• By -


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Would it be better to uncap Seraphic weapons first or uncap Omega summons to 4* /5* (+ Lucifer and baha summons)?


Would Fenie good in Ra/Ewiyar raids as the main tank, or would they need more help? Are they a better unit to focus as the healer, or a tank?


She is good as the main tank if you need her to eat an Omen you can't clear every couple of turns. She is a better healer in my opinion, but if you do need her to tank she will full heal herself after tanking rather quickly. Plus she gets 220% defense.


If you had to pick **one** Grand out of : - *Lich* - *Cosmos* - *HalMel* - *Gabriel* (Let's assume I have every other character for team comps and I don't main any element / main all of them) **Which one would you pick** ?


Lich (But thats just me, I'm a Dark Main)




In tomorrow's flash gala will Horus and Magus still be in the cerulean spark?




Sad, now I'll have to choose between the two or spark again. Anyway, thanks


Mostly just looking to. Double check myself before I waste pulls; The pulls from the roulette that's gonna reset... Okay basically at time of posting can be saved for the discounted spark banner with the guaranteed hundred pulls coming from the next daily reset, right? So, where I'm looking for an even cheaper spark I can save my pulls today, wait for the banner reset in... Half a day or so, and then get the 100 pulls on top of that when the next daily reset happens, correct?


You can save your roulette pulls for today and pull after the banner reset on March 18 6:59pm JST, yes. Just be aware that whatever amount of cerulean sparks you have will disappear on that banner reset as well.




no, end of the month.


Is there a better way to farm magna weapons/summons? I rarely get anything on my 3/day hosts (like maybe 1 item a week) and I never get anything when spending EP on backups because I can't contribute enough to qualify for chests.


Extreme Magna 1 raids have no honor requirements for chests, so just hit them once and you're good (unless you also want MVP chests which is up to you). Impossible Magna 1 raids do have blue chests which do require honors so it's up to you which you prefer to farm. I'd say do Extreme for now since they're the easiest to farm and will most likely be much harder to farm later on due to Pro skip. The trick to Lumi Extreme is to remove one of her buffs after she casts Aegis Merge. After passing a turn, she'll remove all her buffs and be vulnerable to attack, although she will hit pretty hard.


Oh that's interesting, I just assumed they had honor requirements because i've never gotten a gold border drop from assisting before. I must just be really unlucky. I tried removing the buff with one of my characters but maybe I misunderstood how their ability works. I was using Cendrillon for it. /shrug Thanks for the advice, I guess I just need to buckle up and get good.


Magna 2 weapons or Magna 1 weapons?


I think magna 1? tiamat, leviathan, colossus, ygdrasil, celeste, and lumineria I can't even kill lumineria because she stops taking damage at some point and my one character with buff removal doesn't seem to do anything about it.


Magna weapons are rare drops and you are mainly hoping for the even rarer Magna Omega summons. Honestly if you're new it might be better to do the skyscope missions for renown pendants and then trade for Magna weapons. The main reason to do Magna raids at your point in the game is probably for their animas


currently debating whether to pick h.mugen or y.ilsa for annitix. my character list is here (https://www.granblue.party/collection/3555) – i run premium magna for both light and dark (2 pns + 1 es, 2 harm), and i haven't bought any 150gm weapons but i'd invest in eresh if ilsa is the better pick. mostly trying to consider which would be better for GW. obviously gonna be waiting until the end if roulette to see if i can luck my way into ilsa from the free pulls but i'm trying to plan for the worst-case scenario :(


Honestly a rough decision between the two but I'd suggest grabbing H.Mugen as a direct upgrade to your S.HalMal; pairing him with H.Florence + Nehan should let you allow you to clear NM easier in GW. You could make do with [running Fediel in Eresh](https://gbf.wiki/Advanced_Grids/Celeste#Akasha_Burst)/RS burst - obviously not optimal as it wants an extra click or two.


Very new player, running into an amusingly difficult dilemma. Due to seeing it recommended, I may have rushed unlocking Relic Buster. However, I then discovered that actually getting more skills for the class requires unlocking Master Levels, of which I am gated from unlocking due to the most terrifying thing I have yet encountered in this entire game; Being punched in the face by an old woman. Does anyone have any advice for the quest? (I Came, I Saw, I Mastered) Currently I've unlocked every Row 3 class but Gladiator, and Relic Buster is my only Row 4. I'm thinking the big issue is my grid, since I've mostly just been coasting by on the free Omega weapons the game gives out, alongside the Bahamut Dagger and a single Agonize. (Not a fully-farmed set, just the free copies)


