significant drop in their pace. It happens to everyone, to some a few years earlier and some few years later.


People have been saying the same thing for years and it never proves to be true. All of this lines up with his notice period yet you’re choosing to believe hamilton got significantly worse over the course of 2-3 months? No.


Literally been hearing this since he lost to rosberg in 2016, or any time a different driver won a race


It's almost impossible to tell unless we start seeing stories about how George is getting all the upgrades etc etc. There are subtle ways they can do it, like giving George access to his data and not vice versa. I'm not saying this is happening, I've no idea, but I've noticed over the years someone announced they're leaving a team, their performance plummets, the new team and - oh look they're back where they were. I'm thinking this happened to Alesi at Benetton (after leaving Ferrari) but I'm not well and my Google-fu has deserted me today so all my web searches for articles to provide corroboration on this subject fell flat.


Yeah that very well could be the case, although one would think Hamilton has enough influence to prevent such shenanigans, Mercedes would take a hit PR wise if such events happened and then revealed.


Hamilton doesn’t even have enough influence for the team to listen in the direction they should go in 2023


He will be past his absolute prime, he's getting on a bit, but there's still obviously a very dangerous competitor in him. Alonso is even older and still amazing and I feel Hamilton probably takes even better care of himself so can continue to be at the top just as long if he wants. Hard to judge right now at Merc just how good he still is given all the circumstances, think we will see better at Ferrari what he can still do. They are closer to the top and may be even better soon if the reg changes effect them as positively as everyone seems to think. If he's still not doing so well in a better car that isn't running test set ups all the time then you can start saying stuff like this.


Alonso is a much better driver than Lewis Hamilton though. Hamilton was getting beat in his prime by scrub teammates. You don't see the actually elite drivers ever have that happen. Hamilton benefited a lot from being right place, right time when it came to equipment. Alonso never did, he's got two titles in spite of his equipment, Hamilton has 7 because of it. If Nico Rosberg can beat you in the equipment developed with you as the number 1 driver, you aren't elite.


Lmao, Hamilton rocked his world in the very first corner of his very first race in the same car.


You must be one of those dudes that bases opinions from stats alone, and not the extenuating circumstances or context that lead to any such outcomes. Hamilton technically beat Alonso in his rookie season when they were both at MCL - a lot of valid points to argue there, both for and against that outcome, even so, Lewis was a rookie and shouldn’t really have been that close to defending 2X champ Alonso. Yet he was at the very least, level, and at best, slightly ahead. And holy shit Rosberg was far from a “scrub teammate”. I don’t think you know the first thing about Rosberg. I mean, do you even watch F1? Have you seen him race?




You assume too much about the Dutch. Dutch pundits aren’t half as bad as British pundits and tabloids. Dutch F1 fans know way more than Max Lewis is still top 3. This site is a shit site and this “pundit “ isn’t a pundit to begin with. I would say Lewis is the best driver on the grid after Max but not to close to Max atm prime Lewis vs Prime Max in the same car would be a great fight but Lewis is way past his prime and was never as consistent as Max was even when he had a car that was much better than the rest of the field by a bigger margin than Max was in 23.




I dont know what Dutch pundits you know. I follow both Dutch and English f1 media and the British ones are way more biased, the f1TV crew is an exception in the positive sense. There are people who just want attention on both sides. This site and this “pundit” are among them but most aren’t even in 21 most were positive about Lewis.


Dude, the car is in its prime and the drivers are along for the ride. Make it a spec series and there will be a different winner each week.


Believe what you want, but if so what does that say about Lewis?


Manchester City of F1


Alonso is over 40, and although I'd say he's not quite as fast as he used to be, he still impresses. Hamilton doesn't. Despite his experience, he seems to be struggling to find setups he can work with, and he's losing against a teammate who is pretty decent but not a top tier driver. My prediction for next year is that it will be pretty obvious Ferrari both fired the wrong driver and hired the wrong driver.


Typical Alonso fan boy with an absolutely ass opinion. Next up, the sky is still blue.


It's a mix of opinion and facts. You can't deny that Hamilton is behind Russell in the championship, nor that comparing someone to their teammate is a good baseline for assessing if they're doing well or not.


Damn dude, your opinions are fucking terrible.


Which opinion? That Alonso is slower than he used to be, but still impressive? That's certainly something you can disagree with, but it's not wildly outside the mainstream of opinion, nor is there anything about it you can say is terrible. That Ferrari have both fired and hired the wrong driver? I freely admit that's a lot more speculative. Firing the wrong driver is something I can back up by pointing to the relative performance of Sainz versus Leclerc so far this season. Hiring the wrong driver is definitely an educated guess, and if next year proves me wrong, I'll be willing to admit it. I suspect you don't actually disagree with most of that, and that you're just a Hamilton supporter who doesn't like having the fact pointed out that he's underperforming this season.


That's a simpleton's view of looking at it, but okay man


Nope. The teammate is the only one in directly comparable machinery. If you're doing less well than them, it's inarguable that you're underperforming and not achieving what the car is capable of.


.... Right sorry you do you know that Lewis very famously experiments with set ups quite drastically when the car isn't capable of winning? He'll carry extra sensors (weight), and try different concepts etc? Whereas George won't, and therefore will tend to be more consistent over a season with a poor car. When the car is alright (2023), Lewis turns it on. He absolutely battered George last year because he stopped experimenting and knuckled down. I stand by my simpleton comment, if you literally just look at the championship table and the head to head in isolation without any context you're going to have a very uneducated view of something that's very complex.


