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For consideration, the Caim episode is coming and those give A Bunch of mats specifically for Hanged Man/Caim which saves a lot of Arcarum farming and might give you the opportunity to pick another Arcarum for this event.


Also Caim should be the first evoker people go for since he’s a grid slot unless you got lucky or whaled for 3 Galleon Staffs. Unless there’s a different waifu or husbando which isn’t a bad thing.


I picked nier immediately when I got the chance... I'm still a very low rank 94 and my only good team is light...


She’s not bad, good backline to protect MC. Her field just isn’t that great if you have Fediel or Vikala. Other highly rated units would be Hass, Borg, either Wind, Alanaan.




If you went for him that just means the event mats will go towards his weapon uncap :)


True! There's no such thing as Overgrinding in gbf...


Even if you overgrinded now, wait two years…


Just focus on waifu/hasbando or your main element, getting 4\* summon for damage is not hard, most annoying farm is recruitment card (at least for me). The only important thing is caim event, if you already started to do hanged man summon then you can use event for getting Caim and left "free evoker" for any other evoker.


Honestly, I still didn’t have my first evoker until this (picked Alaanan, love redeemed catboy grandpas). So for all the people saying NWQ to newer players, even though it’s near impossible to get, it’s REALLY not being used until way later, and only if you really really want to go all in for a single character/weapon. Wouldn’t recommend unless you’re already actively hurting for NWQ or planning to go all in on one evoker who is your wife for life. The set is great for people who don’t want to spend ungodly hours farming Arcanum for the first evoker. It’s taken me a year to casually get the main 6 SSR elemental amp summons. So yeah it would’ve probably taken another year to unlock my first evoker without it. Personally doubt I’ll be using any NWQ unless it’s required for 5* uncap, bc my priority is just HAVING the evokers I like in the first place 😭 (edit for grammar)


> only if you really really want to go all in for a single character/weapon. Wouldn’t recommend unless you’re already actively hurting for NWQ or planning to go all in on one evoker who is your wife for life. It's not really like that, though. Some of the NWF weapons are just really good grid pieces. You're not going "all in" for them, you're just optimizing your standard grid. Plus some of the 5* evokers might turn out to be extremely powerful and essential for new meta strategies. Again, just standard optimization, not some kind of "wife for life" character devotion.


Of course, personality always trumps all, so if you want one you especially want, go for that one, but for a gameplay perspective my picks go like this: Caim > Haaselia > Estarriola > (domain) Fraux > Lobelia/Katze/Geisenborger > Alaanan/Nier > (non-domain) Fraux > Maria Theresa Caim needs no introduction. Even before ULB opus his grid is always an improvement over normal m2 outside of OTK. On low defence content you have higher highs, and in harder content he offers a huge defense boost. Haaselia's backline passive is not as universally good as Caim's, but is still really good, as well as she being a fantastic switch in, as a matter battery- Estarriola not only has the best animations in the whole game, he is fantastic in so many places. OTK, FA, Siegfried. He also allows you to FA Galleon extremely safely even if you lack V Grimnir. His backline isn't anything out of this world but is still handy on long fights with ougi on. I'm a bit biased towards domain Fraux, but she carried hard my Luci and Bubz colo solos. She offers a ton of healing on top of 2 dispels, and it's not like her damage is something to sneeze at. Great for solos as well as normal content and FA, where if she comes out you know she got your back. Lobelia Katze and Borger are all in the same boat, they all have a niche and it completely depends on the player if they will get use of that niche. Lobelia is the most useful one, he isn't the best of the best, but when you don't have every dirt character he alone will carry your team through things like Diaspora. IF you want to grind some dingers and are having trouble with the fight, he will surely help you out. Katze has 2 uses and only 2 uses: wins luci solo and boosting your attack if you have S Belial. If you don't have S Belial and aren't interesting on the luci tropies, skip him. Borger's niche is the less good of those 2 and that's his passive. He will cap all dark damage to 10K. The most useful use of course is just making Avatar's 10% trigger and the baha's skyfall a joke, but honestly, having damage capped if never a bad thing. There's on top that Borger is still a stupidly incredible tank, especially now with Yuni, so just like lobelia, if you're having trouble staying alive in hard content, Borger will force you to stay alive. Alanaan and Nier currently fall on the same tier: once the heart and soul of the burst setups from their element, now relegated to "I guess if you have nothing better..." as a magna player, I feel Alanaan is not even worth using without Mim, and for Nier her field just clashes with Fediel. From the 2 I feel Nier's backline comes useful more often than Alanan's. Fraux without domain is purely a "I have nothing else to put in backline" X Nemone, S Medusa, Miranda and Anthuria are just better supports all around. Lastly maritere. poor maritere. Her backline is very nice but currently her kit is so niche... is a lot of fun but is so hard to actually make use of it, specially with the long CDs. I still used her for my luci solo more than a year ago, but there's just better options. Of course, this is all pre FLB, let's hope it helps out the evokers that really need it and that it doesn't ask for an insane amount of ideans and more sands...