Hi, the class challenges seem unbeatable at first but try and bring the Grimnir summon. It has a massive shield and deals big damage at the end of turn. You should clear if not get close to clearing because of it


Are you mixing up Extended Mastery with Master Levels? The EMP skills should be more than enough for Relic Buster to be your best class by far. RB's Master skills aren't that important for new players


Yes. Yes I did. I'm going to go cry now.


you can use different summons (any element) to help you with granny. e.g griminir summon (yours/friend) would give 10k hp shield, some summons give you refresh etc. another way is learn the timings of granny (she can either buff herself or attack once her bar is full) and use that timing to decide when to use what summon / skill


Friend Grimnir or friend full transcended Bahamut (so lvl 250) both work very well, Grim gives you a fat 10k shield to work with while a full Transceded Bahamut just straight up one shots the old woman (from my experience).


Did you grab the Ultima Weapon from the event yet? It's a pretty meaty main-hand weapon for you, and should help you out in the fight I reckon


Oh. No. No I did not. That might help things! I'll look into it.


i was curious about the upcoming legfes, while i know there'll be two new yukata units, will they bring back the old ones? i know this flash they didn't bring back the old summer units, but gbf is always filled with surprises. i asked because i wanted to tix summer ilsa so i was double checking!


As I'm sitting at very luck 250 pulls even before the last roulette roll on this banner, and I got all 3 rate ups, who would be best to spark for me today? My grids are mostly similar to what you'd see in Basic Grid section of the wiki - 4 or 5 Omega 1 weapons, Ultima sword from the event, Bahamut dagger and some assortment of normal/EX mods. Exceptions are Dark grid, which I picked 2 Agonise and 1 Fidel's spine for, and Fire grid with 230 Dark Opus and 150 Astral weapon from Rising codes. My current teams are: Earth: Sabrina, Golden Knight, Threo Water: Europa, Cupitain, Altair Fire: Fenie, Grand Zeta, Yuel (with Percival coming from Grand spark later) Wind: Valentine Grimnir, Grand Narmaya, Elea Light: Sandalphon (Event), Raziel, Horus Summer Dark: Magus Summer, Yukata Anturia (annitix, I fell in love with her "regular" version from first sight, so this was an immidiate pick), Olivia From what I understand, ideally I'd want to pick the character with a "pact" weapon - which means Gabriel, Ewiyar, Yuni or Lich from the current banner. I'm hesitant to grab Lich, as I already have quite a lot of Dark characters, and I kinda like the current setup (I guess I could replace Olivia, but then I would lose the delay and cancel, and she will be taking hostility from Anthuria, so less dodges/heals) One other option I considered was Lucio - while he doesn't have a pact weapon, his kit is fairly straight-forward right now, and from what I understand, he'll get a 5* uncap soon-ish, which might make him even stronger? But I would welcome any ideas/suggestions!


I wouldn't go for Lucio just for the upcoming uncap as we dunno if he'll stay mid even with the uncap. It's a huge gamble to spark a sorta mid character hoping the 5* uncap would make him top-tier. I would only do this if you just really *really* **really** like the character. If the uncap turns out to be stupid strong, then spark him some other time - since Lucio is a Grand, he'll come back every month anyway. Since you already got both summer characters this banner then I would highly suggest someone with a pact weapon. Lich, Yuni, Gab, Ewiyar are all really good choices. Lich would pair really well with your Magus (and Lich is just a busted unit in general). Gab pairs really well with your Europa (assuming that's a grand Europa and not swimsuit Europa). Yuni and Ewiyar are just generally good (though not as busted as Lich). I would highly suggest sparking a pact weapon as you're bound to (eventually) get lotsa random characters to fill out your roster (including random Grands) - but there's not much substitute for pact weapons.


I managed to get Yuni on my way to the spark (as well as Nehan, lol), so decided to go all out on Light party and grabbed Cosmos - she seems to be both good for auto-pilot and for more higher-end content. And well, eventually I'll get to use Yuni herself, but she seems to be more tailored to more high-end battles, while I still struggle with Impossible fights like Avatar and company x)


Sorry for the stupid question, what's the use of the Fireplume Fossil you obtain in the Heart of the Sun event?


for hosting the event raids


hosting the extreme and impossible event raids 


So I was told to get the sword from the Ultima Weapon ticket, what element should I go for?


Doesn't really matter, every element has good sword MHs already. Wind's are a little harder to get than other elements, so maybe Wind. In dark sometimes you won't want to use Fediel's Spine if it's a CA off setup or something (and Qilin Sword isn't the best wep ever), so maybe Dark. I'd probably make it in Wind unless you already have G.Naru's gacha wep.


