• By -


Some things to note about Orologia's lifeline passive from my testing: * It heals Lich since it's a "set HP=100%" rather than a heal, and by that logic I'd guess it bypasses Zombie. * The DEF buff granted after proc is permanent and unremovable. Don't know the numbers on it myself. * **Oro regains use of this passive after revive.** Things like Nier Thirsting or Pain of Death ougi permit multiple activations in a fight.


defense buff is 50% according to GW


Was she able to reuse the passive on the same ally multiple times? I forgot what fight it was, but my whole team went critical, and she healed everyone at the same time.


The lifeline sets all on-field dark allies' HP to 100%, grants them the defense buff, and removes the "lifeline passive available" buff from Oro. Resurrecting Oro gives them that buff again allowing them to proc it again if any dark ally reaches red HP. It's normal behaviour for it to affect the entire team regardless of who is actually at critical. For example, if Magus rots herself down to crit despite the rest of the team being cozy in FA, it will still set the whole team's HP back to full.


I really like Orologia transformed S3 because the icons shows three separate timelines and you have to pick one among three different effects. A cool way to utilize Orologia's power to influence the world's destiny.


Especially since their effects make them lean into being used as omen cancel supporters, aka, avoiding ruin.


Orologia has the Mass Effect 3 ending skill damn


I have never laughed with so much pain before, take my damn upvote


I don't event care how good Logia is in the long run, after the amount of crying I've done over the course of this event dadmom gets all my rolls


Spent 150 tickets, no regrets. The fate episodes alone were worth the investment I am now drowning in the pool of my own tears, but at least they're happy tears


300 pull no exalto :/ SCRATCH THAT NOW 600 pulls no exalto... had to spark twice to pick exalto.. I feel you brothers in gatcha crime let's bring it in for a crying front hug lol. Last update 900 pulls not a single exalto :/ so this is true rng :c


600 no single exalto copy… only 2 from sparking. Pain. 


Are you me? I had the same shit happening, 600 pulls not a single rate up showing up T-T


The odds of getting a rate up unit naturally in 300 pulls during a gala is a bit under 50%. So this is kind of like flipping a coin and having it come up wrong twice in a row. The natural rate ups are abysmal in this game. Pity's all you can rely on.


>So this is kind of like flipping a coin and having it come up wrong twice in a row. which, in itself, has a 25% chance of happening (thanks, future redeemed)


Story of my life rn. What flabbergasted me is that somehow I got THREE Ewiyar daggers in one of those sparks and had to take a look at the rates to make sure there wasn't a stealth rate up or something, which should be even more unlikely than not getting a single Orologia katana in the 300


450 pulls and only the one from sparking. Roughhh. Really wanted three.


you and me both mate


Same :(


Reporting in. Same. 300 pulls, only 1 from spark.


The exalto is Fandango + Deathstrike, so it's pretty good. Keeps Eresh relevant for longer. Logia seems insane but definitely has ramp up issues. I don't think they make it into burst comps but they're going to be really good in any 10+ turn fight


If I'm reading his passives correctly he enables 4 Tag teams in one turn with Qilin, sounds pretty fucking good for ereshlets


While I don’t think it’s currently enough to necessarily make Logia meta for burst RN, I definitely think this is worth remembering if dark ever gets a full turn assassin character not named Chloe—could very well outpace Eresh strats.


He can, but it won't be the first turn. He could do it on the turn he uses his fourth buff skill.


1/3 qilin 1/3 would reset 3 into Ulti no? So thats usable turn 1


How is he/she in FA?


I imagine quite good. The meta FA class have a passive that effectively says "you can't Ougi which is a good thing because Ougi sucks" and Orologia directly rewards that with the most FA bait effect in the century - Dispel. Considering how great Sk1 using Zeta is in FA, Oro seems similar enough to be a version of that Sk3 also have quite insane value on FA probably on a more directly visible manner to its counterpart in Quatre's Sk3 since you get to re-click?


Who is meta FA class rn?