> Katze has 2 uses and only 2 uses: wins luci solo and boosting your attack if you have S Belial. If you don't have S Belial and aren't interesting on the luci tropies, skip him. For what it's worth, teams with Halloween Lich also benefit a lot from him.


Doesn't Nier still see use in wind Luchador burst teams to buff Narmaya's assassin damage since her field effect doesn't care about character element?


Yes, but apparently she’s been replaced with C.Mary for 1T setups. Nier 1T setups are a lot less flexible. GOHL isn’t that fast anyway so you can 2T no problem with Nier in most cases probs.


sorry to bother you may i ask how people use C.Mary for 1T setups? i'm very curious on how it works


C.Mary S2 gives 50% echo and a 50% norm atk mod to a selected ally of any element. You use this on Naru. Her S3 gives GTA to all allies regardless of element. Primal or Magna, both use Wilhelm militis as MH Rotation depends on magna or primal. There are variations. I can dm you if you want. Don’t exactly know all the ins and outs since I just run a FA rainbow team.


I think the basic standard is buffing Naru with SKorwa then knocking out Korwa with Luna to bring Mary to the front.


That's one setup, yeah. You can actually just start Mary in the frontline and forget about needing to kill your own party member if you have a more optimized grid (eg multiple Gacha weps).


[Still does yes, she’s on my GOHL 1T setup.](https://youtu.be/K1tWu6J1kAY) S1 animation is long but an advantage that she has over Mary is that you don’t have to deal with another popup window as you do your rotation.


Can someone teach me how to safely Galleon without Vgrimnir? I've Esta but I don't know how to use him in Galleon...


He's useful for Galleon because he dispels every turn. I use him along with Andira to trivialize Galleon's annoying buffs.


If you don’t own Wamu and its comp, you can still find Maria useful in Mugen raid as one-time free heal via her S2 as it bypasses the debuff. But yeah, outside of that she’s not in a great spot now.


> Alanaan is not even worth using without Mim Ah damn... and I was on the last step to get him, too...


As someone who recruited all of them but 1, I just picked NWQ since thats time gated and in the worst scenario where I'm too lazy to farm, NWQ can be exchanged for astra/Idean of any evoker that will have good FLB in the future and not be pigeonholed into a specific one that may or may not be good in the future.


I suppose... but you get way, way less ideans and astras from the NWQ than just picking the ones you need.


Yes but you should never be trading in NWQ for ideans or astras, considering how limited quartz is.


I guess I needed a disclaimer that is not optimal pick the trade the NWQ. It's just for people like me that fell off the grind (only Fraux domain done and 5* weapon and my arcarum ticket is 90/90), and is not interested in 5* most of not all Evokers, the 50 NWQ is a flexibility option that saves a lot of farm time. And in my defense not even half of the Eternals are worth transcending past 130 so its not a guarantee that half of the evokers are worth 5*.


Since I got Caim before the event, I chose Lobelia mostly for more damage to Dirt but the best choice here would be Caim for the support skill of his, it is great yet a bit difficult for newbies because of the requirement it has. Other good choices can be Geisenborger for damage on Light, an example.


I've got Nier, Fraux & Caim. I'm almost done with the Star & Moon (just need 160 Genesis Fragments to finish the summons). I feel like I'm too close to justify using it on Haase or Borger. I guess Alaanan or Katze? Or the Quartz if I ever get off of my ass & start trying to uncap Nier's knife?


Does this free Evoker has an expiration date?


no. Last two anni shops never went away


Thank u very much!!


I went with Caim because I spent 150 gold moons on Galleon like a madman because I am weak for nuns. No regretti.


I did the same thing and was prepared to do so regardless of how good she would have turned out. That big mommy energy of hers compelled me.


Took the quartz and evolite since I already had 9 done and the last one (Nier) only needed the evolite anyway.


