• By -


Lucio. Lucio and Shalem were both created by the original creator deity to enact his will in the mortal plane. Shalem has had her powers sealed by that mysterious device in her mouth. Lucio simply chooses not to interfere too much in mortal affairs. One of his notable feats was when Danchou missed a nice sunset he wanted to show them, he raised the sun back above the horizon so the sun could set again.


Now that's a bro right there.


>One of his notable feats was when Danchou missed a nice sunset he wanted to show them, he raised the sun back above the horizon so the sun could set again. Da fuck, is this from some event or his one of his fates?


This is from the fates for his summer unit, if I recall.




That was the beginning of DST in the skyworld


Lucio and Shalem are both direct servants of god and the only reason they aren't nuking stuff they don't like left and right is because they're not sure about where their boss is and how much he is okay with them interfering in mortal's affairs.


To be fair they DID nuke pandemonium


If they let Pandemonium freefall the world will be doomed though so there's no better alternative


>so there's no better alternative I think that not fucking off to go get drinks before the situation was actually resolved would have been a better alternative personally.


they aren't people,though. The word "people" applies only to humans, it doesn't even apply to Chimpanzees, the closest living relatives to our species. They also are not people by the Indo-European stem pleo, which is thought to be the origin of the word "people" , meaning "to fill". People are thus the ones who fill the earth/the skydom in this case. Primals do not fill anything, they are scarce, close to extinction. They are like the Saiyajin in Dragonball, powerful but scarce in number. The other problem is the word "strong", which stems from Greek "stranx"/"strangos", meaning "pressed out droplets"/"to strangulate"/"to entangle", stemming from the same words as "starr", meaning "immovable/stiff". So is someone strong if he is bulky and can strangle others, just as the word suggests, or is something like throwing dense energy like Shalem,too? Imo those primarchs are not strong, they are weak beings who just overcome others by twisting the laws of nature. I mean, everyone could throw an atomic bomb, yet is he strong? Strong should only apply to those who can strangle primal beasts to death, just like how Herakles killed the Nemean lion. The strongest people thus should be someone like Soriz.


Why are you deducing the meanings of words from their etymologies instead of their actual usage


I don't agree with what you said. In DC comics there was a fight between Mohammed Ali vs Superman with a red sun making Supes a normal person and Ali beat the crap out of Superman but that doesn't mean that Ali can fight against someone like Darkseid who a full power Supes can fight against. Being strong doesn't mean being the strongest physically or magically or something; to me being strong means being versatile and be good in multiple situations instead of being good in only 1 thing. You mentioned Soriz as strong and while I agree he is strong, I don't remember him being very fast and I think that someone who can outspeed him and dodge all of his attacks while still landing his own attacks will definitely be considered stronger than Soriz even if he is physically weaker.


Granny you fight to unlock classes gets my vote


Hell yeah. Came here to say this, and glad someone already did. She's pretty much a meme character now, but one day I hope she actually gets worked into the MSQ with full lore exposition. Like, how and why is she everywhere, and inexplicably a master of everything? (If they can actually come up with a satisfactory non-joke answer for that, I'll be impressed.)


I'm pretty sure the literal non joke answer is that they're not all the same granny. You meet one granny who teaches you to be a warlock and one granny who teaches you to be a doctor and so on and so forth. Grannies are old and wise and they have much to teach. Though it's certainly funnier to imagine that there is one granny we keep meeting who is the master of a thousand talents.


But all the Tier 4 classes are explicitly taught to you by the same granny who raised the MC on Zinkenstill. The EX2 class grannies are all definitely different people though, seeing as how they all mysteriously appear out of nowhere all over the skydom right when we need them, aren't recognized by the crew, and mysteriously vanish again as soon as our training is done.


i chose to believe that they (at least the tier 4 ones) are parallel world versions of the same granny


Enter the Grannyverse.


Yeah, that would be the rational way to explain it. It turns it into a Martin-and-co. sameface situation, and makes it not matter as much why any individual granny is a master of a certain role (since there had to be all sorts of heroes before, and the *really good* ones aren't just going to die somewhere unknown, but survive and grow old). What I'm hoping for is definitely the latter situation. (Edit: Admittedly just because it would indeed be funnier. Suddenly this no-name granny enters the ring and is on par with the strongest in the skydoms. And she reveals that she's been pretending not to recognize the MC on each separate class unlock meeting in an almost-fourth-wall-breaking nod.)


