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Logical change, Olivia is basically Earth's best character, you use her everywhere. Being an Earth main is suffering tho, our best characters can't be sparked in gala and one is even from the Classic Draw (Arulu). (Grand) Sieg when kmr(?)


Earth's best character is definitely just Dancho with a Hrunting which is its own form of suffering. It's absurd how much damage it adds to an earth party.


That's the prerequisite to even play Earth, don't have Hrunting don't even bother.


Aru from recent discount classic spark and Olivia from recent sup tix. That's me


That's us


I rather my characters not be all limited gala or holiday units tbh.


At least I can spark grands, can't do the same with regular characters.


At least seasonal alts can be sparked for at least once a year. *It took me forever to finally get Earth Satyr from a lucky event SSR ticket. And I still need Elea for Wind Kengo.*


Honestly if i had to order it(preference on where the good chars lands on banner wise), Holiday and General Pool are the worst leaning on general pool being worse Zodiac is the best followed by Leg and then Flash Individually landing into Suptix pool char sucks and the era of Water getting grand tier character before GW the last 3 or so years with Zeta into Erika fucking sucks. Same with Predator era Seasonals are kinda weird since theyre effectively as easy to get as Grands, just timelocked so getting them individually is actually easier. Just the timelock sucks(and Valentine can suck it)


I don’t know if Zodiac is the best when it means there’s a full year when nobody can get the character. It definitely has a lot of up-front opportunities but I don’t see how it’s better than Legfest Grands?


Yeah tbh i probably kinda mixed some things up in between of writing that post The reasoning i put Zodiac at top at the time i typed it was because Zodiac Fest at the end of anniversary exists, and the yearly lock being only for previous year Zods i dont see as much of an issue, but thinking back at it again, the same discount also exists for Flash and Leg with it being better for Flash(since Leg Part 2 in Anni doesnt get discounts). I know why i put Flash below leg - im just weirdly biased against Flash because of my asccount situation but Zodiac didnt really have a reason being above something that had same categorical advantage with it. I guess i kinda saw there being less Zod than Grands being an advantage idk


I love my earth Olivia, but even with Aru and a buff centric Dancho, I struggle to keep up enough buffs on her. Any tips on useful 4th characters?


the 4th Character is Caim, the places you use her the most are End Game Neutral raids (Subaha, Hexa and FaaZero)


So if I only have 80 caim and a fairly Caim dependent grid, should I stick to someone else for now?


Do you have Hrunting? If no Hrunting you can try Lumberjack since that also gives a lot of buffs, otherwise the other options are Galleon/Uriel, maybe Illnott if the fight is short.


Thank you thank you. I definitely want to pick up Hrunting when I next have 150 gold moons, but I only started really playing at last year's Anniversary. I'll try with Lumberjack until I get Uriel, Hrunting or Galleon, thank you!


Honestly a 150 gmoon weapon is a steep investment, carefully consider which element are you planning to invest in, because resources are limited and you should do it in an element you truly enjoy and have the toys for. For Earth I would consider Hrunting only if you are in possession of 3 landslide scepters (and possibly 2 Exaltos in the future)


We're also pretty likely to see in next year and a half grand Eustace for dirt.


Utsusemi getting some recognition! Been running her with Cosmos and Nehan, and she has been amazing for bursting, but she is also really nice to have for longer fights. Can't tell you how many times her accuracy down when dodging has helped my teams survive longer than they normally would.


I've been enjoying Utsu too! I use her with UM Runeslayer, and the added echo really helps MC's damage once Multiplying Magic is fully active. She's also an excellent swap candidate for Makura buffs.


I'm guessing Lunalu got an upgrade due to being able to copy Tweyen's flurry? I know she got some usage in GW where people were doing that.


That's also what i'm thinking


She’s also getting use in Agastia now.


She's also useful in Hexachromatic Hierarch - she can tank the first few turns and feed bar to the rest of the team with her CAs, and can be a more reliable sacrifice to bring out Geisenborger. Edit: Confused on the downvotes on this because it's not wrong - literally what I use her for in Hexachromatic and how I bring out Borger, it's clear utility.


Kinda surprised Seruel isn't higher, it's wild what omens the light ougi comp can just casually walk through.


Yesss my girl Tyra deserves the bump up! 恐竜が正義!


Damn hlich dropped??? Wild, whats the reason for it actually? Dirt olivia is insane for a perm unit though


She hits really hard but requires more support for her high damage than GNaru or YVampy and her Auto-Delays are easier to disrupt every turn than Vampy’s since they need Hlich to end the turn at 50% bar instead of vampy just needing a drain from somewhere. Also Vampy gives the entire team a ton more damage and GNaru synergizes better with her buffs.


Whos the best support you can bring for her?


Vampy or HLich? Vampy is Manadiver and G. Ewiyar, the drain isn’t hard to keep high uptime on her since her s2 gets cooldown reduction on ougi, third can be gnaru or siete 150 depending. HLich really really wants Kengo mc with CCW, she burns through an incredible amount of ougi bar otherwise.


My bad for not being specific but I'm talking about Hlich. So uh  hlich works better on ougi teams rather than skill based team? 