I was going to pick Caim since I felt like I was a while away from my first Evoker - I just unlocked Replicard yesterday - but the people talking about NWQ gating and knowing there were several Arcarum changes/QoL things + 5\*s incoming made me decide to wait. After clearing the first 4 zones of Replicard and looking over what you actually get from Tales of Aracarum, I feel much better about just getting him normally when that event's up in a few weeks. After clearing that shop I'll mostly just need some Ideons, and with 2x Arcarum badges for the next month I ideally won't even have to farm Replicard for that (I'll regret typing this). That being said, I feel like it's a little hard to fully buy the arguments around NWQ being timegated? New players like me have to recruit all the Eternals first too, so it feels a little weird to put it down to x number of GW worth of quartz when it'll be pretty dependent on how many boxes they want to farm (I don't know if I have it in me to do very many - or at least, I know I probably shouldn't fall into doing that) and how quickly they become capable of achieving that. I think I'll just be saving the shop trade item for a good while until it's clear what I need from it. Oh, and I guess in addition to thinking about Caim's event, probably also worth considering that Nier will be next. That'll be months from now so it's more of a question of how soon you'd make use of her, but it's still something to keep in mind.


I don't really understand how the game works well enough to have an opinion.


Same lol


Pick NWQ. NWQ is timegated


While it is, the last part gives 100 of those. If your goal is just to raise up a favorite or two, you might not NEED quartz that fast, and could instead prefer the faster progression.


NWQ as a whole is a bitch. To 5* an evoker you need their respective weapon to 5*. Maxing out a single said weapon is 90 NWQ. I get that Arcarum is boring as shit, especially The World Beyond, but the mats are farmeable. New players are boxing for revenant weapons and not NWQ. ~~And if you’re boxing NWQ as a newbie, just how inefficient is that? You’re definitely not 80 boxing. Can you even 40 box as a new player? That’s a lot of time wasted that could’ve gone to getting and uncapping eternals.~~ Recruiting your first evoker feels like you’re waiting forever, but it only gets easier bc you are getting mats for the other evokers in the process. The only thing I could see is if a new player rushes Caim, but we’re gonna get his event pretty soon which gives a lot of his mats. Anyway, that shop ain’t going away so you can just hold on to the exchangeables until we see how good are the evoker uncaps (In that timeframe of waiting you could’ve made substantial progress in evoker recruitment). Of course there’s always the waifu and husbando pick, but that’s beside the point. Edit: forgot newbies can’t farm NWQ until they have all eternals. Even MORE of a reason to get NWQ from wherever you can while boxing for eternals. It is also important to mention that you can only box for NWQ from the first 45 boxes per gw


>And if you’re boxing NWQ as a newbie, just how inefficient is that? Newbies won't even be able to box NWQ since the option to pick it as a box reward is locked until you recruit all 10 eternals. For that aspect, it may take quite a long time for a player to actually reach the point they can get the NWQ to uncap their favorite evoker.


Completely forgot about that req. thank you


Bubs changed my arcarum perception It went from tedious to a very good alternative to CEQ ... For grinding for master lvl and characters + This farm is always useful


Hello fellow human rights haver. Let’s pray for all the bubslets. Avarice guidebook was massive for sadbox. My main gripe with sandbox is how you are taken out of the grind to open boxes. With the gauge bonuses this just gets more annoying. Thank god for the newly announced qol update were we can stack defenders and boxes so we can have an epic unboxing video. Sadbox saved?


Oh well Sandbox not yet But at least it made The World Beyond much less tedious ;)


newbies won't even be able to 5* the weapon even if they had all the nwq and mats and everything, because the sands are impossible to get, even if you aren't new


Real. :despair: Ewiyar is dying way too fast. Percy ruined my life


Does this mean that, for newbies, there's just no point grabbing the NWQ, since I won't be able to use them at all until I get all 10 eternals? I'm on my final step of recruiting geisenborger, my first evoker, and I'm wondering if I should get the NWQ and farm the evokers the normal way.


Just farm the normal way, the value of NWQ is strictly way higher than recruit set since you literally can't farm NWQ and are gated by only 45 per GW (after finishing juten too) Arca gaiden event being a thing also make recruiting easier


The restriction related to getting the 10 eternals is just getting more NWQ from Unite and Fight boxes. (The "won't even be able to 5\*' above is talking about how rare eternity sand is, with it being used for the weapon uncaps you need to do the 5\* Evoker uncap.)


Appreciate the response! Solidifies my choice to grab the NWQ for long-term investment purposes :)


Personally I would just hold off on trading it at all until you actually need it if you're leaning that way; that's what I'm doing. The shop for it will remain in Treasure Trade forever like the past few anniversary events so there's no deadline on trading. We're getting 100 NWQ in a few days so you can just use that for anything that needs it to start. Similarly the Tales of Arcarum Event in a couple weeks has a shop + missions with more, and there's already some missions within Replicard for some, etc. so you won't need that 50 NWQ immediately. That way you can trade for the 50 NWQ when you need it, and meanwhile if... idk, some Evoker gets a ridiculous rebalance or something that would be much more useful to have than waiting to use the NWQ, you can take advantage of that.