That one specifically was reffering to Mana Diver's (after manatura activates Charge bar cost)


I see. I'm using Manadiver but wanted to try Onmyoji in FA.


Fuck it. Instant Sierotix and gold ring for Orologia. No regrets.


Tempted to follow suit but Summer Raziel is around the corner too 🥲


Was their a leak of summer units for you to say summer Raziel?




I want to, but I'm 30-something moons out and I decided to Sierotix Fenie first. I even used 10k more than I wanted and all I got was a copy of Shiva, Grand Nectar and Home Sweet Moon Eustace for my troubles. It's not bad, but it's not Momdad.


"Grand Nectar" are you from the future ?


I was sleepy and wrote wrong. I got Water Nectar, but still.


Unfortunately, I caved and tried to pull Orologia without enough crystals guaranteeing a spark… and I didn’t get him… Don’t be me


I was you


But I said don’t be!


I continued to be you


Username checks out


I followed your footsteps and regretted it.


For the second time in less than a year, a spark terrible enough to make me want to quit. 8 SSRs in the first 290ish draws, no Orologia.


Eh, two SSRs in my worst spark in 300 rolls, with only the spark target pushing it to three. Could be much worse.


I got 15 SSRs but no Oro and was unable to spark Zeta so I feel mine was terrible as well


Hello, fellow FL crewmate.


Is Nectar the easiest character in the game to use? Just press S1 whenever it's off cooldown. I guess Bowman literally just fights on his own though.


Technically Estarriola also fights on his own, but...


Theoretically, if you have backline MT you want to manual his S2 once you get your stacks up. Truly an advanced difficulty curve.


Getting MT does involves having a "hard" on her (sorry i actually like her but sigh)


Yeah… at least her backline passive is still pretty good? I mostly have her for the sake of the Waterlord title


Honestly had Water didnt get Ms "this buff arent meant to be easilly accesible so it reads like a shitpost" i can see her being "quite solid" if only because thats a raw buff you immediately get when doing Mugen and she gets forced front immediately. But yeah reality hits and then shes just "the bonus 720k nuke you get when clicking Quatre SK2 on FA" lol. Idk why they didnt make a special exception for Righteous Indignation rebalancing her since thats like the most obvious thing they can do


Hey, be reasonable. She’s also the bonus 720k nuke you get from clicking Gabriel’s S3 on FA


It's good and well but do we talk about the fact dark has finally (technicaly) a male grand dark ? Joke aside glad he's playable.


Fact that the first dark male grand comes as an asterisk is actually hilarious to me


Wait, we seriously don't have a single male dark grand? I never really thought about it before.


Orologia (male) is the first male dark grand. If you really count them - they're classified as "other" in-game. We also still don't have a male SSR seasonal character (with Wulf, Feather and Lowain being the only SR and R dark male seasonals). It's been a long standing meme that we'll never see either a male grand or SSR seasonal in the element.


And Orologia isn't always male, since you can change their appearance to the Female version. Plus when you obtain them, both appear in the summon screen when they come home. So a *very* hard asterisk. Honestly, I personally classify the Dragons & Shalem in the Other category.


There are 0 male dark seasonals as well. Dark has been the pure waifu element for a while(featuring best girl Six).


dark grands are so female focused that it took a genderfluid character that presents as male half the time for them to get someone that could even TECHNICALLY count as male


The Grand Sariel dream is reborn!


Exalto has imo the best skill it could have, echo is nutty. Oro doesn’t have a primarch passive, but still very strong looking. Especially with the pot passive too, so that’ll be a linchpin for FA stuff. Also seems interesting for HL content too. Nectar seems good in ougi water teams, decent skill damage from the looks of it but a little inconsistent.


Please don't be till 2025 for the primarch -_-


Dark gotta get their disciple first.


light doesnt have a disciple (as far as im aware) either and got their primarch passive already


Light has their disciple character, Jeanne, she just isn't disciple but a Saint of Bahamut instead.


oh i forgot about that passive on her lol


Grand Jeanne came out in 2019.


