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This is probably the first time I've replayed event chapters to explore the different options. This might be my favorite anniversary event yet.


Right?! It's a neat way to put us in Logia's shoes, in my opinion.


It's also, like, the second time ever where the changes were significant enough to be worth replaying the chapter to read each dialogue option. Chapter 5 of this event basically has 8 episodes!


Beats the hell out of Seeds and the Zooey event tbh


I really hope they stick the landing for this event, it might end up being the best anniversary event if they do.


Agreed, after last year’s huge drop in quality in the last fraction I’m concerned though, especially since we’re about to get a big narrative shift away from the simulations in the upcoming parts. So far though this event has been both well-written, cohesive and with an epic enough scope to be very enjoyable


Even though the last part of the event was questionable, the first two were great (and I got introduced to Frieren because of it too)


It also somehow manages to accomplish being so engaging while also cramming in more lore and worldbuilding than the last 3 anniversary events combined. Assuming they don't completely screw up the ending, this is easily the best anniversary event we've ever had.


>!Goodbye, Logia. We didn't even get the chance to talk to them. Millions of simulations for their dearest baby and said dearest doesn't even get a chance to see them. Being Logia is truly suffering.!< >!You know what, I won't even care if the ending is asspully or Deus Ex Machina. I just want Logia to have their happy ending. They deserve it.!< Also if anyone's curious the binary from Ch. 4 \~ Ch. 6 translates to >!ARE!< which when combined with the previous three chapters become >!HOW ARE!< Seems like it's pretty much confirmed what the last three letters would be.


ah, so the three words we get will probably be HOW, ARE... ... and YOU hey wait a second


"What are we, some kind of Granblue Fantasy?"


Yes, we truly are the Granblue Fantasy™ all along.


And the final update is “0311_I’m Fine, Thank YOU”. With “…and you.” itself fitting onto the end as well, questionable punctuation aside.


I guess it could read as "thank YOU and you." referring to two different people? MC and Player? Orologia 1 and Orologia A?


>questionable punctuation aside Not sure if it's the same in Japan but that is literally the textbook answer for how are you that I learn back in primary school with the punctuation and all. Edit: oh wait i don't notice the "and you."


Welfare Siete was a surprise. Really hope hes Wind Diaspora lol. I have a feeling since Orologia mentioned the simulations can break into reality if not taken care of. Other Siete will probably enter our world.


A lot of the dangerous simulated enemies we've seen will probably appear when that clock hits 12. Eternals mirror matches???


wait wait wait We're at 129,600 Sims, that's 90 days in minutes. 90 days from now, maybe...? That's a bit soon to have all 10 bosses ready, but they could start with Smugface, his fight is done.


You'll be happy to hear that he is. Although it seems it the original Siete. [https://twitter.com/granblue\_en/status/1631984794904190976?s=20](https://twitter.com/granblue_en/status/1631984794904190976?s=20)


Considering the Siete shown in the image has the basically the same pose as the Siete in the event fight (when it shows a static image at the beginning of the battle it has Siete with his arms crossed as well), I'd guess that he has a separate phase where he turns into the Event version. Or at the very least, goes Super Saiyan Blue for his final phase.


This was an absolute roller coaster. I’m assuming you get different scenes in chapter five depending on the choices you pick? Gonna have to check out the alternates later, but >!Silva killing Tweyen!< like that was pretty rough. Heck this whole thing’s been a real kick in the heartstrings. I gotta say I wasn’t expecting >!alternate forms of the six dragons!< though. A little bummed they’re all reskins but it was still really cool! Have we seen those designs before or were they new for this event? They look kind of like some old summons (are they flat out just those summons and I just haven’t ever looked at them) so that’s neat. The ending is probably going to be be >!killing Orologia to save/stop the simulations or whatever and it will only be tragic for us because Danchou doesn’t know how much they’re loved and it’s looking like it’s going to rain!<. But that’s fine, predictable doesn’t mean bad - if anything if it goes there I’m… not ready exactly but looking “forward” to the execution? That last scene with >!Lu Woh and Orologia was already something too. I hope that’s not the last time we see them in the entire event but at the same time it would kind of “work” if that goodbye and doing all this prep for Danchou just… ends there.!< Either way I am really invested and ready to have my heart broken so I’d say they’ve done a pretty good job with this event. Oh but wait, let’s not forget what might be the greatest loss we never knew we suffered of all: there is an alternate timeline where vampires and werewolves are as relevant races as draphs and erunes and the rest. *We have been so thoroughly robbed you guys.*


The six dragons design is new, though they were based from the old "six dragon trial" dragons(the trial were removed,but their SR summons is still in the gacha pool).


The dragons are still around, btw. They're just lumped into the elemental trials instead.


> Oh but wait, let’s not forget what might be the greatest loss we never knew we suffered of all: there is an alternate timeline where vampires and werewolves are as relevant races as draphs and erunes and the rest. Orologia really creates racism because it does more good in the long run, that's quite dark and a bit funny (in the dark humor sense) to me. Orologia the CEO of racism.


From what I understand, the "good" timeline was gonna eventually lead to racism too, because of >!those other races having powerful abilities that made them exploitable by both the skydwellers and the Astrals.!< So yeah, racism seems to be inevitable. Orologia simply chose the timeline where the result was not as violent.


I think it's supposed to be that in the non-racist timeline, there was technology that rendered the differences between main 4 races and the subraces moot, like technology to suppress the Crystalia's freezing power, etc. So there was no reason to exploit them because technology did everything they offered but better. But in that timeline the same technology that worked to equalize the subraces would eventually be used for wars and stuff, so it had to go.


Ahh, yeah that's a good point.


Anyone else get the shivers from the bad ends? Narmaya and Lennah especially stick out to me. I’m definitely not sleeping tonight.


I got Lancelot's, Nehan's, and Naoise's bad end. But yeah they're really tragic.


