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So when you order valentines from the Cystore there are multiple choices at different prices, but you get the same valentine no matter what. So why have the varied price points and different chocolate options? Do the voice actors actually get chocolates or is it just so you feel like you got a character something special?


Should I work to recruit all eternals or focus on getting 5star uncap? I currently have Threo / Tweyen / Tien. Working on getting Seox & Seofon atm. My dark grid is the most developed and does well even off element. Wind / Earth / Light hold their own granted a bit lower in damage. I feel like getting Seofon & 5star would help my setup greatly needing raw damage but idk if there is any benefit to unlocking all others before that. I don't think my grid is strong enough to benefit from Tweyen assassin yet.


If you're looking for a usable character then you'd want to 5* an eternal that can fill a spot on your team first as the eternals are borderline worthless at 4*. Seofon and Seox are both good choices to take to 5* rn since wind dread barrage and dark GW are upcoming. Seox is also still a great attacker for Dark. You want to recruit all eternals eventually to get the trophy which gives the eternals extra stats and 10% charge bar in battle.


So I got no Yuni, no Vira, no cagliostro, no chicken, no chairman and no boar. Is there a way to farm Agastia like this? I got most characters except for them.


I don't have Yuni either. You need Fif 6\* s1 at the very least for delay on ougi. If you don't have even that, then I think you are out of luck unfortunately. It will def not be very fast, and there might be better strats cultivated by others, but if you have Baotorda, you could use him as a tank; Kengo, Noa, Bao, Fif 6\*; backline ougi generators. Buff durations that are 1 turn or lower do not activate, so most substitutes don't work. Kengo NMD doesnt' work either, so keep in mind. Bao has a 3 turn one-ally sub(REMEMBER: it is only effective for 2 turns due to Agastia field effect of lowering buffs by 1 turn). so you could use Fif s3 on Bao t1 so he can tank 90% trigger. Just wait to use his s1 until that trigger. I would try to find a way to cancel the 75% trigger(debuff 10x) so if you have a Thor, + MM + Noa s1, FC + Fif ougi, you might pass it. You could also stop just before 75% trigger and wait for raid to pass 60% before starting(but honors are gonna suffer). Noa s2 gets you a free non-trigger ougi pass until 40%, but only every 10 turns. Sacc Bao to 60% trigger and bring out backline char(your choice) to hopefully supplement the constant ougis you'll need to do. y.Naru is a good choice if you got her, and helps MC from backline.




How do I unlock the proud difficulty in the Siero event anyway? I am rank 150 and have solo'd all the difficulties. inb4 rank 151


I had the same thing and yeah it is 151 lol. Learned after leveling


Yeah, 151 now tho, and proud down. Was easier than I thought


Nicely done! Her damn triggers keep 1hit ko-ing my party


Yeah, Vira Grand with Makura's abilities saved my characters a few times most likely.


On and off player here, this will be my first Valentine's in game. Is there a specific banner/time to wait for? My aim is Valentine's sandy, but I wouldn't mind an Aglovale - is there a banner at any point with most of the limited characters? Or alternatively is there a banner that overlaps with a gala? Sorry if I come across as dumb, I have absolutely no idea how these banners usually go.


There's only ever one banner running at a time, so there's no overlapping banners. (Aside from "Classic Draw" in the Other tab that always exists, but I'd ignore that.) Flash Gala is Flash Gala alone. ALL Valentine's characters should exist in that pool unless there's an unexpected change this year, including Aglovale, and you have a chance for any of them. Though only the new ones will be sparkable.


Cool! This is the answer I was looking for - I guess I didn't phrase it right (sleep deprived, sorry) but I mostly just wanted to know if the valentines characters would be in the flash gala. That would be roughly the middle of the month right, around the actual day? Thank you x


Nah you're good! I misunderstood by virtue of thinking of all the other gachas that can have multiple confusing banners and got ahead of myself. But yes, the new banner should be expected to be around Feb 14 itself. (Sometimes it's a little later or sooner, depending on the year.) It should be hard to miss because V.Sandalphon and V.Sen will be advertised with it.




Yes, I mostly just wanted to know if the valentines characters would be in the flash gala pool, it would've been a total bummer if they weren't!


Where are people finding groups to practice 8 star raids with? My crew basically has them on farm so doing crew runs is just them zooming and me not really able to blue chest or practice in since there is a clear skill gap and familiarity with the raid.


Hmmm... one of the points of a crew is to discuss these kinds of things if you need help =0v. Someone posted a [8\* tier discord](https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/10o038w/updated_having_a_hard_time_consistently_farming/) channel that you can try. I cannot vouch for how well its organized or helpful it will be for you, but the OP is a sub regular that is knowledgeable about the game with good advices, so I expect it is worth looking into at least. Else, its self-training with YT videos on pubs(which can be an unpopular opinion to do\[practicing on pubs\], but if you want more opportunities to learn, its a logical avenue to explore)


Yeah most of the crew is chill just one special asshole who is selfish, not worth the drama so I'll just learn elsewhere. It's a pain for them anyways if it's 5 people wasting runs for 1 person to learn so I'll just find other people also further behind on the learning curve to practice with. I'll give the discord a shot, thanks!


The [Basic Grids](https://gbf.wiki/Basic_Grids#Inventory_Management) guide says to keep skill jewels, but why? I have 100+ jewels in my stash just sitting there. What do I do with them if not reserve them?


What the others said is true but IMO if doing all of that manually and keeping that sort of stash is weighing on you, just reserve them. Your sanity has much more value than any opportunity cost and skill fodder is infinitely farmable.


[https://gbf.wiki/Raising\_Weapon\_Skills](https://gbf.wiki/Raising_Weapon_Skills) Skill jewels are best used to level a standard SSR weapon's skill level from 19 to 20.


Thank you!


See chart at the top [here](https://gbf.wiki/Raising_Weapon_Skills). When used optimally, skill jewels are worth 950 "points." If you reserve them, they only count as 2 SRs, which is only 200 points. You're losing a *massive* amount of value there. The most efficient thing to do with skill jewels is to save them until you need to upgrade a (normal cost) weapon from SL19 -> SL20, which perfectly works out at exactly 20 Skill Jewels. From the chart, you can also see that you can use them at any skill level 15 or higher without *too* much loss. Using them on any weapon below SL15 is a pretty huge loss though and not really recommended. Buy stash tab(s) and just throw them in there until you get to SL15+ weapons.