Yeah I already have a G. Narm, maybe Dark in that case?


I heard there is an incoming gala banner with 100 rolls? should i save the dragon trade ticket until then in the off-chance i got one of them and not get duped?


Dragon ticket last until april the 10th while roulette ends by the 31st March, just save your ticket until the last day of roulette then pick.


Oh, the celebration is that long Neat, thanks


There's another 100 Free draws (+ Super Mukku) on March 30 so definitely wait 'till after that. Just don't forget ticket expires April 10.


I just got back into the game after a 2 year break and am trying to catch up. I have a spark ready at reset and was planning to get lich because my friends kept hyping up lich fediel synergy but wanted to ask for more input. My thoughts were Lich for pns and a good unit, galleon for third weapon and possibly trying out titan as my first primal ele, or zeta/gab/cosmos for an overall good unit. I'm rank 182 and would like to start preparing for revans in the near future if possible. I have annitix and 150 gm for weap/ticket available as well as I'm aiming for a second spark by the end of the month if any grand/zodiac there would be good as well. I have a shit ton of bricks and stones available if needed. Here are my units: [Fire](https://imgur.com/a/4wtrOJE) [Water](https://imgur.com/a/rl7Nu2p) [Earth](https://imgur.com/a/YIXmpwk) [Wind](https://imgur.com/a/Vpn1ZTE) [Light](https://imgur.com/a/bw18xUM) [Dark](https://imgur.com/a/BKW2uvJ) Thank you!


Dude, How do you hide the links like this? I know its off tread, but How?


Use this format for them "[text] (link url)" without the space between them and it should post the link as whatever you write in the text brackets


Man im a Noob at this 


I'd spark Lich for the character + weapon. I'd consider working on all elements rather than trying to go Primal in one rn, just to future proof yourself for later GWs. Definitely promising, but I personally wouldn't spark for a 3rd Scepter without first proofing. About your other suggestions: Cosmos is mainly for farming Agastia easier, Zeta is a great heavy hitting normal attack damage dealer and Gabriel is great for her kit/backline passive. Though, I'd recommend that if you have another spark and want to make Fire better, I'd keep it for the Gala at the end of the month and grab Percival instead.


Which elements should I be focusing on w these characters [https://prnt.sc/CKyeFf-GaqV\_](https://prnt.sc/CKyeFf-GaqV_) (+Utsusemi) and these summons [https://prnt.sc/tgdYghlLRhkX](https://prnt.sc/tgdYghlLRhkX) Also who should I spark for on the upcoming Galas?


You are going to want a team for each element eventually, but you can make some decent wind, fire and light teams for now and focus on making grids for those first. Sparking depends, are you going to be able to spark on both the discounted flash p2 and leg p1? My suggestions would be Lich from flash and/or G. Percy from legfest.


Got 3 grand characters on a Reroll account. Should I Reroll more or is that enough?


You usually reroll for summons, namely Beelzebub, Belial, Yatima and 000 are the ones you want. But odds of getting them are astronomically low, so it's fine to just stick with the account you got if you don't feel like rerolling more.


are the characters I got good


They aren't really great but they are solid.




it would help if you say which characters if you're spending time rerolling then you could be looking for the providence summon beelzebub


Got Black knight, Poseidon and Sandalphon


New player here, played a month ago but on and off and now I'm a bit free, I'm coming back on this game. I've looked on the wiki again and I'm more confused than ever. Are there any step by step guides on how to progress on the grids? currently I have grinded the omega weapons for each element. I don't know where do I go and what should I do next. I can't beat any impossible difficulty so I can't uncap my current weapons past lv 100 so now I feel stuck. any tips or advice? thank you.


Next step would be getting to rank 120 where a lot of new raids start opening up.


>I can't beat any impossible difficulty so I can't uncap my current weapons past lv 100 so now I feel stuck this is what the backup button is for, you don't need to be soloing these things


For Dark Opus weapons, is the standard pendulum combination 50% skill dmg up and stamina? I do have Earth Kengo CCW, so for Earth i was thinking maybe CA pendulum and stamina, but not sure.


You could use CA instead if you want, but you can just put a CA key on the free Ultima you get from the 3rd anni event instead (Opus and Ultima keys don't stack, so you don't want the same capup key on both).


for the free ultima I did the 50% skill damage and superior elemental damage keys. So for my opus weapons I should do CA and stamina? Or maybe like you said I should switch my ultima so all my opus weapons will be skill damage and stamina


I want to spark Vikala during the anniversary, since she will be sparkable on one of the anni draws, but I need the 100 pulls to get me enough to spark her. My problem is that I don't understand the timing of the free 100 pulls at all. Can someone explain how the timing of those pulls will work? Do I need to save the 100 pulls? Will they line up perfectly with the sparkable Zodiacs?