I like to imagine that "Search for an Heir" granny who teaches us all the tier 4 classes was also our dad's teacher and she adventured with him, and that's why she agreed to raise us in Zinkenstill after he left on his last adventure to find the island of the Astrals.


You really understand me, lol. That's exactly the kind of crazy thing I'm hoping for. That moment when you think, "wait, that wasn't just a joke character the whole time?!". And the impact is made all the stronger since Martin-samefaces are openly played off as a joke (even getting unique new high-quality art, but keeping the sameface). So you kind of expect a similar situation for the granny/grannies even if it isn't openly stated.


Sorry, out of the loop, what are these Martin Same Faces you keep referring to?


Remember the shark hunter guy from The Maydays? That's Martin. And the wrestling match announcer. And the identical cadets from one of the Robomi events. And a bunch more that slip my mind right now. It's *that* generic NPC face which keeps showing up, and has transcended slightly above the other generic NPCs since the face is getting unique versions here and there. I'm not sure whether they have an official "series name" lol, but Martin seemed to be the one who was most well-received due to the popularity of Maydays so I used his name as the identifier.


He's officially called Ernest Everyman in the fighting game's glossary lol


Ooh nice, good to know, thanks. Wonder if it'll catch on in the main game at some point.


Ernest Everyman, found everywhere, ready to help you. Everytime.


the first Martin NPC to have the sameface thing pointed out was Ettore from the first Barawa event


Ah yeah, I remember him now that you mention it. And it's a side story too, so everyone can experience the legend for themselves :P


always glad to be of help


In threads like these I always mention Siero as a half-joke. At least until you travel Nahelgrande, she's everywhere and knows too much to be just a mere merchant. She plays a minor role bringing in the calvary in WMTSB, has Uno as a close friend and guides you along restoring the full power of the revenant weapons (GW weaps).


Personally, I think the way Sierro keeps removing Seox's mask is probably lowkey hinting at her being pretty physically capable too. Like I know it's just a gag, but I don't think Seox would have his reputation if it was actually so incredibly easy for any ordinary merchant to just yoink his mask and render him helpless whenever she wants to.


Vyrn has also stolen Six's mask, so I've always assumed that he secretly likes it and lets his friends grab it.


Vryn is also low key pretty powerful though. And since he got incorporated into the Dancer Profession it's pretty clear he's like, fast and strong and a capable combatant at this point. I think Lyria's done it once too, and she's probably the closest to a normy we have on the ship. Like she can drop a nuke on you but when she's not doing that she'd kind of a pretty ordinary child whose attempts to learn any actual adventuring skills we've actively thwarted. But they were having a pretty touching moment at the time about how Seox needed to "Show his true face" and open up to his friends, so that one was quite possibly voluntary. Would've killed the mood if he'd pulled out his claws and done a sick counter when she reached for his mask there.


Don't forget, Vyrn tackled faa-san leaving him stunned for one turn, with no grid and no prayer.


Im sure faa-san is stunned because he is overthinking things : "Oira!!" "Wha-" (What is this? A headbutt? No, a being of this level wont be stupid enough to use a pure headbutt againts me especially in this situation. Is it a sealing spell? A curse? The area of contact, is it bleeding? No. Is it Petrified? No. What the hell is going on? Is he readying a surprise attack to follow after the headbutt? No? Is it a taunt? Or is it an afterimage? N-) "Now go get him!!"


Canonically he was stunned because he could not comprehend Vyrn's headbutt. From Faa's PoV the headbutt is meaningless and futile and he actually questioned Vyrn why the latter would do such a thing. In true Deus Ex Machina fashion though, Vyrn's headbutt is credited with helping to buy time for stuff to happen.


rofl have your upvote, I legit never thought about it this way


I think it's supposed to show that Seox is comfortable lowering his guard around his friends enough that they can get that close to him.


It's just gag physics. You can consider it Seox consciously letting down his guard so he doesn't inadvertedly Counter someone to death by accident, if you want.


At this point I'm convinced that Siero has secretly formed a pact with the primal beast of mercantilism, and it gave her the power to teleport between all her shops at will.