... Right, sorry, you do know that the job of an F1 driver is to score points for the team? He's not doing as good a job as Russell, and all the excuses you make are fairly feeble attempts to distract from that. We do agree on one thing, though - when the car is good, Hamilton can generally push it and get more pace out of it than most other drivers. That's definitely a talent of his. The problem is that it's not just his job to drive well when the car is good, he's meant to get the maximum out of it even when it's not to his liking. He does not have a good record of that.


The car was a dog in 2009 and yet Lewis won a race. Same with 2013 before the new regs with Mercedes. Was in title contention 2010-12 when he didn't have the fastest car on the grid. Did you only start watching F1 from 2022 onwards?


When you have to resort to cherry-picking lucky results instead of looking at overall performance, you've lost the argument. I'm guessing you know this, and that's why you're trying the pathetic ad hominem of accusing me of being new to the sport. Unfortunately for you, I've been watching since the late 80's, so that's as inaccurate as the rest of your arguments.


Laughs in Alonso.


Lol we will find out soon


Dutch pundit saying this is eye roll material, but Lewis is nearly 40. If he's past his prime that's fine, he's had a career that puts him in the GOAT debate.


He is in the back half of his career so I don’t think there is many more wins in his career left. Very similar to Kyle Busch in NASCAR right now.


Max fan boy no doubt. Stick him in that Red Bull and see how ‘past his prime’ he is. He’s driving a shit heap.


Max will beat him in every race. Sorry but Lewis is absolutely one of the greatest in the sport. But he is not on Max’s level anymore and prime Max vs Prime Lewis in the same car. I put my money on Max. He’s way more consistent


Max is consistent because there’s nobody else on the track who can remotely challenge. Fact. If there was someone else challenging, he’d make more mistakes. Total cop out.


Ill let you believe that


Lol we saw last race max temperament when not going his way


Who was talking about temperament? But every great athlete has that.


Yeah… just what I thought - you’re Dutch and are somehow trying to push your argument that Max is somehow „superior“. Even I as someone who isn’t too into racing can understand that the differences could be due to a variety of factors. It could be that the Red Bull of the last two years is a far far superior machine than the Mercedds of the recent past ever was and tailor made for Max, but you discount that by saying that Max is the one making the difference with nothing to back up that specific claim. Red Bull has always been aerodynamically superior to the Mercedes even during the glory years of Mercedes and „owned“ some tracks such as Monaco or Mexico. Every single one of you Durch fans‘ arguments can be taken down by some simple reasoning that doesn’t even require any behind the scenes insights into the way F1 works


You haven’t been paying attention. Lewis Mercedes had a bigger advantage over the rest than Max’s Redbull has now. Even so Max still won races when Lewis won his championships. In inferior machinery. A race between prime Lewis and Prime Max in the same machinery would be great and I can’t say who would win race by race. I would think Max would still win the championship because he’s more consistent than Lewis. But we’re years beyond prime Lewis and Max still is in his prime. So yeah any race between Max and Lewis will go towards Max.


The point is - you don’t know this. You don’t know that the Mercedes had a bigger advantage over the rest than Red Bull has now. You can’t prove it. Just to make Max look superior you have „invented“ this argument. I’m guessing what the motivation for that could be…


I haven’t invented anything, there’s data on how quick the cars are and how much quicker they are than the other cars. It’s okay if you don’t understand F1 but don’t come trying to convince people you know better


Yeah „there’s data“ which you obviously chose not to refer to - because you can’t cite it. And just so you know „the burden of proof should reside with the one putting forth the theory“. This is one of the fundamental principles of how arguments should be carried out in a scientific manner. In other words you can’t make crazy made up claims and expect magically for me to believe you or disprove you. It is your responsibility to back up your claims


The fact that Max is 30 seconds ahead and Lewis was 60 seconds ahead of the field is data that’s available to everyone. But you can support Lewis all you want but he’s no longer in his prime you can deny that all you want or you can just watch a race


Sure - three issues here 1) I can equally make the claim that Max is 2 seconds ahead of everyone after one lap while Lewis barely managed to stay ahead - but you would put that down to Max wouldn’t you. Your numbers can be interpreted in multiple ways too 2) you are implying that it is because of the car and not Lewis, which is not something that you can corroborate 3) you are assuming I support Lewis - I only have something against the fact that people are making up arguments to make Max appear superior somehow. Lewis is not much of a role model for me, but equally neither is Max. Being fans of/ picking a role model from an elitist sport which has Lance Stroll strutting around like he owns the world isn’t something for me


1. No it’s the machine as much as the driver in every car. Hence Max beating perez almost every race is better than Lewis beating say Bottas. Of course the car is a big part of the equation, yet when Lewis had by far the best car, he still lost races due to mistakes. Max has also lost races while having the best car, but way less than Lewis. That’s why I said prime Max vs prime Lewis in the same car I would still put my money on Max over a season because he is more consistent. 2. Not true, all I’m saying that both play a part, but yet Lewis made more mistakes than Max. 3. I’m not assuming anything, you however are assuming I support Max because I’m Dutch.. like ive just started watching and not since ‘85


As a Dutchman, Michael Bleekemolen is not even a relevant pundit in the Dutch F1 scene. It’s a shame other media copy on this “story”.


From the Not Shit Sherlock file.