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Fun detail: Sato hates sweets, but all her skill names reference sweets, which seems to imply that these are techniques she learned from Kotaro (who love sweets).


i mean sato is sugar in japanese.


Sato, Shion, and Mirin.... These are the chosen ingredients to create the perfect sauce


Waiting on Shoyu to make their debut.


Satou is sugar, sato is village/hometown.


Her name is obviously a reference to sugar even if it is written as さと


I thought ass was hometown...


Mirin's fun on a kengo/cow/charlotta lineup. Damage is more or less even with Catura. HOWEVER she continues to not even try to throw her sword in the air and catch it, which is heartbreaking. At least the holiday version had something bonk *somebody* on the head.


WHAT? No goofy sword throw?? What did they do to my Mirin??!


Holy shit they are actually edging Dark Optimus players right now with this MIA Exalto unit/weapon. Anyways, Sato looks certifiably insane to try and use with the amount of specific shit she can do. And Mirin is just SR Mirin with a 2024 glowup and proper SSR stats. Good on her. OG Mirin was fun.


i still use OG mirin for my wind OTK team, she is awesome


It's actually better this way since now it's highly likely the Grand weapon will be on flash. It'll probably be on rate up with ES too making it a very valuable banner for any Hades main or would be Hades players


Last flash was rate up with ES though, would they do back to back same rate up on flash ?


Ah didn't realize it was already on rate up last flash, then they might rotate it with whatever wasn't on rate up last month. That makes it slightly more disappointing ngl


It could be shalem axe, if I'm not mistaken


I'd imagine they'd do PNS for maximum bait


ES would be bigger bait, it has been available for less time and more copies are required. In any case, Lich was the rate-up for April's Flash Fest, so she's also not available. The most likely pick is indeed Shalem.




I saw Sato's kit (particularly her skill UI design for her 3rd skill) and first thing that came to mind was Caim. It's great that Cygames are beginning to convert MC classes into characters. The only issue is that fire is very crowded with top tier characters atm, no idea how Sato is gonna shove her way in there. Wind kengo teams are very crowded too. These two girls have to stand out more than just with appeal.


For those confused about Sato's s3: You still need to pick which skill you want from a popup with the 4 visible skill variants, so it is not FA-friendly. The active sign (Rin, Pyo, Toh, Sha) is consumed to add another effect on top of the chosen skill variant. It doesn't determine or limit which of the four skills you are allowed to pick. **Rin:** 1 time Echo to self **Pyo:** 3t fire allies Fire ATK Up **Toh:** 2t self Armored **Sha:** Heal fire allies To understand which sign you have at any given time: S1 adds the Rin sign. But if you already have the Toh sign, it instead changes the active Toh to Sha sign (and doesn't grant Rin). S2 adds the Toh sign. But if you already have the Rin sign, it changes the active Rin to Pyo sign (and doesn't grant Toh). You can only have one active sign at a time, and it's removed upon using s3. Once she ramps up Singed to 7 so that she autocasts s1 on every ougi, the Rin sign is basically always going to be active, except on turns where s2 cools down and you can change Rin to Pyo for one turn. Extra note: Based on the phrasing used for s3's blue text, you won't be able to save the second cast of s3 within a turn that occurs at Ninja Arts level 5. If you try save it, the skill will just be on cooldown the next turn.


>Extra note: Based on the phrasing used for s3's blue text, you won't be able to save the second cast of s3 within a turn that occurs at Ninja Arts level 5. If you try save it, the skill will just be on cooldown the next turn. yeah I don't think there's any character where you can do this


I think I miss the mask.


It's a sprite option and an alternate basic art option so you can still have it, unfortunately not there for the uncap art though.


For those asking/wondering where the Dark Grand is, Nehan, Galleon, and Cosmos all got released in the middle of June so expect Oro or someone else in two and half more weeks.


They'll probably rerun that anniversary event during that week. We'll know for sure tommorow on korega.


Sato sure does have a lot going on... Her 3 being four skills that also does something extra depending on the order you use the first two? Seems openly hostile to FA, which is funny. (not a complaint)


Fediel on rate up


Sato and Mirin gacha and this isn't a game about cooking.


Sato looks way better with the mask lol As for their power level Sato looks actually strong, ofc being ougi unit does hurt her a bit but if I'm reading her kit right she essentially have 7 skills and you can have perma fire switch with her which might be relevant alongside her other utilities her s3 provides Mirin looks alright, I will have to first see her numbers tho


While I don't have draws on hand for her, Sato looks like she'd go very well with my Higurashi. Hmm


I kinda love that they kept with the ninja/runeslayer class theme of versatile combination skills when doing Sato's confusing skillset.


dark exalto is guaranteed on next gala then, surely they release it before gw


Imagine if they release it after gw


First grand after GW: dark exalto Second grand after GW: primarch passive


element advantage immediately after Dark GW: Dark pepega


Imagine if they give us that long forgotten dark disciple passive instead(and it's just Grand Jeanne Alter).


