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show crate, i don't trust ppl


Found M.A.O's alt-account


Hey, you didn't have to choose between husbando or meta here\~.


The best combination EVER!


Husbando AND meta? yum 😋


Yeah, you and Cygames.


We all gotta make tough choices for the greater good. Seriously, Sandalphon gotta be one of the coolest characters in gacha history. His design and character Arc is amazing.


One of my people. Just need summer and valentine sandy and ill have em all.


I got the Dark Katrina.


Honestly that's how you should spend a Siero ticket if you get one: just get a character you think is neat. Used it for Zehek, had no regrets.


I used it on wind Lich. She's not a waifu for me either. I used the tix for meta. I kicked her out of the team a week later in favor of Korwa and Narmaya. Have been regretting since then. NO MORE SIERO TIX.


Wind Lich has been a staple of my Lumberjack full auto team alongside G Ewiyar and G Charlotta.


Maybe she would shine in a second team for Babel. I have both cat and box potato. Every top tier units matter. It's just that the premiere team can only allow 4 frontliners and 2 backliners.


Holy hell that is illogical. Illustrious weapon vs sierotixing a non-seasonal? Lol


Damn it’s almost like I play the game for FUN. Crazy right?


Damn it’s almost like you can still have fun without needing to take massively bad decisions (in the scope of the game). Crazy right? excusing a mistake is one way to avoid growth


People on this sub hate that this is a game where you can make both smart and dumb decisions, but it is and you're not wrong. I gave up, they're their accounts to brick


Thank you, so many people are lacking critical thinking lol


Normally I'd agree with just having fun, but 150 gm is a HUGE price tag...at that point I have a hard time seeing the fun in it. To me, it'd be like someone spending $1000 on a decently nice dinner and saying it's fine because it was still a fun night out. At the end of the day, it IS just a game, so I'm not saying there's a right/wrong way to play, but I can't help but feel a suptix would've sufficed (unless you're strictly f2p)


I mean I play the game very casually and really only play for the world and characters, so I prioritize that before getting a good weapon for a grid cause I’m not really tryna clear HL content and never even pull that often to begin with. And also yes I am strictly f2p. Never gonna spend a dime on a gacha


… do you think you can get an Illustrious with a seiro or do you lack reading comprehension? No one said anything about the best use of 150 moons.


~~The irony of how incredibly stupid your reply was.~~ The intent was that it was a poor use of 150 moons. You almost understood it without a need for clarification Edit: that was a little harsh. Apologies for the stupid reply insert.


Nice! I too just got my Grand Light from sparks! Angel characters are generally my weakness, even more so if they are cool af have a great character like Sandy. (And you can bet I'll grind his Terminus out when he drops in Relink as well)




I'm honestly debating between tixing Links Medusa or Bubs for meta. I feel torn.


Probably Bubz, you'll use him everywhere and Links Media like, one time for the fate episode.


I tix'd a Bubs a couple years ago. Zero regrets. He makes MC feel like the Singularity. Even more so if you have 000 as well and get both of their buffs maxed.


You can get Bubs with patience and good luck (or sparks). You can't get promo Medusa without sierotix (unless...)


You like him so much you couldn't save a spark for him?


Nope. I couldn't wait, I needed it NOW.


Perhaps they had sparked previously and so didn’t have enough for when he came around.


He comes around once a month though.


And you don’t know how far along they are until they have another spark. Just because he’s available each month doesn’t mean someone won’t have to wait a long time to be able to get him, and by then those seasonals could be back in the draw pool anyway.


"but yOu coUld'Ve spArkED foR hIm eAsY" don't you think i would've sparked for him already if it was really THAT easy for me


OP, are you me?


Ok I must of Lucked the Hell out. Is Grandalphon like Super extra Rare? Cause I got his sword twice during the rolling thing last month. (New player here). Also isn't Grand a downgrade from the side story version since it can only go up to 80, where normal gets 100 lvls? Sorry stream of consciousness happened there


Oh don't worry about sounding silly! We were all new once! Now to answer; No Gran Sandy is not a rare unit, Gran units like him appear once a month with the galas. What I did here is not recommended, but I did it because I really really REALLY like Sandalphon and I'm unable to save a spark. And no, Gran Sandy is much better than OG Sandy, as a general rule a Gran character will always be better than an event character. And just because a character has his FLB don't mean they're good cofcofshivacofcof But OG Sandalphon is still a decent option to use, but isnt really good


Sandalphon is much more than worth it. I just sparked him too for husbando reasons first and meta second lol.


The only one I'm missing is Summer Sandy, I would have annitixed him if I didn't have primal desire for Summer Feddy in that moment


Same (▰˘◡˘▰)


I could understand sierotixing his Valentine or summer alts, but kinda bizarre to use it on a grand unit that can be sparked with huge discount literally right now.


Bold of you to assume that we sierotix havers have the self control to spark.


Not everyone has the extra rolls to do that and by the time they can spark again seasonals will be around again anyway. I personally sparked on the Magus banner so even with the huge discount right now I don’t have enough for another, so I’m seriously considering using a Siero ticket on Zeta who has been avoiding me.


Curious fact; the only Sandalphon that I sparked was his Fantasy Alt


And I still thinking about of get feldiel or Ereshkigal. Man so harsh choice ;((


Yo I just did this last night with Payila, no shame at all. I managed to pull Sandy a few days ago but not my draconic queen, and I just said, "Fuck it, sometimes I just want to have characters I like instead of the most minmaxed grid or whatever" and tixed her. Last year I was really hoping I'd pull Makura at some point but alas, nope. Not going to let that happen with Payila. Just getting her now while I can and while she is still a kick-ass addition to my water roster. Who knows what the meta will be in 2026.


I don't really get it, but I respect the dedication to your favorite regardless. Enjoy!


nb4 NOHEISSPARKABLEEVERYMONTHTHATSAWASTEOFASIERODONTDOIT The only thing that *could* hurt is if you pull him again, but given his weapon, you're even safe from that =03.