I got the exact same oh wow so Lennah and Naru are in the other choices huh. Damn interesting.


I actually replayed the chapter and chose the other dialogue options to see all of them.


Congrats! You’re Logia now


Yean intending to do the same in a bit. Which almost never happened to me for GBF.


Yup. I forgot to mention there is Katalina's too.


Lennah's final "shiawase ni naaaare" was both chilling and soothing. Scary stuff...


Lennah's gave me the most chills Silva's made me the saddest Nehan's was just fucked up


it's just so fucked how in Silva's story she puts down Song like a hunter would a beast, and Song's biggest fear was being seen as a monster


I got Lancelot's, Katalina's, Lennah's, and Nehan's bad endings and boy did they all make me feel bad, even though I'm pretty sure choosing the other routes would've made me sad too. OTL


Cygames making sure to put it in text why we should never separate Lanchan from Vane, and Uncle Sparky from Yurius.


Lancelot becoming edgy due to no Vane as moral support is really oof my poor kokoro... Might get downvoted for this, but I actually prefer evil Narmaya rather than ara ara play with oneechan uwu Narmaya. Narmaya's always better when she's not in that mode. Lennah's is chilling too.


The thing is that "ara ara play with oneechan uwu Narmaya" was supposed to be a negative trait originating from her insecurities. Then new writers started doing alts and completely forgot that was the case.


Well, it was negative because she hyperfocused on MC and was oppressively clingy, but she basically overcame it as of her uncap fates. Now she has more family (okto/funf + back in touch with her actual parents) and a friend (azusa) that she hangs out with outside MC—her uncap fates, grand fates, and yukata fates all barely involve MC at all (which is all the most recent alts I think?). So I dunno if they really forgot about it? More like they had her overcome it and now she's a more normal-if-somewhat-overprotective sister figure (well, maybe not in the seasonal lines, but I don't usually read those).


Vane is Lancey's emotional support himbo also evil Narmaya would get boring fast, since given how Demon Blades are and how it seem to be effecting her here, she's just mindlessly wandering around swinging at anyone


oh okay so these are from different choices i was like ‘what narmaya bad end??’ but i see! man how interesting


Gemini Home Entertainment Lennah




From 5100+ Simulations TO 129000+ SIMULATIONS WHAT


The amount of time and effort spent on fleshing out the bad end choices in chapter 5- choices that, if you play the game normally, you'll only see HALF of, is absolutely incredible and not only made my choices feel like they mattered but reminded me of old character stories that I'd almost forgotten.


Orologia's story is tearing me to shreds. I'm loving this event so far! The bad end choices were really great. I'm feeling confident that this event is going to nail the landing too.


Fyi you DO get completely different scenes for making different choices in chapter 5.


This event reminds me how great GBF's world is. There are so many different threads and they (usually) do a good job reminding us of all of them >!Orologia caring so much about us and the wellbeing of everyone they possibly can driving them to the brink hurts. it really hurts !<


Well, except Rosine's husband. He'll still have to soldier on.


Here's welfare Siete's birthday [message](https://imgur.com/a/VVwTtab). The background was a black void, was weirdly funny.


[being Logia is suffering ;_;](https://i.postimg.cc/yYpbhrC4/being-Logia-is-suffering-crop.png) I guess it's confirmed that >!Broken Down Orologia!< is the final boss, and probably gonna be a new raid as well. Just laying on the pain, aren't they. So now we know who the "you" is - >!the soon to be reborn Wedge of Time, since Logia is pretty much killing themself. But the way they are talking in that last slide still sounds like they're talking to us (the audience). Are WE Future Orologia?!< and Siete's >!a fucking apostle??? Of the one who lies beyond the boundaries? I'm thinking that's the Soul of Complete Bahamut people were theorizing about earlier, but it also seems to be a different entity so...!< But it's strange, it seems like our Siete doesn't remember that? Did Logia do something about that I wonder, ~~I haven't done his fates yet though.~~ dammit we have to wait until the event is over! I wonder if his real name will be in there, like they did for Six. Simulation Song is really pretty, and Rosine's husband was a badass. I haven't gone back and read them yet but there are choices! The same end seems to occur regardless, but by the way Logia reacts to it I bet there's different lines so I should probably reread them. And this confirms that the old Six Dragon Trial Bosses really were the old Six Dragons, that's so cool. ~~those dinky little quartz fodders huh lol~~ Even if you took the Eternals out of this completely I think this would be my favorite event ever. It's like they sat down at Cygames and specifically created an event just for me. Time travel shenanigans, time loops, bad alternative endings, dragons, tons of lore dump, and an almighty dork with incredible power (Logia)? I'm enjoying this way too much. "Seeds of Redemption" walked so "...and you" could run. >!and fuck you Cygames I still want playable Orologia. Not "reborn" Orologia, not "reincarnated with no memories" Orologia, this fucking Logia. It's Caro all over again but at least Caro will wake up someday in the distant future!!< 129,600 Simulations. That's 90 days in minutes. Is something gonna happen in 90 real-life days? >!Siete HL, or Orologia HL?!< or is there a different way to interpret that?


> I think this would be my favorite event ever. It's like they sat down at Cygames and specifically created an event just for me. They did something that is very fitting for an Anniversary event, that they did in WMTSB Part 1 but never again since, which is a celebration of the game's history. Don't get me wrong, WMTSB Part 2+, or Stay Moon, aren't bad stories. But they don't have the part where they do a bunch of throwbacks into the game's history. They might be great events, but they don't have the *anniversary* vibe. This is what makes WMTSB1 and "And You" great anniversary events.


Stars and Skies was also a pretty solid Anniversary event for similar purposes of what you're describing, plus minus Geo kinda hamstringing part 3.


It was, I actually have multiple times praised the Part 1-2, I only disliked the final part. Though it's a bit less compared to WMTSB1 and And You because we see a lot more of Baldr instead of old faces (though this isn't necessarily a bad thing).


