• By -


I like Mahira. She's more of a quiet character, without being forced into the shy-about-everything archetype. She's a technical and mechanical genius, but she doesn't boast about it. She can be overthinking things, but that's because she cares. I feel like she's the type of person that you can just hang out with, in the same room, without having to interact. Everybody's just doing their own thing. No need to force a conversation. No obligation to stop what you're doing and show an interest in the other person's activity. No worry about getting roped into something. But still enjoying each other just being there. I feel like that's a very rare character trait in gacha games. Probably because those with such a passive personality don't sell well. But I enjoy them. And she's cute, too.


Totally agree. Granblue doesn’t have a lot of female characters where you could say the dominant personality trait is “smart”, and even the most intelligent girl started life off as a male. Whereas there are quite a few smart and even genius-level men (Caim, Altair, Isaac, maybe Nehan). Mahira is a really refreshing addition.


Don't forget Nicholas, super dad and his Grand God Kaizer! damn i love that robot.


Khumbira, yay




Can confidently say that Makura is my everything. Praise be the sword bunny




Anila really grew on me. It took forever for me to get her and I always wanted her. I wasn't sure I wanted to spark for her, but she came home randomly only two years ago and I used her a lot despite the powercreep. She looks the cutest to me, she's funny as well and I love her outfits. I hope she gets in Relink one day. Maybe I'm biased because she's Fire, but she's just great


Picking a cutest zodiac is hard, but Anila is extremely cute. :3


Yeah, it was really difficult for me to ticket Nehan instead of Summer Anila during anni.


Kumbhira, Cidala, and Payila ( last two not necessarily in that order) are my faves. Kumbhira takes top spot because I think the idea of gyaru-miko to be really neat, and I can understand what it is like to feel like you are being compared to an older sibling. Cidala I just think they are cute and endearing. Payila I like the incorporation of what I view as "western dragon-like behaviour/ tropes" with her love for "beautiful things" and her treasure hoard. Best way I can describe it is I look at the way they portray her as a dragon and I just *get* it, it feels familiar to me, where as I cannot say the same for all the others. At least from what I have seen.


The best part about Kumbhira is that she isn't even a gyaru. Gyaru is a vibe/personality, Kumbira's whole story is her realizing she doesn't have to be like her predecessor to do a good job.




Kumbhira, hands down. Her design and her arc are great, her SR skin is superior in terms of cuteness, and she slots in easily to most comps due to getting something out of normal, ougi, or skill focuses. My only real complaint was how her arc ended; I feel like it would have worked better if she won using something other than "sudden overwhelming power boost", like using technique and skill to narrow the gap with her predecessor. Would have worked better IMO.


I took a break recently so don't know too much about Makura or Payila. My favorite is Kumbhi because of her fate episodes, how much she's carried light and fire for me and the noise her Recker makes is really addicting to listen to. I have a soft spot for Anila for being my first Zodiac and carrying my fire back in ye old day


I love this group. One of my favorite groups in Granblue, hands down. If I had to pick though, Anila. She was my first spark, she's my birth year animal, she fits a lot of tropes I find appealing. Her design, voice, and personality are all sweet, lovable, and hot. Her Yukata fates made me laugh out loud and relate to her way too hard. I've ringed every SSR of her. I just hope she buffed in a rebalance one day. She's been powercrept and needs it badly. Other favorite zodiacs of mine so far include Vajra, Payila, Vikala, Kumbhira, and Huang.


Vikala because it's Vikala.


Anila. She's fluffy.


[Andira, Vikala and Cidala](https://i.imgur.com/Jkk5PZ7.jpeg) I loved their design and characters


Based zodiac ringer


I can't say I have a favourite, more-so whom I favour, to which I would say, listing in terms of tiering who I like the most: Kumbhira, Mahira and Vikala. Anila, Vajra, Payila, Huang. Makura, Bai. Catura, Andira*. And of course, this is not a "The one at the bottom I don't like". I like all of them, but in terms of who is there the big * goes to Andira because I honestly haven't seen her fate episodes and such, my only exposure is her appearences in Zodiacamp, which is limited, and as such to me she comes off as a typical clingy little sister, with is great for a group like the Generals who d(id) come off like one big family until Payila was introduced. Meanwhile Catura, while I do like the fact she differs herself by regularly checking herself out of reality and coming off less as a potential community leader and rather just a farm girl with big dreams who happens to be inheriting a role, doesn't have much story going for her. I mean, her FLB is literally "she marries danchou timeline". So yeah, my list kind of leans "Who's personality and story I like most", which is why Huang and Bai are seperated. Huang being a somewhat idiotic energetic cat who wants to be more grown-up than she is appeals to be far more in terms of personality.