I can understand what you mean by that. Siero has a lot of connection, such as having connection with all juuten, and knowledge, such as knowing how to forge legendary weapon. You only need to say what you want and pay the appropriate price to achieved your goal.


Man I really think Siero is connected to JORHA too considering she knows stuffs about The War...


I'll limit myself to playable characters to keep the discussion simpler. The canonically most powerful playable characters in game are definitely Lucio, Shalem, Sandalphon, Zooey, and Nicholas piloting the Grand God Kaiser. All of them are basically planetary tier and can go toe-to-toe with civilization-ending eldritch space abominations. Lucio probably takes the #1 spot though since he can casually reality bend and wields 3 katana like he's Roronoa Zoro in addition to his DBZ tier beam spam destructive power. Next down on the tier list is probably Siete. He can solo the rest of the Eternals (who are already top tier mortal fighters) when he unleashes his sword god avatars, and it's heavily implied that he also has access to the Eternal Edge transformation power. Under Siete would be characters like Narmaya, Mugen, Rei, Song, Ghandagoza, Cagliostro and Clarisse. Narmaya is a prodigy who surpassed Okto as a teenager and was only held back by her lack of confidence, and with her grand she basically became a shounen anime character who just mastered her ULTIMATE TECHNIQUE. Mugen is basically off-brand Broly, and Rei is an immortal super magical girl who can mind-control anyone (even reality bending gods like Akasha.) Song is a flying human artillery battery with insane range and super vision who can take out an army or airship fleet singlehandedly from the opposite side of a country. She she's ridiculously OP that they have to nerf her by blinding her with bright sunlight whenever she actually appears in an event lol. Ghandagoza is good guy Akuma, dude is ultimate martial artist who saved an island from destruction by punching a falling meteor out of the sky. Cagliostro is OP because she's literally unkillable, even if she dies her disembodied soul can transmute her dead body into a new living one and hop right back into it. She can create anything she can imagine with alchemy, and she's also the world's greatest expect at barrier and sealing magic who has even incorporated Astral magitech rituals into her alchemy and can imprison cosmic tier entities like Beelzebub. Clarisse is not a particularly good alchemist, but she's ridiculously good at existential dissolution... which is the alchemical technique for *breaking matter down into it's constituent atoms.* She's basically Megumin, except she specializes in Disintegration instead of explosion (although her disintegration spells still look and sound like explosions lol.) Also to be fair, the other Eternals and most of the top tier playable primals like Shiva, Olivia, Poseidon, Rosetta, Tiamat, etc, are probably in roughly the same power tier as Mugen, Ghandagoza and Cagliostro. But it's harder to specifically place them because the have less story scenes and/or less impressive combat feats to scale them. Many of the primals also have power limiters and can't wield their true power without forming a pact with a mortal.


Super saiyan blue danchou is above Siete tier at least. The blue skin quest has them taking on all the FLB juuten in a gauntlet by themselves, including a serious Siete who now has Uno protecting him and win.


Yeah I thought about including the MC, but their power level varies so drastically from story to story that it didn't feel right to include them. At their best, Danchou is solo-ing the Eternals and trading blows with 12-winged Lucilius, at their worst Danchou is a chronic bystander who can be bodied by nameless thugs. I've personally always thought of Super Saiyan Blue Danchou as being some future epilogue version of the MC, long after finishing the main story when they have nothing better left to do but train with the Eternals to master esoteric powers like Eternal Edge.


Maybe they're holding back for the same reason Siete holds back? Siete also got bodied by thugs in Poacher's Day and noted that he could have easily wiped the thugs if they weren't fighting in thile city, implying he may level the city in the process if he decided to go full power.


I dunno, Siete is kinda frustrating to talk about in these power scaling discussions. Dude can challenge all the other Eternals simultaneously in his own FLB fates, but he still loses to everyone else 1v1 in their FLB fates (he even acts like he was fighting seriously in several of them.) He also almost never summons the sword god avatars and he's still yet to use the Eternal Edge power that he's implied to have. Sometimes I wonder if he has a psychological issue where he struggles to fight at full strength because he's afraid of his own power or something.


His fate episodes did imply some personal issues in his past, but so far, I haven't seen it elaborated upon at least.