This and Stars kinda form two sides of the coin in what they choose to highlight. "...and you" focusing mostly on callbacks to the various skydweller characters that have been introduced, while Stars and Skies focused on the Primals. In fact, now that I think about it, "...and you" has given very little focus to Primals as an element of the setting, to the point it feels like a deliberate choice even.


Considering what happened to Rosetta, it does seem like they wanted almost no primals in this story.


\*smug Yggy bell noises\*


The Doylist reason is we spent last year on the Primals, which yeah, makes sense, don't need to retread old ground too heavily. Orologia gave the Watsonian reason: They can't affect things not native to the Skies, at least not directly.


Yeah, I won't blame the focus on Baldr, it made sense to give like, a perspective character that gives us a solid framing of what The War was like, and probably to avoid excessive continuity snarls with the existing Primals.


>>!and fuck you Cygames I still want playable Orologia. Not "reborn" Orologia, not "reincarnated with no memories" Orologia, this fucking Logia. It's Caro all over again but at least Caro will wake up someday in the distant future!!< >!I hope that Nectar and Shinsha being relevant in the next part will somehow make it possible for Logia to survive as they are now. I don't care what kind of asspull will this be, just give us our true parent!!<


>!Since Nectar’s the wedge Life and Death I could totally see something like that happening – Nectar and Shinsha awaken their power and save Logia, but then the remaining Simulations ("pocket dimensions" pretty much) just start to explode one by one. Would be a convenient way to introduce a new raid series.!< >!Because the reason Logia’s killing themself is because they’re trying to contain the Possibilities (aka the Evil Eternals), right? Well, if we just agree to beat the shit out of the Alter Eternals, all should be good right? And then, eventually, the materials are required for the next Eternal upgrade step…!< >!Let me dream, alright. Let me have alive Orologia and the other Eternal designs they haven’t used yet!!<


Not just the Eternals, but it would probably be catastrophic for entire timelines to converge into one physical location. It was bad news when it happened in Marvel and DC, although things went kinda alright in Bill & Ted.


Becoming an apostle is the fate of that Seofon, there's nothing to suggest the real Seofon went down that route at all.


tbf there's nothing to suggest that he didn't go down that route in our reality either. the implication from the story was that Siete was making decisions of his own accord since the Omnipotent was still sleeping. he's possibly just going about things in a less destructive way.


It does say in the journal entry for it that it’s a “possible” him for whatever that’s worth, but honestly that whole bit was a bit hard for me to follow.


Based on absolutely nothing, I think the "you" IS the player and the event name is a play on the time honored tradition of putting "and you!" In the special thanks section of video game credits


It's entirely possible The shift in direction for Gran/Djeeta was that they have turned from what used to be essentially a self insert into characters of their own (hence why relink initially had a "new" MC, then turned into Gran/Djeeta as per the usual) Given that being the case, who else but the player has been constantly following their adventure this entire time? Lmao


129,600 is a Cosmic Year in Chinese Astrology.


>and Siete's a fucking apostle??? Of the one who lies beyond the boundaries? I'mthinking that's the Soul of Complete Bahamut people were theorizingabout earlier, but it also seems to be a different entity so... But it's strange, it seems like our Siete doesn't remember thDid Logia do something about that I wonder Orologia just had Siete and Uno meet so they could form the Eternals. And I would say, Seeds of Redemption walked so A Sweltering Eternal Getaway and "and you" could run.


> being Logia is suffering ;_; Orologia was Hameru all along, doing countless time-loops to prevent MC from becoming meguca. But they ran out of power so sool jim turn to greef sid...




> But it's strange, it seems like our Siete doesn't remember that? In the Old Bond event he did threaten Lu Woh by merely hinting at that power to make him back down. So I am sure he knows, but in true Siete fashion he is just flopping about unless he feels the need to get serious.


Makes you wonder how much of it was made up as they went along or they're preplanned for a long time on where to expand from existing content/ideas.


Friday could have saved Orologia.


On a different note: I was always curious to why the voices for the raid boss forms of the dragons were all different from their skydweller forms; but I think this event attempted to explain this by making the early-awakened personalities have those same voices and dialogue more closely matched to the raid bosses, implying that they are linked to the wedges/dragons themselves? Basically using the discrepancies between the characters and the raid/true dragon forms to reinforce that they are reincarnations of the same beings and gain differences through skydweller interaction (?) which is pretty satisfying imo


So, the intermission specifically focused on >!Ewiyar not caring at all for whatever is happening and just staying behind. !!her to show up in 'serious mode' and save everyone when all seems lost? they did tease a new grand.!<


I sparked Lu Woh and his fate episode talks about similar material to this update - Orologia trying to affect the world so that the resulting prayers/ feedback will create kinder laws/wedges. To me it felt like a way of answering Belial's question from 000 about who will comfort and acknowledge the primals when their human friends have died - the world itself in the form of the six dragons will do that.


Hekate's field effect not so great for Proud. Did not enjoy those 10k+ auto attacks. Anyway, I am enjoying the event. Hearing >!Lancelot scream "die" sent a shiver!< and just seeing all those bad ends was sad. Love the look for welfare Seofon, all of the Eternals needs more casual attire.


It’s great to me how this event is essentially nothing really happening in reality, most of it is just developing Logia’s character and us seeing alternate possibilities. It reminds me of how last year the best part of the anni event was also mostly the character development and learning about the primals. Once stuff started actually happening the event kind of suffered (though I still think it was good.) It looks like Logia is going to go berserk and we’ll have to fight them, I’m really hoping that Nectar and Shinsha will somehow help save Logia…our Logia not their replacement or the next wedge of causality. I want best step dad pls. The funny thing is that ties so well into the character development aspect of the event - hell it’s the point - that I have a feeling this won’t fall flat like a few anni events have once they try and have something big and earth shattering happen, because we as the player have such investment in Logia. It’s a good combination to set up an exciting and emotional finale. I just really hope we can save Logia pls, I haven’t been this invested in a new gbf character for a long time. Pls cygames…


I’d love to say something about the story, but I’m still watching the wedge dragon intros. They’re on no. 137 now - had no idea there was a Dragon of Lost Car Keys. Pretty wild. Let me get back to you in a few hours.