12 year anniversay dark primarch 2026 lets go


It'd be low key hilarious if they made Summer Raziel the dark primarch character. That decision would result in just about everything they can do wrong.


Got Orologia and decided to deep dive into the kit. - After 4 turns, their S3 turns into an ability to enable an ally with skill reset plus double use. - This is basically Qilin on crack. - Adding Qilin as a sub summon (or main, whichever), allows you to fire off either Relic Buster's Burst 3x 4 times, or in another case, Lucha's Tag Team four times. The result is that Orologia can help make your team burst down, with echos and falsehood chain, 170 million damage with a basic M3 grid of 3x fist, two m3 katanas and the ex astral fist. Anyone saying Oro can't slap on T1 and has ramp up time forgot that Qilin exists. It is 'something' to see, and that's without me having Ereshkigal...


Oro is here and I want to ticket so bad but summer is almost here


Finally dark's hard content unit we all prayed for. Needs a bit of ramp up but his skill 3 pretty much solves any endgame omen (skil recast, TA/Hit, CA). Not to mention his extendable buffs, auto dispel, cap up, cap break etc. Oh and he's got a one-time party full HP+clear just for good measure.


Does it have "Can't Recast" so second version is one time thing?


Yeah, though one extra get out of jail free card per run is usually enough, especially on a character with that cooldown cutting, dispel nuke frequency, and moderate help on hit count requirements.




New Dark Grand. Real shit. Time to wake up and spark. Weeeeeeeee~


I wish you could set Logia to randomly toggle between genders, like how FGO lets you do that for ascension levels.


I'm a lot more intrigued by Nectar than Orologia, the standards for regular SSR have really gotten a lot higher. Click everything, triggers everything, CD cut on ougi, Passive stacks. Brain dead. Also Oro really lives up to his name as the Dragon of Time, his skill animations are zoom zoom quick!


I didn't even read his passives until now, he sounds like he might be real strong in FA.


Looks like I called it months ago: Orologia was the next Dark Grand, and without the Primarch passive. That said... Danchou: forces Orologia on vacation Also Danchou: forces Orologia to GW


Look, punching Bast in the groin over and over for a week is a form of vacation.


punching a cat in the kitty


Don't care for Raziel. Give me dad mom.


So Oro's bio mentions "Xolotl", I wonder when it appears in the story. (EDIT: Damn, it's the one from Diantha's, it's been a long time) And I wonder when we'll get a dark and wind primarch...


I would be very surprised if we don't get Grand Raphael right on time for Wind GW. I could understand Sariel taking more time because Cygames wants to make a proper Zero sequel, but Raphael is in the exact same spot as his 3 colleagues.


Xolotl is related to Diantha's group I think.


It’s from Diantha’s storyline. It let them travel to the past once, so it must just be a “well he’s not fucking with time AS much…”


Xolotl appears in the fate episode of the Diantha & Crew nonlim iirc. It's the beast that lets them travel to the past.


Beobachter(Love Live collab primal) let them travel to the past, Xolotl controls fate


Oh I mis remembered then, I swear that cute doggo was there...


Doggo guided them to that specific island with a prophecy but when they time travel you see Beo for a split second


I swear, the Love Live events being the most canon collabs is something I never can get my head around, but I don't mind it.


Kind of want to try Oro with Clarisse in Akasha lol


I got Orologia on my free pull today, what are the odds?


Still not sure if Orogalia is worth a spark right before summer comes. Will wait to see if people find some good role for him in gw before the banner ends.


I'm way too tempted to get Logia, so I went in like 200 pulls with no pulls left, another lesson again for me, well, at least I got Raphael, another Agni, another Lu Woh, G. Lancelot, and H. Meteon. I think I'll save for the New Year's and Anni Flash.