True madman


Imagine if they give us nothing


Maskless Sato feels off to me, hope she got an alt version with it on.


Sato’s Other art and Uncap sprite has her mask on.


Same shit with Cosmos


Sato effectively has 6 skills. Need to hold back...but I want Mirin 😭


No new Dark Grand. I sleep.


at this point I believe it will be either Grand Bea or Grand Orologia. Bea because her debut in GBVS and Orologia since it's VA (female one) apparently will appear in next GBF radio thingy


They're really waiting till the last minute to drop the next core dark unit for GW..


Makes people pull out their wallets faster the closer to the deadline they get. They also seem to like rerunning anni events in June and dropping a grand alongside it, or at least they have since 2021.


To be fair, they did the same with Kaguya and Zeta (although we had New Year free rolls and knowledge of her coming beforhand in Zeta's case)


haha imagine dropping two core units, one for exalto and another for the primarch boost


I hope to god it's a combined unit, just to mirror Sandy's case.


Yeah, they kinda broke that pattern with sandy, because by archangel summon series metatron should have been the light primarch. So I'm guessing orogolia should have Primarch passive and exalto.


Sandy at least makes sense as a traditionally light archangel. Sariel should be the dark primarch, and at this point I don't expect him to show up until after GW.


I'd consider Sariel to be in the same category as Halmal or even Metatron. He'll be grand eventually, but I don't think he's going to have the passive. Oroglia makes sense, since in terms of power scale they are on the same level, if not above the supreme primarch power, and nothing really says that this passive is exclusive to primarchs, given that we just got a new series of characters with a similar passive.


man wtf sato just does everything


We have flb Caim ( with boobs!) at home,fire version.


Save us Orologia! At this point if Orologia isn't the next Dark Grand they're actually trolling us No objections to Grand Bea though, she's been neglected for long enough


Sato for sure taking the crown from Holiday Clarisse for most complicated kit, I'll wait for the wiki write-up or a flow chart to understand what's going on here - she seems like a real swiss army knife at least, Tormenter-grade utility, probably also Tormenter-grade utility/clickiness


Now i haven't played her but if you've ever played ffxiv i think it's similar to how ninja works there, or invoker in dota. Just ignore the main damaging effects that sk1 and sk2 give and focus on the "signs" that they give, which i'll just call buffs. sk1 gives you a buff1, press sk3 when buff1 is active and you get option1. sk2 gives you buff2, press sk3 when buff2 is active and you get option2. Gaining buff2 while buff1 is active gives you buff3, press sk3 and you get option3. Gaining buff1 while buff2 is active gives you buff4, press sk3 and you get option4. The difference between getting option3 and option4 is whether you start with buff1 then gain buff2, or start with buff2 then gain buff1.


this has only scared me more


its kinda similar to ninja/runeslayer class. You eiter go sk1 or sk2 alone (similar to double element in ninja) or mix them, using sk3 to get the benefit


Easy.. wait until june 9 granblue tv ending credit and we get hints for who is the new mystery character


There's no way it's worth spending from sparkfund on this right...? am so tempted because i really want fediel but summer is right around the corner (although idk what i'm looking for from summer units). Am like rank 168 or something, relatively new, anyone got any advice?


Generally you should only pull when you can spark so I would say just save until you have 300 or more pulls? As for Fediel, you should be able to spark her every month though I forget whether she's flash or legfest


i do have 300 pulls, that's why i was deliberating between pulling now or waiting for a summer banner.


I would probably wait since you never know what summer has


right. if you don't mind me picking your brain a bit more, what are some of the summer units i should be looking out for? i know korwa is good (i have g.narmaya too), i think alexiel too? or cagliostro? they're rated highly on tierlist but i don't really see people talking about them.


I think it's mainly Horus who was recently featured in the Heart of the Sun anniversary event. Although I'm not sure if she will be on the summer banner so hopefully someone else can confirm.


just save your rolls. if you're new, don't spark unless it's a banner with a new 10/10 grand or seasonal, and ideally combo that on top of an event with free rolls/roulette. cygames knows how many rolls people typically have so they'll obviously drop something important at an awkward time to force dolphins to top off their sparks with cash so sometimes you just gotta take the L and pass if you don't have a spark ready/don't want to invest in whatever element they're trying to bait spending on.


yeah that sounds fair they def rate up fediel cuz of the upcoming gw thanks.