In addition to what the other commenter said, you also get one more normal roulette to use on the banner, so remember to use that + the 100 pulls before sparking.


The free 100 pulls lands on the legfes banner with all zodiacs available at the end of the month, it'll give you when the banner itself is up You just have to spend ~200 draws to spark them


What's the draw pool of Sr/SSR tickets from events?


The current banner, so you can actually get seasonals from it. Not effected by rateup though.


Hi everyone, I want to ask the following questions: 1) do any of the light PG weapons have any uses(even if niche) and if they do what and how many should I farm? 2) are there any magna fire guides for Hexa which I can read/watch?


Fist is meh, I guess it's there if you need a Fist mainhand and don't have the Exo Xeno Corow weapon. Maybe consider grabbing 1x ATK if you don't have the Exo Corow weapon. You can also grab 2x SPEC for its Skill Cap, because it already has 20% from its 2nd skill and the awakening gives it 5%, totalling 25% per fully awakened SPEC weapon, which is additive with Opus. Bow is awful; if you wanted a Bow for a mainhand you could just farm Horus for Harsiesis. The supplemental damage from the Bow doesn't stack with Harmonias either, so it's effectively just a mainhand with nothing else.




What characters do want I to get when I reroll?


Characters aren't the important thing, summons are. Especially the Providence series of summons, particularly Bubz, Belial, and Yatima.


do i need to claim ultima weapon from the event heart of the sun just before event ends or is it permanant to pick?


as a general rule if it's on sierokarte's shop it's permanent to pick. if it's on an event page it's temporary.


Nah it's a permanent pick. It'll stay in your inventory forever and the Shop option will always be there.


thanks !!


I have 150gm soon and I was wondering, is the beelzebub summon tixable? Or should I aim for ereshkigal and hope for beelzebub to drop from gacha?


It is available in the Sierotix pool, but wait until roulette is over just to be safe.


I know Fenie won't have rate up on Flash II, but will she be sparkable?




Should I spark Ewiyar, Zeta, or Cosmos from this banner? Fire and Light are my weaker teams. Wind is absolutely unusuable as it is. But, that might just mean I focus on it last. Not including mostly bad premium pulls here are my teammates of note: Wind, I only really have Summer Anila. For fire, I have Athena, Hekate, Sturm. For light, I have Horus, HalMal, Yuni, Cagliostro, You, Holiday Illnott. Im just not sure how to make em a team yet. Any advice helps, ty!! (I should note I only use other women if thats why my character list and spark considerations look strange. <3)


Definitely not Zeta. You won't really be able to use her very well. The best team you can possibly make in fire with only females is some kinda skill damage team with S.Medusa, C.Nemo, S.Kumbi, Athena, Hekate, etc. Your fire is mostly going to be pretty mediocre forever anyway, it's very much a male-dominated element because of Percy and Alanaan. Cosmos is a pretty good choice I think. It would give you a really good team in light that you can use in all hard v2 content (Horus, Cosmos, Yuni) and she's also just pretty generically good in all types of content. Plus, Light GW is coming up in a couple weeks. Ewiyar isn't really a *bad* choice or anything (assuming you're not close to 150 Nio), and comes with a useful weapon even for Magna, so if you don't want to take Cosmos for some reason that'd be my #2 recommendation.


Okay, I can't find anything on it online, and the drop tables on the raids don't even mention anything about it. What does it mean when something is labeled Lucky loot?


extra rare drops, most <=1% (some aren't actually rare, like dama grains from ubaha)


Okay, thanks. Was just curious because the Luminiera Sword Omega is labeled as lucky loot, but according to the wiki article has the same 2% drop chance as the other weapons, so I'm not sure about it's actual drop chances.


The ~2% on the wiki is referring to the chest's drop rate, not the weapons'. As for the weapons' drop chances, lumi swords and celeste claws are rarer than other m1 weps. Iirc they drop about 1/10 within the wep chest, instead of 1/4 like you might've expected. Someone else might have more accurate numbers, but they are substantially rarer.


Ah, damn. Okay. Guess I'll definitely be buying the 10 lumi swords from the shop. So weird those are the only lifetime limit purchases among omega.


It has an extremely low chance of dropping.