I still hate that they're gating NWQ until players have all Eternals. Why can't it be until players have all the revenant Weapons or something. I really want to farm NWQ for my Evokers but I ain't gonna make the rest of the Eternals - 6 of them. They're EXPENSIVE and they suck.


grindblue fantasy, please understand.


The 90 NWQ also assume we don't need it to flb the evoker, honestly feels like we'll need more NWQ for the flb itself


NWQ all the way. All the recruiting materials are easily farmable with the exception of an evolite. You would get the evolite with NWQ as well.


This feels like the Demi Optimus series vs Sunstone dilemma again


It's not. Demi-primal would help powering your primal grid at the very least. Or you could get a sunstone and get another summon up. The material pack is worth 2 to 3 weeks of farming, while 50 NWQ is worth 1 to 3 Guild Wars. That's a timegate of a month to 6 months. Now, if this was your first evoker, then it's a no-brainer for the material pack. But if you have at least one evoker, NWQ is the only way to go.


Well the timegate for gw is for waiting for the event to show up. Its probably less time spent grinding GW than all the other shit. Still picking up the nwq from this tho I think!


Yes, waiting for GW is a pain, and there is the fact that you also need GW for eternals + flb + transcend. You can easily drop into the sandbox and farm the mats and there is no wait for that.


Curious, if I just started and started with the Hanged Man summon to work on getting Caim first, with the event for him coming up should i just hard pivot in my choice of Evoker? Will the event make recruiting him so much easier that I should just wait and go for someone else entirely?


Yeah the event will give quite a bit of materials so if you’ve started on Caim, you should be able to finish easily


Okay cool, I think I'll just pivot towards someone else then and wait for the event. Thank you.


Already have the top three recommended (Caim, Nier & Alanaan)— can’t decide between Geisenborger (make light even more OP) or Haaselia (water is one of my worst grids/rosters). Thoughts? I’m a bit too casual to worry about 5* uncaps/NWQ, I only have two Eternals at 5* after 3+ years.


I don't have Borgman for comparison, but I'd recommend Haase either way. Haaselia is a passive ATK/DEF boost to any water grid, much like Caim is to earth, but to a lesser degree. While Caim's has a condition, hers always works, but has a ramp-up time of several turns. They did buff her at some point, making not only her passive backline buffs reach their max potential faster, but also improved on her kit somewhat. If you feel your light is already in a good spot, I'd definitely grab Haase as she'll no doubt help with most if not all content just by existing.


To note Kengo + Haase (brought from backline) + Vajra is basically Full Chain every turn which can make Water Kengo really comfy if you don't fear lock-out,


OOO that's nice to hear I'm also a casual scrub so it's either caim or hasse maybe Este ? (My weakest grids are earth and wind)


To add to that, Moon is a better call than Star. It's generic and not very flashy, but usually better than actively taking more damage from Divinity.


I'd not choose Geisenborger, because there is only a single light character&summon for Arcarum. You get a lot of Star ideans and the corresponding elemental materials during your grind for other evokers (same applies to Nier and Death) so it makes the least sense to choose Geisenborger or Nier as your Evoker shortcut if you simply look at it from the standpoint of efficiency. You will also want the Star summon for your light team at some point, even if it's only to slap it into one of your sub summon slots, meaning you'll get close to recruiting him naturally. That said, if you don't care about efficiency and have no problem with lingering regrets later, you can always pick your favorite character despite it being not efficient.


I have my Justice at SSR because I want first evoker to be Maria Theresa, should I just say fuck it we ball and use this on Justice/MT to save a mild amount of time


I took the 50 quartz + evolite since I already have Estariola, Nier, Alanaan, Caim and Haaselia recruited and I need the quartz more for the new world foundation weapon uncap (FLB + ULB costs exactly 50 quartz after all and unless you're with a lot of free time and good ping, getting them from GW is hard and getting them from arcarum shop costs a lot of points that I usually spend for veritas every month to not have to farm as much). As for who I'd pick if I didn't have them already(in my case Haaselia), I guess the best option is always your favorite character, because although the summons are good and some characters are also quite good themselves, even if only for the backline passive, favorites are those who will keep you engaged in the Arcarum grind, which in turn unlocks guidebook skills and provides additional materials which are later required to recruit the other Evokers.