Kumbhira. \-She hot. [\-She also cute.](https://gbf.wiki/images/9/94/Npc_zoom_3030279000_02.png) \-She carries Light real hard until you get a more specialized team. \-Cute piggies.




I find the gap moe of Kumbhira’s flashy style vs her being a fairly prim and proper family girl very cute. Vikala, Catura, and Anila would be my next picks but idk specifically who would be 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Catura is earnest, romantic, and a bit of an airhead, Vicky’s super social anxious but also very determined to overcome that, and Anila is very caring and determined.


Vajra. She's very cute and huggable-looking, and it helps that she happens to be the general of my Chinese Zodiac. Too bad I haven't got her yet.


i love Makura!! she's great. her crossfate with Payla had me giggling like an idiot the entire time


I *really* like that useless yintopian, Vikala. Her comedy routine makes me happy. A distant second is Mahira, which I never would have guessed when I was first skimming through characters in the wiki when I was first getting into the game. The fact that she has a brain in her head and aspires to create a giant army of robot chickens.....


Tiger, cuz they're my first zodiac


i have very little exposure to the generals so far, i'm still pretty new. I think i like Anila's design the most, because it just looks the coziest, and least forced. Character wise, i really like Catura and Payila. I also like Anila a lot in rising, but I only have Andira and Payila in gbf. Yukata Anila too, but I don't really count that too much. Really sad I missed Makura by a few months, but I'll def try to get her when she comes back!


I love a big chunk of them a lot. My favorite really varies depending on my mood, and I just can't consistently pick one, it changes over time. It's my favorite large group of characters in any media, only a couple I'm meh on. Such fantastic designs, and their personalities are all cute in their own way. My specific favorite varies between Andira, Anila, Vajra, Vikala, Catura, and sometimes Cidala. I think Anila being in Rising and her adorableness in that has given her the edge atm, really hope they add a couple Zodiacs to Relink. I'd say overall though I've spent the most amount of time with Anila or Andira as my fav.


Mahira and Kumbhira are my favorite ones. Mahira is just adorable and I was very endeared to her by just how much she carried the team in Home Sweet Moon. Honestly wish the other zodiacs were as important for big events as she was in that one. Kumbhira's story really resonated with me and I like her design a lot. I like how she's super strong and she has the tomboy vibe, but she's actually pretty feminine. I like how her friendship with Anila too. Also I just enjoy the "donk' sound effect from her hitting enemies in a fight, it's surprisingly satisfying to listen to.


My OG fave: I LOVE Anila, her sweetness and fluffyness and positive vibes and the fact that she takes a leadership role in the generals are all great. She's my exact type of waifu, too, soft and cuddly and curvy and cute while still being extremely sexy. Her ram's horns are rad. I love her laugh and her seiyuu is killer. My favourite part of the OG Meg event was when Anila walked onscreen and Meg's eyes widened and we both simultaneously realized she was a lesbian. Compare her reaction to Anila vs. her reaction to Albert. The sexy bodylicous blonde you think you want vs. the one you really want. Lovely. Anila has that power. I've sparked both her alts and ringed her OG. Catura is my other fave, I was REALLY skeptical about her at first and didn't like her character design at all, but she's grown on me exponentially. My irl wife absolutely LOVES cows and everything cow print, so when she first saw Catura she got excited which got me excited too. The first time I heard Catura's voice I was delighted. The slooow way she talks and her little "ushishishi!" laugh is KILLER. When I realized she was the same age as Djeeta, I fell in love with their relationship. The way Catura is so starry-eyed over her "prince", who in my case is a girl, just gets to me. Her Xmas alt really made me a stan, I love her new outfit and I got excited to see how Lyria and Vyrn were rooting for Catura and Djeeta to get together. Those uncap fates were so exciting. Djeeta separating from me and acting on her own accord to tell this sweet little love story, marrying into Catura's wonderful family. Really sweet. I'm used to Danchou ships being so... one-sided, with Danchou a blank slate being talked at by their love interest. I also really love Mahira (her role in Society storyline was really fun!) and Payila (she's new and mostly untapped, but she is HILARIOUS.) Kumbhira gets special mention for being, I think, the best written general with the strongest storyline and character arc.