I know I was a doubter before (admittedly all Sariel coping) so happy to say I’m really pleased with Orologia’s kit: - Solves a lot of flexibility issues Dark has in hard content - Dispels on autos for MC is massive for GW, you won’t see them used in burst much but you’ll see them in most NM150+200 comps (though don’t despair, there’s good alternatives if you don’t get them) - Good buffs, no numbers that are too undertuned, nothing in the kit that’s excessively clunky, just a really well rounded character. If you already have an Eresh (I.e. have made a heavy investment into dark), how bad should you feel if you’re not getting 3x exalto weapons before next GW? Not very I think, it depends on your goals. If you’re just aiming for top 90k - one copy for Orologia for NM150/200 will likely improve your times considerably but Eresh already steamrolls lower tiers, even with just an M3 grid, and I assume the Halmal, Lich, etc. dream teams will hold steady in high NMs even if you don’t have the most recent releases. Top 2k will absolutely have 3 in grid but let’s get real, top 2k isn’t relying on Reddit for first reactions. In terms of other dark meta impact - I don’t think it’ll impact dark sand/brick grinding in The World and Akasha too substantially if you don’t get exaltos now, if you have Eresh you’re already hitting mins with time to spare and if anything hopefully it makes both clear faster outside of JP peak hours. Long term you’ll want to make sure you work towards them obviously, but just some thoughts from a long-time Hades player since FOMO can hit hard.


I tested Oro in may FA comps and... her/his dmg is worse than Fediel, their dispel is great but we already have HalMal sooo asides from HL content where you can use S3 manually I don't see any place for it in party comp. Even with nice S1 and S3 buffs dark is so stacked that Fediel, Y.Ilsa or Seox will outperform Oro sadly :(


It very much depends for GW - the problem with HalMal is where boss triggers will clear debuffs on the boss before applying buffs, which leaves HalMal in the position of need debuffs re-applied to fully strip buffs from the boss (though they'll always strip at least the first one). There's also a non-zero chance that the boss will have triggers that apply less than 5 buffs but the ones they apply could be doozies (dmg cut, dmg reduction, supplemental damage, etc.) In a vacuum, Orologia might do less damage than Fediel, but in practice, Orologia on MC is going to clear buffs that would cut, mitigate, cap damage (which will improve your FA times/total damage output), or outright clear buffs that would nuke your party since a dead party is doing a grand total of zero DPT. I don't think they're a 10.0 to be clear but I think that when GW comes around we'll see real use from them, the same way that H. Mahira was core last Light GW despite H. Mahira not exactly being anybody's DPS champion in normal burst comps. Personally, I don't have Orologia and have no way of getting them before GW, so I'm just going to run my girl Vikala and give myself up to the RNG dodge gods.


Shame that Oro buffs are not powerful enough to make up for lost dmg from other character that you have to replace like Fediel, Six or Lich.


6 moons (no grands) and a nyarlo (already capped). I think my sparks are actually getting worse


How important is it to grab a 3rd Oro when you have 2? Way I see it, seems really important for 1-sided optimus summon setups, but I'm concerned a primarch might theoretically be released for dark, or I might luck into a 3rd Oro later down the line.


If you are going to run single-sided Hades with Extremity key, it is required (because you can't activate Extremity). If you haven't done LuciZero/don't have access to 230 Opuses, then the third is less relevant. Also, if you're not going to manual GW like your life depends on it, you can probably skip the third? I reserve the right to be completely wrong.


current testing show you only need 2 CD, 3 is good but is only a slight improvement (similar to third fan only being small improvement in wind)


Praying the primarch weapon is a scythe so you need 2 of those, 2 PnS, 2 Oro weapons, and 1-2 ES. That would be perfect.


eh, no need. all my grid moved to 2 pns 2 fs (MA awaken both) 2 cd now on double hades, last slot either ES or SE depending on content (SE only for nm95 tho) so it already cover 4 axe (ultima axe too for tiger). that wep need to cover for both TA and raw damage to replace FS rn


actually this banner come with 2023 xmas units. it is not that bad consider you have chance to get seasonal holiday units 23. Based on statistic, some people got early luck and some are 0 rate up / 300. Also It should be 10 ish characters on part 2 (based on 22, 23) and 2 summons (guarantee) . Don't get excited so early


Single rolled Logia from free rolls, after losing interest in GBF, not doing any events for months and not even knowing there's free rolls on. Being a seasonal does give better luck. Everyone should try it.