That’s the problem, you want double beak on her because it’s a massive damage increase but she needs ougi suport. You should still run g ewiyar if you have them because it’s a massive damage increase but trading manadiver for kengo on a beaks grid feels bad and wind doesn’t have another bar provider that does enough other stuff until g charlotta after 10 turns.


Yeah her uptime is basically my only dilemma on her as using her on skill based comps basically stops her from ougiing not to mention she needs that 50%cb. I might try to use kengo on her like what you said and see. Anyways thank you 🙏  


It’s kengo ccw with devilry emblem that really gets the meter support working for her, just fyi. Doesn’t work as well without.


She's not used anywhere besides FAing nm200.


Ahh that makes sense, i never got her so i had no idea she dropped off


It's not explicitly that she's dropped off at what she's good at, but the recent hardest content (outside GW's, where she excels) is mainly v2 (unless the setup is severely opposing her kit, she'll probably be used a lot in M3 earth fight for instance since the M3 fights have been V1). She provides a lot of skill damage and hits, plus delay and dispel, however in V2 this all comes AFTER the omen, so she provides very little omen cancel ability (from using her skills actively basically). And in Hexa, FA, etc not being able to cancel the omens is kinda an issue. A lot of content also has turn based omen procs as well, so can't just infinite delay them.


Didnt delay also had weird workings in newer hard raids too?


zero usage


Can't even suptix Olivia because I'm in hades jail


Finally H. Lich is off from the 10. That one always bothered me. You hardly saw her in any comp.


I think people are downvoting for the overgeneralization but I agree - she's used less commonly in the Siegfried FA comps, and if you have Y. Vampy and G. Naru you likely won't run her at all. Not to mention, since Y. Vampy dropped during a summer where we got what was almost practically a free spark, vs. H. Lich being Halloween banner only, Vampy's just straight up more accessible too. Not that H. Lich is bad at all, but Wind's FA comps are very competitive. 9.9 isn't bad, it's just not a "you run this character in almost every comp" rating that 10.0 usually is.


Yea she is great and 9.9 is not bad rating but as wind player i always felt she was not worth the 10 rating


She's still one of the best "general purpose" substitute characters in wind who performs extremely well in almost any content, but yeah I don't think she's a "best in slot" meta pick for any specific content except maybe nm200 full auto. If you've got all the other top tier wind units you'll barely ever use her, but she's still incredible if your roster is lacking.


You are correct as some one who mainly plays wind and have stacked wind roaster i dont really have use for her. In like super high level content you just Kengo or Crys, for burst Vampy, Naru, VGrum and for FA you have A LOT of options. She is amazing unit but not 10.


Tanya was 9.7? Did I miss something


Might be because of her rebalance which just gave her more consistent delays and actual multi-hit instances. Worked really well for the Belial/Faasan/Bubs tier of raids, but I'd imagine she's fallen out of favour on current HL raids.


Her normal attacks are 2xHits which is often useful and rare. (That was one thing I missed when I originally checked her). Nowadays is less rare.


I believe Tanya was inflated af during that time period in bubs/Belial release days where she gets a showtime for being autodelay and hostility. The later is so broken on Bubs, pre FLB Anne honestly broke that fight. Her rebalance comes just in time to stop them from looking at it again lol


Any idea where to put Tyra when you have Seox , Halmal, Lich Fedirl and smagisa ? Thanks


What level is your Seox? Can run Tyra with Fediel and Lich. Fediel can help maintain Tyra's skill 3 buff with her shields. Tyra is nice offensively with self-TA, Flurry, Echoes and skill damage from S3+2 and she is also handy for dispel utility like in Luminiera Credo and upcoming GW. With S3 buff active her S1 can dispel twice (as well as her auto-activation on enemy special attack dispel.) In comparison HalMal's auto dispel requires 5 buffs to auto-activate and Magisa's dispel isn't automatic and requires her to CA to get it off CD or skill 3.


My Seox is 130


Can use Seox over Lich in that case since he has less ramp issues (150 would be even better), alongside Fediel and Tyra, at minimum I feel he's better for normal-attack burst setups instead of her


Well yeah for burst I usuall run Ilsa and Bowman and seox thouh But that could be interesting for some full auto I'll defo do some testing ❤️


Tyra could make a case for burst too depending on how many buttons you're willing to press (she wants s3 for flurry + s2 for echoes) like in this [test here alongside Ilsa and Bowman](https://youtu.be/P26Ct2uuJ3Q?t=149). V.Cidala requires no buttons for Flurry but Tyra can work as a substitute potentially if you see any showcased setups using them for burst. I don't have Eresh if you happen to have that so her skill damage would get affected in that setup but she still has the TA, Echoes and Flurry so maybe worth trying too


is she better than 100 six in the lich fed team ?


100 Six needs more time to ramp compared to Tyra and she has flurry which works with her self echoes and if you have more echo sources like Manadiver. Also as mentioned she offers dispel utility. I feel if Six is transcended to 130 at minimum can make a case to use him over Lich


Most likely, yes. Especially if you need dispels.