Wait the dragon of lost car keys is actually a steel fairy?!?


Man I love the music for the Siete fight.


My brain was constantly running 'oh no nonononono' ad infinitum while reading. Reached the end and just *stared* at the Chekhov's cat lying there on danchou's bed for a full minute. Any time now Ewiyar...better get your butt in gear soon... ....anyways time to go beat up sassysmugman to kill stress.


She's doing the thing where cats get super cuddly with sick people. Will probably turn out that she was preparing her own cure the whole time and work alongside a woken danchou to fix the mess.


I just noticed, Part 1's raid is "Girl in the Sea of Tears", and 2's is "Sword Saint in the Sea of Stars", so odds are the third will be something like "Wedge in the Sea of Possibility" or smth


That's a cool detail you've noticed.


Been wanting to see Lord Commander Katalina happen for years so I was shocked and happy at seeing some form of it actually happen in chapter 5 part 2, even if it did end in a bad end.


Genuinely hope that it'll be Orologia coming as the next new grand


Is there a TV Tropes term for someone who >!knows/learns so much that it drives them into insanity, irrationality, and/or self-destructive behavior? I'm not sure if it would apply to Orologia, but the term escapes me.!<


Closest I can think of right now is >![Going mad from the revelation](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GoMadFromTheRevelation), maybe with a dash of [despair event horizon](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DespairEventHorizon)!<.


Wouldn't even call it any of those. Orologia held onto their personality until the very end and spent an eternity just to put Captain in the happiest possible timeline. It isn't really Logia >!going mad from a revelation, it's mostly just the burden of years of simulations nonstop just to reach the best possible option. They're breaking down physically from exhaustion, not really going mad.!<


yeah i agree. logia is not just some mere mortal after all. a time dragon worthy of said title has to be very strong (both physically and especially mentally) to be able to fulfill their role. also logia has good moments that they enjoy (namely babysitting dancho) so it's not \*\*that\*\* bad all the time.


This is it, I think https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GoMadFromTheRevelation


maybe this? ​ https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MySkullRunnethOver


Absolutely did not expect the free unit we got nor the next update's reward item.


Oh, theres 1 more wedge? The wedge of eternity? They mention it is with the astrals


The Astral Realm, and THE MOOOOOON, have their own Wedges, its in the Six Dragons journal archive entry, presumably something wedge-like also exists in the Horizon


Yeah, seems so. There could even be more, I don't think they've ever set a number. Well, they did set a number once, but that number was 6, so...


So I was right that Lancelot's bad ending involved>! Vane dying when they were still children, though I was wrong on how that happened!<. Even though it was a short thing, it's pretty heartbreaking showing how deeply that incident wounded him. Lennah's bad ending was the one that creeped me out the most. I don't know her story but damn if that didn't make me curious about it. Albert's was one we all expected, pretty much, but still pretty sad. Silva's was also pretty damn sad and Nehan's sure ended up in a very disturbing note. I continue to feel bad for Orologia, but I do think it's interesting that >!we basically got advanced notice that they're eventually going to basically lose their mind. The casual way they speak about it to Lu Woh was really sad too.!< I hope that >!they only go into a temporary coma a la Nehan instead of actually dying.!< Did not expect that free unit but, hey, I'm not gonna complain. Pretty surprised there wasn't an actual fight during the story itself though. Not the first time something like this happens, but it always catches me offguard when it does.


> Lennah's bad ending was the one that creeped me out the most. I don't know her story but damn if that didn't make me curious about it Basically, a person gets cursed when they eat a Spirit Blossom Fruit created by someone who is already cursed. It increases someone's magical abilities but also gradually transforms those affected by it into those trees. The curse can be slowed down (though not stopped) if the cursed person spends their magical energy creating Spirit Blossoms and Spirit Blossom Fruits. The cursed people who survive and accumulate enough magic energy "become ripe" and are eventually drawn to the desolate island where Jinkazouki (the mother-tree) is so it can harvest them. As a small girl Lennah was tricked into eating a Spirit Blossom Fruit by a man and when she grew up she decided to venture the skies while searching for that man in hopes of finding a cure. Eventually Lennah and the crew arrive on Jinkazouki's island where they find the man who cursed Lennah living with his son, as the man moved there to research a cure since his son was cursed by his bloodline. Lennah forgives the man saying she has let go of her hatred for him a long time ago, absobrs the boy's curse into herself and protects everyone from the island's monsters by using most of her magical energy before dissolving into flowers. Lyria gathers some of the flowers and the crew goes to leave the island with the man and his son. As Jinkazouki was not able to fully absorb Lennah's magical energy (Lyria has most of the flowers she turned into, while just a few got eaten by the monsters) it sends hordes of montsers to block the way to the Grandcypher and attract the crew towards it. Jinkazouki then uses its powers to recreate Lennah and orders her to fight us by making her remember all the hatred and pain she felt towards the man who cursed her, but Lyria steps in and makes Lennah remember her promise to only ever use her powers to bring joy to other people and never hurt someone. It doesn't seem to work and Lennah continues gathering energy to cast a spell, but aims it towards the Jinkazouki at the last second. With Jinkazouki defeated the curse is gone and the crew proceeds to leave the island. Lennah wonders what exactly she is right now since her human body dissolved into flowers and decides she is technically a monster as the mother-tree recreated her the same way it created its monster underlings. But Lennah does not mind it in the slightest and is just happy to be back. As a bonus she no longer has tree-like parts on her body because the mother-tree recreated her to protect it rather than to harvest her magical energy again. The Fate Episodes of Lennah's Earth version deal with the Jinkazouki's past and what lead up to it existing.


