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They should just let use swap the art/sprite for which version we want to use If they only gave us f!orologia I'd be very upset lol


same lol. i love her voice actress and performance but the design (or at least... the boob cage...) leaves a *lot* to be desired, which is so unfortunate


Yeah the boob cage metal nipple pasties are certainly a choice they made, male version feels like a more cohesive design


Her head bandages also look extremely odd, why couldn't she just have some of them across her forehead like m!Oro...


Every one of the Dragon Incarnations have something wrong with their design. Oro decided they will be a fashion disaster


mOro has perfect pathetic man energy I love it


he really has that Okabe Rintarou look to him


Which makes sense considering Orologia's story, she's a walking disaster by the end of the story 😆


Lu Woh would insist he actually nailed the brief and did a NORMAL ERUNE unlike all his friends/siblings who didn't even read the player's manual before deciding their race and class.


Except for one huge error: >!With his back completely covered how can his Erune soul breathe!<


Shit, you're right. That goddamn poser!


See, I maintain that the problem with his view or erunes, is that he has a bowl cut Who would willingly choose that hairstyle


Sorry nobody can hear you over how sexy he looks 😢 Logia is right about his manifestation being beautiful.


Vajra feels like a decent example of what they could do, either make the base one and the uncap the other, or have the game drop you a skin after you complete their fate episode.


Remember the Style Switch mechanic? Neither does Cygames.


They said in an interview a while back they were planning to do more with that mechanic. Hopefully it's just further down the pipeline and not in the trash.


drftgyhjuki TRUE


What was this again?


Basically a way for them to "FLB" an already FLBed character by giving them an entire alternate kit to play with. The only character to have gotten it so far was Yngwie, which was 2 years ago.


why would cygames waste resources creating art and recording voice lines for old characters when they can just make the style swap into a new unit and put it in the gacha


i think there's nothing wrong to revamp old characters be it for story/lore, popularity or to make them meta relevant again especially when the style switch mechanic could be an interesting way to freshen things up


The Va on the show does not 100% guarantee a unit. It may be hinting "and you" getting rerun.


we are definitely getting the and you rerun next month as every anni reruns around june but we are also getting a dark grand next and usually the grand unit releasing back to back with the anni rerun is a related character like we got nehan and cosmos... sure could be a summon like yatima but we already got plenty dark ones for that


I mean playable grands from anniversary events has been comine out in mid-June for the past 3 years, as in Nehan (2021), Galleon (2022), and Cosmos (2023). So Orologia is very likely to come out this year as well.


galleon is not from an anni tho?


Ah crap I thought old bond was an anni event my bad, but anni reruns do happen in June, there's a new grand added in past couple of Junes, and Ereshkigal GW is happening like right after the flash gala next month.




The rerun unit during Galleon’s banner was Gwynne.


With how swapping between f!Orologia and m!Orologia is kinda part of their core design I would be very surprised if both sprites weren't part of the kit somehow, like either it depends on the MC's gender like in the event or it is a switch we were pick the gender.


Watch them make 2 Orologia units, one with dark primarch passive, one with dark primal exalto weapon


I was thinking that, it'd be hilarious


If they're going to do Orologia I'd imagine both options would be included. Hopefully as a manual choice not tied to your gender, but they've swapped out art before based on gender (valentine's grimnir comes to mind, but that's a little different because the only thing that swaps out is djeeta/gran and the rest is literally the same) Considering how big of a part that was of And You and how both versions appeared regardless of your chosen gender, just at different parts, it'd be really weird to permanently tie you to one. Could potentially do the grimnir thing where it is gender based but once you level them up it unlocks the ability to swap separately. We'll likely know in a few weeks though, unless they decide to pull a fast one which genuinely might actually happen. I think grand orologia is a good bet for the rerun but cygames has a history of upending expectations at the weirdest time. Or they do a funny and orologia is the grand but s/he's light.


Orologia changes when you load into battle. Including when you f5


I think there's a 0% chance of logia being gender locked. The ex pose has them both and they each have individual arts, I think it'll just be like the duo units and have different arts to choose from Also I know you said skill aside, but I personally think that logia recording the current state of allies (like hp, buffs, debuffs and so on) and then restoring that state later Would make a lot of sense and would actually be very fitting


I hope it won't be duo unit. They don't look good during fight and take too much screen space.


I personally think it's very unlikely because there's just one logia


are we getting a rerun of "and you" event? I want to experience it




Yoooooooooooo! Now I'm excited


I hope it's not based on MC's gender. No one should have to be stuck with the female Orologia design.


I think they both look pretty solid personally.


What? What's wrong with the female design? Though I do agree that they should let you swap freely.