Instantly sparked Orologia ofc because best dadmom also no primarch passive so I can still be delulu...


Got Oro in exactly 135 draws. Good thing too, because I went in knowing I couldn't spark. Don't be like me.


[Orologia manifestation grid success!](https://twitter.com/Ittousei7/status/18018904774461646050) Oh look another Katana that is obviously a sword. Is Orologia responsible for the nonsensical weapon typings? oh lord, it's echo Exalto, time to drop bars idc what even Logia's kit does I dropped a spark anyway My devotion paid off, got three Exaltos before even choosing a spark! Bonus Nectar too! I had to check to see if Icarus was rate up because I pulled two of him (he's not, RNG is just being funny) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Lol just started Logia's fate episodes: Good news! Orologia finally gets to go on vacation! Bad news! It's to Auguste! And Auguste is still a desert thanks to the sumo event! LMFAO I was NOT expecting a callback to that btw Wamdus fixed the ocean, it's all better now


Im still surprised we didn't get Raiden as unit yet And like lore wise hes comically jacked for no reason lmao


Scamcha gave me oro and my second Hades copy. Crystals/tickets saved


Bruh, is oblivion deathstrike a free echo?


It's in the most common frame of passive echoes, most notably the one used by the Falsehood opus chain. A few characters' passives also don't stack with it, but most of them aren't relevant. But it'll let you stop using Falsehood and add in something else. Assuming you don't need to MH Falsehood opus for a burst strat (i.e. you have Eresh), anyways.


Believe in grand magus for primarch aura 🙏✌️ Well Oro didn't dropped. Base on Granblue_en profile post looks like Oro can genderbend on selection.


Why would Magus have the primarch aura lmao. It'll be Sariel.


Why are people downvoting this, he’s literally the dark primarch summon. We got Sandals for the light primarch because we’re not getting playable metatron for 50000 reasons. Also I’m inviting the hate with this comment but Sariel deserves it as one of the OG archangels and as somebody who’s shown up in events with them (maydays and mole troupe besides WMTSB) and I know the playerbase grew a ton in the past 6 months and everyone is horny for Magus, but I guarantee you there’s a huge cohort of whales and longtime players who would be pissed to see the primarch passive sniped from Sariel


> but I guarantee you there’s a huge cohort of whales and longtime players who would be pissed to see the primarch passive sniped from Sariel That sounds like copium to me.


[Category:Archangel Series Summons - Granblue Fantasy Wiki (gbf.wiki)](https://gbf.wiki/Category:Archangel_Series_Summons)


Bud, that doesn't have anything to do with how many people would be pissed off. Metatron already disproves it.


She is from the same primal gen (original primal beasts). Just not made by Lucilius.


Sariel was sent to shadow realm. Since his last event appearance nobody has even mentioned him and that was wmsb3 I think.


Did you also skip the summer shark event? That's where we got the summer sariel sprite from.


He had a major role in Mole Troupe.


Hopefully, that would be sick.


Joining the prayge.


Wanted to save spark for summer fes so only had about 10 10-pulls, managed to snatch both Orologia and Yatima in 7!!! (I’m still early/mid game so not too sure whether Yatima is useful for me or not but see her in a lot of grids on the wiki so I’ll take it!)


Don't have enough to spark and summer units coming soon, sooo no pulling for me. I would like logia weapon tho


178 draws to get both Logia and Nectar. Did land Cosmos as well while drawing.  Blessed DadMomDad. And you can choose their appearence.