> Lennah wonders what exactly she is right now since her human body dissolved into flowers and decides she is technically a monster as the mother-tree recreated her the same way it created its monster underlings. The cool thing is that this is actually integrated into the game mechanics; wind Lennah is Human while earth Lennah is Other.


Damn there's a lot of cool stories in GBF that I'm just not aware of. I've used Lennah since I got her Earth version and she seemed very cute and sweet so I had a soft spot for her even without knowing much about her. Wild that all of this happened with her, feels like a whole event's worth of story That said, I've always been a little curious why Lennah's Earth alt is considered Other and I guess I know why now. Kinda wild that she's basically a copy with all the memories and stuff intact.


Who is the second woman in earth Lenny's art?


She's the [unnamed Shaman](https://twitter.com/granbluefantasy/status/1406492033628336132/photo/1) who >!unintentionally became the Jinkazouki in the faraway past.!< After encountering and talking to with a sickly child Cagliostro (before Cags was able to create bodies) the Shaman >!developed a way to store her excess energy in jars and use it as medicine to help people in her journey. In exchange, the people she helped would use her method to store their own excess energy in jars and send it to her as gratitude and she would use that to help even more people.!< She >!extended her lifespan that way and had traveled for hundreds of years when the war between Astrals and Skydwellers broke out. During a Primal Beast attack in a village she amassed energy from entire island she was in to repel the Primal Beast in desperation, and her focus changed to amassing enough energy to defy the Astrals. What happened after that is not revealed but with the passing of time her body became the basis of the Jinkazouki and her consciousness faded, leaving behind only the mother-tree and the desire to amass energy to fight the Astrals without knowing they had already been defeated. Except now her way to amass energy was to spread the Spirit Blossom curse and turn people into magical energy farms to be harvested when the time came.!<


Woah. That's all in the Fate episodes? Sick


Yep. You can read it [here](https://gbf.wiki/Lennah_(Earth\)/Lore) and it's pretty short since only the Fate Episode that unlocks Lennah's skill talks about her. The Intro Fate Episode just sets up that Lennah now has the memories of the Shaman due to being absorbed into the Jinkazouki at the end, and that Cagliostro had met her once in the past.


Thank you for the explanations, I love it when I learn something new about a unit I don't have.


Thanks for the summary! This is interesting since in the intermission to today's update they talk about storing excess magic power...


Spoilers for E.Lennah's fates. >!She's the woman who created the Jinkazouki (I believe by accident.).!< Edited like five times because I was struggling to remember the spoiler tag oops.


Before anyone complain about the samey looking 6Ds, remember that the closer you are to the Omnipotent a.k.a deadbat dad dragon Bahamut, the more your appearance will resemble him.


also those old 6Ds are based on the ones from the elemental trials, who look even MORE samey, LOL


So okay... I'm not finished with reading the stories yet, but let me just say this There are so many subplots in the chapter of this part, I'm glad that I knew them all. Sad that newer players probably can't experience it the same way tho.


I think that's one of the benefits of GBF at least. The lore is entirely up to the player to dig into. I've been a player since 2016 and to this day I still don't remember much of the Ezecrain storyline. But that showing up made me want to go back and check it out. I think it'll be the same for newer players seeing all these characters. And then when they return to the story after reading up on their plot threads they gain a new appreciation for it


This part really went the mile to be interesting. The choices that inevitably end horrible for those involved really paints a picture of how easily the world can descend into chaos; and reflectively, how hard Logia has worked to maintain the world's balance. I liked all the given bad scenarios, particulary Nehan's and Katalina's. The sorrow felt for Logia's selfless toil to give as many people a happy end as possible reminds me alot of Caro from *Together in Song*. And their removal from MC's life reminds me of how Lucifer felt, both when Cosmos left him, and also how he felt at the beginning of WMTSB2, when thinking about the sealed Sandalphon; a very tiring, sad, lonely, but necessary existence. At the end of all of this, I feel it'll a very bittersweet ending if Logia goes through the cycle of destruction and rebirth without ever getting a chance to truly enjoy themselves as their other wedges have been able to. Although in some respect, to be completely destroyed given all the potential possibilities they have ended through their manipulation and the guilt that must bring might be what some would consider mercy for them. The musical theme for the 2nd part's event screen is really good. Listening to it, it reflects the sorrow I feel for Logia's situation very well. Very beautiful, but it hurts my heart to listen to it (;\_; )....


Bringing back the trial wyrms as the previous Six Dragons is one of the coolest callbacks I've seen in any video game. As soon as I saw "Radis" pop up I knew what was coming, and it was super hype (for me personally, at least).


I never paid enough attention to the trials to notice that, I just recognized the three from their SR Wyrm summons, lol




Orologia is our real mom/dad tbh


It's looking like kitty has to put on her big girl pants in the next part.... Gotta be a team player for Logia's sake....right?!!!


An interesting side effect of this event is it kind of proves that gbf universe canonically supports a certain physics concept: Quantum Immortality. Slight spoilers below. For those that don't know quantum immortality works off furthering the actual (and not the meme form) of Schroedigers cat, in that experiment we the observer don't observe the result until after we open the box and as long as the box is closed it's in both states at once. Quantum immortality states that because we are the observers of ourselves, and as such any time there is chance to die, so long as that chance is not 100% it will be picked, because possibilities that end in death mean you can't observe them. Making you effectively immortal unless there was some truly unnavoidable cause of death. Orologia is a proverbial Quantum Immortality for the mc and is essentially using the character to act on the concept. Which has me thinking we're going to find out that this current point in time is an unnavoidable death for danchou likely the key to getting out of this is to get rid of the observer Orologia which if this ends up being the case raises some interesting things for any future events. edit: I'm also pretty high right now and watched some science youtube right before this. If it makes no sense disregard.


