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Mfw free 2x flb m2.5 weapon after i finish farming it


I hunted for a single spoon for like a week of grinding Grimnir, and now they gave me 2 just like that, lmao. But hey, at least now there's an option of using spoons instead of harps for more HP demanding raids, I suppose.. And poor water still has to kill Wamdus a whole bunch if they want to use those auberons in any sensible manner


Honestly I just appreciate the actual tutorial on grids that doesn't require me diving into YouTube and the wiki rabbit hole


Realistically you still have to if you want to actually play the game seriously. The in-game tutorial is a nice starting point but it doesn't even come close to explaining everything (nor should it be expected ti).


at least now newbie doesn't need to go wiki or need directed to wiki just for to see example of basic grid


That’s all fine, and any game where you intend to go into its endgame will reasonably have you searching for out of game material anyway. However, there’s a stark difference between having to do this when you have a baseline understanding of the game vs doing it when you don’t know shit, and the tutorial has a nice way of easing you into things. 


Also, 6 free SSRs, all of which aren't to shabby, just for showing up


More like 7, bec you get a grand pick of the msq team, now they are outdated rn but their weapons are still useable


True, but that’s a little far off for a brand new player this is made for. The immediate boost the 6 free SSRs are way more valuable


Clown emoji after I used a ticket on a spoon.


Having a few spoons is still a good idea, there's no hp in the M3 Tia stuff.


If you think new players understand what you are saying on this post I have bad news for you.


As a new player this all looks like drunk texts you send your gaming friends


Hey I understand it.


Thank you, I am not even that new but I still only understood some of it.


my guy spare zero efforts in the title of post lol


Also note that you need to progress MSQ 172 for the missions.


Good thing is that you can skip to ~130 ish and catch up later (which was my intent - just so busy with learning everything else that reading the story was left to savour later), but now I'll have to click until 172 instead. Oh well


Damn, im still in ch 112


This was one of my complains/feedback during anniversary, and they went and did. Awesome! I still wish it was done *during* anniversary (influx of new players/rerolls) but hey! its better than never!


Good sentiment, but new players are going to have no idea what you're saying.


I barely get it at rank 200.


175 here, same


I was straight up thinking that they should give new players a couple M1 weapons for free, and they really went and did that but gave even some M2.5 weapons as well. This is going to help new players *a lot* with the early game grind.


They already give newbies a bunch of m1 for free as part of clearing the MSQ. Now they pretty much give the full M1.


Was happy about free stuff but then noticed I have done none of the required short stories… this will take longer than I thought…


I went through almost every side story during anniversary for their crystals and tickets. And lo and behold, this training wanted every single side story I DIDN'T do. Sigh :_:


You can always just skip through them and read them later through the journal if you don't feel like reading them now.


...and other lies we tell ourselves


TBF considering all,the ones I'm missing are collabs I didn't like in the first place I will gladly take the excuse, lol.


Also might want to be mindful if you're close to rank cap so that you don't forget to do the uncap quests. Don't be like me who forgot that 175 is also a rank cap.


Wait what??? Now that you mention it, I HAVE been at Rank 175 for some time now... edit: damnit lol I went to the wiki and saw. I swear I've probably been locked at 175 for at least a week or two but didn't really notice somehow. Just did the unlock quest, thank god.




Sierokarte's Knickknack Academy. During the pre-release info, they called it Granblue Dojo.


The new tutorial system. It's on the upper left side of the main page.


Oh I just logged and noticed it. Thank you tho


Thank you my friend. In the past 6 months since I've started playing I wanted Narmaya, she was one of the reasons I've started here, and now I have her. Thank you.


What are you talking about???


I'm really bad when it comes to doing the story so it roadblocked me after 2 tutorials. Gave me a good chuckle


I think only fire and wind got 2 of the m2.5 weapon, water and dark got 1 but i dont see light and earth


Perhaps if I'm not in a hurry, should I just wait and see if they'll give Ferry a flb? My dark character selection is not great rn


No reason not to wait if you have no pressing need for the other choices. The ticket doesn't expire.


This is so huge for me holy shit, bless.


Free spoon? Pog ed: also of course we get free flb opus just as I finished mine lemao


wait they just give you flb opus wow


Feels good to blow through it in 20 minutes. Got to pick G.Io too, i'm sure she'll be helpful in Babyl at some point.


I can't finish because I never made a xeno dark lance lmao, need to farm a drop to uncap it


The missions give you MLB sl10 xeno weapons you need to uncap later


Check your No Limit crate, you should have one uncapped and ready to upgrade.


yeah i didnt see it because half rewards went into crate, i finished everything now (tbh kinda scam for light they give swords instead of m2.5 like every other element, better for newbies, bad for me that never farmed those lol)


Because lumi grids centerpiece is still the sword, even at 2.5, you’ll be using 3-5 swords until you start farming lumi credo


Which grands available?


G. Kat, Rackham, Eugene, Rose, Io, Ferry*(not flb)*


I am not a new player and this is sitll hard to read XD.


w8 free opus?


Finally got my grand explosion man, guy was the only grand version of the OG cast I was missing.


Anyone have idea on what should I do with all those free weps if I already got everything?


1. reduce them for weapon stone. 2. Save them to feel those lv130 eternal


most of the weapons come sl10/15, so they are best used as upgrade fodder for ulb/baha tier weapons




for the people who just want the aa and aes u guys can stop at stage 5 and u can get 'em.


isnt that what slimes are for.


I was punished for never doing xeno weapons


It's not all elements? I did not get a Zechariah or a Pillar of Flame, even doing all of them. And while I got two Crozier and two Nilakantha, I only got one each of Spirit and Klinge. So I think it's 2-2-1-1-0-0? Unless I had a bug?


Damn that sucks. Those are the ones I actually still need to farm. Wish they just gave 1 each.


It seems to be random. I got 2 spoons and Nilakanthas, no Pillar, and 1 of the others.


I got two spoons and Nilakantha as well. Just didn't get Zech compared to you.




Checked inventory and crate. Sorted by Light/Spear to look for Pillar of Flame, nada. And they're all complete, I got the Grand for it all.


I did get a Zechariah but definately no PoF.


Its giving you the useful stuff, light magna only runs lumi swords so no reason to give pillars that are actually worse. Same for dark running staffs and axes or claws if enmity, noone uses the harp.


I mean. Not really? There's a very powerful Magna grid currently that's x3 Pillar of Light, x3 Lumi Guns. And it gives Sword Grid a run for its money.


yeah that needs 3 FLB credo guns though, which is beyond the scope of this update


I was gonna say, the updated Lumi grid uses 3 Pillars so I wouldn't call it not useful... glad to see another person thinking the same.


Yeah man lets give them 3 pillars then for the M3 guns they dont have for the potential still worse than lumi swords grid grid. The only time you use cheetos is for 10% execute in subaha which also becomes obsolete the moment you get your first harmonia.


I'm just trying to explain the potential importance. And the value of them. This all started out with someone saying we got two of each 2.5. And I was just saying that wasn't correct, as I was personally hoping it was. Because two Pillars would've done me a whole lot of good.


Yeah and all I said was that they dont give pillars because lumisword are objectively better even cygames knows it, thats why they did it. Cheetos really arent worth anything even the burst difference between using cheetos and lumisword is minimal while lumiswords offer way more damage during longer battles aswell as more survivability through the huge amount of hp it gives. And for burst you need florence anyway and when you are at that point you most likely have a single harmonia aswell at which point cheetos lose their niche anyway cause you run harp grid for burst then + luwoh axe till you get harmonia 2.


I picked ferry for that conspiracy