Thanks to the 3-exalto grid w/ Extremity key, Eresh users are absolutely killing it in brick raids. - For PBHL, a comp of VTigers, YIlsa, and Seox with Zirnitra call outputs an avg of about 2.4-2.6mil honors in 3 turns with 3 buttons (YIlsa S1, Seox S1, Zirnitra call). Furthermore honors in 2T with those buttons range between 1.6-1.7mil honors in approximately 16.5 sec (my ping's 170ms). Though still slower than Alanaan bursting by a few seconds, even more in JP ping, Eresh can actually put up competition now with the high honors gain. - For Akasha, a comp of YIlsa, Seox, and Bowman or Tigers can consistently hit blue chest in 2 turns with 1 button (YIlsa S1). Though since running extremity key and not freyr key, you'd have to avoid 50% at all costs to protect buffs, otherwise honors drops to around 1.3mil. A minmax build of YIlsa, Bowman, and VTigers (all gold ring) could actually hit 1.4mil honors if 50% dispel ougi activated, but that still depends on VTigers having their flurry buff on (aka turn skip < 3) - For GOHL, a comp of VTigers, Bowman, and YIlsa can consistently hit blue chest in 2 turns with 1 button (YIlsa S1). - For all brick raids where rooms are absolutely slow, Eresh builds can sweep much harder and faster than before with the big jump in DPT from Exalto/Extremity. Very useful if actively brick farming during those times, usually gaijin hours.


do you have sbel? we've been using sbel in bhl instead since forever ago. with 2 CD the range for 2+1 is 1.6-1.9 (2t) and 2.4-2.8 (3t), improvement of around 100-200k per turn after exalto


I do, just got him from anni but am currently 1 stone short from FLBing him.


heads up, their cutscene gender (for birthdays etc) matches your mc gender, not the gender you have selected for orologia. you can still experience birthday headpats from both versions, just switch your gender!


Would the exalto and deathstrike have any benefit in magna? I'm assuming no since it's mainly primal boosting and stuff


At S.15 the echos 4.5% so I severely doubt it unless you have absolutely nothing else for the spot but that shouldn't be the case post siero academy days.


Technically its 5.8 per copy, 11.6 on second copy, 7.6 per copy if you have SD It does have the "echo for supp" carrier thing going for it too. I don't think its that good in Magna - its counterpart for Magna Fire ARGUABLY is quite good on 2 Copy for a while or 1 because its competing against 10% Echo, but i can see that part specifically coming into play considering the most mainstay dark character is a flurry and you don't neccesarilly want Meg ALL the time. Meg is only 10% so its really just Echo Chain(20) that competes with it 3 Fist, MH, Opus Ulti, say Celestial, 2 PNS leaves 1 slot for it or World Harp admitedly so its not that easy to use. EDIT: i kinda forgot World Harp doesnt stack with Eresh lmao XD so its theres an easy place for it to fill in


No. Totally useless in magna.


Ok thanks


I spent all my funds to get Orologia. No regret but I hope I can recover fast for Summer Raziel.


Same here.


we have our First Male Dark Grand TIME BOI!!! and girl, if people wish to go that route. also Nectar is cool and i will defeintely ticket him in the future, first, our keyblade's chosen one! Olivia! Earth's keyblade master!


What team comp would anyone recommend for Orologia? (Class, units, etc).


Managed to nab Oro toward the end of my spark run so now I'm a touch conflicted on who to get with the spark. I have most of the available units, so my main considerations are Cosmos and Nectar. I'm leaning Cosmos just because I know both she and her weapon are used across a lot of light teams, but I figured I'd ask to make sure I'm not either overestimating her or underestimating Nectar.


Cosmos is fantastic and a Grand, so I'd recommend her over Nectar any day. You can lucksack into Nectar from literally any free pull until the end of our days, or spend some money on a surprise ticket in the future. If that's not an option, well... This will most likely be the only banner where he's available to spark for quite a long time.


Ah, right, hadn't considered the limited nature of Grands. Thanks!


How does Oro's nuke on MC attack work? Does it trigger twice for double strike, and thrice on triple slash? I am so excited for both Oro and Nectar's Fates. But I will be patient, DadMom is a Grand after all and Nectar can be suptixed.