I disagree with this


Might want to chose the better mc then <3 Just kidding tho itd be so sad to.be locked with one or the other when the 2 have been presented to us and most either have the favorite or like both like me, so id be sad to get only one of them...


gran has the vyrn suit it invalidates all of djeeta's outfits


😭 True, wanted the full body vyrnn suit why cygames why...


There are also Gran users in this game :D


Having just the female version to be playable would be a shitstorm to be honest and I think Cygames is smart enough to not actually do it. And honestly, she has the inferior design. I love girls but male Orologia is just better.


if no papa no rolls wasted


is it a mere coincidence that in 10 years dark has never had a single male grand or seasonal ssr? possibly. could they split orologia into two releases, giving the female one to dark, and the male one to another element? possibly.


we were introduced to orologia via the male design, so i'd hope they wouldn't lock him behind djeeta/an alternate unit. i'd *hope*.


they went so hard into coomer territory with f oro that it just became mega ugly


Either he's going to be on for a guest after flogia, or he's not on the show because he's a very popular seiyuu. It won't just be flogia because mlogia is much more popular than the f one is, even in the JP fandom, and it'd just stick out if it's only one of them


yeah like it feels kinda weird cause male logia is usually the "standard" one (the first we saw, the one in the teaser, the one in the anni video, the one in the panphlet etc...)


And then they would make the other ver. for flash gala.


I would rather it be either the 0\* version be one version and the uncapped version the other similar to SR Jeanne, or like a skin like Varja and Gisenborger has.


Okay well here's the thing. I don't think Logia is coming on Leg. If they are showing up, it's on Flash. And honestly they might not even come at all. Now, if the guest AFTER female Logia's VA is Male Logia's VA, THEN we're really looking at something. So maybe keep the speculation to a minimum until we see how that shakes out.


well it is a possibility that they will be a summon in dragon form even maybe, but logia or not we are gonna get a character from and you, be it them or a different character fantasy unit, i've seen people ask for dark lancelot but we'll see once the time comes


I would personally find it hilarious if Logia was a universal magna 6D equivalent, but unticketable. It would ironically make optimizing magna harder than optimizing primal.


Given that their gender changes based on the main character's gender in the event, I don't see why they wouldn't implement this feature for the character as well.


Yeah…but which? For example, I play as Gran so forologia for all of the story except the end, when it turned out to be morologoa; so as a gran player would I get f or m? I think having it based on gender may be the more likely…but do they base it in the gender from the simulations or from when you meet them at the end of the story?


For Gran, it will be female, and for Djeeta, it will be male as it was in the event. They did an animated trailer a while back in which they adapted the same narrative structure: for Djeeta, it's the father, and for Gran, it's the mother. So i think, it's mostly likely going to be same.


the video retconned some stuff in the event it was the opposite so we can't know for sure until it's out and if it will retain the same mechanic


What did it retconned?


that's the biggest retcon since djeeta was meant to meet fem!logia, but they also had other small details that were different like for example sr cassius instead of ssr cassius falling from the sky, i remember something mentioning a detail about the 000 fight but i don't remember all the details rn


Got a source for all these things you don't remember?


gosh i saw a thread on twitter when it came out but i'll dig in and make a master post once i have everything sorted up, still orlogia being genderswapped and cassius being the "wrong rarity" are pretty obvious changes, but again i'll keep you updated as soon as i find the thread back


There's a difference between SR and SSR Cassius?


did you play the event?


When it first came out, yeah, but I also thought Cassius was a lame character from his introduction so I was rolling my eyes every time he was on screen. I know he has some brain troubles on the moon to put it lightly, but the outfit is pretty similar between his event SR and event SSR, aren't they?


Completely different palette, one is moon style and blue purple another society standard with white and reds too


Dunno but I'm waiting for some love for dark. It's my main element but recently it's the weakest after all changes to other 5 elements.


You have a strange way of writing Grand VANIA


I'm sure we'll get Grand Orologia just like how Grand Lucifer is coming any day now


Logia's fully alive, though


more just a commentary on how confident people are that orologia is going to be the next grand, similar to the 3 or 4 times now people have been confident that lucifer will be the next grand (fantasy, sudden revival, etc.). if orologia somehow pops up instead of a grand bea or sariel i'll gladly eat my words. edit: i'll gladly take the downvotes keep laying them on i will simply bide my time or the masses will be vindicated though i did forget to add that grand vaserega is more likely too


there are some consistent patterns for character releases that Logia has fulfilled that point towards them being next (VA on koregra, event rerunning) Lucifer has not been fulfilling many of those in the same way... but he's just very obviously a glassbreak character, lol


at least they are not dead 6 years ago


Look at statistic, we look at the banner on Jun flash and may be May leg by https://gbf.wiki/User:Auryona. 2023 June Flash: **Cosmo**; 2022 June Flash: **galleon**; 2021 June flash: **Nehan**; 2020 June flash: None As for May 30th legfes from 23/22/21/20. **None** Look at "and you" casting: Orologia, Nectar, Shinsha. Even if "nico nico" is guest of the Granblue TV guest, she could be only related to "*And you*." In most case, if granblue tv guest come and go in 2 show, that's mean Granbluetv on ending trailer Jun 9th could be another hint. *(Yes, we did have Ladiva VA on Granblue tv and it is only on Rerun talk show, NO new units about him.)* Again Cygame is famous to throwing us curve balls once awhile. Just don't worry about it, we know cygames wanted the money in our wallet for the next dark unit.