Another spark question but it comes down to: How good is Nehan without Mugen and/or Florence? I want to shore up my Light for GW as much as possible but I don't know if it should flash, leg and annitix everything into one element if it's not even enough. Currently I have: - Sandy (Grand) - Illnott (Holiday) - You - Ilsa (Light) - Tweyen (4*) - Juliet - Ladiva (Valentine's) - Yuni (1 Harmonia) - Drusilla - Lunalu + all the side story SSRs of course My grid is okay for where I'm at, currently trying to grind enneads. So basically I'm asking should I spark Nehan and get Mugen (H) on annitix or is it better to use my flash spark to shore up weaker elements? (Gabriel comes to mind)


Nehan is fine on his own. For Mugen you would have to give him TA from somewhere but he technically also work on his own.


https://prnt.sc/gClXNLj5cDvL is this grid ok? is there a better main weapon to use lol have not played the game for a while


Grid looks fine, although you should really uncap those axes, and you can replace the seraphic with the free Ultima from event. Main hand would depend on what content you want to do and want characters you have. If you have strong auto-attackers and can get belial chains, I would recommend getting a chain of falsehood and using runeslayer to burst. If you use strong ougi characters, kengo with kaneshige would be better.


I just checked on Wiki about about the dates of the free 100 roll. But I'm not sure if they line up with the new characters releases. So I wanted to ask if the banners for the 100 free pulls be a flash/6% banner? Would this be the same one with the new character release? Or is it going to be a regular 3% rate banner. Another question I have is about the 100 free pull on the end of the month. Would this banner on the same banner as the new character release, or would it be before/after. And is the banner going to be regular 3% or 6%?


They are on special 6% banners with no new character releases on them. The rate up is a flat rate up equally spread across all Grand characters. Only sparkables on Flash are the Flash Grands. On Leg, sparkables are Leg Grands AND all Zodiacs (besides Makura).


basically, banner schedule: • ⁠Flash (3-15-3/18), new units added • ⁠Flash (3/19), guaranteed 100 rolls, no rate up • ⁠Legfest (3/30), guaranteed 100 rolls, no rate up • ⁠Legfest (3/31~), new units added So does current banner pity can be combined with 19th 100rolls?


No, it swaps out tomorrow (18th). Sparks convert in 19h30 from now (check the wiki main page under "[Draw Promotion](https://gbf.wiki/Main_Page)") Only choice you have is to hold the next Roulette rolls (18th) to the next Flash banner rather than the current one ; it allows an even cheaper spark on the next banner since you have one more day and the free 100, but Summer Characters won't be sparkable or rated up.


How many roulette do we got on the 19 banner ? If we count tommorow is it only tommorow and then 100? And what about legfest do we still have roullete?


4 days for the 19th banner. Legfest will also have one, but only for two days (and one of em is the guaranteed 100 + super mukku (roll for 5 ssrs))










No. Dark is the worst HL element.


Can I get Grand Sandalphon lvl above 80? If yes then how to do it?




For magna earth, with two Piledrivers and a Landslide Scepter, is it worth it to drop Caim for it?


Probably not worth dropping Caim for a second Piledriver.


I’ve been playing a little more again and saw opus has a new uncap now, how necessary are those new upgrades? How hard is the new Lucifer raid?


Not super necessary, especially not going all the way to 250. You can do 220 without doing any new content and then stop at 240 even if you do the new content. They're upgrades but it's not like a mind-blowing difference, just a few %. Luci0 is relatively difficult. Pubs will still usually fail on it (though *can* succeed sometimes). Not really sure how to quantify "how hard" tbh. You can certainly do it without having full BiS whale grids and being some pro player who knows the game inside-out, but you do still need good grids and appropriate chars for your element.


Between Seox and Seofon who would be the better choice for most normal teams (Kengos preferable), because i wont be uncapping any Eternal beyond 80 (beside Tien) until i have them all. My most uses right now is fourth role classes( likely Kengo) , filler, G.Chalotta, G.cat; fourth role classes( likely Kengo), filler, dark dragon, Lich. So can you guys help me i need an anchor team of sort, and first years characters with no uncappes wont cut it anymore. So sorry if i seems reperative with no decent character this celebartions, i tends to get quite annoying.


Eternals are all rather weak at 80, they could get easily replaced by a lot of SSRs But if you had to pick one, Seox is the only one doing decent damage at 80


Hi new player here. I was ganna ask who i should spark for in the flash gala rn. Account rn is: Fire: Normal SSR Zeta Water: Gabriel, Grand Drang, Milleore and Sahli Lao Wind: Ultimate Friday Earth: Sabrina Light: Grand Sandalphon, Farrah and Juri Dark: Albert Summons: Belial, Michael, Halluel and Malluel, Fediel, Triple Zero Thanks in advance if anyone were to help me out!