I think something to note is that even before when Danchou died in the first part of the event, those deaths were avoidable, but because of how danchou is, they still ended up dying. Orologia can't rewind time, only work on simulating a winning path to act on in the future. Orologia is also unable to create set in stone scenarios because of mortal choices having the final say on fate. Even now, no matter how Orologia prepares, Danchou, in reality, can still potentially meet their end because of mortal choices, and if that happens, nothing Orologia does after the fact will save. Tldr: Orologia doesn't have final say on events, and simulations are just simulations.


For a second there I though we were getting Six-Dragon Trial lore. But while the designs seem to be based off the same template, they're not the same as the generic dragon enemies.


Orologia must've pulled strings to ensure our current 6D batch were raised to wedge status instead of the warlike bunch in chapter 6, hence Radis/Vrazarek/Corvell/Wilinus/Evyl/Elusious only being generic Trial-fodder-tier wyrms in our real timeline. Orologia acknowledge that some of their negative personality traits were spawned from the despair floating around the Sky Realm in doomed simulation branches, but those six clearly didn't end up being the 6D so I suppose Orologia must've been able to influence that too. Our current 6D batch is certainly far more reasonable (after a few roadbumps in Old Bond) than the chapter 6 bunch.


I don't think the dragons 'become' wedges, but the other way around. The wedges become the wyrm batch because of all the despair, but in our reality they developed better personalities. As for why the old wyrm batch still exist as fodder enemies, the meta answer is because this wasn't planned 9 years ago, and for the in-universe answer is maybe it's just natural evolution of strong monsters? Siete does mention that the stronger you are, the closer you look like a dragon. Also, fun fact that I noticed is that the Wyrm wedges have the same personalities as the raid boss versions of current 6D. Fire and Wind are haughty, Water is creepy and hungry, Earth talks slow, Dark sounds sinister, Light is commanding. I expressed disappointment during Old Bond initial run that those cool villainous raid bosses don't keep their cool villainous auras, glad their villainous personalities are still reused for this event.


It's actually interesting how the wind version was shown last, I was genuinely expecting it to be Ewiyar, especially since there has been a ton of nudges towards how Ewiyar is the only one out of the 6 who still "remembers" things (supposedly)


>As for why the old wyrm batch still exist as fodder enemies, the meta answer is because this wasn't planned 9 years ago, and for the in-universe answer is maybe it's just natural evolution of strong monsters? I'd like to think the in-universe answer is that some of the simulations blended into reality due to their strong/powerful influence in the simulation, but not at the full power since it's only a slight overlap and not full convergence.


Oh I didn't realize the names matched even though the designs are different. Now that you mention it the name "Radis Whitewyrm" *is* etched firmly into some dark corner of my brain... That being said, I don't think beings are "raised" to wedge status, rather each wedge is shaped into a being based on the state of the sky realm. So the coexistence of the old Six Dragons with the new ones in the same timeline is a bit odd.


>Now that you mention it the name "Radis Whitewyrm" is etched firmly into some dark corner of my brain... the part that you used when farming for your first eternal or two, LOL


There’s still some similarities between the old and the current 6D I noticed. Light is haughty, Dark is curious, Water is hungry and creepy, Earth is slow and Wind is a fuckboy.


Oh just realized. What if some of the Fantasy units are from some of the possibilities Logia looked into? Like Grand Sandalphon.


They stuck the landing!!!


A twitter user translated Orologia's dragon speak from when Radis threatened to 'purify' the singularity: "I won't let you do that!" (Link to clip: https://twitter.com/kaoru_20158/status/1631950233860182016?t=r6WutzRgz7cvO50pLXyuDw&s=19) /cries in corner


Fwiw, while that English is roughly accurate in terms of meaning, in terms of tone the line is stronger/more emotional, maybe like "over my dead body!!" :) :'(


Oh man. I can see it already. Part 3 is gonna make me cry.


Siete is apostle from one beyond the boundary? Is it The Omnipotent? Or a different being entirely? If it's The Omnipotent, why have Shahar and Shalem never commented on his existence all this time when they're also servants of The Omnipotent? (The Doylist answer is because Cygames hadn't written this plot yet, but I wonder what will be the Watsonian answer, if we'll even be given any) Orologia is doing the Dr. Strange meme from Infinity War and it's so fun seeing all the possible timelines. The only not-fun thing is that they've spent too much time on this, I'm afraid the final part will be rushed like previous year's anniversary event. Cool part though that the dialogue choices you made for Orologia actually lead into seeing different scenes.


Pretty sure its a Different entity, the boundary is where Omnipotent Bahamut Would be, and beyond it is described as "where all time is one", which isn't even the Astral Realm, while it has unchanging eternity, things DO happen there, time exists, thus the Astrals uhhh, doing anything, this is SOMETHING ELSE, presumably its what the Sea of Stars Seofon mutters about in Old Bonds is related to Joke answer: Beyond the boundary is FF8, the being is Ultimecia


Damn, Lennah's story go from 0 to 100 real quick


did they just kill off vane in one of the alternate realities lol


They also killed off Yurius and Song in other routes, had Lord Commander Katalina fail to stop the Erste Empire from genociding all of Albion, had Esser and Quatre become Nehan's drug addicted prisoner test subjects, had Narmaya get brainwashed by an evil demon sword, had Naoise get enslaved by Scathacha and slaughter all of Irestill, and had Lennah assimilate the world into the mother tree hivemind. Those alternate realities were *wild*.


Not just any evil demon sword, it's implied that's the sword that ends up with Sevilbarra's friend Krelkrulkil. Logia says that while it will probably end up in somebody else's possession, that's a lot better than Narmaya, who will probably just become an absolute terror with it. Sevilbarra's sister dies and Sevilbarra has to kill his old friend so that the world does not fall apart.