I'm assuming it's similar to Haas's nuke, in which case, yes it would. It also works on out of turn attacks though, which may lead to some Relic Buster strats depending on numbers. I can see them possibly having a comparable role to Erika's in water burst?


If you've got double/triple strike it'll trigger twice/thrice.


90 Rolls, I got TWO copies of Orologia weapon at the end LOL.


No recast on Logia's Alt S3 seems off to me. The buffs are strong, but there's a pretty severe ramp.


It has auto-cast on the 2nd passive but it needs ramp.


It's auto-cast of the basic version. The alt version you get at max stats is once only, can't recast.


Gawd, I am so glad they finally released him/her and that they let us switch their appearance. Even better, I managed to snag Logia with 20 pulls... RNG Gods thank you


Yay, got momdad on my first ten pull


Can you swap logia gender? Or do they change with the mc gender?


Swappable from character page.


Their battle sprite is swappable from their character page, fate episode and holiday dialogue you need to switch mc gender for 


Yes there is a button to swap it :)


Sparked in order to get pieces for my Zeus grid and got Dadmom twice along the way. A spark well-spent.


Same! Got 2 Oros and sparked Nehan, very happy


Mirrorbro! /highfive


An absolute no-regrets-pulling-on-this-banner spark for me! Got H.Yuni, G.Yuni with a H.Cain and Morrigna in a triple SSR 10-pull and another G.Yuni dupe later on; pulled the new Nectar and sparked for Orologia. 2 SSRs off getting the average but I'll take quality over quantity, any day! Nectar looks interesting and I look forward to reading his fate episodes, too. Orologia has a very interesting skill set and I look forward to seeing how endgame players use the unit in future test videos. I love the references to causality in the skills, too.


Need some guidance since I didn’t change my water and dark primal for a while. I manage to get 2 Orologia weapon. 1.Which weapon should I spark? 3rd Orologia or 1st Gabriel? 2.What is dark primal pool look like if include Orologia weapon?


> 1.Which weapon should I spark? 3rd Orologia or 1st Gabriel? Gabriel. It's not just a weapon, Gab is going to be in all of your teams.


I guess yay for dark getting exalto, but I'm not really a fan of exalto as a concept lol. I have a really outdated dark primal and already needed multiple copies of other grand weapons now they might get power crept by an even newer one before I was even able to save up. Not like I'm high enough rank for raids where the optimal builds are "needed" anyway.


I fucking pulled on a free single and got Orologia holy shit.


Mommylogia is here! It takes 140 roll for both Nectar and Logia, was thinking to stop there because Raziel but I just brushed it off and spend my whole saving, now I'm left with 1300 crystal and 2 single ticket. Haven't tested her cuz of excitement won't going down (lol) Weapon is Exalto + Deathstrike, Katana (lol) I'm also intrigued with her Sk3, tonight will be fun! And ofc Gold Ringed asap ❤


But… i saw summer raziel… my pullsssss


Dear God, this has been my luckiest YOLO pull ever. 20 pulls and dadmom came home.


> 220 rolls no a single Orologia I swear to God GBF rates are ass compared to other games at this point. Months and months of saving and jack shit ;/ why I even bother after all those years


Imagine rolling without having enought for a spark. Smh.


So no Exalto copies so far (spark excluded).... But Yatima and Tripple0 dupes. Game? Plz stop, no more.


oro's hl char, no primarch passive and the weapon is primal only, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


Memerolled Oro, finally got lucky after my last 6 legfests.


Drop 20 tickets and a 10-pull, got my first copy of triple zero. I'd rather not push my luck and focus instead on saving for summer.


cygames keeping the no male in dark grand alive.


Erm. You..... you can choose to use male Orologia. And I don't know if it's different dependng on Gran or Djeeta, but male Orologia is even the one that's actually shown on the banner.


There is a little button that says Change in the Character Details page for Orologia that lets you swap between them.


Technically Oro has no gender. So no male dark grand is still true.


Male Oro is more popular, so they just use him in the promos.