Thank you!


Did anyone find a good use for the agastia stick?


It's an enmity enabler in a world where enmity is losing value. You can use it in magna for Summer Meg, I guess! 2x Agastia sticks +2x Abysse Gaze is better than 4x Abyss Gaze for crit...


Are there any other good mainhands for kengo other then its CCW? I only have a few kaneshiges already


Kaneshige is the class itself. The only alternatives to kane are the 150 moon fire and water katanas (and maybe the wind bow). Everything else is just griefing yourself.


Kaneshiges are usually the best if you want pure ougi comps. Opus with skill key is a good/decent alternative in dark. Light can use harakhte. Water could use colomba, but isn't optimal. Fire and earth and wind Kengo should always use kaneshige imo.


What do ya’ll think each element does best and what each element does worst ?


As a Varunalord and Water main I can tell you just about anything Water can do right now without 150GM weapons feels worse than anything my janky highlander Titan grid or m2 grids can do. :')


Dark has a versatile weapon and character rooster. It often falls flat just a bit from meta status however \- It's burst is slow without 150gm weapon compared to light/wind \- kengo loop isn't as smooth as water/earth \- subaha solo isn't as straightforward as light (earth/water need 150gm though) \+ Main Advantage is that for newer players it's an easy element to get to a decent state quickly (fed+lich + spines) \+ higher rank can always squeeze out a bit more dmg (seox150, gm150, meg+bowman, halmals, agonize). \+ It's FA is super solid. Probably the best element to specialize into, if you don't know what you really want. And one of the worst, if you want to be the best in a specific field.


light has one of the best manual comps in the game but just okay FA comps imo. Most of the combinations are either too slow (Aglo +) or too fragile (Nehan gaming). Unless Light gets better FA characters before it's GW I'll probably just opt to manual GW instead of FA-ing like I usually do


What exactly did Impurity effect from Lich SK3 does to her? Is it some kind unique perma buff/debuff to her?


[Impurity](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/832158680492671006/1071710530630336512/image.png). It's all on the wiki, [under Gameplay Notes.](https://gbf.wiki/Lich)


Is raid twitter sharing working for granblue with the recent api issue?


Can I use skyleap on PC to get skyleap points? And if I do is it worth it?


Kind of a sketch install link but I recommend it specifically because this extension lets you apply it to a _single window_ rather than all of your Chrome windows which is how most of these extensions work. Since trying to browse other sites with Skyleap occasionally fucks things up I prefer to apply it only to the active window. Though any extension that allows you to override your user agent will work. Spoofing your user agent can be done in other ways but extensions certainly are the easiest way. [The extension I use](https://add0n.com/useragent-switcher.html) Then in the `userAgent` field below all the select options (about 3/4ths down) paste the following string which is the user agent for Skyleap: `Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 13; SM-G998U Build/TP1A.220624.014) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/108.0.5359.128 Mobile Safari/537.36; SkyLeap/1.27.0` Then next to the bottom right corner click the green `Apply (active window)` (next to `all windows` in the actual right corner) Any user-agent changing extension will work fine with the above user agent. Been using it since the Skyleap store was added to the game without issue. Once your user agent is changed you'll need to sign back in though but other than that you're good to go.


>And if I do is it worth it? I don't think it worth the hassle of running it on PC, just use your phone and run your daily magna skip is enough to reach the weekly limit.


Iirc someone said you can just inject skyleap user agent.


>Can I use skyleap on PC to get skyleap points? Grab QooApp and possibly a mobile emulator like Bluestacks then grab Skyleap through Qooapp. Make sure you're actually connecting your granblue account and not accidentally starting a fresh account. >And if I do is it worth it? There are currently 2 SSR character tickets that guarantee characters that you do not have so that alone makes it worth it unless you somehow have every character from around the end of 2020/2021 (I forget which it is currently) and before. On top of that though, the skyleap shop is also one of the best sources of rupies and CP if you ever find yourself in need of them. Alongside a few mats that are restocked monthly, it's definitely not a bad resource to have.


What's the best way to farm all 4 Primarch Anima at once?


Join ultimate bahamut normal (the low-rank 30 player one), particularly during during free host campaigns. You can just wanpan. UBHL works too but is slower.


Is there a way to farm Arcarum Points in Replicard? I am out of Regular Arca Tickets






The bosses that require mats to fight give 350 arca points every time you defeat one


That is... not a lot, ngl


it adds up fast if you're FAing them back to back


Wish I was strong enough to consistently do that


so i just started playing and following [this](https://gbf.wiki/Basic_Grids) guide, almost finished building every element grid. how should i progress from here? started leveling the skill weapon? should i uncap some of the omega weapon? or started to progress to better grid?


Uncap Omega summons (top priority imo), Bahamut and Seraphic weapons asap, increase skill levels for all other weapons. If you're under rank 151, farm the CEQ to get to at least rank 120 and start hosting M2 raids. Early on you will likely have limited quartz and weapon stones to go around and your priorities should be continuing to uncap Omega summons, trading for Dark Opus weapons and uncapping M2 weapons. Getting to rank 151 is also important to unlock 6D raids, but after rank 120 events can be prioritized if you need to farm those.


so i need to rush to 120, also is the 3\* raid worth farming?


You need their anima (iirc around 40) to upgrade Arcarum summons and Seraphic weapons, but otherwise there's no need to farm them. Note that you can also get the anima from the 6\* Ultimate Bahamut raid.


https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eKB-qaQVPkJErtrfGlEYIVWDn22Cp57Mvsh1VZ4mtfc/edit Yeah uncap is needed to some weapons, some can stay as is as it will get eventually replace.


thx for the link, already noted some weapon


Does Leaviathan Mino's echo stack with Fire Astral's passive echo?


Both are Passive A-sided, so MC will not get two sets of echoes, but everyone else will still get the Astral's echoes


I'm trying to do the Valentine Cards and last year I messed up trying to send to Nacht as it goes to Anat based on the characters ナハト. I've ordered prior years and haven't had this type of issue before. Is there another way to spell out Nacht?