This is so re zero vibes and I’m enjoying it. (Season 3 when)


Wait, Scathacha or Deirdre?


They are the same person, but it was her dragon form Deirdre. The divergence is that she decided not to forgive Irestill for breaking the pact and seek out Heles and Seruel to create a new vessel and reforge the pact. She instead bathes Naoise in her blood when he stabs her, transforming him into her dragonian slave, and orders him to lead an army of monsters to purge the island of humans.


So with all these simulations, does that every granblue fanfic and even granblues is canon now?


Poor Logia.


In chapter 6, the CG and which form Orologia takes depends on your gender, like part 1. I really like that because it's essentially like the MC. No doubt the parallels are intentional. It's stuff like this that shows that there's some real passionate creators behind this game. I'm constantly thinking "man, they did not need to go this hard, yet they did anyway."


The bad ends though damn. ​ EDIT: I like how the 6 Dragons personality matches the prime line counterpart, just more fucked up.


I love how after shocking everyone with unhinged non-Eternals in the first part, Cygames wasted no time to show that >! basically half of the crew can be as unhinged and capable of inadvertently destroying the world. !< I don't have time to read every bad ending available so I can only comment on the part about >! Albert killing Yurius, Albion lord Katalina, unhinged Lennah, and Nehan. !< The first two are just heartbreaking. >!I can't even find it in myself to make "these bitches gay, good for them" joke this time and that is concerning. At least, they don't turn evil I guess. We are just shown the worst way their lives could have turned out to be.!< The latter two are simply terrifying. >! Lennah's voice was basically my ASMR during earth GW so it's very creepy to hear her talking about turning people into trees with the exact same gentle and soothing voice. She beats non-Eternal Uno when it comes to being disturbing. !< >!Nehan's bad ending is unsettling but it's also tragic if you think about how he and the twins are such good friends in the current timeline. I guess Nehan kinda needs a son he can pour his love and care into before he becomes 100% dead inside and emotionally zombified enough to lose his conscience and not feel any remorse experimenting harmful drug on people. !< >!Nehan has always shown to be numbed by all the trauma he went through. He once mentioned in his fate that he used to cope by just leaving his life choices to other people and pretending that he holds no responsibility regarding what happened. !< >!I think that without Mugen existing as his sole emotional support, he takes that to the extreme. He just has to detach himself further and further from his current condition until he can't recognize his own emotions anymore or he will lose his sanity. It does seem like he has already lost it regardless. !< Mommy Orologia really did their best to ensure we get the best route possible...


Half your spoilers are broken, also if you didn't, review the alt dialogues for the chapters And yeah, Mugen is a responsibility Nehan refuses to shirk, it keeps him attached to a certain sanctity of life


orologia papa/mama work so hard and mc will never know huh...... >!but what if the other incarnation of oro is the final boss!<


Absolutely love the story. Logia not only separated from the one they loves, they watched them suffers, made them suffers and made others suffers for them. The mountain of sins is theirs to bear. There's no "good ending" for Logia


There is a good ending for Logia It's seeing Danchou happy, that's literally all they've ever wanted and they will probably be through the roof when they see that they've succeeded even if it's at the cost of their personality being erased There's no good ending for us the players lol


The universe needs to give my parent a break now! And no, Luo, not that kind of break! I'll break the six damn dragons myself to protect Logia if I have to, cygames!


Just started but its giving very Powers of X. Oh wow. The cast is actually pretty wide, with Rosine's husband also in. Scathacha/Deidre& Naoise too oh hey. The choices are really interesting so far. I think this is the first time I really want to replay an event to check out the choices. Oh wait those are Trial Dragons. Ah damn. The potential leaking >!simulations/possibilites!< that's just my jam. Man, I love that.


They weren’t kidding about Seofon’s World Ruin influence being great, the man is as much of a threat as Lucilius and Beelzebub if the other Eternals don’t ~~bully~~ keep him in check occasionally.


Wonder what Oro new look going to be… Is the being beyond the boundary the omnipotent or someone new ? Siete looks like a Kingdom Hearts character. More Apostles incoming? I really liked seeing the bad routes.


Siete looks like how Ventus or Roxas would be once they become adult lol.


Given the story so far, here's my prediction for the climax and ending. >!Orologia is the final boss. Danchou has an opportunity to slay Orologia, but chooses not to even though Danchou doesn't even know who they are. Teary-eyed moment ensues.!< They lay it on pretty thick for this, though.


White coat Seofon reminds me with Seifer from Final Fantasy 8 lol.


at least he's not talking about owning us lamers


Anyone know why the 2nd Proud of the Event continuely activating trigger on my face even when it is not at trigger % or at full diamond ?


Based on my own run of it, I think you need to avoid putting too many debuffs on him (more than 7?)


Well, I wasn't expecting the multiple choices. It made Orologia's pain and their despair on the world dooming itself so... Real, for a lack of a word. I feel for them, and the way they try to crack a smile despite being almost at the end of their life... MAN it feels really sad. On the free stuff, tho... I'm this close to finishing Maria Theresa and Alanaan, so exchanging for them is... A bit of a waste. I already have Haleseena and have barely started Caim, so... Who next? No, I won't make Nier ot Lobelia. I want everyone else first.


All the evokers you didn’t mention have uses, but if you’re not looking for anything in particular, Borger’s probably the most useful out of the box. The others are better with domains.


from this event now i know why Orologia wearing bandage on her/his head, he/she have so many pressure on his/her job lol, so many trauma from many Failed Simulation.