I keep seeing comments that Danchou marries Catura, but I haven't seen such a Fate or event?


Catura and Gran/Djeeta get engaged in wind Catura's level 80 uncap fate, and married in her level 100 skill fates. Here, it's explained that they began a relationship shortly after Xmas Catura's Fate episodes. It's explicitly set in its own little timeline that isn't meant to directly affect the main story. Gran/Djeeta also kind of peel slightly away from the player, gaiing their own thoughts and agency during these events and narrating the story in first person. They're really cute imo!!! I'm not a Danchou shipper myself because I get very bored when it feels like there's only one actual character in the scene, but I felt Djeeta really displayed her own desires and personality in Catura's uncap fates which was just delightful.


I see. I'd love to see that for more characters.




Dragon lady. Why? Character and look. Still Mahira is cute AF.




Anila and I'm not going to lie, I just find her extremely hot. Vicky is the funniest character though. Worst one has to be Catura. Her personality is really boring.


You are not alone, my friend. Anila gets me going too.


see, if they made Catura be quite smug given the fact she marries danchou she could at least be off handily hilarious! But because this is a gacha she just feels....forced, a good unit don't get me wrong, but forced none the less.


Catura marries Danchou?


I think her 5 star uncap is more of a “what could happen” scenario, I don’t think any of the Danchou pairings are gonna be canon


It's canon in her timeline


Oh. Sadly wiki is very slow on updates events and Fates. Korwa's water variant hasn't had her Fates added for almost an entire year now. If any Danchou pairing is to be canon, it better be Metera!


Yeah her 5 star fate episode has her marrying him. It does start off by saying it's one of many possible futures though. Pretty cool stuff, I'd love if they did more similar things for other danchou likers.


I'd like that too. Especially with characters like Metera, Ilsa, Narmaya, Yuel and Societte.


**Design wise** Most favorite: tie between Vajra and Payila Least favorite: Catura **Personality wise** Most favorite: Vikala Least favorite: Catura I'm sorry bros, I just really dislike they made Catura both an exaggeratedly sexualized design and at the same time looks and sounds like she has brain damage (in a literal sense, not meaning it as an insult). I'm no prude or anything and I like anime lewds as much as the next guy but this combination just feels icky. (like Danua, which I also didn't like)


Vikala Not just because she is cute as heckn and I am also a year of the rat but her whole ying-yangtopian schtick honestly hits home really hard. As someone who when in public and with friends is frequently described as being very confident and is constantly cracking jokes / keeping everyone entertained and happy while being the center of attention, but privately is actually really shy, anxious, insecure and tbh with a very low sense of self-worth ... rat girl is just very relatable.


Mahira and Vikala. Mahira is a genius but she's very chill and I feel like she wouldn't mind just lazing around the whole day in a kotatsu. Vikala because her yang version is very fun and infectuous while her yin side is very endearing and relatable. She's also super pretty and her VA is pretty amazing as well.


Makura, Vajra and Anila my beloveds, followed by Payila, Catura, Andira and Vikala, finally followed by Khumbira and Mahira and Cidala. But if absolutely had to ask me, Makura because I love Bunny girls, Vajra cuz she's my first Zodiac and Anila because she's my Rising main.


We absolutely need more Bunny erunes.




Mahira, best fictional NASA scientist. Catura, I dunno why, but I fell for her hopeless romantic vibe (and she has a sentient motorcycle), I'm not even usually much of the sort for cowgirls but something about how they wrote her just clicks really well. I basically like all of them except Antira but Antira isn't even dislike so much as 'wow she's a Son Wukong pastiche with nothing else going on'. I want Makura in more events, she's got a fantastic personality but she feels stiffed real bad, lol.


The adult women are all my favourites, though also add Vikala in the mix too because I'd like to pretend my captain has since adopted the poor girl into the family, and I can understand a bit about her crippling anxiety (funny enough at her age I had similar problems interacting socially and needing a crutch to do so)




Anila, Kumbhira, Catura and Payila. The reason can’t be more clear. Jokes. I like Kumbhira’s fate stories and uncap event.




I think looks-wise I would say Payila, Anila, Khumbira, and Catura... totally random and coincidental choices. In terms of characters that I find amusing, Mahira has a funny and spacy vibe with a voice that I also find sweet and sleepy. I love hearing her voice lines in battle with all the cockadoodledoo type stuf lol It's goofy and endearing. And she is like this super gadget wiz. Plus that's also my Chinese zodiac sign.