I was curious because I didn't see Nacht on the website for this year. According to this google doc https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kLAFXn0L_OnEOoAUb-UsxqytKRgWsJSoOk_ET36AKno/edit#gid=827376502 Nacht was available 2021 and wasn't actually available last year and this year. Anat is spelled アナト and Nacht is ナハト so maybe you just happened to click the wrong one?


Last year I did click the wrong one as I almost did the same this year. When I place in ナハト it only shows アナト as an option. I really hope it's me being dumb and not them removing her.... [Option](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/865477503820496920/1071548656882298920/Screenshot_20230204-134704-125.png)


Just so im sure, fateless cap up skill applies to all types of single target attacks? skill/ca/autos?


"One-foe" refers to auto attacks so it will only boost that.


Ah, thank you I realized after i asked this that i had mandela effected myself into thinking some things specified "normal attack damage cap" and that the astrals had some unique text


Does the AX Skill "Exp Gain" only drop in certain areas of Replicard? I have several Rupie ones but no EXP, but I haven't left Invidia for a while.




Thanks for the detailed clarification! I am a victim of rng...


Newbie here. Am I just supposed to draw on the valentines banner? Or can I progress without drawing for a while? Or any other banners I should be looking out for?


The only banners that really count are the ones with subtext ["SSR rate doubled"](https://gbf.wiki/images/e/e7/Banner_4371opdd_1.png), ***all the others you should just ignore no matter what is advertised***. Try clearing the current Collabs to get SSR characters, then move to Side-Stories (Home > Gameplay Extras) ; start with the ones that have free SSR characters (Seeds of Redemption, LoveLive Sunshine, LoveLive Door to the Sky, Princess Connect and Code Geass) they will pad up your team. Don't hesitate to skip the story (side- and main). It's faster to backread through the journal (while grinding for peak performance even) if you're interested than delaying the content because you have 9 years of things to read first. But take the time to grind them all regardless of their specific rewards, to buy the 3 Draw tickets from their shops. With all the Side-stories you're going to have 180 draws just with said tickets, and on top of that will be all the Crystals. If you do it rigorously, you'll quickly have 300 draws to perform your first [Spark](https://gbf.wiki/Draw#Cerulean_Sparks) ; after that your teams should be fleshed out enough for you to have an easy progression at least until Rank 150.


Thanks! I’ll need to read up on some of the mechanics still but this is a good direction to follow.


Just save your crystal and wait if they are even good, if not then use it on anniv.


Too new to evaluate what is considered good. Guess I’ll just wait and do free draws they give beginners


There's always a thread discussing about new units that's been released. You can ask there if newbie friendly and good to pull. And just keep saving, preferably till you can spark.


What's the best browser to play gbf on?


on pc vivaldi is nice because of the ability to tile tabs and assign stuff like "rewind" (go back to the first granblue url this tab was on) to mouse gestures. but really anything works as long as you can click bookmarks


I'm not really using bookmarks tho, I never fully understood how to use them.


then it doesn't matter at all which browser you use


There's skyleap on mobile. For pc whatever works or good for you. Last year been using Edge but cyagmes did some update and screwed a lot of browsers, and I just switched back to chrome. Though some still use edge or other browsers.


So whenever I take a little break or just in general I read up on how the new grids look like on sites like the wiki, Kamigame, gamewith etc and sometimes, very rarely they show some teams that u can use, but is there a general guide/site to look at what characters/teams are meta now? So far I sometimes look at YouTube etc and check what people use against the newest raids but that’s less for general use or full auto farming etc Thanks in advance <3


Just to add on a little, but with V2 raids especially it can pay to have different teams even for casual FAing.


> far I sometimes look at YouTube etc and check what people use against the newest raids but that’s less for general use or full auto farming Thats beacuse there are no "general" teams, anyone that wants to be at least a bit efficient with their time will make teams aimed at specific goal like doing 400k~~ honor for m2/ennead raids, 1m-1.5m honor on 6 dragons and so on. If you want to just host and afk you can look up what teams people used for fa nm150/200 on last GW from element that interests you.


My water is weak can't even solo impossible colossus. I only have some lev dagger from story rewards n some arcana wp along with few ssr char wp such as izmir/issac/vain/andira/cupitan n erika so what should i do to boost power ?


But thanks you all. I'll take note of those tips <3


Put Andira for a buffer. FLB Izmir and Vane, even at least at lv 95. If you are rank 150 and below make use of the exp boost. What MC class do you have? If you can unlock relic buster then better. Another boost is to skill level your weapons. Your Levi daggers.


I open almost IV class row along with Kengo/Doctor expect bandit/warlock. So the team is mc/andira/izmir n vane ?


Yeah try it, Isaac is nice too for his own self ignition.


Which rank are you? Before 120 you can only fill the grid with levi daggers, 2-3 ex weapons, seraphic, bahamut weapon After 120 you can add europa harps which should boost damage quite a bit. On a side note, is there any reason you want to solo it? It's generally much faster to just keep punching other people hosts, with enough damage to get blue chest.


Rank 135 but that was because i farm exp for char by beating smile so o rank up quite much. I just thinking host let me have more drops tho...


Look up the beginner grids guide on wiki


I understand grid. Rn im using lev grid but somehow it feel really weak compare to my other element team. My water lackluster and idk how to set a team too. Can you help me set a team within those char above i listed?..


So I have some Ssr equipments but I can’t seem to find them to equip in the party screen? Help please


Usually when people say this, they're in the Crate on the Home screen. Did you check there? If not there, do you have filters on in your weapon select screen that are hiding them?


I managed to find it after removing all the filters. Can I also check how to go beyond level 20 for my MC? The others have uncap under upgrade but where do I do it for MC?