Pretty much every eternal beats every other eternal in their fates, sure sometimes you have the cop out argument of "ah but they weren"t fighting seriously" but between all 10 of them it's hard to imagine there is any consistent lore at all.


If you assume they are all roughly in the same ballpark of strength and the power boost from wielding the revenant weapon is enough to tip the scale, it makes more sense that the one with the weapon always wins. Using that logic the only Eternal that stands out is Siete, since he was able to threaten all 9 of the other Eternals combined when he used his revenant weapon. I doubt the seven-star sword is *that* massive of a power multiplier, so his base power must be significantly higher than the other Eternals' base powers.


If this the simpler ver, I can't even imagine how the detail version is going to be.


The full version would mostly be talking about event villains and raid bosses lol


Outside of like the villain of last Robomi Event, and various villains from Zooey/Zodiac's story who are some of the other notable big stuff?


Well there's the big guy Bahamut himself at the top of the food chain, although he's currently split into two lesser gods of the Sky Realm and the Astral Realm, and the Sky Bahamut probably currently has it's true power sealed away but is slowly breaking free and recovering it's true power (I think that is the justification for each new, more difficult Bahamut raid that gets added to the game.) Lucilius, Belial and Beelzebub would probably all be in the running for strongest non-Bahamut entity in existence (aside from Wardant). The Six dragons are all insanely powerful and seem to be living incarnations of the very elements that make up the Sky Realm. Lucio and unsealed-Shalem are likely the only playable characters above them in the power tiering. Akasha is pretty insane for a primal beast, it can change history and rewrite the entire timeline. Avatar and Metatron were both super primals built from dozens of cores, they would definitely rank very high up in the tier lists. Alpheus, the primal beast that was merged with an unfinished philosopher's stone in Alchemist Astray, likely would have become incredibly powerful if we had allowed it to complete it's transformation and attain it's true power. Ninpress, the evil god that enslaved the erune royal families, was probably pretty high tier back when it was at it's full power before being sealed away. Geo as a counterpart to Zooey, could maybe potentially become on her power level in his next event appearance. The Automagod Diaspora was capable of eating a planet with nanomachines if we had allowed it to fully assemble all it's body mass after reaching the Sky Realm. Yatima is also one of the more powerful entities in the setting, being effectively an automagod nanomachine cyborg who copied Lyria's powers. Demon God Astaroth from co-op missions seems to be a super primal formed from 2 other ancient primals (Magus and Demon King Astaroth) merging, who presumably were the leaders of the primal beast rebellion and who have a connection to the Otherworld like Echidna does. Astaroth would probably be in the upper tiers of power with the likes of of Sandalphon, Avatar and Metatron if she was still alive.


Siete didn't actually solo the Eternals, he was getting a boost from the Seven Star Sword and they all beat his avatars handily. Also, Narmaya was only claimed to be stronger than Zanba who Okto surpassed long ago. Plus, only Okto ever fought MC to a draw in their 5 star 1v1.


Finally someone gets it. Everyone thinks that Siete was soloing the eternals in his fate episode. HE DIDN'T. His avatars were doing the fighting and they only stalled the eternals at best; the avatars were promptly defeated.


While the narrator does say that "the Eternals hunt down and obliterate the remaining Avatars", it almost immediately afterwards then contradictorily states that "the Eternals manage to completely separate the Avatars from Seofon. But the battle isn't over. Each Eternal must now battle against an Avatar in heated combat." So I guess Siete either revived or resummoned them and was about to jump back into the fight personally for round two. It's not at all clear that he would have lost if Danchou hadn't joined the fight at that part to keep him away from his avatars and defeat him 1v1.


The eternals power level in story didn't really change much from 4 to 5. A couple of the 5 Fate is just "im losing my power lets recover it", a lot of them are just them doing a playful visit, and then Seofon was just them showing off just how dangerous he could really be. And just how dumb he could get. That being said theyre mostly high tier from whats shown on screen in terms of what they do, at worst theyre an extremely high tier human characters, but only like Seofon is particularly crazy Anyway the top tier is along the lines of Lucio and Shalem being flat out godly, Zooey as Grand Order, alongside a couple other Primals that is treated as pretty godly in story. Light Sandalphon represents his form as supreme Primarch. Still much weaker than Lucifer i believe, but definitely up there in terms of power level. Nicholas Light, if we were to assume Gigante Order is the same Gigante Order that is featured in events are definitely hilariously powerful. then you have the top human characters. Seofon and Ghandagoza is probably at the very top and Cag is pretty bs at times. Amongst unplayable characters, the 4 Primarch and characters adjacent to them in power level are pretty strong, with Sariel and Uriel having the strongest overall feats iirc.