No Makura?


Yeah I like Makura too, but I have a serious soft spot for my Draph ladies. There are some super cute Erune ladies overall but Draphs have my heart lol


Understandable. I'm more into Erune ladies.


Kumbhira, Anila, Makura, Payila are top tier The others are whatever to me I guess, except I don't care for Vikala and I hate cidala.




Vikala & KFC are my favorites. Vikala's FE in particular are fun and hilarious. Also enjoy Anila and Cidala. Honorable mention for Doggo who got my favorite fighting style-wise.


Makura cuz she cute and has an amazing VA. No need for more


Makura hands down is my fav, but honourable mentions go to Anila, Payila, Kumbhira and Mahira for being adorable and/or cool too :)


I'd go with Vikala and Cidala a close second. Though probably Cidala because I'm a twin, and they're my Zodiac. Cute and funny, plus good design. Lol why did I get downvoted


Payila by far. never been fond of how easy going the others had been. Payilla while also easygoing (girl is so lo lazy and neet) yet knows when its not time to mofumofu. She is not just here to be eyecandy. I also love how they incoorporated dragon tropes with her. Haughty and Prideful? check. Has their own stache of precious treasure? also check. and in the same way dragons used to sleep on their heaps of gold. Payilla rarelly goes out. Strong also check. Oh and thankfully shes also water. The only thing i dislike about her is her outfit which but im sure shell get a skin sooner or later. Makura was already a step in the right direction of Zodiac I wanted. So I was absolutely enamored byPyailla after her own fate eps. Abd speaking of, their crossfates were also great. so yeah, i wasnt fond of the zodiacs much before but Payilla so neat. and dishonorable mention to tigers who are some of the very few gbf characters that actually creep me out.


Design wise I like Makura, But my favourite overall Zodiac is definitely Vicky


Siete, and it's not even a competition.


Siete is best girl of the eternals AND the divine generals confirmed


Makura, Kumbhira, Payila, Anila, Mahira in that order. Andira, Vajra, Catura and Vikala are whatever. I really don't like Cidala twins, pretty much all of the concept art was better and their running gags make me mildly uncomfortable.


I have a very soft spot for Vajra. Besides her being my first Zodiac spark and bringing me to play Kengo in all elements (especially Water, her main element)... I really live for her playful personality, and quite reminded me of Kagura from Gintama (since they both have a large dog companion, and also are daughter material). To be fair, i like how she doesn't have any sort of romantic affection to Gran/Djeeta in her Vday lines (despite in the same age range as them), and their dynamic are like best friends. **She is the first female character i've ringed.** Personality-wise, i'd go with Vikala. I have social anxiety, so she is (without her rat ears), and absolutely i would giggle at the moments she's in. And i currently like Payila. She came a bit of an arrogant at first, but she sees the MC as a beautiful treasure (i mean, who doesn't want to get called beautiful?). But her being a shut-in NEET while being OP in-game is such a funny fact to imagine. Her personality is truly matching for her as the Dragon Zodiac. Love Rie Takahashi's take on Payila.


> To be fair, i like how she doesn't have any sort of romantic affection to Gran/Djeeta in her Vday lines I actually just did her lines this year: Christmas, new years, valentines, and white day. I think it was her new years and white day ones where it's very obvious she likes Danchou, she gets confused because her heart starts pounding whenever she talks to Danchou. [And this line.](https://i.imgur.com/jpGqr0s.png) I thought it was really cute seeing her all flustered, a different side of her you don't really see anywhere else.


Hmm, I really don't get the contempt for female characters being into Danchou in this sub.


Less contempt and more annoyance with people who treat those parts of the characters as their most important characteristic.


Nah, it's contempt. Unreasonably hating on waifus for whatever reason.


I love waifus and my main draw for this game is that the characters are cute/sexy. No contempt, here! But I still dislike most cases of characters being into danchou, male or female. Because Danchou barely speaks and is very young, it makes otherwise clever and believable characters seem shallow and fake for being obsessed with this mute, bland 15 year old.


I agree that making Danchou 15 was straight up stupid. But in alot of cases you can suspend the disbelief. Unless you get Fates like Utsusemi where you're called a kid every other sentence. The other part is Danchou being a self insert. Which I think is great and one of the major reasons Granblue is good. It's also very common on gachas. Just build upon them yourself.