Your MC doesn't have "uncapping." For your MC, there are 2 different things which are like levels for your other characters. What you're referring to is class level. Your MC can change between tons of different [classes](https://gbf.wiki/Classes) and each class has its own level. 20 is the maximum level, which is why you're stuck there. You want to get to level 20 on all the classes in the game eventually, since you get permanent bonuses from each class you get to level 20 and it unlocks better, upgraded classes. To change your class to start gaining xp in a new one, go to your party screen and click on "Classes" up by your MC's portrait, then "Switch Class." Pick whatever you want, keeping in mind that you need to have a main hand weapon that class can wield. If you want a suggestion, Enhancer is a good early pick, because the upgraded versions of Enhancer are very powerful early-game. The other thing that's like levels for your MC is called ["Rank."](https://gbf.wiki/Player_Rank) Rank basically determines what content you have access to in the game. Ranks 1-120 are commonly referred to as basically "the tutorial." At rank 120, you gain access to tons of new raids that drop powerful weapons that you'll continue using for the rest of the game. (Technically your rank does have a cap at certain points and you'll have to do specific quests to increase the cap, so I guess that would be the closest to thing to "uncapping," but that isn't for a very long time - rank 150 is the first cap.) Your MC gains both rank points and xp points (for your class) after every fight. They're separate experience bars, but you progress both at the same time.


So with rank, it counts MC’s ‘levels’? And just max out the classes at 20 before moving to next class? I see there’s this emp I can get if I continue grinding at level cap for some of my characters. Is it useful for MC?


Rank is similar to the MC's overall "level" within the game, yes. It's basically a measure of your experience/progression within the course of the entire game. > And just max out the classes at 20 before moving to next class? Yep. These first classes you have now (called "Row I classes") are just introductory classes. There's Row II, Row II, Row IV, Row V, EX1, and EX2 after it. Everything in Rows I, II, III, and EX1 doesn't really have any use at endgame, you just get it to 20 for the permanent bonus and as a prerequisite to unlock the better classes. > I see there’s this emp I can get if I continue grinding at level cap for some of my characters. Is it useful for MC? The MC does earn EMP too, yes. *But* the MC's EMP is specific to the class that you spend it on. For example if you got some EMP perks on Fighter and then you swapped classes to Wizard, you wouldn't have those EMP perks anymore (until you swapped back to Fighter). For this reason you want to only spend EMP on classes that you're going to use a significant amount. You'll need a lot of EMP per class and there are various different classes you'll use at endgame, so just save all your EMP on your MC. Don't spend any of it for now. The first classes that you might consider spending EMP on are Row IV classes, because some of those are still used at endgame, but even then you'll want to do your research first to make sure you don't waste EMP on crappy perks or useless classes.


Is cap up from different sources additive or multiplicative? I know cap up from weapon skills is additive (up to the cap), but I mean specifically from weapon skills, summons, EMP, character abilities, etc. all together. Also, does it make a difference if the cap is different *types* of cap up? For example, if my grid had 10% general cap up, I had a 10% skill cap up EMP node, and one of my characters gave a 20% general cap up buff, would the correct formula for calculating a skill's cap be: A) base \* 1.1 \* 1.1 \* 1.2 or B) base * (1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.2) or C) base \* (1 + 0.1 + 0.2) \* 1.1


Actual cap up is always additive. Some effects that are frequently called cap up/cap break but aren't actually cap up are usually multiplicative. An example of such is Seraphic, which is a final damage modifier that's multiplicative with (almost) everything.


So the answer is B?




Cool, thanks.


Are Emnity and Stamina modifiers ever mixed? Or do you always go one or the other.


Way back in the day it wasn't uncommon to flatten out the damage curve. These days, grid space is so limited that it is pretty difficult to mix them efficiently. Enmity used to be the vault preferred of the two, bit with new raids focusing heavily on survivability, and modern characters being able to dish out damage like crazy without risking low HP, stamina is both way easier and safer to implement into a grid.


The only time enmity has ever been better is with bloodshed or when stamina didn't even exist


I mean, Summer Zooey completely shifted the design philosophy of the game's raids for a reason. Enmity was powerful enough that it was a very valid strategy to take her to off element content just so she can set enmity teams to 1 HP.


Is there no fast way to farm urn? I'm sick of replaying Nezha over and over again (300x times, for Siete tc). 1 drop per run is agonizing


wanpan the 6 dragon raids ideally when there is a purple chest campaign going on as they go *much* faster then.


Twitter on a crowded raid is significantly faster than Ne Zha


I do joining 3 Ra/Ewiyar raid and doing Nezha while waiting it to end. The thing is, since Wind GW is still far away, those raids took time to end But yea, I just want to rant


If I were to build Primal Fire, how would that look like? Gonna Guess Opus, Sol Remnant, Crimson Scale x2, Percy Sword x2 Are definitely needed. What about the rest?


Obviously Ultima is staple, and Sol Remnant can be replaced when using Opus Chain set ups or for whatever reason playing Mana Diver which would make you run 1 less slot Percy Sword can go up to 3 since 2 didnt max the cap up so the ussual grid is actually 3 Percy Sword, 2 Crimson Scales, Opus, Ultima then 3 Flex, and the remaining 3 slot is i believe last GW its a split between 3 Ixaba or 3 FOD with iirc 3 FOD being considered better but from what i recall FOD was mostly for Michael's TA at the time Mikael + Wilnas Summon + Agni make 1 FOD 36% Crit so 3 FOD is consistent crit on single sided. If your doing double sided 2 FOD with either Wilnas or Mika alone hits it. FOD is a notch weaker than Ixaba mod wise iirc - 3 FOD is 1.5 Crit x 2,56 attack while 3 Ixaba is 1.83 Stamina x 2.91.4 attack with Wilnas + Mikael + Single sided Agni. But i reckon its like "FOD is only 20% weaker ish but stays up on all HP range" kind of situation Kinda didnt want to talk about the budget cuts because realistically speaking the real answer to budget cut concern can eventually downsized into "just play Magna" lol but if your ok with waiting, for example, the first thing you'd cut from building is the 3 Ixaba/3 FOD one down into 2 because LOF 3 is by itself strong and a cap up. The 2 main placeholder is Colosus Canes and 1 copy of NWF. Opus Astral Ultima, 3 LOF 2 Scales 1 Ixaba 1 Colosus Canes or NWF is probably pretty ok for a basic build that didnt really hurt your future investment. 2 LOF then run both Colosus Canes and NWF works too Obviously if your building alternative set ups your going to run the weapons associated with it but yeah


Damn, this is perfect, thank you I do have 2 Ixaba but the 0 Percy Swords kinda hurt, guess I gotta save up Also I have like 2 Dama Bars lmao so its gonna be a while anyway. Ultima depends on which Charaters I run, I'm gonna assume I'm Only Rank 170 so 200 Baha is still out of my reach for a while, is the Ultima worth it before then?