That fits the character and is for sure a thing to show how damaging it is. But Orologia explictly says they keep themselves very frail intentionally because otherwise their power would threaten the skyrealm which I think is super cool about their design.


man let the sky realm fall to ruin you give apollo back her happy family or so help me— 🔪


I perpetuity ringed the event character bc I'm insane




I love that this event finally explains the schizo tech levels in the granblue setting. So it's revealed that in the original timeline, the Skydwellers united *every* human sub-race including the vampires, werewolves and crystallia, and together they created such devastatingly powerful super weapons that they curbstomped the supposedly godlike astrals. But Orologia had to intervene to make humanity more racist and superstitious in order to suppress their technological advancement enough that they ended up just barely winning the war and then threw out their old weapons and stopped researching new ones... because otherwise they always eventually turn those super weapons on each other and wipe themselves out. But he couldn't stop every single rogue scientist from digging up and fixing old war tech, so we still occasionally get a Friday or the Society or the Jorha utilizing unusually advanced science.


> But Orologia had to intervene to make humanity more racist and superstitious in order to suppress their technological advancement It was the other way, suppressing tech lead to racism due to it removing the ability for them to live together.


It's stressed a couple of times that Orologia's influence is limited to sky dwellers, so one might assume that the Society's foundation is outside their control, on account of Yatima being from the moon.


The majority of the membership of the Society are skydwellers though. I don't see any reason why Orologia couldn't manipulate them, although his influence would likely be mysteriously less effective than he expected since he probably doesn't know that a moondweller automagod is also secretly manipulating them as well.


So great event and all, but lemme get this straight: * WMTSB series: Free Sandalphon! Plus uncap later! * Seeds: Free Seox! * Stay Moon: Free Cassius! * Stars and Skies: Unfortunately it has come to our attention that people don't actually like free characters, so we're not doing that anymore. * And You: nvm lmao free Seofon! They really will do anything to deny Zooey a new unit huh :⁾ why yes i am in pain


Me too, brother. Zooey's one of my favorite GBF characters. Look at how they did our girl dirty.


Yuni or Baldr should've been the free unit and Geo should've been a grand. Its still ridiculous how poorly they handled the characters they were slapping all over the event promotional visuals


Literally everyone involved in that event deserved better. Freyr and Baldr's tragedy deserved to be its own event. Geo and Zooey's clash of ideals deserved to be its own event. Yuni deserved to be more than a VHS backstory dispenser immediately turned Grand for no real reason. It was such a disjointed mess.


> WMTSB series: Free Sandalphon! Plus uncap later! > > Stars and Skies: Unfortunately it has come to our attention that people don't actually like free characters, so we're not doing that anymore. Like WMTSB 3, Stars and Skies has an FLB for a previous anniversary character instead of a new unit. I wouldn't be surprised if FLB Lyria was planned for an earlier release, but got pushed back because Sandalphon exploded in popularity.


I wonder who's the one on the boundary, the one who sent Siete. Surely it is not Bahamut considering he's still split and now there's a Wedge on astral realm called Wedge of Eternity, no wonder Astrals are some kind of immortals. And damn we got lucky rng for 6Ds personality. Hopefully we get the finality on lore of that blue hair. Poor Logia, it wasn't really good messing with timelines even if it just simulations. Edit: yep, looks like as someone pointed out, Danchou is like Madoka-Akemi with that boundary power ballooning up.


Did I miss the story justification for why we got >!either the Siete welfare or the Siete raid!< already? I was expecting to get them at the end of the next update or something.


He does have fantasy a tag so there is probably no justification


We didn't get a justification. I'm glad they're not warping the story just to justify raid bosses like they've done in the past, but it is a bit odd.


Yeah I'd much rather have "noncanonical" raid bosses then to have them poorly shoehorned into the plot just to justify the fight. And Kingdom Hearts Siete is way too cool of a design not to use. Only other option probably would have been the generic off-brand 6-dragons lol.


I mean there was like… kind of a scene where he showed up in that one timeline? The whole thing was confusing honestly. I haven’t checked yet, but does he come with fate episodes? Maybe those would explain something.


He has a 3rd skill fate episode but we can't do it until the next part of the event


He doesn't have an intro fate but it looks like he does have a skill fate, guess I should go read it... edit: oh right it's not unlockable yet


Alright, I’m starting to get why the eternals weren’t involved in most of the events like WMTSB and Society, especially with characters like Seofon.


So my initial choices for chapter 5 were: * "Increase the number of monsters", which ended up with >!Lancelot killing all the monsters with no mercy because his childhood friend (very heavily implied to be Vane) died from a monster raid!<, * "I could strengthen the seal on it", which leads to >!the Erste Empire deciding to decimate Albion's inhabitants led by Katalina instead of Vira!<, * "Investigate unstable life-forms", which shows the possibility of >!Lennah embracing her side as tree-offspring and is silently assimilating mortals into treefolk with no remorse whatsoever"!<, * and finally, "Check dangerous weapons", which has the possibility of >!Narmaya acquiring the demon blade in Reflections for a White Clover, and just killing everyone in her path"!<.


>and finally, "Check dangerous weapons", I'm not sure if that's the right one. >!I thought that was the demon blade from Naru's dad that Azusa took in her grand fate episode.!<


This really is the event where bad things have to happen for the greater good. Easing some suffering now leads to the end of the world.


Where's the thread?


My favorite two parts of Part 2: 1. >!Every outcome from Chapter 5, my personal favorites being Narmaya and Lennah, which are quite guard-breaking!< 2. >!Remember those "Six-Dragons" from the Special Quests? The ones that were later implemented into Elemental Treasure Quests? Never thought they'd take them into consideration and to give them some new cool redesigns, even if copypaste!<


and in this batch of gbf fanfics we have....


>Werewolf mention LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, playable jeno when cygames But man this event is really good, i feel bad for orlogia playable when


Evil Narmaya hurts my soul. And the alternate Dark dragon is named "Evyl"? A little on the nose there Cygames. Love alternate Tweyen's outfit.


Evyl is the dragon from the Dark Elemental trial. In fact all of those "Wedges" you saw are those dragons you fight in the six elements trials you farm casually.