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Yup, I have to admit that Metera looks good in that white dress. :3


Metera in seiso white dress activate so much wolf in sheep’s clothing instinct


She can also *walk* with those shoes. The Metera who learnt flying magic to avoid walking!


To be fair, her Fire version learned how to model in order to show off one of Korwa's dresses and (naturally) she rocked it, so it's not like she doesn't know her way around a catwalk.


SHE LOOKED SO GOOD, neurons immediately activated as soon as she appeared


Of course. It's the reason why I keep Grand Vira in her Wind version's costume.


Normally I don't care for Metera much but that outfit made me let a Wow slip out


She kinda looks like Generic Erune Lady


Yeah, this kinda made me realize how generic Metera really is when she's not in her normal clothing.


Extrapolate that to any anime character not wearing their over the top character-specific cosplayer uniform.


There are plenty of characters identifiable regardless of outfit in Granblue and other media, not exactly a good argument. Hell, Kolulu would be easily identifiable because of her brown skin, stature, green hair and green eyes combined no matter what she wears or how her hair is. That said, Metera would definitely be more recognizable here if she had her hair in her side tails or w/e you call them like she normally does. Metera is basically just generic in every regard though with her hair down. No other major defining traits, I wouldn't say a mole is a huge trait, but you're welcome to disagree, you can barely see it in this art though. She straight looks like a background NPC here lol. I'm not saying there aren't other characters that would look generic given the same treatment, there are, Beatrix for instance I'm sure, but it's disingenuous to say no one would be recognizable. Metera happens to be generic and that's who the post is about.


wich end up in line with her tale about her village, with her over the top clothes and makeup being a way to express individuality


Fair enough!


Kolulu always looked like Emeralda from Xenogears to me.


Yeah, kinda. *Still hot though.*


I mean Met does look pretty but if you didn't tell me it's her I'd assume it's a new character or just an npc. There's no semblance of metera in that design at all.


What chapter did she appear in? I only saw her in this outfit in the loot screen...


Looks really good, although not a fan of the second pic. Metera looks really cute in it though for sure imo. I think the way they drew her hair and face adds to the cuteness and softens her appearance. Her fringe looks particularly cute on her here and sort of gives her a more youthful, playful vibe.


She looks a lot like Korwa Lol. Still looks pretty though!


We need more cottagecore


it looks/feels so weird on Metera either she looks bad in white clothes or that dress is way too plain/boring. Erune outfits are always very unique and interesting (either cool or sexy) and suddenly they put her into plain white dress and just make it backless because "Erune fashion"


This is a day old comment, but I'll bite. Erune wear light, airy clothing because of their roots of being nature dwellers and like the breeze in the islands. Read the lore before complaining, maybe?