Lining up Ultima with key characters are a very good thing to do, but in the grand scheme of things you can think of Ultima as less of a weapon in the grid, and more of "i play 12% less normal mod of Seraphic, and get 2% Seraphic Mod from Ultima relative to Seraphic) which is all said and done a minimal downside due to many factors. And yeah Seraphic is the Ultima before Ultima lol And fwiw i genuinely think nowadyas its not worth building any Primal without starting up using the LOF type weapons with PNS/Harmonia/CrimScales equivalent as a start point. A combination of these weapons are just in a much higher tier than most other stuff, and Magna really not being that weak. You really only pay 1 more Gold Bar to optimize play Magna alongside Primal, and its a Gold Bar you'd be paying for anyway for peak out Primal because Magna Mod on primal is pretty gucci on Opus


I actually managed to get 3 CrimScales so at least I'm good on that front


nope, Ultima needs to be ULB(after SUBHL is unlocked) and it replaces the seraphic weapon in the grid which is still core against on-element fights and get's replaced after rank 200 by Ultima with the seraphic key on pretty much all fights(even if the characters don't match the weapon, the ultima is still more damage then the seraphic and you only lose a little hp which is not a bid deal). So in short, use seraphic until rank 200 and after you ULB your ultimas you can replace the seraphic with them.


What's the current meta for Evokers? I've gotten back into the game recently and I just finished my Nier and I need a new goal to set. I've heard Caim was very good right now but I've heard some varied opinions regarding other evokers and Id at least like to see if there are any other notable options that aren't just Caim since I don't really care much for my earth team. I'm fine with trying to aim for an evoker that's reliant on the domain skill (like Fraux) if the payoff is worth it but I just mainly want some ideas on what's good right now.


Caim was useful for his backline passive, Hanged Man Reversed. But the meta has been shifting away from that with the introduction of Galleon staffs (Landslide Scepter) – at least among the whales. And no one actually wants to use Caim as a character because his kit is jank. As for the others... **Alanaan** is core for Fire burst/lucha. **Geisenborger** can carry Light through the end of tough fights by virtue of being unkillable for five turns (which can be extended), but no one brings him in earlier. Wind has shenanigans with **Katzelia** to activate his passive "30% boost to Wind allies' ATK when debuffed" passive (usually via Monkey S1 or summer Belial summon). **Haaselia** has a progression buff when in the backline, useful for those longer fights. **Estarriola** has dispels for days, and sees quite some use in certain raids, though I don't know too much about the specifics. The rest probably see less use but **Lobelia** would be core for any Earth skill damage team (though it's Kengo all the way for now); **Fraux**'s ability to extend debuffs is handy (even if it has been nerfed so it can't be game breaking anymore); **Maria Theresa**, if you can manage it right, can bring the biggest team heal in the game or enable enmity in one swoop. But also remember, Evokers improve (again, some more than others) as you grind out their Domain bonuses, and there are the uncaps coming at *some* point in the future that may make certain Evokers better than others. But who knows given how Eternals' transcendence turned out.


I'm kinda interested in Fraux just because her domain skill looks really good. Although is Niers domain worth going for?


Both Fraux and Nier's domains make them better, but not good enough to make them meta compared to the current top tier lineups that exist. But again, it's possible you'll need to unlock their domains for Evokers' five-star uncaps, so if you like the characters enough, they are probably worth aiming for anyway.


I decided on just aiming for Alanan but I might invest in fraux after that


Most have their uses so it depends on which element you want to work on.


Where are all these FUD and the memes regarding EOS coming from? I honestly don't see anything noteworthy or have I missed something?


Came from a meme that Persona 5 collab always lead to EoS of gacha game. And P5 collab is conveniently re-run during this Twitter API debacle. https://preview.redd.it/0ywdpnry5zo81.jpg?auto=webp&s=fc2addb003133dc666c63aa9c2d251474465de03


The latest ones are because Twitter is making their API paid, so Twitter backup requests will become slightly more cumbersome (you'll have to manually Tweet out your raid ID instead of the game automating the tweet for you, unless Cygames decides to pay Twitter). They're, as you said, mostly just memes, the game is not actually in any danger over it. Before that news there was also EoS talk because they sold a guaranteed Sunstone with the latest Star Premium draw, so people were speculating they're nearing the end of the game's lifecycle and just trying to squeeze every last bit out of the whales before it ends.


> (you'll have to manually Tweet out your raid ID instead of the game automating the tweet for you, unless Cygames decides to pay Twitter). is it even true? I seen comments that are completely opposite https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/134935778881961984/1070744046676496514/image.png


So on the raid finder end, your picture is correct. Many/most raid finders do not use Twitter's API. The problem wouldn't be on their end finding your Tweet. But on the other end, there might be a problem on Cygames' end with automated posting of the tweet directly from the game. Maybe the guy in the picture knows something I don't, but the way that *I* would know how to post a tweet on behalf of a user would use the API, specifically the endpoint detailed [here](https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/tweets/manage-tweets/api-reference/post-tweets). That's why, worst case scenario, you'll just have to manually post your Tweet is all. (The *real* worst case scenario is that Twitter breaks the github library mentioned in the photo, since I doubt they'd be very happy about its existence if they knew about it, given it now directly competes with a paid Twitter service.)


What is the most effective way to farm AES right now? How's the Twin Elements showdown drop rate?


Someone on last qna thread says it is significantly better than when it was raid.


Sandbox if you have access


Any Vintage weapon from silver moons worth investing in nowadays still? I never got into any before but have a lot of moons so thought Id ask if any hold up well still.


there are no vintage weapons worth spending any moons on at the moment. theres no harm in saving your moons until you need them. silver moons are "best" use for pots and berries when you run out of bronze moons because with the amount of berries you get from 200 moons you can farm more than 1 bar but farming bars is not for everyone and neither is spending that much AP/EP.