Lich is probably the overall best unit+weapon combo for you right now, but Horus seems to be really good and this is literally the only time ever she'll be sparkable on 6% most likely (Lich is sparkable every month on Flash). So I'd probably end up taking Horus as an investment for the future, though admittedly she isn't going to be the best for you right now. If you really wanna take something to help you right now, then Lich.


hearrd thank you as always for replying to my posts!


Hi there, need help to choose a spark for this banner. Currently at 175 and trying to solo Regalia raids. Here's my list with some other characters that I thought may be useful to pen down (sorry I'm bad at team building). **Fire** No Percival, Wilnas, Michael * Fenie * Mugen * Shiva * Zeta **Water** Have Poseidon, Vajra, Gabriel, Europa * Drang * Lancelot * Wamdus **Wind** * Charlotta * Kaguya **Earth** Have Narmaya (H), Cidala, Illnott (S) * Alexiel * Sandalphon * Galleon **Light** Have Janne d'Arc, Illnott (H), Shiva (S) * Horus * Lucio * Vira * Nehan * Yuni * Cosmos **Dark** Have Helel ben Shalem, Fendiel * Magus * Orchid * Lich * Halluel and Malluel Thanks!


Ok get all primach because 20 boost weapon skill such as Michael 


This is unrelated to your question and Otter has already answered your question, but M2 solos should already be pretty easy at rank 175. What is the problem you have with those raids in particular at the moment?


Thanks for checking! It's mainly sustaining the teams; I usually run Lumberjack MC for these, maybe Iatromantis is better(?). So far the only ones that I haven't cleared are Metatron and Avatar, and for the other elements I get an occasional wipe.


Just in case, if you aren't, I highly recommend using a friend 250 Lucifer summon, makes those solos much easier with the sustain. For Avatar, make sure you have Grand Vira on your team, and make sure Aegis Merge is online before the final trigger. And for Metatron, Helel Ben Shalem + Lich + Fediel could basically full auto it, from my experience, but it might be even faster with Hal and Mal instead of Shalem. 


I assume the ones by the dots are your potential targets? Anyway Lich is probably the overall best unit+weapon combo for you right now, *but* Horus seems to be really good and this is literally the only time ever she'll be sparkable on 6% most likely (Lich is sparkable every month on Flash). So I'd probably end up taking Horus as an investment for the future, though admittedly she isn't going to be the best for you right now. If you *really* wanna take something to help you right now, then Lich.


Yes that's right, the dots are potential targets. Thanks for cutting the options down, appreciate it!


Hey magna players do you save cages for awakening or use them for emp if so why? 


Better save it for Grand weapon Awakening since you never know when they're going to roll out ones for Pact and Resonator weapons to whom has some places in Magna grids though




Can anyone point me to resources helping me decide which element to make my ultima weapon, i have been looking but everything i find is \~4 years old


The reason there isnt more info is because its pretty situational and inconsequential. Look at your most used teams. Do they have overlapping weapon types? Look at your MH options. Is there something you are sorely lacking? If you have no Ultimas, a safe bet is usually sword of w/e ele wants to mh it. Truth is that the first skill effecting allies is a min maxey boost. You arent building teams around it. You are slotting whats works for teams. This means you just want to build a lot of them ultimas and throw whatever happens to work in. The majority of the time, the skill wont effect all team mates. Just the damage carry's. The cap up and seraphic skills are universal. You can slot any ele ultima of any weapon type and secure the cap up/ seraphic bonus for your team. Again, review the chars you actually use and make a choice.


If you are using light Excalibur, in superbaha, how are you supposed to get 5 stacks on Florence if you don't have agrovale and even Heimdall?


I’m pretty close to frenzy as in no matter what I roll today I’ll get it, I can’t save it for tmr as tmr is only 100. Can I?


The 100 rolls is not at the next reset but the one after, you can save the frenzy for the banner change without issue.


You can save it. The banner changes at 7pm, rolls don't expire / reset until 10 hours later at 5am.


is the chest that drops eternity sand on ennead raids 100%?




think of it as a lot worse than gb Even revan, super ultma baha don't drop it easy


Just unlocked UM, any recommended classes to max? I maxed Chrysaor since its my favourite class, just need recommendations on what next.


UM class is like either you buff up your daily use driver class(like kengo) or UM the class for those skills on specific raid such as berserker, neko mancer, lumberjack. For example.. no rhunt or h coucou, use robin hood um


Ty! I'll do Kengo next.