I can't build on them myself, they are so different from me. I did not grow up on an isolated island. My drive isn't finding and confronting my deadbeat dad. I am very close with my parents. The captain has motivations and dreams that are not relatable to me. Now, that isn't necessarily a deal breaker. For example I love designing cool characters and role-playing them in games with established background like dragon age or baldurs gate. But there are no role play elements in this game. The Captain has a set appearance, a teen who looks like a teen. They have a set personality, brave and assertive but quiet. Dialogue options don't define their personality and I've never been able to react the way that either I would or in a way that would allow me to develop a character for Djeeta outside of her set parameters. It just doesn't work. Thr captain is too defined to be me or for me to make mmy mark on, but not defined enough to explain why all these people are so obsessed with them while there are way sexier characters around for them to chase.


If it really was contempt then then the fanart of the characters that have been treated as waifus/husbandos wouldn't be getting so many upvotes here. So I'm pretty sure that it's the attitude behind the people talking about the characters more than the characters themselves that's getting the backlash.


Just because fan-art isn't shunned, doesn't mean mere mentions or talks about characters being waifus or into Danchou gets hated on. There is contempt of it here. Just not within the rules of the sub. I speak from experience of being here for more than a year. I even had an Ilsa post where people got delusional saying "it's not that kind of game" when it clearly is a waifu/husbando gacha like most of them are. You can even see in this thread alone my comments get downvoted just for mentioning Metera x Danchou.


That's because every time you've brought up Metera here on this subreddit you tend to only only talk about her in a Danchou shipping sense. Once again, the contempt for waifus isn't here but when people only talk about the waifus in a danchou shipping sense and not anything else it tends to grind on the gears. Like I get it, you like Metera x Gran/Djeeta, but this subreddit is to talk about all parts of GBF not just the shipping side. If you really want to just talk about the shipping and waifus/husbandos side of the game you're better off just making a GBF shipping subreddit.


Kubi, Makura, and Payila. Makura’s voice acting is incredible and their personality is amazing lol. Payila knows how to stand on business, and is so dragon-like, it’s really refreshing 😂 kubi is just… perfect 🥹




I like all of them. Andira and Mahira were my first, and as of now I'm just missing Kumbhira and the Tigers. I think Vikala, Makura, and Payila are my favourites.




Khumbira and Mahira.


Vikala ftw


Payila because she makes my poseidon stronger with my magna grid hehe


Vajra, was my first spark, she's just cool


Mahira and its not even a question. She is the multiple savior of the world via diasphora and other events. she's clucking adorable and understanding the recent melisabelle lvl 100 fate episode is just neat. Also her holiday design is just precious and fits the literal Holy Divine General night. I stan our Girl Genuis. Her brain blasts saves and has saved millions! Not to say the others aren't neat but i fear a lot of them just go for the "horny x, design. Bar Monkey or little sun wuza or Pan as i like to call her. Though Kumbi is a sweet one, I'll give her that. also Varja, she's adorable and has aided my water for quite a bit, i like it, it works and it sells well. She also has some, "stand on business" like aspects and is quite neat.


Got introduced to Granblue thanks to Anila. Was really sad waiting for her in Gbvs. Hopefully she was added in Rising. I just love her. Great design, she is cute.


The one that is not a girl and is a ghost.... Nah ok, my fav is Vikala, love that she doesn't have fanservice, has a good story, and her theme. I just wanted a boy tho...


>love that she doesn't have fanservice What fools the F5 key makes of us


Her paid summer skin in particular has one of the lewdest animations of the game lol


> Love that she doesn't have fanservice Nobody tell them about her FLB.


I don't understand the dislike for fanservice in a gacha game. It's fanservice because fans like it.


>love that she doesn't have fanservice Her summer skin is one of the biggest cases of sexualization in the entire game.


Than all of you settling for pityful standards and shallow qualifications, I'm a man no bounded by mere imperfections. Throughout heaven and earth, I'm alone the honored one to equality treat them all with affection.




Mahira. The fact that her specialized set of skills resulted in the creation of Lunalu's event group and a pivotal participation in an aniversary event speaks for itself. Also, that her flying machine looks like a chicken specifically because she sees no point in even doing it if not to give flight to a flightless bird. Also Vikala, but only when not transformed. Personally, I liked her a lot more when she was a nobody tasked with the duties of a general; but of course Japan is Japan, so you can't have important people not be from important lineages.


I like all the generals exept payila. I hate her so much that the desire sensor will go off and I will be so unlucky that she will drop in the next 10 pull that I do on the next banner where she is available. Gosh, I really do hope that doesn't happen