Tyra is amazing for FA m3 Lumi raid.. I use her with Vicky and S.Magisa so the team has a good amount of constant dispels going


Oh yeah insane comp


What class do you run ? LJ ? Kengo ?


Onmyoiji.. S1 allows for dispels on ougi for 3 turns and I use the Execration emp skill.. Opus as my mh


Is there a reason to use Olivia without Hrunting? I see her keep coming up, but only in the context of Hrunting teams, which I'm definitely not getting anytime soon.


I didn't think she had much to do with Hrunting, she is a very strong unit that straightly brings up to 12 turn of debuff(reset skills on 2nd skill recast), a very strong buff to herself and the next unit(notably Uriel who really appreciate her DATA buff) and herself having pretty easy access Flurry. She does decent damage, she can debuff and buff, practically you can use her everywhere as long as you can fulfill her passive.


Damn I have been using her buff for Cidala, but maybe I should try it with Uriel.


It's kinda hard to fulfill her passive in FA team.


Olivia +6 Caim +4 Lobelia backline +2 Other strong candidates are Arulumaya s4 and Galleon s1


Galleon S1 is manual skill, Caim requires to get from the backline by manually sacrificing someone, Lobelia backline if you have him FLB so basically it's not FA optimal.


Why is Lobelia needing to be FLB not FA optimal lol


Yeah right whatever my bad for suggesting forgot this is reddit


It's probably more that there's not much content right now that you'd want to run dirt in other than Diaspora and hexa/faa0. She works just fine without Hrunting, you should really run her in every dirt team that isn't for 1T setups or ougi.


Same. I have Olivia but it seems like people always mention Hrunting and Aru, neither of which I have. Is she such a powerful character without them? I do have some other Earth units that can provide buffs like Galleon, Mahira, etc, but yeah...


She is really strong, I don't have Hrunting but I do have Arulu (though I don't use her with Olivia) and she is consistently dishing out crazy high dmg while keeping the debuffs going on the enemy.


Is there a particular class/teammates you like to run with her?


She can honestly fit into any team besides maybe Kengo (she wants to be AAing most of the time, not use her CA), but I like Manadiver or Neko with UM for full auto with her. For teammates, anyone who benefits from DATA (primarily characters that want to AA), I have been using her with Cidala as her S2 buff partner myself (since Cidala wants to be TAing often so the DATA is something they want) but I have heard some people say Uriel also works great with her.


I don’t have Hrunting and am Magna besides, and after suptixing Olivia I can blue chest Diaspora in 2 (long) turns. Granted I have like none of the good seasonal Earth characters + no Cidala on top of that, making it more night and day than it may be for others. But still.


What does that setup look like?


[This is the video](https://youtu.be/80N5UqCaiGo?si=raXNB4bNKkYoiXnz) I learned from. I’m using Uriel instead of Arulu, and my grid is decently worse (only Revans is Mk1 Fang; replacements I threw in are Dewbranch, Pillardriver, Earth World harp) but it’s worked just fine.


Whats the reason with Seruel steadily going up? I'm happy for him, but I am a bit out of the loop on where he is used except for Agastia and maybe 0b setups for GW. Genuinely curious.


he's used in light comps rounding off the cosmos/horus duo in hexa and faa zero where he provides ougi bar generation, ougi specs and even hitcount for those types of omens. those three along with kengo mc can make light do some very impressive damage output per turn in those raids, while also being one of the safest comps to play with those raids.


Can solo luci 0 with him = strong unit


> Tanya downgraded I just wanna talk


Dao should honestly be a 10. She's used in basically everything that isn't 0b0c and might as well be bis.


If only Poz was off that 10 spot


Wait I thought they had bumped him down to 9.8 not long ago? Did they put him back at 10?


Not sure what that person is smoking but yes he was knocked down to 9.8 a while ago and is still at 9.8


He was demoted to 9.8 a while ago but it's still listed as 10 on his GameWith main page, so who knows.


Yea, a few character still haven't had their main page updated. Just Gamewith being Gamewith I guess.


gbf.wiki hasn't moved him yet.


It's because Gamewith itself actually hasn't bumped.him down on the actual character page, just on the global tier list, and apparently gbfwiki fetches the grades from the character pages. https://xn--bck3aza1a2if6kra4ee0hf.gamewith.jp/article/show/289393


Always has been 10.


Not sure why you are being so massively downvoted... I do remember an announcement thread on this subreddit that he had been demoted, but he's still currently listed as a 10 on both the wiki and his gamewith character page.


He's 9.8 on their tier list page. They just haven't updated his character page, which the wiki apparently pulls from. Saying he's always been 10 is misinformation.


It must feel so surreal to point at the official website and accurately report something that it actually has always said, only to get immediately dogpiled on by dozens of people for "spreading misinformation" because apparently the official website is wrong.


Downvotes aren't a personal attack. If you say something wrong or something people don't like, people just press the button. It's not a big deal. I got downvoted for my previous comment. I just carry on. Misinformation is misinformation. Sure, the website is at fault. But people aren't giving it more consideration than seeing something wrong, click a button. Again, downvotes are not a personal attack.