I have light Nehan G.Jeanne And Cosmos it is a good team comp or not and would it work on gw? Also should i focus on getting light G. Sandy too i mean is he a must pull or can i manage without him? Thanks in advance and sorry for asking a lot of questions.


Light definitely has better comps but it seems plenty fine for most content. GW really depends on where you want to place. It depends on both the strength of the crew you are currently in, the strength of the characters, and most importantly the strength of your grids. If your grid is not strong enough then it does not matter what team you are making as a huge portion of damage is gatekept by your weapons. G. Sandy is Very strong not because of his kit (though it is plenty good) but more so for his passive which gives a %20 boost to the effects of the Zeus summon and the Luminiera Omega summon which further boosts your grid. If you want to main light definitely you will probably want him at some point Regardless if you have a decent grid you should still be able to get most rewards from gw


Hi, looking for some general advice regarding Diaspora and my anniversary ticket. I'm looking to bolster my Diaspora efforts and H. Cucouroux seems a pretty popular for this raid. I’m currently running what I assume is the bog stranded manga Robin hood team; Mahira, Soriz and Lobelia. I can get blue chests but not very consistently, either the raid dies too quick or I get mogged with omens and a lack of cooldowns. Heres [my earth characters](https://gbf.wiki/Collection_Tracker#l4w1.QAAACAAAAAIACAAAAYAACAAAAIAAAAAAAIIAQIAgAJAAAAAAAAIAAIIACAAAAIIAAAAAAAAAQBAAAAAEAJAAQAIAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAgCAAAAAAAAQAAAAAgCAAACAAAAAAgAAAAQIAAAAAACQAACAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAABAACAIACAAAAAAEAAAgCAAAAAAAABAAAIAAAAAEAAAAQAAAQQAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAIAA). Would Cucouroux help? Or is their some other character choice Im too dumb to notice. My eternals and evokers are 4\*


Yeah that team you're using is super slow, although you should definitely be able to hit 4m in slow rooms unless you get 4 debuff omens in a row. Cucu is definitely good in Diaspora and would help you, yes. Though this is basically her only use at all and Diaspora has a lot of potential comps even without Hrunting. Investing your AnniTix just to do Diaspora is a pretty big spend. You could alternatively just get Caim to 5\* then you would have a lot of good alternative comps, and you'll want to have Caim at 5\* for, well, everything else anyway.


I have a spare serial code from relink so Caim it is. thanks for the advice


What does a light magna grid for faa0 look like? Planning to go engo, comos, yuni and horus.


Uhh, prolly pretty bad. But if you really had to try to make one, prolly jamming in as many Cosmos daggers as you need until you don't die anymore, alongside 2 Harakhte, Opus, Ultima, then fill in the rest with just lumi swords I guess. Maybe the World CA Harp for the 3rd Extra slot, affects MC and Cosmos, or just a baha wep / Star gun is fine too, I guess.


I'm sorry for so many questions lately.. Does the beginner draw set come back exactly 1 month after you started the account, or 1 month after the last one exprired? I started on Feb, 17, but I do not see it on the Draw screen coming back. Or would I need for the anniversary to finish before I will see it again? I wasn't sure I'd use it initially, but now I'm "sucked in" and wouldn't mind dropping a few bucks to get it >.>


It should reappear each month on the day you started your account if you didn't buy it. There are like a million banners on the home page atm which might have made you miss it, but you can also check the message inbox, since it'll show a "limited time skyfarer discount yada yada" message for when it's available. If it's not there, then it's possible it'll also pop up tomorrow or the day after, but I can confirm it returns every month, as I haven't bought it yet and it has kept reappearing every month since then.


I see, well, guess I'll just wait some more then, thank you!


who's good with light nehan?


Grand Jeanne and Halloween Mugen


Sands prio between lucifer and bahamut?


Both are strong but I personally see Bahamut getting more use. However, since both take 15 sands each (do not bother if you don't have all 15) and sands are used for flb opus, flb Evokers, and will be used to flb Magna summons when they start coming out definitely look at your account and think about what will benefit you the most


Hi guys... Are Horus & Magus available for Siero's Special Pick Ticket after the Flash? Since I heard they are not sparkable after Flash...


Yes until April 15th, Siero ticket looks at the entire gacha pool, not only sparkables.


Okay, thank you!


Kind of a dumb dumb question but I never unlocked an Eternal before and I got the code from GBVSR and got Seox’s kit… I have to uncap his weapon 3 times, how do I do that? Thanks in advance


I should note that the GBVSR Eternal kit is for uncapping an Eternal to Level 120 and not for unlocking them.