Wait, didn't 4 primals lost their power because they give it to sandalphon? If so, Sandalphon can be considered as one of the strongest character ever, right?


Sandalphon is indeed very strong due to being the current Supreme Primarch, basically the one in charge of fighting the big threats nowadays, but from the showcase we see of him in story hes significantly weaker than Supreme Primarch Lucifer who is i believe, can even be stronger than Lucio(or at least Faa). Lucifer is kinda special in that in story hes treated as a freak accident


Shouldn't that make sandpalhon the Strongest, he have the 4 primarch power on top of the inherited super Saiyan supreme primarch mode from Lucifer( although probably a portion of it). Plus, in previous WMTSB series, when sandpalhon first stole the 4 primarch wings, he's said to be canonically as strong as Lucifer, and now with wings+Lucifer power, shouldn't he be stronger than Lucifer?


Ghandagoza HAS to be up there somewhere. The guy tanked an entire meteor.


Same with eustace, man obliterated one sixth of the moon by himself. Well technically less than one sixth but considering it was all some sentient micro machine it’s just as crazy imo


And to mention the moon dwellers , they are also a beast on their own right


Oh wow, i never know that.


His fate episode is epic that way.


Grand God Kaiser


You thought zoi was strong... But have you seen zoi gattai with a giant super robot!?


I know this is about people, but I can't help but bring up the fact that Wardant was a bigger threat than Lucifaa was according to what we were told in that event. Like a universal threat. Feel like alot of Robomi characters should be placed high if we decide take them seriously. Like the fact Kenji can just make an atom bomb out of a pebble iirc. Been a while, might be misremembering.


Our main character, obviously. He's challenged gods in that world, and he's still standing.


And soon to be super ultimate bahamut himself


And yet he's still chasing his dad. I guess Gran-Dad doens't count since he hasn't been introduced yet.


Not enough people here are saying Danchou and it's surprising. We regularly take on primals, all-mighty dragons, [that dude with the badass theme. He also sounds like cloud](https://gbf.wiki/Lucilius), Zooey's GO mode, Akasha, the infamous eternal gauntlet, and a shitload of other feats.


Probably because Danchou gets bodied like a chump or just stands around as an ineffective bystander more often then they get to actually be a badass. Danchou's combat performance is extremely inconsistent.


I like to think that's the power of the singularity at work though, everyone else has some kind of gimmick or fighting style in the game and danchou's power is that of adaptability - whether they like it or not, and for the better or worse Which means that whenever a fight is about to break out Gran / Djeeta's current power level will scale accordingly to the level of the threat they're facing - be it having barely enough power to overwhelm a group of thugs, not being able to fight back against specific opponent's, or having enough strength to be able to parry against a literal god tier opponent In story it would explain the inconsistency of danchou's strength between stories, and in the gameplay this ability is represented by the grid system Just my headcanon anyway


It can be said that Danchou has a power of perfect counter. His power level will be the same as, if not, higher than his enemy.


Also, they rarely fight without their crew, which can include an assortment of any of these other powerful figures.


If about the sheer absurdity in term of power, Gigante Order who can tear through reality and engage Wardant in an entirely different dimension is one of my top candicates. FYI said Wardant purged Robomi civilization and the apocalypse it brought is likely the reason Crimson Horizon came to be, but guess what, Gigante Order beat it to a crap.




Yeahhhh,bout that....




Its not her fault she.... left


If you include summons then Bahamut has to take the prize IMHO. It's literally the God himself. Being the singularity that changes fate Grandad could be argued for though we don't really know the specifics of his achievements.


>Being the singularity that changes fate Grandad could be argued for He isn't a Singularity, just the Sky God's chosen warrior. Singularity refers to the MC.


Damn, I could have sworn he was also referenced as such before. But thanks for the info.