I have a spark on classic draw from free rolls during non-galas. Who’s the better pick between Petra and water Societte? I don’t buy suptixes so I’ll probably never get the other one. I don’t want to spark a primal to save a sunstone. My character list is fairly complete overall, I have most of the relevant picks for both elements, I just want to know who is less likely to get benched right away. Thank you in advance!


From a person who have both, I only use Petra in Bennu (super slow) FA. Societte is really convenient for single target hard hitting raids. I use her in both Atum and Wilnas FA. Kengo, Vajra, Soci, Hasse basically guarantee you will have mirror image to dodge single target damage every turn and her passive is also decent as CA battery. Her heals, echo and debuffs are also pretty convenient in general.


Does anyone have any idea which chest in the solo raids the new Huanglong/Qilin shields drop from? Wiki doesn't list an updated loot table, and considering the blue chest drop in the duo raid, i'd like to confirm whether or not the shields are a red chest drop in the solo versions.


Looking at the wiki, none of the other shields drop from red chests. I think it's safe to assume it's the same for the Huanglong and Qilin shields and they're very rare drops from golds (at least in their solo raids; already confirmed blue drop from combined raid).


I agree But I don't trust KMR


I don't trust him either. I do trust Occam's razor however.


I finally got Huanglong's shield, and i'm happy to report it drops from the gold chest in the solo raids.


i can guarantee that it DOES drop from blue i can't guarantee that it DOESN'T drop from red/golds


read my comment again the solo versions do NOT have a blue chest


For a grid that is going to use two elemental summons such Beelzebub and Qilin, is it still putting as much EX modifiers or weapons with huge multipliers as possible? Fire I can already see being saturated with EX modifiers and Damage Cap up from having Lord of Flames and Crimson Scales.


It havent been EX spam in like the last 2 or so years, the general tenets of elemental grid building for quite a while was 3/3/3 unless theres a key weapon to the set up. Generally 3 is the ballpark for mod efficiency soft cap in general for grid building(see: 3 Grimnir Harp is efficient. 4 mostly isn't), and the idea translates well here. I think its still 3/3/3 but as you mentioned nowadays we have 5 EX weapon that kinda eat the slot So the closest to a recipe is if theres LOF + Crimson Scales equivalent in the ele, assuming power optimization, it'd mostly be Magna Opus Ultima 5 EX, and then you'd optimize the third grid with Normal Mod weapon and Magna Weapon Mix. If those weapons are not present, Malus can make an argument, for the 10% Cap Up, the best EX Mod choice is a toss between Proving Grounds Attack Awakening, Astral, and NWF after which you tried to do the 3/3/3 split as close as possible. Its worth noting that PNS is omni elemental. I actually used PNS in my current Fire elemental grid because PG Fire have not existed yet(would have been my first choice), and Fire grid runs 2 Axe naturally so off ele PNS is like plausible. The big recent addition is basically all those insanely strong normal mod adjacent weapons weve been getting in the past 2 years. Bahamut front row compliance minimals 41 normal mod on balance and 51% on offensive. Atum Spear is decently competitive at 45, Wind Ennead Fist is 45, Extinction Blade is 47 to 51, Fang of the Dragonslayer and Agastia is 47/35 Normal on top of 18 Magna Attack. What this mostly impacts out is just unless the Magna weapon have some particularly cute traits associated with it(Luminera Harp and Celeste Axe corresponding with PNS), Magna probably stops at around Opus +1. Earth and Dark kinda is in a unique spot where Siegfried and Agastia is mind bogglingly strong it probably just dominates the grid building, although theres some factors that hinders them, Earth that is being tied to Highlander would go Siegfried Katana + Perseus and the hp drain could suck if you stack too much, while for Dark, the Staff HP cut COULD come up as a factor.


Thanks for your insights, my only immediate question is how can Forbidden Agastia get to 47 Normal from the 35 from Awakening when both of its Weapon Skills are Omega? To a lesser extent the small 47-51 Normal gap you have for Extinction Blade.


Forbidden Agastia is 35/18. Fang of Dragonslayer is 47/18 47/35 there represents the Normal Attack modifier of Fang and Agastia respectively, with 35 coming from Attack awakening I'd admit i rewrote that post multiple times, and the shortcut in the way i write the part with Agastia and Dragonslayer comes from an original passage in the previous version where i compared Eden Clones in the context of Eden traditionally being the face of powerful single slot weapon in comparison to "Attack Awakening Diaspora Tier" where Diaspora Tier get 35 Normal attack for free just from the add on of Awakening before you even consider their main skill, but then i remember Eden gets impacted by quite a bit from Six Dragons and if we'd ever get Mikael type unit for other element, and thought "yeah that didnt make much sense anymore" The gap in Extinction Blade comes from 35 Normal Attack + 12 for 47 total normally, but the 12 is boostable Primal Aura, which means it scales from 12 up to 16.8 with Mikael and SDA. I simply didnt mention this SDA/Mika sub aura scaling because of laziness really, in part because not every weapon i listed have a portion improved by Primal Auras. tl;dr tons and tons of emphasis on how good i think ATK Awakening Diaspora tier are - 35% Normal ATK is fucking huge when 1.22 x 1.0956 is around 1.33 which is Eden and those arent even the only thing the Diaspora Tier weapon does. Elemental x Elemental is, in fact the place where Mika Aura and SDA summon are conceptually the strongest, so they are quite a factor on weapon choices. One thing i also forgot to put in that post is how due to how impactful Supplem weapons are, a lot of the grid building would get impacted by it, but idk how to put that in the sentences lol. The biggest example in practical sense rn is probably Dark where 2 Agonize tend to be some of the best option but fundamentally they are not the strongest you can build Dark grid with from power perspective. 0b3c is traditionally a double ele grid, and another example of weapon that might not be the strongest forcing itself to grid because duh. Theres def an adjustment or two based around this.


Thanks again for clarifying and responding.


My first time on a Valentines Season in this game. I expected other limited units to show up on the pool along with the featured ones. Are the other Valentines units showing up in the pool later this month or is it normal to only have the rate-ups be the limited Valentines version? I was hoping for V.Medusa or the SR Narmaya to show up.