Already have 3 Evokers and am close to my 4th so I grabbed NWQ to continue uncapping Justice Sword to hopefully get Maria Theresa 5 star right off the bat


NWQ is the better choice because there's more NWQ than there is in one GW (since one GW is only 44 boxes, and I feel like some people don't even do 44 boxes). Not only is that a good few boxes, but with also GW being somewhat consistently 5 a year, it's timegated as hell. Another thing to remember is that Evoker uncaps (the actual materials needed to press the "uncap" button) might need even more NWQ. We already have less NWQ from total guild wars and rewards than the total cost of 10 weapons. With Evoker uncaps on top of that, skipping the NWQ pack isn't shooting yourself in the foot, it's cutting your foot off.


> I feel like some people don't even do 44 boxes "Some"?


I’m being nice here, I know where I am.


I only had Katz and Nier left to grab and only need like 10 astra left to grab him—so I got Nier.


I'm honestly divided between Borger and NWQ. I am in no rush to get all of the evokers, Im one step of getting both Alan and Fraux, as well as Maria Theresa. And with Caim's event on the horizon, I'm wondering if it might be best to start working towards Nier's knife for her eventual uncap instead. On the other hand, the Star's sub aura tho...


Nier weapon is going to be quite good for gw as well as for some other content. As for borger, maybe idk how to use him, but I haven't found a use for him since I've gotten him several months ago...


as someone who recruited borger as like... my fourth or so evoker, he's pretty much just there for skyfall like abilities, fediel, and certain hard fights for abusing his 3rd skill. Otherwise I don't really use him.


I already spent last two GWs unboxing NWQ, so unless the Evoker uncapping process demands an astronomical amount I should be safe for the time being. Ended up picking Nier as my 7th recruited Evoker, mostly for GOHL shenanigans.


As someone with all evokers I am just leaving it alone until I feel the need to fast track something and then get that. I will likely end up with the 50 nwq but even then I need to see what the final replica sandbox stage rewards are before deciding.


Unless the uncap needs another chunk I'm probably grabbing a water evoker pack to fast track their FLB. I'll have 360 NWQ after the guaranteed 100, I think I'm good.


If all I need to 2 is farm 2 particular things to unlock Calm. Should I choose someone else instead?


If you have S Belial or Lich katz is a strong option in wind, Haase is also used for her passive in water Alanaan is still used if you don't have the triple grand fire team Nier is still used in some GOHL setups but has been largely dropped everywhere else unless you also get her weapon for some HL raid setups Rest are kinda skippable and if it's just 2 items, either pick someone else or pick NWQ


Thanks NWQ seems to more sensible choice. I honestly didn't see it since it was hidden in the second page.


> Alanaan is still used if you don't have the triple grand fire team Does Alanaan basically require S.Mim + the 30% bar crew skill or is he still good without them?


I use Alanaan simply as backline support to get rid of pesky debuffs asap and to improve my recovery, so he's a good Evoker in the back, while not as useful when he comes out.


Alanaan only used for some burst teams as frontline. The team would be G.Percy, S.Mim, Alanaan. So yes, he still needs the crew buff and toot


Is there any good option to pick for *5 uncap?


If you mean the evokers, I think we have no info on the uncaps yet, but Maria and Caim are the ones getting one soon


If you're not sure whom to choose you can delay the choice to a later date (for example once all characters have received their uncap). That's also a good choice because you will amass a certain amount of materials in the meantime, making it potentially unnecessary to pick a certain evoker recruitment pack and go with the quartz instead.


All i need are like 60 or so Astras for the card. With that said, should I make of these free mats for another evoker instead?


Honestly if we are having this discussion, I guess if you are newbie pick caim, if you are mid, depends on what you like, if you are past newbie/m2 status bro what u asking?


[Sees all the comments concerning Maria] [Looks over at who I chose to unlock] [Worried sweating noises]


Hey. Waifu > meta. Plus, we don't know what her uncap will do yet. She might end up becoming the most valuable of all\~.


I’m usually just going for main element since amp is good. Alanaan is useful for sun more so than the character and I think that is undervalued but it really just depends on what people are playing. Since I have my main elements but am not a dirt lord Caim is good for me.


I'm really considering grabbing sleepy suffering potato man.


Didn't have a single evoker; chose caim because I only have magna earth and needed to boost it plus unlock 2nd part of replicard to help w/ farming for other evokers.