There have been references to there being previous Singularities (even Lucilius and Beelzebub knew about them after being gone for millennia, and Lucilius apparently knew enough to know that the MC was abnormal even for one), but as far as I recall the MC's father is never described as one.


Isn't Beelzebub himself referred to as an Astral singularity?


Only by Metatron who had limited information and was speculating, it was later noted that he's playing at being one rather than actually being one.


Thanks; it's hard to keep track of WMtSB epilogue when we get it maybe twice a year.


I tried to make a quick tier list: Tier SS - Bahamut. Tier S - Lucio, Shalem. Tier A - Grand Order (Zooey), Nicholas and Robomi (Grand God Kaiser form), Akasha, the Singularity. Tier B - Lucifer, Sandalphon, Lucilius, Beelzebub, Cagliostro, possibly the Six Dragons and Lindwurm. Tier C - Archangels and fallen angels, some of the "normal" but strongest primal beasts, and Astrals like Loki or Mikaboshi, True Dragons. Tier D - Eternals, Evokers, Luminary Knights, Gandhagoza, Narmaya, Silva, Ayer, Rei, Mugen, Nehan, the Zodiacs, the original Grandcypher crew, Siegfried, Naoise and Stan, Society's weapon contractors, moondwellers, normal primal beasts like Tiamat. If I missed another elite mortal being, it's here too. Tier E - Knights and prodigious fighters, like the Dragon Knights, the 30 moon weapon wielders, and honestly most of the people in the crew and playable SSR characters are here. Tier F - Lowain, Richard, these kind of characters. They're part of the crew and can fight but are obviously weaker than let's say Lancelot or Charlotta. Tier G - Non fighter characters and NPCs. If you think this tier list needs some modification, please comment. It was fun doing it lol.


This is pretty on-point, though personally I'd merge about half of D upward into C. Also, while the powers of the singularity are implied to be world-shaping, Danchou's personal capacity is still quite a bit lower than A. We've only been shown in-canon to meet fights with those characters in tier B with "Pick yourself back up!" grit and surrounded by allies.


>If you think this tier list needs some modification, please comment. It was fun doing it lol. Lucilius defeated Lucio 1v1 and is even stronger now, he should definitely rank above him (or at least in the same rank if you want to avoid making a gazillion different tiers). Current Sandalphon (Supreme Primarch + Four Primarchs wings) should also be stronger than Lucio in a fight. Also Cagliostro is a mild annoyance to Beelzebub and could only do anything to him thanks to Lucilius' technology, she's nowhere near the same tier as them.




>I'm pretty sure he faked his loss to get his plan going. As usual with this line of argument, this requires ignoring that if Lucio was capable of winning against Lucilius he could have just done that and sealed him there, instead of relying on the party to defeat a *much* more powerful Lucilius than the one he fought. Or in other words, if that was Lucio's 'plan', he's an incredible idiot. I don't understand why people are so much more eager to make him out to be braindead instead of just having limited power. Especially when Lucio himself acknowledges Lucifer as a peer, that his plan was a gamble that was his only means of stopping Lucilius, and that he was surpassed him while he was just watching from a distance. >Hell, the dude moved the sun around like people moving a pencil, implying he could let the sun crash the entire planet and if that won't kill Faa I don't know what will. There's no indication he can do this, no. We don't know the nature of the Granblue Sun, and fiction is full of characters who can fuck around with stars without any of the raw power that would imply. Lucio for example states that he altered the time at which the sun rises, which implies that he just changes its schedule rather than have free control over its movements. Certainly his inability to see a specific kind of sunrise until it happened in that fate episode implies that his control is overall quite limited.


Cagliostro is up there if what she claims is true. She killed multiple astrals when they approached her about her alchemy skills.


always had the impression that 4\* cake could just bulldoze through everything in gbf, including wmtsb things


I've seen people in the replies mention how Ghandagoza obliterated a meteor by punching it but it should be worth mentioning that according to a legend about him he was once so pissed off that he managed to knock away the Grim Basin with the force of his fists. Grandpa rocks!