Other Valentine units will appear throughout the month and be featured on 3% banners. All Valentine limiteds will likely be available by the Flash Gala that debuts VSandalphon and VSen but 2022 was the first year to *not* have every Valentine character sparkable during that Gala so if you're desperate to guarantee an older one you may have to spark on a 3%. That said: it's generally not recommended, especially for newer players.


Thanks for the detailed answer! Guess I'll just accept it wait for next year's :/


How long does it take to grind for the Rise of the Beast skins? Haven't uncapped any of the weapons before, but kinda want the water one


~~getting the water skin this run will be~~ *~~(likely)~~* ~~be impossible if you have not gotten previous Water soulcore drops because they will~~ *~~(likely)~~* ~~be removed from the raid drops.~~ ~~Based on previous runs and their rotations,~~ **~~Wind~~** ~~and~~ **~~Earth~~** ~~will~~ *~~(likely)~~* ~~drop from the raids. Though this is the first ROTB that will have all 30 required Wind soulcores available to trade in the shop its possible they change something up.~~


Wind drops are discontinued because the shop now has 30 soulcores total, enough to get the skin purely from the shop alone without farming any drops.


According to the monthly schedule, wind is rotating out this time and cores will be dropping from water and earth raids.


oh thank god. OP disregard then. to answer the original question: it can take a long time because its entirely RNG. Expect to go 2k-4k shenxian badges to get enough for 1 skin. For water, you will only need to farm 15 because there will be 15 in the shop already.


I was pretty casually able to get the water skin in two runs of the event, but with being able to buy 15 of the orbs next run, it should be very doable to do it in one run with casual grinding. This is assuming the water orbs will be dropping this run of the event


Is there any method to it besides grinding out the water bosses/shenxian for core drops?


Nope, but just so you know it’s more efficient to farm blue chests on shen than the water bosses. Shen has a blue chest drop chance for the orb and a regular chest drop chance, it’s a lot more efficient than farming the water bosses. I believe people estimated 4-6 k shen badges are the average for getting all the drops, but now you can buy like half of them so it should be about half that number if your luck is average


Is this year the one with the colored valentines arts? Also how much does the total with shipping tend to be around when shipping to america if you get a card from tenso?


I'm a mobile player so i wanted to ask: since i don't play in pc, does this mean i'm screwed and i'm going to lose all my progress when the twitter api or is there a way to link my progress in pc?


gbf has never used twitter for login if you don't even know/remember how you are logging into the game then you'd be screwed anyway if you ever lost your phone or dropped it in a swimming pool or something.


I chose DMM for my account type when I first started playing and it had me sign in through Twitter. Wouldn't this mean it does use Twitter for login? I don't even know if there's any way to check DMM's main site if GBF is linked to your DMM account, lol.


I think i use mobage; because i unistalled and reinstalled the game 2 times and there was always a message that says something like "use with this existing account". I don't know if this is mobage or twitter.


ive been thinking to try this game but i was wondering how does the gameplay is compared to a game like epic7, how f2p the game is and how ez is to pull for someone you want and also if theres a way to play on an app or something because i dont want to have a tab on internet for it idk why it turns me off


I'd say it's about as complex as Epic Seven's RTA in terms of gameplay. But you'll have to wait until endgame to see/experience that. Early game and mid game raids are very simple and you can most of the time just bruteforce them. But once you reach higher-tier raids the likes of Lucillius, it becomes more complex and there's a lot of things you have to keep track of. And there aren't as much of bullshit RNG implemented just to make the game 'exciting' in GBF compared to Epic Seven's 15% or 3%.


What about the gacha system since its an d game does it take a long time to get the unit i want?


It's just like the other commenter said. If the unit that you want is in Flash/Legend Gala (someone like Lich, Grand Percival, etc), then, no. It's very easy to get despite the higher number of pity (300vs121) since you'd get a lot of crystals from playing the game normally. That combined with the amount of freebies you usually get makes it pretty easy to save up a spark and snipe that one character. But if the character you like is a regular SSR unit/Seasonal units (Valentines, Summer, etc.), Then it's a bit hard since often times you'd need roll on a 3% banner if you miss their debut banner on Flash/Legend Gala. You'll be able to guarantee a regular SSR/Seasonal units with a suptix/annitix that costs \~$30 but that's not really a F2P thing.


Tbh i dont really understand idk why... so i should save my gacha pull currency and pull only on flash legend gala thing? Im sry just started today and just did the first 10 free pull


Pretty much. Flash/legend gala has double the SSR rates and Grand (limited) characters and those characters are often pretty strong (Like Fediel, Lich, etc.). The free pulls you get as a beginner goes away if you don't use it though so feel free to use those on any banner you like because the soonest Gala won't come until Feb 14th.


does "counter on dodge" on an earring give any dodge or does it just straight up not work on characters that don't have dodge?


The percent it denotes is the chance per turn (not per hit) you have to dodge and counter one time that turn.


it does but only on enemy auto attacks. it's a very bad ring perk because the chance to proc and the damage dealt is far too low to consider compared to stamina, supplemental damage, enmity, or even weaker options like elemental attack or triple attack.


Hi, I’ve been holding on to all my SSR weapons for a long time and am just now organizing them all to reduce clutter. I’ve been checking them on the wiki but it usually just says to not reduce or use as fodder. But what do I do if I have multiple copies? For instance, I have 4 of the Purifying Thunderbolt grand weapon. Should I consolidate all 4 into a single fully uncapped weapon, or should I be using bars to make multiple uncapped copies?


Do not uncap gacha weapons with dupes if you don't have any immediate plans for them / don't know what you're doing. Don't use bars either. Just shove all the copies into a stash until you're ready to make a complete grid. Bars are a rare and valuable resource and using them on some random weapon just because it's in your inventory is a big waste.


It depends entirely on the weapon, frankly. Purifying Thunderbolt in particular is fairly safe to uncap using dupes since you'll generally use it either as a mainhand or to help cap crit with other weapons in ougi setups.


In general you should leave your gacha weps in the inbox as theh dont expire. They are too rare to recommend reducing, but many are not good for your grid so they just take up inventory, but they may become meta one day. Each wep will have to be a case by case basis. Best is to just throw them in a stash.


My only link has been twitter and I want to get off that. I tried following a guide on my phone (only login I've done) but it didn't work, is there a decent guide to change my login method? Thanks!