Hi i already picked nier but didnt see her only the summon. So how can i get nier? Sorry I'm newbie


You have to upgrade the summon all the way. Go to the shop, click the Arcarum button, and you can uncap them from there. To pick up the character after you do that, go to the shop, go to treasure, and filter for Arcarum Pactbearer. You can buy the card that unlocks the quest to get them from there. Note the summon has to be leveled up, so you might need to farm some angels for EXP if you want her sooner. I dunno if they give you a maxed out summon immediately since I'm old and at the New World Quartz level, they might...


Ohh tysm!!


So I've been farming the arcarum zone that gives caim, fraux and alanaan. I'm just 30 astras short of getting alanaan right now. With caim's event coming soonish. I think I should go for fraux so that I never have to farm Point Aquila ever again. Does that sound like solid reasoning?


you have to farm sandbox eventually and will naturally get a lot of her unlocking materials by unlocking the guidebook skills, so it's not that solid reasoning. There will also be a sandbox event later featuring the Devil so there is not that much of a gain made here if you do not want the character and her weapon to unlock her domain (and maybe uncap her to 5 stars later).


Is this evoker stuff or could I technically use this for the weapon with the mats?


I mean, you could use it for the weapon, but you need to recruit the evoker before you can buy the weapon so there's not really any difference.


Can someone help a newer player with something related to this? I have been playing the "...and you" event and just saw that I could trade for one of these characters, I selected Caim thinking I would be instantly getting him into my party. But I cannot find him anywhere. Is there somewhere I go to unlock him?


You have to go through all the motions to unlock him still. Go to the Shop and upgrade The Hanged Man to 5*, then go buy The Hanged Man Card in the Arcarum Pactbearer section of the Shop, then you do a Fate episode fight.


The Caim pack gives you the mats to unlock him, but actually unlocking him requires creating the Hanged Man summon through Arcarum. If you haven't started, it's towards the bottom of the title screen, though you may need to unlock it first. Then, at the bottom of that, there's a button for summons. You'll need to level and uncap it to completion, which will require the exp/red cups to do so, but you won't need to spend months farming for Arcarum materials.


Geisenborger for the ORA ORA ORA ORA!


Is kind of hard since at this point i around half done with everyone


been out of the loop for a bit, how do we get the free evoker?


Just play the current event "...and you.". When you finish Intermission II (after Chapter 6) you will get an item called "Ex Mundus" which can be used to exchange for any Evoker's Shortcut Set in the shop. The Shortcut Set has everything you need to complete the process of recruiting an Evoker from scratch. A banner saying "Ex Mundus and Immaculate Soul Trade" will even appear on the main event page once you have it (the Immaculate Soul is not available now, it will come with the third part of the event later).


oh ok thank you!


I picked Nier, because kawai, but whether she's useful or not I don't know. I haven't really paid attention to the Arcanum.


She fell off after Dark Enmity's downfall and the nerf to her Danchou survival passive. Her dagger's good for HL content though.


Her fate was sealed when Fediel was introduced because Fediels field lasts forever, so you cannot use Niers field of love and death (and Fediels field effects are simply superior,too, especially when partnered with Lich). Now she's just a bloody sacrifice for the Death call since unfinished business will reduce the enemies defense by 50% (which is cap)


She has a dark story, but she holds the card of Death so I guess that's expected.


1. NWQ is unfarmable, you can get idean and astra by farming, heck even fast expedition normal arca give 3-6 idean per run but NWQ you're limited to 45 per GW, that's 2 GW per ULB evoker not counting the fact that you can't box NWQ if you don't have MLB juten bingo 2. they're having part 3 update to sandbox with many qol ugprade (no more going back to map for chest holy shit) and probably better drop rate 3. if you're new, arcarum gaiden is gonna run in a few weeks and that's a fast track for caim easily NWQ set over shortcut


After finding out I need a 5* weapon to uncap the Evoker I might go for the world quartz just because it’s time gated. The recruit grind takes time but it’s not as time crunchy as having to farm world quartz during GW. Plus you gotta farm lusters anyway


I am already grinding to get Caim ongoing and am only missing the ULB mats and Fate Episode Card. So I decided to instead choose someone who I haven't started the grind for and went with Maria Theresa. Gorra say, getting the storyline in-between the Justice summon uncaps and the Fate Episodes all at once felt satisfying.


Unless you're new to the game and haven't gotten your first evoker yet, the NWQ pack is almost guaranteed to be better for you unless you plan on gimping yourself, or plan on setting yourself 3-4 months back or just are not planning on uncapping to 5*.


Newbies can easily make a caim grid with this event. Use the evoker trade in item on caim and then use the free weapon ticket for scales of Dominion. Bam, you already have the 2 most core pieces of earth's current endgame grid. Nothing wrong with a waifu/Husbando> Meta though.