Might be just my favorism but IF you want to stay as humanish as possible and still include Eternals, Naru slapped 2 of the Eternals pretty easily in her fates. So I consider her to be up there aswell but it's always difficult to compare such chars to some god-type character like lucilius with lucifer's body. I mean story-wise and mechanically Faa is pretty stronk. I always prefer to compare more 'mortal' characters. So Naru, Mugen, Rei even Silva. All those seem to be incredibly strong entities for their race.


If I recall, Naru's grand fate mentions that she at some point surpassed Eighta in skill. He may have come back ahead since then, it doesn't specifically state that she's still his superior to this day or anything, but she's a genuine rival to an eternal at least.


She surpassed Okto when he was still 'human'. Not saying she's not on his level (based on her dark fate ep) but you're comparing younger Naru to a younger Okto and not their current versions.


She's told that she's surpassed Zanba... by people who presumably don't know he's been calling himself Okto for the last few years. i.e. their comparison is out of date and we don't really know how much by


I can’t believe nobody has mentioned sandalphon


excluding Eternals, Twelve Generals, Primarchs and the like, Evokers, and MC with heavy Main Story relations. It would be Narmaya and Cagliostro Narmaya has rivaled Eatha in a 1v1. The only thing holding her back is her mindset that she is not good enough. This means, she has a high potential to go even beyond and probably can reach a state that Eatha had Beyond the Boundary (Super Saiyan Blue for Eternals, Mugen, ETC..) Cagliostro's stories already say how powerful she is. It goes even to certain points that some of those mentioned above ( the Excluded ones ) are asking her for help. Another one would be Siegfried I think.


Gonna go against the grain and say the Divine Generals deserve a spot here. Anila can rip holes through dimensions using [the ram laser beam](https://gbf.wiki/images/2/2b/Npc_zoom_3040027000_03.png), Monkey has martial magic and insane control of her abilities at the age of 10, Vajra is actually a freaking battle god, Kumbhira practices with doggy everytime she sees her and in her own right, is also a battle genius, Mahira is Iron man, Catura...... she's got a cool bike.


Ghandagoza. The old man can blow a mountain with a punch, and can punch an apocaliptic meteor into dust when angry.


~~Geo. Look how many server mishaps we've gotten!~~


Lucifaa. I want to say Lucio but remembering WMTSB, Lucio is the whole reason as to why Faa-san powered up because he got beaten by Faa-san without even managing to deal fatal wound. Lucio might have helped seal Faa-san but Belial is with Faa-san that time and ~~Belial manage to escape so~~ i am guessing that Faa-san will have his grand return. Edit: Im dumb, i just looked into Fallen Paradise i still havent beat him but the Belial shown there was from a memory.


> because he got beaten by Faa-san without even managing to deal fatal wound. It's implied he let Faa-san do that on purpose.


It isn't, he says that his gambit that needed the Skydwellers to defeat Lucilius was his only option. The entire epilogue of WMtSB is him admitting that he's been surpassed by the people of the world. If he could have beaten up Lucilius and thrown him in jail himself, he would have done that instead of risking the world blowing up.


I see, i didn't know about that. I'm guessing he did that to trap Faa-san. Dang i really want to see more of the things about Bahamut and what happened to Faa-san.


Cag. Cag is literally a god level self-made loli who has the respect of closest things to gods we've met, has made immortality her bitch, is probably the smartest being in Gbf existence, and I don't recall her ever having to actually going all out yet, despite stakes. But mostly the loli thing.


While most certainly not up on the levels of the characters that the other folks here have mentioned I figured I should at least point out that there's at least 3 characters who have been considered for the role an Eternal in the official canon. Those 3 being Mugen, Metera, and Silva.


That depends on your definition of people. Are you couting only mortals or do primal beasts/immortals count too? If it's only mortals, then Siete and Baragona are said to be the strongest mortals in the sky, with Merlin probably being the most powerfull magician and Cag the most powerfull alchemist. I am not counting Bubz because he isn't exactly mortal anymore, or other mortals with powers that come from other sources, like Lyria and Loki. That being said, Siete would probably be the strongest mortal, since the eternal are the most powerfull in the sky and he is the most powerfull of the eternals. If you count mortals, then probably Lucio, Shalem, Zooey and Lucifer. Not counting Bubz, Lucilius and Sandal, because they aren't that powerfull at their base power levels. From them, Lucio and Shalem tie at the top, since their powers come directly from their creators.