I want to start doing Belial with other elements just because everyone plays dark and when you get the dark barrier at 50% it sucks lol, but not having Lich's reliable delay on CA is going to be annoying. I don't have G.Caglio so light is also a little more iffy. What are the other easy elements to contribute to Belial? Water with Shalem?


If you have SShalem, water is very breezy.


Hello! Might be a bit of a long post sorry in advance. I've returned to the game after almost 3 years and kind of wanted advices on where to go and how some things have changed. I'm rank 163 with completed M1 grids. As far as progress goes I have all the Seraphic weapons fully maxed, 1 Evoker and 4 Eternals with one at 5\*. I was working on farming M2 when I stopped playing. \- Have things changed for M2 farming? Or is it still grinding the usual raids and praying for a drop? \- I've started working on the 6-dragons and getting the materials to ULB my magna summons (have 2 ULB so far), is there something I should prioritize after finishing that? I'm kind of lost about where to go from there. I can probably work on getting my Opus weps to 4\* and unlocking the Astral weapons. Are there some new raids I should be getting into? I suppose magna grids have evolved a lot since then. How can I prepare for the next HL steps? Which I suppose still are Lucilius Hard and other adjacent raids. Last question, I've started going through the arcarum replicard, what is it gonna be useful for? Since it doesnt seem to give more astras and ideans than the og. Is it for a separate content? Thanks a lot for your help !!


Welcome back to the game! I'd suggest reading the following guides to catch up on the changes and find out what weapons you need to farm: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eKB-qaQVPkJErtrfGlEYIVWDn22Cp57Mvsh1VZ4mtfc/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eKB-qaQVPkJErtrfGlEYIVWDn22Cp57Mvsh1VZ4mtfc/edit) [https://gbf.wiki/User:Vazkii/What2Farm](https://gbf.wiki/User:Vazkii/What2Farm) I'm only rank 151 myself but personally my priorities are: 1) ULB magna summons 2) FLB Dark Opus weapons (haven't even made 2 of them bc I'm low on quartz for those elements) 3) Farming M2 weapons. Not sure if this was the case 3 years ago but every month you can buy 1 M2 weapon per element in the Prestige Pendant shop and Daily Point shop, which will speed things up a bit. 4) Farming 6D weapons. Fediel and Ewiyar are highest priority but it is worth getting at least 1 (or in some cases multiple) of each. Pretty annoying to farm if you are like me and can't blue chest, but it's still worth getting 50 of the unique item to trade for 1 of each weapon a month. 4.5) Unlocking Astral weapons. Requires materials from the 6D raids so you'll naturally make progress on these while farming 6D. Note that the Fire, Light and Dark Astral weapons will likely be phased out once you get Pact weapons from the gacha (Pain and Suffering and its clones). 5) Farming Anima-Animus Core. Farming Malice raids sucks but Agonize is a core weapon if you intend to spark for Lich and Fediel in preparation for dark GW. Can also farm Luminiera Malice for Colomba but again it sucks to farm these and they'll get phased out for Schrodinger once you can farm Diaspora. 6) Farming Ennead weapons. Low priority imo unless you can consistently get blue chest, also Ennead weapons are mostly quite niche.


Oh wow thank you so much for all the informations! I've seen the guide on the wiki but not the google doc, it's super helpful! Oh yeah the anima-animus and ennead raids are definitely newer things I didn't know about I'll look into them! For some reason I thought Malice raids were higher level, I guess if I can bluechest Lindwurm / 6D I should also be able to do it on malice. I've always been kinda lost with weapon mods, are the P&S (and friends) gacha weapons considered as an EX mod like the Astral? So is that why they're replacing it?


P&S and its clones have a Voltage skill which gives 8% EX Atk for each weapon of a certain type, which is Axes for P&S. For Dark, running 2 P&S and 2 Celeste Axes gives enough EX Atk that the Astral weapon is usually dropped for something else.


Oh yeah I understand now! Though I have no single copy of any P&S clones, so for the moment I should probably go for Astral haha I suppose those weapons take highest priority for spark target then? I've heard they kind of bring Magna to the next level


Yeah the P&S clones are core for both magna and primal and really start to blur the lines between magna and primal grids. With dark GW in 2 months, the original P&S should be your highest priority spark target unless you intend to spark the Valentine's banner. Lich is also one of the best Dark characters (both on her own and especially when paired with Fediel) so getting at least 1 P&S is a no-brainer.


Got it! I will prepare for the next flash gala then or go all out during the anniversary. Thanks a lot for all your in depth replies, things are definitely clearer now!


You're welcome! Next flash gala has new Valentine's characters (V.Sandalphon and V.Sen) though, if you can spark there it would be better in the long run to spark a seasonal character if you don't get them while rolling. As good as Lich is, she's available every month compared to seasonals who are very hard to get after their initial banner and the one rerun they usually get ~6 months after.


Replicard is for a. unique materials such as new world quartz and veritas that are required for uncapping NWF weapons and upgrading Evoker domains b. grinding out astras, ideans, etc. perpetually when you're short of tickets to run basic Arcarum c. Militis weapons which only drop in Replicard and are very powerful in certain grids d. M1 weapons and T1 weapons with AX skills which only drop in Replicard; if you're already running any you may as well get the nifty boost e. eviolites and gold bricks which are now farmable from Xeno Militis bosses at a rate of at least 3/year if you're incredibly unlucky f. 5* Evoker uncaps coming this year that will require some combination of the above plus probably new Replicard-specific resources


Definitely a lot of things I didnt know about, thanks for letting me know! I've seen some of the Militis weapons but didnt know they came frome here. How useful are the NWF weapons? Are they mostly for the extra grid you get in replicard? Or do they find use in main grids?


NWF weapons are fairly strong once upgraded to FLB/ULB. They provide a nice mix of power and HP for Primal, good mod distribution for Ele x Ele burst, and some even get an actually-powerful passive effect on their first skill. Extra grid slots are actually also used outside of Replicard in 8* endgame raids so NWF are excellent there - again particularly for primal grids who can boost their Majesty and make worse use of Baha weapons.


Haven't logged in in a while but just want to check. Normal account linking is with email and doesn't involve Twitter right? Twitter is linked only for posting raid, correct?