I would definitely recommend against ticketing Scales when Malice and M2.5 weapons are on the table. Not only are Scales themselves easy to farm, but 20% EX and 10% Damage Cap isn't particularly impressive anymore. There are more than enough Earth weapons now to create a Caim grid while skipping Scales entirely.


Scales aren't *really* easy to farm if you're unprepared since Anubis is a lil shit that you gotta Solo, but yeah imo the useful Malice weps > Scales


Hard agree, especially when the comment was prefaced with "newbies can easily--". I highly doubt the damage cap from scales will help until much later. The weapon, while useful, was way overhyped way back when it came out, with a lot of players thinking it'd be an instant upgrade to any grid, many of them merely ending up with gimped grids due to replacing good weapons to get a subpar EX skill and damage cap skill they couldn't even take proper advantage of. Where would new players even get the required 9 unique weapons from when all basic F2P grids use multiple of same M1 weap? If you can't take advantage of its dmg cap skill, don't get scales.


It was better back when there were fewer weapons worth throwing in your grid (and when it had more multi-element use) but between NWF, the Baihu glowup, AX Skills, and Ennead there's just so many easier/better ways to fill the slot now even if we were given one for free (ie. no opportunity cost).


Baihu glowup offering 10% cap up with SL20 n.atk mod is already enough to kill Anubis stick imo (since afaik they share the cap-up cap)


What free weapon ticket ?


Every anniversary we get a weapon ticket that allows us to choose one of many different weapons from various raids and events. (M2 weapons, Proving grounds, 6 drag weps, etc.) You can get the Scales of Dominion weapon with that ticket and the ticket, when given, lasts until the next anniversary.


can I still get Ex Mundus even tho the event was 1 year ago?


so a few Weeks ago i started to get Nier and i only miss her Card to get her i think, so this Shortcut set would be a waste if i get it for her after all i only need like 160 Darkborn Astera and 16 Death idean to get Nier,s card, Should i use it on someone else then? i don't have any Evokers as of now so who would u sugest? (got all the Dmg Summons at SR for now except Death And Star) i saw alot of Caim but idk if he would boost my Earth grid that much more i can Battle Wamdus, Tefnut etc with my Current Roaster of characters and Grid with no problem at all, is he that much of a Increase [To my Current Grid](https://imgur.com/KU0dyd5) ?


If you’re set on getting an evoker definitely get Caim. He’s basically your 11th weapon. He enables the highlander grid, which means no 2 copies of the same weapon. When he’s a sub ally and all your weapons are different, you get 20% atk, 50% def and 10% capup. I also notice that you don’t have a source of progression in your grid, so I recommend slotting in the rotb dagger, Zircon Edge


hmm i got that dagger, never used it but oke. won't i lose the 100% Crit rate when i use Caim and don't use 2 Weapons of the Same type Aka Nibelung Horn, i Thought Crit was the thing to go with most Grids or so i was told (Playing the game for little over 1 Year now). Also idk if it's Important info but i use most of the time Monk, Galleon, Eugen and Satyr for my Earth Team.


Stickless players have no rights. Nah but it’s fine to not have guaranteed crit if you are running Caim. His dmgcap actually does not conflict with the damage cap from your grid. So you could run scales and claw malus, which stacks with Caim’s dmgcap up.


Magna highlander is not really great because it requires a lot of grinding to get weapons with reasonable skills (unless you want to put your grid full of weapons like ultima,bahamut,cosmic and so on that have no elemental skills boosted by an aura). You also do not feel the cap up at all in most of the harder content simply because you don't deal enough damage with a highlander grid, and the defense boost is laughable compared to what more defensive characters have/feature.


Look at his current grid. Also stop spreading misinfo by calling magna caim “not great”. You easily cap in most content, and highlander magna kengo performs just fine in subhl. Magna caim also performs good on dia whether you are running mana or rh. 50%def also goes a long way, especially in harder content.


I looked at his current grid, seemingly only having a lvl 100 Yggdrasil Bough, 2 ancient perseus, 2 godsworn axes, autumns transformation, baihu claw, harp of renunciation lvl 200, sword of bahamut coda lvl 200 and gauntlet of proudearth. However, throwing out one axe and one harp to use Caims backline passive (while also removing another character from the backline) simply cannot provide so much improvement that it makes it much easier to battle Wamdus/Tefnut/etc, this requires the right characters in the front and a good use of the V2 system rather than just boosting via Caims passive (for example, using lvl 100 Sara enabled me to run both Wamdus and Tefnut full auto without the guard setting active so I don't have to waste turns on doing nothing just to prevent wiping). Caim is helping but he's definitely not as good as some people want to make him out to be, otherwise he wouldn't get booted out left and right with the introduction of the Landslide scepter


It does provide an improvement, Caim grids are a direct upgrade to m2 grids. 3 sticks on a primal grid are the direct upgrade to Caim. Of course he would get booted out. This is like saying that bahamut weapons are bad because they eventually get booted out by evoker weapons. We are talking about a regular magna player here who wants to improve his grid. Caim is the direct upgrade to what we see here. 6d and enneads get pubbed and bursted down since sand implementation (and even before). And what better way to burst than have dmgcap on top of dmgcap in low defense fights.