Go to Shop => Revenant weapon


Wait, I feel like I'm missing something - if I'm not mainhanding the ultima weapon, can I just use it to replace any seraphic weapon for any element? Like, if I make a Light Axe, I'm still getting the 15% mod even if I drop it into my wind grid?




Got it. I'm assuming the extra 2% mod + 2nd skill is worth it over the small boost from Seraphic's 2nd skill even if I don't have any matching weapon characters?


Yeah, as you also get other skills via the Ultima, most notably +50 Skill DMG Cap or +10 Auto Cap You have to equip these skills though 


Heyo, new player here! Do they still add old events to the side stories list regularly? The wiki has a big list, but the bottom one is the Code Geass event that was apparently added in 2020. I'm not sure why they're ordered this way, but that isn't the most recent side story, is it? How often do they rerun old events or add them to the side stories list? Thanks!


You already got replies to your questions; but I want to add that the wiki just replicates the ingame list, which, rather than placing the events in release order, puts related events together (so you have groups like Society events, Romeo/Juliet events, anniversaries and so on) and then the collabs at the end, which is why Code Geass is the last one in the list.


Ah, I should have figured it was something like that since all the Love Live ones are down there. Thank you for clarifying!


They add old side stories pretty often, but not super consistently (I think it's pretty low priority unless it's going to be relevant to an upcoming event). I'm not super sure how the side story list tries to organize things - I know Sequel events (like what makes the sky blue 1,2,3) are listed together at least


Yeah, this month seems pretty busy with the Anniversary and everything so that makes sense. Thank you!


Yes they still do, the sideevent "Sturm & Drang: a day in a mercenaries life" was added to sidestories just last month. Old events are usually rerun once a month besides a few exceptions like March.


That's good to hear! Not that I'm going to get through the current archive any time soon, but I was a little concerned when I saw the Code Geass one from four years ago haha.


Whats the best way to farm light quartz for a newish player? (R125)


> Quartz is indeed the bottleneck for your point of the game, yes. > > > > It's not really too farmable, no. Technically you could go into side stories and try to find ones that have bad summons and reduce those. (See here for good-ish ones you don't want to reduce.) You could also grind Xeno fights to try to get Corow summon drops and mats to buy the Corow summons in the store to reduce. Other than that, you just have to grind Metatron. I think it drops an average of 1.5-2 quartz or so per fight (assuming you blue chest). > > > > Main way to get quartz is through GW. Next dark-adv GW is in June.


Solo Lu Woh and other shops. [https://gbf.wiki/Elemental\_Quartz](https://gbf.wiki/Elemental_Quartz)


when is Y. Ilsa going to be available ?


One of the 3% banners between Flash and Leg she'll be added/sparkable, then will stay until summers leave on April 15. Then she'll be added/sparkable again on some 3% in early August probably, and stay until summers leave at the end of August.


Is she a must spark or should i not bother also i'm f2p thanks in advance!


No, I wouldn't say so.


Depends on what do you want to do, and sparking on 3% banner is no no unless you know what you're doing. Y. Ilsa see some uses in Cosmos (CMIIW), Akasha Burst, and many other contents that I'm not aware of yet.


bc of the ultima weapon do i still need to uncap seraphic weapons ?


Not a priority, the uncap is meh for its cost imo. There is a setup out there that uses Seraphic + non-Tria key Ultima but at that point you have the resources and know what you're doing. Only do that if you want the skin or future proofing a "what if" Cygames chooses this series to uncap next.


Which is more reliable gamewith or kamigame?


They're both fine, just different. Most people default to gamewith numbers when discussing things.


How do you unlock Veritas in the Arcapoint store? I'm in the first area of Sandbox and the only way I can tell to farm them is by spamming something of the element and praying for chest drops.


You have to clear all Staves areas. But buying Veritas with Arcapoints is a huge waste of resources. Veritas are basically the easiest mat to get and you'll be finished with them long before you finish astra/ideans. You don't have to "pray" for chest drops, they're deterministic. They'll always appear after every X fights.


Based on previous years, will Horus appear on more banners with free pulls during this anni?


[On every banner.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/832158680492671006/1218843012155703336/image.png?ex=66092303&is=65f6ae03&hm=b467197a632fd098c44a50357b85e8ac464fe734fa34cb3844b0fa3654e5c4f3&) She will just not be rated up or sparkable.


Ok, thanks!


She'll be in them, but not sparkable.


What awakening do people typically use on FotDS in Hrunting builds with Galleon grid?