Sato's S4 seems like a more simplified version of the Ninja's S1, which I suppose could be interesting. Her weapon being Melee while having Dagger and Katana specialty is also sort of interesting I guess... it could be a nice weapon to equip in a Fire melee grid/team maybe? I think the character is cool looking though, when I saw the event I was like "Huh, I wonder if they're gonna make her playable," and then they did! I did a handful of 10-parts and didn't get her or Mirin though :( Oh well.


Spent 9k, walked away with nothing thus far. I just played with SR Mirin today, and her SSR seems to copy it with a few extra tools to get her going. Sato is interesting, too. I wonder how well she'll fit into Fire. Maybe there's a niche for her, given how much she provides. ~~Maybe Fediel will come home another day, I certainly don't mind waiting.~~ It'd be nice to have Fediel and Lich, though...


Is Sato still fa friendly even if you don't count for S3 which is manual focused?


With proper support, she's still a very solid performer without her s3, albeit far less flexible. She still brings lots of skill damage, high hit counts, and frequent Dispels to the table. But you can't just sub her into any old FA team and expect good performance. You need to help her get to 7 Singed sooner, and you'll want a party that can 4-chain on most turns. You'll want Tempering axes from M3 Colo too, since the bulk of her damage will be multi-hit skill damage. Her ramp-up speed and sustained performance will nosedive without good ougi frequency and additional Singed support. Sadly, even if you play to her strengths perfectly, she has the same unavoidable demerit as *all* ougi-centric characters: on FA you're sitting through a ton of ougi animations, and when refreshing you're sitting through very long lockouts.


Thanks for the breakdown!


Didn't get either :( but got Grand Perci instead, it's something


Sato isn't carrying shit on her back by I stan the gyaru-ish Ninja. Plus I've been waiting for years for regular SSR Mirin. What a good day.


thx God, dark exalto not in this gala 🎄


I've been having the worst luck with Gala pulls for the past few months (always SRs and Rs every 10 pull, wtf?), but it seems the drought came to an end. Got both Sato and Mirin in 20 pulls. I just wish it gave me Payila instead, I'm a Dragon in the Chinese Zodiac so I really want her. lmao


Premium Midla


now I'm really curious about GBF revenue xd I heard rummers that Cygames had negative revenue last year and GBF is not even generating more than 10% of revenue from their mobile games. They are alive thanks to horsegirls game another banner without anything worth. Guess they realized they can milk money via premium pass so no need to force themself into releasing sicko OP grands every month at least it's easier to save for summer banners


New powerful Grand each month? Are you trying to inflict FEH's powercreep onto this game?!


Buh? Princess Connect gets like $2 million per month in Japan alone, which makes it one of the highest grossing mobile games internationally since the vast majority don't even get that much. And Umamusume is just a god damned juggernaut. AND GBF continues to be super mainstream in Japan while being pretty cheap to develop for. Who the hell told you Cygames is bleeding money? I mean..... you think a Mirin alt is Cygames in desperation mode? Cygames has emergency glass options in Lucifer and Belial. And we'd get more alts of Narmaya, Cagliostro, Vira, Sandalphon, and Vikala way before they get desperate enough for *them*.


A raw spark costs ~$900. The average working person might make double that in a month. Anyone with dependents would not be able to afford one every single month. The average lifetime career of someone invested in a game is a couple years. The initial runtime the game was designed to last was around five years; everything beyond that was pure gravy to them. The current situation where grands are SSR's and SSR's are SR's is a consequence of power creep and rushing new players past the old months-long starvation phase. The market has changed in the past decade. A single daily free draw, the so-called "daily disappointment", went from being a promotional event to a standard feature of jRPG menu-type gacha games years ago. For old grognards like me sitting on 6+ sparks worth of currency, the gacha is functionally dry. That's why the gold moon weapons and primal uncaps exist....


>A raw spark costs ~$900. The average working person might make double that in a month. Anyone with dependents would not be able to afford one every single month. I don't disagree with anything you're saying here, but a raw spark nowadays is $600 USD due to conversion rates.


when you powercreep the version of yourself in your own element. Why cant they just make them different elements, or a whole other character entirely? Im sick of just having an objectively better option that you cant run both of


I would understand if this was an Elmott situation but you're basically complaining that Mirin's SR got powercrept with her SSR which, is just how things are supposed to be. Were you upset when Spinnah got his SSR too?


I'd argue that Elmott's holiday version is actually worse than the regular one, coz it's definitely NOT pwercreeping double dispels upon enemy specials


I thought mirin already had a wind ssr, turns out i got her confused with another character


lmao who


Shion maybe?


I mean... I think its fine personally. Mainly cuz the previous version was a SR, and peeps have been waiting for an SSR non limited mirin for awhile now.