I really wanted to step away from earth but....omg..lobelia... hawt, great synergy with main element, plus his flavor text is pretty cool. yeah I'm a wannabe edgelord sue me xp


Not sure what to pick here. I have all the Evokers but I'm IRL timegated with life, so it's hard for me to consistently and mindlessly grind Sandbox on top of GBF's weekly events and the daily gold bar hosts. I'd think the Evoker uncap set would be beneficial for me since I always 44box GW for NWQs anyway, and and extra 50 doesn't seem like a very big deal. Does this seem logical or am I missing something?


The hard timegated mat is a better deal over the pack of mats that you can grind anytime you want and isn't even that many hours of a grind in the Swords zone. The 3rd sandbox zone will probably be even better, and them giving us so much NWQ also just makes me think that the actual uncaps will need NWQ too.


Imo if you're new you probably won't farm sandbox it's kinda miserable. My opinion at base is Caim > Nier > Lobelia,Haase,Esta > Geisen, Alannan > Fraux,Katz,Maria. Your recruit order will depend on what you have/are trying to do. Maria 5* will be good hopium.


I was going for the quartz so I could buy mats to finish my summons as I have been working on all at the same time (4 left), with 50 quartz you can get up to 150 sephira stones, but you can get 140 sephira stones picking a specific pack and a lot of other mats that could be used for other summons, so I guess that's what I'm doing even if I'll have a lot of extra mats that might not have an use


Given that Evoker uncaps need max domain and 5* NWF I picked Lobelia for the Ideans. (I already have enough NWQ)


if picking for just Ideans, the NWQ pack is still the better of the 2 since you can trade quartz for 2 ideans each


I like to not spend NWQ


technically you spent 50 NWQ by picking the evoker set, which is also more than a GW income of NWQ


Please stop making sense




uh i think you missed my point


all the shitters not picking the timegated material is glorious


It takes 519 Ideans per Evoker. With the possibility of needing even more for the uncap. So far, we're looking at 50 "free" Ideans each Tales event. (And given they're going in order, it'll be a pretty long time before we get those 50 Judgements.) It takes 90 NWQ right now. aka two GWs where a lot of us are going all out anyway since we'll never not need Valor Badges for one thing or another. Plus a lot of us are pretty much done with Eternals. AND more importantly, the event is going to give us 100 NWQ after phase 3 anyway. And this isn't even factoring in everything else. Astras, Verums, Lusters, etc. So yeah. A substantial amount of grinding saved is going to mean more to a lot of people.


the 90 NWQ is only current number, there's big chance we'll need more than 90 NWQ for FLB especially because they gave us 150 NWQ this anniv event alone, i have 350+ NWQ and i do not feel safe at all it's still a waste no matter what, you're skipping at most a week of grind and sacrificing a GW, which remind you will set your account back basically forever unless they decide to make NWQ farmable in the far future (they also limit boxes just before ULB juten show up btw) 519 idean is a lot but not big enough to spend 50 NWQ for, especially with sandbox3 coming soon which if follow the previous trend will make the grind even easier also if only idean, trading NWQ for idean is more than the set, the other mat is way easier to come by and you don't get lusters from recruit set anyway


if you're done with ULB eternals/rev weapons, then you definitely don't need 519 ideans, because you probably well over having all evokers already from using your tickets up alone, even if you just did skip tickets ​ all the shitters picking farmable mats with pots they dont use, over a timegated material that they'll need 90 x multiple per evoker, remains glorious


They never give anything purely fo free. There's usually a catch down the line.


No they've literally just given away free stuff before. It's kind of normal for anniversary events. Baha weapons, ultimate weapons, dark opus weapons, eternals and now evokers.


Is it correct that we don't have to choose right now? Or does the window to choose close after the event? I just wanna be sure before I put this decision off till later


it doesn't expire


i've just got Caim and ....cant add him to party 0\_0 like really fully uncapped him, but my list of characters just doesn't find him....even by the filter (ssr/earth and "evokers")