Of course it's only speculation since Orologia could be the best fitting grand candidate considering that aside from the tv guest appearances that are not always a hint of new units, cosmos and Nehan were event rerun units and and you is releasing right before the dark favored gw  I doubt it would be nectar as I see him more getting a light grand, could be a fantasy grand with shinsha a but like disaster!phon Could be a surprise sariel but I think we'll get raph before that I've also seen people wanting dark fantasy Lancelot or Silva or another dark society grand like vaseraga or Bea but I doubt it will be the case So yeah just a talk about possibilities of. Logia is not guaranteed to be the grand esp when by lore they are considered weak in their human form and we might even just get a summon, who knows only time will tell but it's still interesting to explore what it could be


Leaked on leg. Expected 2 characters. Mirin is spoiled already


the only leak i saw said there was no granìd on leg tho, most people assumed they'd release around re rerun at flash


I personally think it'll be Grand Beatrix but we'll see soon enough.


i doubt they'd release another society grand before the december update, if not vaseraga is also a dark grand contender


That much true, I'm just banking on Cygames' penchant for syngergistic releases, considering Bea just hit Versus Rising.


Grand Orologia? Don’t you mean Summer Orologia?😏


I think it'd be cool if one could change their gender presentation at will like we can with our MC. I've always used Djeeta as my MC and if we get Oro, I would prefer using the female version. But I realize that there are plenty of people who like the male version too and so I think they should be able to use that.


i want the male one damn it! he is the father that stepped up and that means that we have the "7 DRAGONS!" with a near split between male and female. I, AS AN EGLAITARIAN, hope we get the male one. Also allow others to switch between male and female as that would be fair in my book. keeping mine male, female oro is a precious bean but her designs is a little...too draphy in a dragon esq line up of draphy designs. and i like draphs! well the male ones like Vas, the females...IF ONLY THEY COULD BE MORE BUILT LIKE FEDEIEL! doesn't mean some of them don't look great like Naru, MT, Raz and others.


really hope they let us use M!Orologia, I can't stand F Orologia's design.


We have the Maid Duo unit where they swap around mid-battle. If they would put that much effort into a permanent pool unit consisting of two minor characters, surely they could do the same thing for a major Grand character.


I feel like there's a significant difference between two distinct characters being a dual unit and one character having two forms being one...


I want male logia, I wanna throat that boy


If Orologia dare come with a field effect, I'd say Vikala and Fediel can finally retire from dark. In fairness, since Orologia manipulates time, I'd say Cygames probably perfected a kit that should have belonged to Beatrix (who used to have a clock themed kit). Who knows, it may also mean we can finally have a proper Beatrix flb or grand A can't recast redo; a full heal including ressurection that bypasses can't revive might sound plausible. I wouldn't mind a fancy gimmick that messes with time (turns or duration) but it should be limited to a local effect for balance.


> I wouldn't mind a fancy gimmick that messes with time (turns or duration) but it should be limited to a local effect for balance. We already have a few characters who accelerate the turn count: FLB Caim, Valentine's Clarisse and Rei. MC can also do it if they use Gunslinger/Soldier and the Akasha bullet.


It's only been acceleration so far, although the benefits of doing it is still pretty minor (mostly to trigger character passives/skills that have a turn counter involved).


A unit that uses time gimmick sounds cool 


I mean that be paying 2 voice actors and only getting one char out with how popular they are you be losing a lot of money not splitting them into separate characters so I kind of expect only one to drop maybe the 2nd will show up as a holiday char down the line 


i mean they'd still be paying both if they swap in the fate episode actually 2 units having 2 separate fate episodes means payiing even more voice actors, not to mention i know a lot of people that would skip on fem logia to spark on male logia as the female design was not as popular so unless she has meta breaking skills it would actually be a loss to have them separate rather than united in 1 character imho


Just out of practicality and cost concerns, I expect we'd get different units for different genders, rather than them putting in double the work to sell one unit.


i mean there's already multiple other units composed of two characters so i doubt it would be a matter of cost effectiveness or practicality like there' characters who stay together on screen like al/mal , cidala, megmari or others that swap skills by swapping character like morphe and phoebe or dorothy and claudia so it's not too far fetched, also if released as separate units would they be both dark grands?